posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 12:59 PM
Odds and Ends
Spread out like this
the various odds and ends
ins and outs
of a lifetime
displayed sorrows, beauty
coveted trinkets
unfinished business
A treasured snapshot
of an estranged son
tucked into an empty journal.
Windows into a happier time
unladen by complexities
and griefs
When all futures still lay ahead
When the pages were still unwritten.
It’s odd-this end
At odds in the end
Re-bound and peace found
At peace in the end
All the cares stashed, stored,
hidden, endured
Dissolved with dissolution
Offered a solution
A very hard solution
A tentative resolution
Leaving behind
small treasures of hours measured
But a lifetime of love to fill it.
edit on 24-1-2023 by zosimov because: (no reason given)