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The purpose of human life has been told to returnees from near death, and we are destroying it

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posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 01:57 PM
The ones who need to be euthanized are the folks who meet at Davos and the Bilderberg conferences. I love my good hearted imperfect humans though.

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 06:29 PM
It is like The Walking Dead, it is not the zombies that you have to worry about but the other humans!

The “mouse utopia” of Universe 25 shows what happens when you “lose heart” (the love and empathy for your fellow beings): you die the “first death” then society collapses and you physically die.

That is the reason why the “beautiful ones” stopped procreating, they gave up on society.

But TEOT, those were mice and rats! Humans are not the same…”

We are more aware, sure. But at the bottom, fight or flight is not just a saying but a fact of our genesis. That is why the little kid peeing his pants in The Shining is impacting! At its heart, all humans can relate.

Look at Japan. First, there were the hikijomori, the near adults who refused to engage the adult society in any meaningful way and stayed in their rooms for (up to) years while their parents took care of them. And now the Japanese birth rate has fallen to a point where government officials are worried about their society’s future! And look at China where the their birth rate has dropped over the years as well.

I understand that mice social interaction is more complex than humans.

But have you seen the mass shootings lately??

I think we are in the same boat as the mice Utopia.

And eugenics is the absolute wrong thing.



posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 06:32 PM
I spoke earlier about evil cannot love, only destroy and counterfeit?

What is the counterfeit to love? Sex. Think about how it's now everywhere and being pushed on younger and younger humans and it is ultimately destructive.

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies

While there is a wide variety of experiences, a wide variety of: if it was Jesus, an Angel, a Light Being, a living Consciousness or even a Hindu god/goddess, an unnamed Goddess, an unnamed God people encountered and a wide variety of what the afterlife looks like.

Psychologist Ronald Siegel sees them in a different light. “These experiences are common to a wide variety of arousal in the human brain, including L.S.D., sensory deprivation and extreme stress. The stress is producing the projection of the images into the brain. They are the same for most people because our brains are all wired similarly to store information, and these experiences are basically electrical read-outs of this wiring.”

Dr. Richard Blacher of Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, wrote: “I suggest that people who undergo these ‘death experiences’ are suffering from a hypoxic [oxygen deficiency] state, during which they try to deal psychologically with the anxieties provoked by the medical procedures and talk. . . . We are dealing here with the fantasy of death, not with death itself. This fantasy [within the patient’s psyche, or mind] is most appealing, since it solves several human concerns at one time. . . . The physician must be especially wary of accepting religious belief as scientific data.”

Siegel indicates another interesting point about the “visions” of the nearly dead: “As in hallucinations, the visions of the afterlife are suspiciously like this world, according to the accounts provided by dying patients themselves.” In fact, so many NDEs are closely related to the patients’ experiences and background in life that it is unreasonable to believe that they are having a glimpse of a realm beyond death. For example, do those NDE patients who see a “being of light” see the same person regardless of whether they are Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim? In his book Life After Life, Dr. Raymond Moody explains: “The identification of the being varies from individual to individual and seems to be largely a function of the religious background, training, or beliefs of the person involved. Thus, most of those who are Christians . . . identify the light as Christ . . . A Jewish man and woman identified the light as an ‘angel.’” (compare for example with marg6043's comment, regarding both points, that “as in hallucinations, the visions of the afterlife are suspiciously like this world” and that they are “largely a function of the religious background, training, or beliefs of the person involved”. Even though Dr. Moody was talking about something specifically, it also counts for the rest of the experience and how it's interpreted.)

At a strictly scientific level, Dr. Ring admits: “I remind my audiences that what I have studied are near-death experiences, not after-death experiences. . . . There is obviously no guarantee either that these experiences will continue to unfold in a way consistent with their beginnings or indeed that they will continue at all. That, I believe, is the correct scientific position to take on the significance of these experiences.”

As for death, psychologist Siegel gives his opinion: “Death, in terms of its physical sequels, is no mystery. After death the body disintegrates and is reabsorbed into the inanimate component of the environment. The dead human loses both his life and his consciousness. . . . The most logical guess is that consciousness shares the same fate as that of the corpse. Surprisingly, this commonsense view is not the prevalent one, and the majority of mankind . . . continue to exert their basic motivation to stay alive and formulate a myriad of beliefs concerning man’s survival after death.”

About 3,000 years ago the same “commonsense view” was given by a king who wrote: “For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun. All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [mankind’s common grave], the place to which you are going.”​—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10.

Certainly the Bible leaves no room for considering near-death experiences as a prelude to life after death. King Solomon’s description of death and its effects has no hints of an immortal soul surviving into some other form of conscious existence. The dead “are conscious of nothing at all.”

Of course, those who practice spiritism and communication with the “dead” are only too pleased to have the apparent support of hundreds of near-death experiences. Psychologist Siegel quotes one lecturer on the paranormal, or supernatural, as saying that “if we are to examine the evidence for an afterlife honestly and dispassionately we must free ourselves from the tyranny of common sense.” (Psychology Today, January 1981) Interestingly, this same lecturer “argues that ghosts and apparitions are indeed hallucinations, but they are projected telepathically from the minds of dead people to those of the living!” That certainly does not agree with Solomon’s conclusion that the dead are dead and know nothing.

Myth 1: The Soul Is Immortal (One Myth Leads to Another)
edit on 25-1-2023 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: myself

(Sorry, food showed up!)

Love is the Law
Love under will

-Aleister Crowley, The Book of The Law

I have had contact with “her”, the Goddess, when she gave me a personal message. I was completely surrounded by love, so much so that I did not want to “leave”. Not a NDE, but at first, that is what I thought, “I am dying”.

I have never been so alive!

(The narrative: Lying on the couch, napping/sleeping when I felt a burning in my groin area. And the only way to describe what happened next is use the chakra system. One by one I lit up like a race car start sign! When my crown chakra blew, I found myself in a pink/reddish area with the holy word, Aum, continuing on like an infinite reverb. SHE slowly faded into my awareness (while I remembered my meditation practice and focused on breathing because I had started to hyperventilate) and She said to “(David)… David. Don’t be afraid. He made you to worship me…” At the last words, She faded out.

I have never felt that way before or since!)

My experience has convinced me, that “love” is why we are here. And that we are loved by someone who is not us.

My personal interpretation is She is Isis, the “he” can then only be Osiris, and that chakras is not an Indian thing but a universal thing.

(I have come to believe that Freemasonry is a method of accessing this state of being, in some manner, but the Brotherhood only accesses the “surface”. I believe that the whole thing is a method to skry “demons” and protect oneself from them while asking them for information. Which is kins of inefficient when you you think about it. Especially when She is watching and access you directly!

I am still agnostic and don’t worship anything. And I respect the Masons and their beliefs. We all believe in something. Heck, I believe in physical craft that we call “big black triangles” here on ATS! And I could always be wrong!!!)

But I believe that “we do this together or not at all” (us is the whole human race).

That is the weird place that I find myself. And it is not bad but it tries my patience!

That is my cross to bear. And I am trying, I am trying real hard, Ringo, to be the shepherd!!

May you find happiness in a tale from a stranger! Love is not hard but letting go of your notions of the world is hard to do.

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Sex is the opposite of love???
That’s far, far, far, and further still from my experience.

How sad for you……

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: PiratesCut
a reply to: ketsuko

Sex is the opposite of love???
That’s far, far, far, and further still from my experience.

How sad for you……

No. That's not what I meant. Sex, the act, is not love, the emotion. Sex within love is wonderful thing, but sex itself is but a physical, biological act. It can be done in a wonderful, loving way or it can be violent and hateful, but it merely is.

To teach that sex *is* love sets you up to be taken advantage of and victimized by those who will use you where sex is not then a wonderful, loving thing because it is not done in love, within the bounds of love.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 02:04 AM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
a reply to: myself
... I believe that the whole thing is a method to skry “demons” ...

Continuing with my previous comment in which some explanations are given for NDE's that do not involve notions of the afterlife...

There is another possibility to be taken into account that may explain some of these experiences. It is a factor that most investigators will not admit. For example, Dr. Moody (quoted in my previous comment) explained in his book Life After Life that “rarely, someone . . . has proposed demonic explanations of near-death experiences, suggesting that the experiences were doubtless directed by inimical forces.” However, he rejects the idea since he feels that instead of the patients’ feeling more godly after the experience, “Satan would presumably tell his servants to follow a course of hate and destruction.” He adds, “He certainly has failed miserably​—as far as I can tell—​to make persuasive emissaries for his program!”

In this respect Dr. Moody makes a grave mistake in two ways. First, Satan would not necessarily promulgate hate and destruction through these experiences. Why not? Because the Bible states: “Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness.” (2 Corinthians 11:14, 15) If he can perpetuate the basic lie that he has always maintained​—“You positively will not die”—​he can do it through the apparently most innocent and enlightening means.​—Genesis 3:4, 5.

Second, he has not failed miserably to make persuasive emissaries for his program of lies about the immortal soul! To the contrary, he now has doctors, psychologists and scientists fully supporting the lie that he has promulgated through priests and philosophers down through the ages!* How appropriate is Paul’s summation of the situation when he wrote: “If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through”!​—2 Corinthians 4:3, 4.

*: For example, to what conclusion did psychiatrist Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross arrive after checking out over a thousand cases of NDE? In her book On Children and Death she stated: “And so it is with death . . . the end before another beginning. Death is the great transition.” She adds: “With further research and further publications, more and more people will know rather than believe that our physical body is truly only the cocoon, the outer shell of the human being. Our inner, true self, the ‘butterfly,’ is immortal and indestructible and is freed at the moment we call death.”

Sound familiar? “Neither the people nor the leaders of religious thought [in Babylon] ever faced the possibility of the total annihilation of what once was called into existence. Death was a passage to another kind of life.”—The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, p. 556.

Greek philosopher Plato, for example, quotes Socrates as saying: “The soul, . . . if it departs pure, dragging with it nothing of the body, . . . goes away into that which is like itself, into the invisible, divine, immortal, and wise, and when it arrives there it is happy, freed from error and folly and fear . . . and all the other human ills, and . . . lives in truth through all after time with the gods.”​—Phaedo, 80, D, E; 81, A.

“You positively will not die”, Satan to Eve at Genesis 3:4, 5.
edit on 26-1-2023 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

My research has taken me down the path that WE are the fallen angels. Subjugated to this realm with memories wiped, for our wrongdoings. It’s the only thing that makes any sense of the insane repetitiousness of it all. God said “Oh, so you like it down there and want to stray away from me? Okay, now I’m going to give it to you for eternity.”

Noooo, we are not, IMHO. We are the new ones sent here to decide if we want to follow the fallen ones or God. Nothing more than a chance to exersise free will to choose God/Jesus or not. That is the purpose of humans. We will glorify God if we freely choose him and his son. We will glorify the fallen ones if not.

edit on 26-1-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:29 AM
Thank you for being brave enough to tell us of this and remembering enough to repeat it like this. I haven't had such experiences and probably won't until I meet St Pete at the Pearly Gates of Heaven.

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: The2Billies

I had a near dead experience, during a surgery, I found myself in a incredibly white room, soo bright it took a while to adjust my eyes to it, when I did, it was a very good looking young man next to me, dress in white, he said to me "ask me anything you want", I did, I asked him What is the meaning of life, he then walk to one of the walls in the incredible bright room and open a door to a beautiful garden I mean like fairy tale garden, in the distance it was this tree with glowing leaves in it, as we walk close to the tree I noticed that the leaves were no leaves but spheres of light, and this spehres of light were floating in and out of the tree, he look at me an said, that is the source where all the souls gathers after life, you come back to the source always, then you start your journey once again.

It seems to me that life in earth is to gather experience and grow our soul's knowledge, when people experience NDEs their experience is based on their spiritual and religious believes, soo is different for each individual.

This was my experience and my understanding of why we come to earth to live the human experience.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: St Udio
NDE#1 in 1972 NDE#2 in 1997...both were week long comas
#1 arrived at Pearly Gates spoke with 'voice' St Peter ?
~was instantly returned to earth life~ where i began ripping my stitches, IVs etc.

#2 sitting in heavenly waiting room, 'voice' asked me if i wanted to remain in the present state-of-Ecstasy,,
i said i have not suffered enough (my Karma debt) go back to earth life (so i may see the AC / end-times)

neither NDE involved 'Love-thy-neighbor' et al

Well, no way I would ask to be hurt more. Maybe I have had my Karma because I was traumatized by abusive adults when my mother's back was turned. She found out and we got out of there back to her mom's. My dad and mom had divorced, and she remarried. I was an abused step child as far as I was concerned at 3 and 4 I was aware of it too. Thank God my Mom loved me enough to get me out of there.

So, I don't want to see people, especially kids, suffer as I have a feeling we are observing from the edges here today on Earth. I don't wish this to all end and people who chose Satan don't ever get another chance to change. That is what it will mean. Those who chose God will find it is different for those who didn't even if they haven't already figured this fact out yet.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
It is like The Walking Dead, it is not the zombies that you have to worry about but the other humans!

The “mouse utopia” of Universe 25 shows what happens when you “lose heart” (the love and empathy for your fellow beings): you die the “first death” then society collapses and you physically die.

That is the reason why the “beautiful ones” stopped procreating, they gave up on society.

I understand that mice social interaction is more complex than humans.

But have you seen the mass shootings lately??

I think we are in the same boat as the mice Utopia.

And eugenics is the absolute wrong thing.



Well the mass shootings are about the narrative that the elite want us to say "oh look, if we give up guns the mass shooters will disappear". That is how Hitler's get their start, taking the guns from the innocent and then the innocent are left unprotected. The whole reason for that being the 2nd amendment was to protect the 1st one, and to say as individuals it is our duty to protect our home and cities from invaders. Without weapons in every home, as in Switzerland, people are not safe from predators on 2 or 4 legs. Without a powerful weapon to stop their own death, people suffer the consequences.

The moral is everyone/anyone should be allowed to pack a concealed weapon. Criminals don't like their targets being prepared to stop them. Honest people will not misuse their self defense methods, but will protect those around them better than a Police officer still 1 minute away from the crime scene.

edit on 26-1-2023 by Justoneman because: grammar

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

We will glorify God if we freely choose him and his son. We will glorify the fallen ones if not.

What type of omnipotent being needs glorification from anything? Let alone us lowly earth dwellers? Sounds like you’ve been sniffing Jehovah’s glue.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Justoneman

We will glorify God if we freely choose him and his son. We will glorify the fallen ones if not.

What type of omnipotent being needs glorification from anything? Let alone us lowly earth dwellers? Sounds like you’ve been sniffing Jehovah’s glue.

"You've been ....."

FYI sending a personal message that is hurtful and mean instead of a simple disagreement with no judgement directed at the person themselves, rather with apparent negative judgement on the inner person, and thus their soul, is what is destroying mankind itself.

Mean judgements meant to be hurtful are what is encircling the earth with darkness and spreading the kind of karma that haunts people when they encounter their life review.

I am guilty of it in the past, and I'm certain you can comb through my archives and find many examples. However, I will no longer do it in the future. In the future I will disagree with people yes, but I will disagree with their ideas, not with who they are or with who I think they are, nor ridicule them personally. That would be spreading hate that one day I will have to account for after I die and further harms all of mankind with the reverberations of negativity and hate that NDEer's discuss in their life reviews.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

Well the mass shootings are about the narrative that the elite want us to say "oh look, if we give up guns the mass shooters will disappear". That is how Hitler's get their start, taking the guns from the innocent and then the innocent are left unprotected.

How did the tyrant Adolf Hitler become chancellor​—and dictator—​of Germany? It was through the political intrigue of a papal knight whom the previous German chancellor, Kurt von Schleicher, described as “the kind of traitor next to whom Judas Iscariot is a saint.” This was Franz von Papen, who marshaled Catholic Action and leaders in industry to oppose communism and unite Germany under Hitler. As part of a sellout bargain, von Papen was made vice-chancellor. Hitler sent a delegation headed by von Papen to Rome to negotiate a concordat between the Nazi State and the Vatican. Pope Pius XI remarked to the German envoys how pleased he was that “the German Government now had at its head a man uncompromisingly opposed to Communism,” and on July 20, 1933, at an elaborate ceremony in the Vatican, Cardinal Pacelli (who was soon to become Pope Pius XII) signed the concordat.*

One historian writes: “The Concordat [with the Vatican] was a great victory for Hitler. It gave him the first moral support he had received from the outer world, and this from the most exalted source.” During the celebrations at the Vatican, Pacelli conferred on von Papen the high papal decoration of the Grand Cross of the Order of Pius.# Winston Churchill, in his book The Gathering Storm, published in 1948, tells how von Papen further used “his reputation as a good Catholic” to gain church support for the Nazi takeover of Austria. In 1938, in honor of Hitler’s birthday, Cardinal Innitzer ordered that all Austrian churches fly the swastika flag, ring their bells, and pray for the Nazi dictator.

*: For obvious reasons, two clauses of the Concordat were kept secret at the time, these dealing with a common front against the Soviet Union and the duties of Catholic priests conscripted in Hitler’s army. Such conscription was a violation of the Treaty of Versailles (1919) to which Germany was still bound; public knowledge of this clause could have disturbed other Versailles signatories.

#: Franz von Papen was among the Nazis who were tried as war criminals at Nuremberg, Germany, in the late 1940’s. He was acquitted but later drew a stiff sentence from a German denazification court. Still later, in 1959, he was made a Papal Privy Chamberlain.

A terrible bloodguilt therefore rests on the Vatican! As a leading part of Babylon the Great, it helped significantly in putting Hitler into power and in giving him “moral” support. The Vatican went further in tacitly consenting to Hitler’s atrocities. During the long decade of Nazi terror, the Roman pontiff kept quiet while hundreds of thousands of Catholic soldiers were fighting and dying for the glory of the Nazi regime and while millions of other unfortunates were being liquidated in Hitler’s gas chambers.

The German Catholic bishops even gave open support to Hitler. On the same day that Japan, Germany’s wartime partner at the time, made the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, The New York Times carried this report: “The Conference of German Catholic Bishops assembled in Fulda has recommended the introduction of a special ‘war prayer’ which is to be read at the beginning and end of all divine services. The prayer implores Providence to bless German arms with victory and grant protection to the lives and health of all soldiers. The Bishops further instructed Catholic clergy to keep and remember in a special Sunday sermon at least once a month German soldiers ‘on land, on sea and in the air.’”

Lest we forget how it really happened. You won't hear anything about this on The Discovery Channel (or whichever channel in your country shows those WW II documentaries). Sorry for going off-topic.
edit on 27-1-2023 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

I Cried Too ..........

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

Thanks for sharing this one. Thought provoking it is.

I am not muslim, but I did want to contribute context regarding your last line:

(interesting side note: no one yet, not even Muslims in confirmed NDE's have mentioned encountering Mohammad)

Islam is quite explicit about this: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger." "Al-lah" is a title, meaning literally "the-Lord/God". In the sense of "don't shoot the messenger", Muhammad conveyed to people, the Word of God as transmitted to him by the angel Gabriel. Muhammad is said to be the last of 7 major prophets (Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, and Adam are also in that short list, if I recall correctly). The teachings of Muhammad were to correct distortions or errors which had crept into the religious practices as revealed by the earlier phophets. Perhaps most central to Islam is that God and God alone is due ones worship. Muslims should esteem the prophets (including Muhammad), but they should worship only God.
It has been a slander against Muslims, since the middle-ages, that they worship Muhammad. Nothing could be further from the truth. If a Muslim _did_ report meeting Muhammad in a NDE, it would have the Christian equivalency of meeting Saint Peter.
As an interesting aside, Muslims affirm that Jesus was a just a human prophet. To worship Jesus as God was one the corrections that Muhammad was supposed to deliver. "God does not beget, nor is he begotten."

(submitted with respect, to both Muslims and Christians)
edit on 27-1-2023 by trombleforth because: spelling

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 06:09 AM
Apex predators.

The natural law is for us to conquer and move forward. Reproduce to guarantee our survival.
Bend nature and the planet to our will.


Sure, learn, love and enjoy the journey however also, reproduce and advance the species.

Any other concept is just self mental masturbation of some glorious purpose in life that is nothing more than a narrative you’ve been handed and consider to be truth.

Laws of nature prevail. The harmony of nature includes death, killing, fighting, advancement and reproduction to survive.

If a tree bugs you back, let me know please.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 08:26 AM
That's well and dandy and all but in the real world people need to be fed, housed, kept warm, have an adequate sewage system and so much more.

You are living in a mentality of a modern world with lots of resources.

Definitely not easy

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
While there is a wide variety of experiences, a wide variety of: if it was Jesus, an Angel, a Light Being, a living Consciousness or even a Hindu god/goddess, an unnamed Goddess, an unnamed God people encountered and a wide variety of what the afterlife looks like.
The unique material/nature which constitutes the hereafter readily adapts to the perception of the observer, so that all fictions may be validated to the visitor. Not to mention many of its inhabitants are skilled in impersonation. There are surely no higher beings in the hereafter, if it's really a place for rest. According to the Bible, the last time "god" rested was on the seventh day of creation, so that should settle matters for you.

originally posted by: The2Billies
There was one thing everyone who did not have a hellish experience agreed on 100%. Near Death positive Experiencers, who talked about the purpose of life, all agreed they were infused with the knowledge that the purpose of life is to learn to love unconditionally, to learn compassion and to be compassionate, caring, and loving to all human beings.
Then they've all been deceived or are self-deceived. Nobody has to be told the purpose of life, they have to figure it out for themselves. The powers of emotional attraction are just as easily activated by malevolent beings.

A more firm connection between individuals is needed than empathy/compassion (which mustn't be conflated with pity). The most prevalent forms of kindness (politeness and etiquette) is the most superficial, putting up a pretense and participating in a cult of appearances, betraying one's own personal views.

The most recent kindness has been expressing solidarity with Ukrainians and protesting the war, but they're not concerning themselves with the Ukrainian plight, but their own self-preservation, stemming out of fear of war or poverty. They do the same with Palestinians, with Syrian and Jewish refugees (in ww2).

In fact, I had a lengthy interview just yesterday with an user who kept prattling on about loving unconditionally. I asked for his definition and he answered with:

"I use the words 'unconditional love' because it is the most accurate human representation for the feeling of being present in this energy. But it is not human love like we think of it (like family care), it is not words, it is not actions, it is pure focused consciousness energy... more accurately describe like a mana, capable of feeding the heart and spirit, being in its presence melted the coldness and trauma accumulated around my heart. And I say 'unconditional' specifically, because it is without judgement, available to all beings."

Typically, they talk about a vague "Source", closely related to the pantheistic world view. All Christians have good cause to root out pantheistic tendencies from their teachings, as it is plainly atheism.

I should add that the user had absolutely unrealistic views on the Ukraine war, believing that it'd be settled by a peace treaty. He rejected the possibilities of world war/nuclear detonation, famines, climate disasters, etc.

The best proof that compassion is actually impractical for society can be ascertained from the historical example of George R. Price's experiments. People who sincerely attempt to put it into practice either end up as nervous wrecks or caught up in illusions, eventually ending up disillusioned with the world. Blind belief becomes their only consolation.

originally posted by: The2Billies
If we wipe out the "useless eaters" who teach us to love the unlovely, to be compassionate to others, to accept flawed humans and to learn how to love and care for even the most unlovely - humanity will have destroyed the purpose of life, of living.
Yes, humans must not follow the brutal example of animals which eliminate their drones. Yes, even drones are necessary for the world, but that doesn't justify filling the world with them. They are needed until they have served their purpose.

But your pacifist argument amounts to saying that we must tolerate those who would abuse our kindness, we must not resist aggressors, but concede the world over to them. Tough love is sometimes needed to make a Man, that's why mother birds encourage their offspring to leave the nest prematurely. By systematically making people utterly dependent on others, rather than self-sufficient, that is the cause of their hatred towards society.

Of course, WEF is also wrong to propose that the solution to drones is making drug and gaming addicts out of them. The actual solution is to encourage them to take up hobbies and pursuits they're passionate for, to cultivate their instinct for beauty in their youths, and to smash the tendency towards bureaucracy.

originally posted by: The2Billies
...Realizing the purpose of life is to love and care for others.
Were that really the case, then why does nature allow so many infant turtles to perish in their journey to the ocean? Nature doesn't care for the preservation of the individual, but only factors in the whole species.

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