a reply to:
You really need to understand and to be frank I don't either but at least I try.
To me the bread and the wine really does become his flesh and his blood, for me at least it still tastes like bread and wine but really good wine.
But to me this means that I am GIVING MYSELF into his hand's, by making part of his body part of mine I am making my body part of HIS and his blood
is of course his life and that blood saves MY life.
I have no wish to run along and BITE someone but here is how it works as far as I am concerned, we are ALL sinners, non of us is perfect and non of
is worthy of heaven BUT - HE - IS PERFECT, HE IS SINLESS and not only worthy of Heaven but the king as far as I am concerned and he substitutes his
innocence for my guilt to save me and every Christian.
Here is the point we are not worth, the number of human beings that have been worthy are very few, he alone is truly worthy, even the book of
revelation has the elders calling him worthy.
It is ONLY through him we are saved.
If all roads lead to Rome then let me ask you what about the Syriac Orthodoxy, yes they split half joined Rome but until just a couple of hundred
years ago they were a completely Separate church, same beliefs, same traditions but they say there our father and hold there mass not in Latin but in
Aramaic the day to day language that Jesus probably spoke mostly in.
Despite the argument about the true nature of Jesus and the Holy Spirit as they don't believe it comes from Jesus but only from the father and
despite the fact other differences have arisen since the Split in the Church the Greek and there offshoot the Russian orthodoxy are pretty much
Catholic as well though they go for Adult baptism often.
Though different the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox church is also a Catholic but not a Rome Based Church.
The Ethiopian Orthodox another Catholic but NOT Rome based church.
So actually NO roads lead to Rome, they all however through faith could be said to lead to Christ or to were he will come back the Mount of Olives in
And as for the flesh and blood of the bread and wine there are countless miracles experienced by ALL THESE churches in which the bread and wine has
actually turned into Flesh and Blood.
It's only the Cult of Protestantism that denies the holy role of Jesus mother, When old Solomon was King he said to his mother ask anything of my
hand and I shall give it to you even to a half of my Kingdom for you see in JEWISH as IN JESUS tradition the MOTHER Not the WIFE is the Queen, in
Hebrew the Gebirah is the Title.
So Mary is the Gebirah of Christs Kingdom or the heavenly QUEEN MOTHER OF GOD THE KING.
Of course if you are swayed by vile men like Voltaire you are probably very hateful of the Church and not only the Catholic for you see he and a cult
or so called brotherhood of pagan's that worship Lucifer have waged a long war against the Church and seek to destroy and by that I mean CHRISTIANITY
from the life of people, Jesus called them the ones that claim to be Jews but are not for they are the Synagogue of Satan, they claim to be
descendants of the builders of the Temple of Solomon but in fact are NOT.