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It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID It Cost Lives :Opinion

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posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 11:21 PM

Nonsense! The sacrilege was taking place around you... you merely observed your surroundings.
a reply to: Maxmars

I had many related posts removed, as if this were The Sandyhook Lounge.
Same with the crimesleuth boards. The persons who secured (tampered with, fixed) the crime scene
for 7 hours and 59 minutes, in Idaho....are unaccountable, for anything. VICTIMS. End of story.

No one dare say they were just getting rid of Trump.
I can still see the posts I made flickering off the board.

They knew they had political kryptonite, and here we are.
This time around, maybe they can use him to escape Nuremberg 2.0.
You know, make sure everything's fair w the vote counts.

# 1664
edit on 31-1-2023 by TheWhiteKnight because: I blame Trump. They (government) have to do something. So we can get back to performing our art. S albini.

edit on 31-1-2023 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

I can't speak for your past experiences, but I suspect you may have also had many posts remain.

Certain realities cannot be avoided, one is that where there is emotional pain there will be heightened sensitivity. Heightened sensitivity can engender heightened protective inclinations, which can lead to over zealous actions by people who genuinely believe they are doing the right thing.

Hindsight is a terrible thing for the conscientious... but that is little solace for people trying to express themselves genuinely in the moment.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

I don't check up on them, my postings, and you may be right.
Sometimes I am surprised what remains, and
am generally happy with the moderation here.

I have recognized at good length that I am outmatched
when it comes to relying on 'myself' for my daily bread, health and breath.
We all did something, to have arrived here.
I know this place is one big test, with an important exam coming up right around the corner.
A new God with a peg leg to hump, Life Extension. It's intertwined in this mrna tangle.
Social credit scoring. Algorithms to Auschwitz. And what will one allow, to attain it?
It (God) is easy to fake when few can believe what can be done...sensors that
see what you see, through your eyes, by some unsimian device employing powerful lasers
and electrorheolgy, remotely. No need for visits to neurolink for trepanning sessions,
but the marks have got to pay.
Seen enough to break me already...and my suspicions cannot be put to words.
All I know anymore is that God is real...eternal consciousness. If they have been taken,
I hope they like what they are seeing. He who made the he blind, not to see?
Even I can't believe some things I witnessed, firsthand, as a foil for the break in.
Save for the recognition of this Superior Designer, I have no substance.

# 1665
edit on 1-2-2023 by TheWhiteKnight because: I tell my family, friends, everyone...if I am going to expose myself (covid) I must be paid. S albini

edit on 1-2-2023 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2023 by TheWhiteKnight because: It's not like we can call them murderers yet..... M Heinz, zoom meeting with Pima representatives discussing the unvaxed

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

I was going to write a rant about why the scientific community needs to accept how wrong they were about Covid-19 every step of the way... but this guy spells it out pretty well so I guess I wont bother now. But I will say this, the first year of the pandemic was great, we had almost no restrictions in Australia, and I didn't have any friends or family getting deathly sick with Covid. Keep in mind this was at a time when the most deadly strains of Covid were in circulation. I even attended a massive wedding where the only people wearing a mask were the employees.

Then when the vaccine started to roll out everything changed dramatically, because our authoritarian governments needed a way to convince as many people as possible to take the vaccine. We got locked down for months, parts of Victoria has some of the longest lockdowns in the world besides China. We were told there would be a "vaccinated economy" and if you were unvaccinated then you couldn't participate in normal society. We were told we'd need a "vaccine passport" to freely travel the world or even our own country.

It was an absolutely disgusting display of delusional dictators using fear and threats to get what they want. By the time the vaccines came out people had already been living with Covid-19 for over a year and it had evolved into much milder strains, so they needed to use brute force to reach the vaccination levels they wanted. It was clearly an extremely risky strategy because there was always a chance an experimental mRNA vaccine for a novel virus could go wrong, and I would argue it has gone very wrong, because people seem sicker than ever before.

We're seeing blood clots, heart issues, aggressive cancers, re-activation of old conditions, lots of "flu-like" illnesses and pneumonia, and I know it's happening because I'm hearing it from people, plus I'm seeing all the extra ambulances on the road. This is not a joke, they have really screwed us by trying to rapidly speed up the trials and approval process for the Covid-19 vaccine. There's a very good reason the process takes so long to begin with, and it was ultimately Trump who circumvented that process, causing many leftists to say they wont take the vaccine.

But as soon as their king of corruption Biden took the wheel, they changed their tune and did everything possible to convince people it was safe and effective despite the fact their faith in science wasn't anchored in facts or logic, it was based on political dogma with the mind set of an authoritarian control freak. They were warned from the very start how much damage the fearmongering and the lock-downs would cause... now we can look back and see who was right, and I hope most people have learned an important lesson from all this.
edit on 1/2/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Circumventing the science for a risky vaccine may be justified in some circumstances. The problem is determining when it is. No one was allowed to do that for themselves. Instead it was arbitrarily decided that the vaccine *would* save us all, so the collateral damage was acceptable and would not, under any circumstances, be discussed - just like with the lockdown policies.

Not only that, but I feel the ultimate reasons for those policies was blurred between actual public good and pure political need in some places.

But circling back to my first point ... if we were talking about something more like an Ebola family virus, even knowing what we think we know about the mRNA vaccines, which would you risk? An illness from an Ebola family virus or taking an mRNA shot as they were originally supposed to be? Even flu vaccine-like levels of protection might be judged worthwhile in those circumstances, in the face of something that literally kills 60% of the time and has a high infection rate.

But this was definitely not that case, and by the time the vaccine became the hill to die on, anyone with eyes to see and a brain had to know that.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Australia and America are similar in a number of ways, one of them being that our 'servants of the people' are very keen to "rule" rather than "serve."

I can't say I have an intelligent argument for why that is... but we, the citizens of both nations, are among the toughest and most resilient "resisters of oppression" on the planet. I retain hope for us all... not so much for our leaders though... they seem insistently bent on maintaining the illusion that "their control" is essential...

Hang in there... you folks aren't alone.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Circumventing the science for a risky vaccine may be justified in some circumstances. The problem is determining when it is. No one was allowed to do that for themselves. Instead it was arbitrarily decided that the vaccine *would* save us all, so the collateral damage was acceptable and would not, under any circumstances, be discussed - just like with the lockdown policies.

Exactly. People should have been allowed to make the choice without all the threats and mandates. Of course there may be a virus in the future which is truly deadly enough to wipe out a significant fraction of the human population, but it was clear from the beginning that Covid-19 wasn't that deadly. It's also clear looking back now that the reason our governments freaked out so much, and in particular the Chinese government, is because they knew it leaked from the Wuhan lab. I'll bet there's also a lot of people who were hoping for Covid-19 to be worse so they could justify the destruction of our society and give them the power to "build back better".

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

In my darker moments, I almost wonder if that was the plan, and when it was clear COVID wasn't going to deliver like they thought, they ran with that script anyhow until they couldn't any more.

Then I remember that not a single one of our "best and brightest" ever disappeared into a secure location, so it really could not have been that. If they actually thought there was any serious threat of death, they would have vanished from general circulation.
edit on 1-2-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 08:47 PM
Just a little nugget to add to the "we were wrong" aspect of the "science you are to follow."

It is presented as "recent" studies... but this was common medical wisdom when the mandates began....

Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little To No Difference' In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection

According to the Cochrane study, which included the work of researchers at institutions in the U.K., Canada, Australia, Italy and Saudi Arabia, a total of 78 studies were analyzed. Most recent additions to the meta-analysis were 11 new randomized controlled trials.


Bottom line, mask wearing "probably makes little to no difference," when it comes to influenza-like or COVID-like illnesses, regardless of type of mask used.

2/ LARGE Cochrane Rev (just published 1/30/23) of RCT data ALSO CONFIRMS NO BENEFIT of N95 masks vs. med/surg masks, in either community (n~8K) or HCW (n~8K) settings for prevention of flu-like illness or lab confirmed flu


We're sure the cult of Fauci will now start insisting peer-reviewed meta-analyses aren't 'the science.'

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