posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 09:03 AM
The reality of this mans death is neither sinister or surprising, here was a 59 year old scientist who by his wifes own admission was a bit "to
sensitive" for his own good.
The real question now is "who gained from his death?" certainly the govt hasnt...because although they've lost a very 'capable' fallguy they've
also got so much political egg on their face that public confidence must be getting towards an all time low. This couldnt have come at a worse time
for Blair.....and his best mate Campbell may well have to fall on his sword. I think this rules out any possible govt involvement purely on the basis
that it was politically a disaster.
The BBC on the other hand have the most to gain, the reporter who it now seems to me did his own bit of sexing up.........has convieniently "lost"
his No1 source....dead men tell no lies.
If I saw any conspiracy in this..Id be knocking on the BBC's front door.