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The reason for not being able to reverse emgineer...

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posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:22 PM
The reason why we cant reverse engineer alien spacecraft.:
Some of the key components to these spacecraft are made from elements that are not found on Earth. And these elements are very unstable in Earths gravity/atmosphere. Which might explain the various crashes of these vehicles.
(If you even believe in such things)

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:31 PM
there's a theory out there that we were never able to reproduce the craft or the propulsion, but the computer insights gave us a tech boost.

makes some sense; even our best aircraft are nowhere near saucer performance level

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

So apparently the advanced aliens who have discovered the secret to long distance space travel couldn't figure that out, eh? Quick probe of the environment/spacetime, figure out its composition/nature/elements, "oope we can't go there, our ship will crash because of incompatible elements"
You'd think they would think of that. lol
I've seen UFOs. I believe in UFOs. I believe they are visiting. But I'm not so sure about this theory. Nice try though.
Only way this theory holds up is if the aliens accidentally, through some miscalculation or whatever... ended up here, without getting the chance to probe the environment before entering, so boom crash. You know, basically a mistake.
Hey. It happens. Super advanced aliens screw up too (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm sure they probably do).

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

Oh Really?

I guess you never heard of the Solar Warden Fleet.

Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public...

Since the late 1980s, the U.S. has joined with a handful of other nations to create a secret international Space Fleet, Its program, code-named “Solar Warden”, has now grown to 45 small disc-shaped “scout ships” and eight cigar-shaped motherships [each longer than two football fields].

The Solar Warden Space Fleet is operated by Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command’s Space Operations Division, headquartered on the Atlantic coast.

SNWSC -SO has approximately 300 personnel on Earth and in space.

SNWSC-SO operates as one part of the UN’s Central Security Service.

The Solar Warden Space Fleet’s vessels are staffed by Naval Space Cadre and Marine Space Cadre officers, whose training has earned them the prestigious 6206-P Space Operations specialty designation

After allegedly hacking into NASA websites -- where he says he found images of what looked like extraterrestrial spaceships -- the 40-year-old Briton faces extradition to the United States from his North London home. If convicted, McKinnon could receive a 70-year prison term and up to $2 million in fines.

It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting. There was no reference to the size of the object and the picture was taken presumably by a satellite looking down on it. The object didn't look manmade or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture -- it did not go into my temporary internet files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected.

I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled "Non-Terrestrial Officers." It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I've never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: infolurker

so do these people go back to civi life or just get pushed out of an airlock?

well i believe we don't have the metals or what ever to reproduce the

crafts. especially the engines.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Darren Perks writes good sci-fi articles.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:23 PM
What rare elements that are unknow to earth scientists are known to you to be incompatible with our planet?
I'll venture to say that the concept of anti-gravity/nullmass/enertialess/massless devices was a very big stumblingblock for any scientist to overcome....even when about every UFO displayed exactly those characteristics. However, by the early 1960s at the latest, our R&D outfits and universities were trying to solve the problem. Maybe they never quite got the talent down right, but they have come awfully close. Understand that the denial of the reality of the visiting aliens is solely about power. The UFO-like devices will be the greatest invention since the invention of the wheel. You could rule the world with it.

Such technology will, of course, make fossil-fueled engines the "horse" of this century, giving us a leap forward in saving the environment in the very near future. But that "gift" may come with a heavy price. We mustn't forget the ETs are still here.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:46 PM
It appears we already had an antigravity theory and have a drawing of it that looks exactly like most UFOs which Nikola Tesla patented, but nothing came of it, or is this what the U.S. government is trying to figure out? Is any of this true?

“I’ve figured out a dynamic theory of gravity in all of its aspects, and I’m hoping to make it available to the world very soon.” (Nikola Tesla)

Over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the 20th century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft that he called the world’s first flying saucer. The methods used in the design of the flying saucer matched the descriptions of those who claimed to have seen a UFO.

Inside with a disc idle capacitor with sufficient size to provide enough thrust to fly,
Other small capacities allowed to control the direction of the flying saucer
He added a gyroscopic stabilization system and electric drive control.

Actually, the US Secret Service took all of Tesla’s patents after his death for “national security” concerns. Now if Tesla’s ideas were insane as some had categorized them, why would the United States Secret Service seize the patents for reasons of national security?

Tesla’s papers are hidden in government vaults for national security concerns. Lyne observed that more detailed remarks about these findings could only be extracted from dispersed and scant sources while investigating Tesla’s utterances. In 1979, Lyne requested these files at the National Security Research Facility (now the Robert J. Oppenheimer Research Center). But he was denied access because they were still secret.
edit on q00000033228America/Chicago3535America/Chicago2 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 10:24 PM
There are certain elements and materials that can only be manufactured in space's micro gravity.

As far as UFO crashing way back when we had radars that could fry an egg at a distance ....Notice no more recent crashes.... so either they fixed the problem or we and others are using a different type radar which is kinder gentler to anything that might fly into the cone of of it's radar beam.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
there's a theory out there that we were never able to reproduce the craft or the propulsion, but the computer insights gave us a tech boost.

makes some sense; even our best aircraft are nowhere near saucer performance level

My take on that is advances in mechanical engineering essentially ceased when our best talent became fascinated with IT.

IT advances have been phenomenal, commercial airliners ... not so much.


posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:28 AM
I doubt those quotes came from Tesla, since the term 'flying saucers' was not in use during Tesla's time. It was first used by journalists reporting on Ken Arnold's sighting in 1947

Over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the 20th century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft that he called the world’s first flying saucer. The methods used in the design of the flying saucer matched the descriptions of those who claimed to have seen a UFO.

edit on 2/3/2023 by vlawde because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: vlawde

Good debunking.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:04 AM
“Reverse Engineering” can be quite an involved process. One can gain insights on certain items, yet not be able to recreate the original artifact(s).

Your water heater, or garbage disposal fails - can you personally rebuild it, or fabricate a new one from scratch? Those, at least, are easily understandable and well documented items. If not…you need to go back to the basics. Those other questions can easily escape most understanding. Always worth questioning, however…

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