In recent months it became apparent that there is the beginning of a push to increase the purview of eugenics-driven euthanasia programs, as we saw in
Canada, for example, with their MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) program. This is just one whisper of the burgeoning cry amongst the world's
elitists for euthanasia programs, and we've already seen the lengths they went to for active depopulation of the 'useless eaters'.
When I went for my second jab, I was pulled aside & selected for a jab administered by a doctor, because I had experienced a serious health incident
in the previous 12 months, a pulmonary embolism. She selected the pre-prepared syringe (already filled) from a neat row of similar syringes, only
AFTER she had pulled up my medical records from my general practitioner's office (which she was authorised to do as she was a doctor). I believe that
I was selected to receive a tainted dose, because the government had classified me as a 'useless eater' because I am already disabled by a serious
neurological condition. Anyway, as she issued the jab, she explained a specific request that I contact them if I had a particular symptom in the wake
of having the injection. As it happened, I did experience that side effect (which I believe was actually a deliberate test, a proof positive of their
efforts to incorporate nano-particulate of graphene). The side effect involved 'rushing head pains' according to the doctor, and indeed that evening
I experienced what felt like a thousand tiny shards of shrapnel scratching their way through the blood vessels of my brain in rushing waves, they must
have been flowing around my whole body in my bloodstream, yet somehow I only experienced this rushing, scratching sensation in the vessels of my brain
- I can't quite figure that out yet, but anyway it led to a definite weakening of those vessels.. For months afterwards, whenever I strained (by
coughing, sneezing, or using the toilet) I felt the pressure in those blood vessels increase in a way that felt dangerous, as though they would burst
imminently, and so I became very careful about NOT straining in any event whatsoever. After around six months the symptom lessened significantly, and
it is only very, very mild at this time - but I certainly believe that one of the objectives was to test whether they could induce a stroke-type
event, by damaging those blood vessels & causing an aneurysm during any event in which strain was applied to the pressure levels inside those
Incidentally, that very night I had a dream in which I was explicitly warned NOT to accept any of the boosters, that the 'vaccines' are deadly, and
the only goal is depopulation, under the aegis of modern technocrat fascists such as those participating in the World Economic Forum.
Moving on, considering the depopulation & euthanasia agenda, it is clear that there will be a gradual transition to a greater acceptance of
euthanasia, and the depopulation if noticed will be blamed on 'the speed of science' at which the vaccines were developed, hence 'mistakes were made',
and so on. Perhaps they'll even get the masses to believe that, as they gently reinforce the message that humans who live past the age of 75 are a
drain on national/ 'global' resources, as well as the time & finances of family & wider society, hence they should volunteer for 'a good death' at the
first sign of serious illness in their old age.
Bioethicists are eugenecists by another name, as has been extremely well demonstrated by researchers such as James Corbett of 'the Corbett Report'
(see video resources
HERE..) Not only elderly & the disabled, but also any child who is born
with intellectual or physical disabilities is at risk, literally at the time of birth so that zero resources are expended on such persons, even before
they have the chance to experience anything of life other than a few independent breaths.
I want to make a point here which I hope will resonate with others - I draw on my Christian faith, when I express that there is indeed a place in this
world for the sick, the disabled, and the elderly, because Jesus gave the perfect example of how we are to interact with such people - He literally
healed them of their infirmities, releasing them from the turmoil of their symptoms. Although we may not be able to replicate those miracles (though
certainly I believe that miracles are absolutely possible in the modern age, I have been witness to some remarkable incidents during times of prayer &
fellowship with other believers) - we are duty bound to make an effort to alleviate their suffering, to bless them with as much good health &
wellbeing as we can muster to give them some encouragement that life is worth living, that every person counts in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of
those who are enlightened to this fact. I would go so far as to say it is a theological imperative to love, care for & otherwise bless those who are
impaired, sick, disabled or elderly, because we never know what God may be intending to achieve in & through the life of each person.
It is a pillar of the faith in my opinion, we need to be the salt & light of the world in order to demonstrate that the path being trodden by the
eugenecist bioethicists is a false delusion issued by pseudo-authorities, in the name of supposed societal progress which is in fact nothing but
poorly sketched A, B, C's written by those who haven't got the first idea about the principles of godliness which are imperatives for the enlightened
human to bear & to stand for in the wake of the revelation of the birth, death, resurrection & ascension of Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Lord of the
Cosmos. If we allow our minds to be bent out of shape by those who support inappropriate euthanasia programs such as MAID in Canada, it will become
the norm elsewhere too, all over the world in fact. And then it will morph into the killing of intellectually & physically disabled children at
birth, and the elimination of people who contract terminal illnesses, and those who are injured leading to a serious disability.
They will resurrect the Nazi ideal without a flicker of shame, because many among their number are inspired by those fascists who carried aloft these
'ideals' over eighty years ago. We must stand firm, in the knowledge that those who are 'less than perfect' in the eyes of the fascists, are still
beloved by our Father in Heaven, and we must love & support them no matter what, following the healing example of the Lord Himself. Who knows what
medical breakthroughs we could come up with in ten years' time? And the argument of overpopulation is pure BS. There are enough resources to go
around, if they are properly managed & distributed (though I'm not advocating Communism by any stretch of the imagination - a special case ruleset
must be developed & adopted to ensure that competition & capitalism can persist whilst also ensuring that the least fortunate are adequately
supported). Perhaps those most impoverished could be supported with Universal Basic Income, perhaps only the lowest ten percent of the demographic,
with additional benefits for the disabled, with the remaining 80% or so being at liberty to make their own way in the world, competing & developing
opportunities according to free market principles.
That's what I have for tonight, please feel free to share your thoughts on the matter.
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