posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 03:31 PM
We can't pass through the gates and there's no other way to get in. How do we manage to get in? There are thousands of us. How did you
get to know about this place?
The realm sends messengers.
You need to listen. You are given a task. You need to free yourself. At times you will know what to do. People will come and people will go and they
will speak. We're not much of use to ourselves. Your appearance hides a secret that is the key to enter the realm. It is in bondage. What you appear
to be is a tool to get to the key while finding the key with the tool changes everything. Once the activation of the realm occurs by finding acces
through the key you are a ruler ruled by continuance. The realm is neverending, it can transform but it is neverending.
Why does time continue if we were never destined for this place?
The continuance desires you and nothing will be lost. It wants to sustain you. It wants to care for you as a brother never leaving your side. This
place is not forever though the key you can become is. It is the only reason for this place to exist.
Remember the continuance desires to keep his keys.
These stairs don't look the same anymore..