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No seriously Ireland as Atlantis?

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posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 04:21 PM
It seems to have been proven that Ireland and parts of the UK did not freeze over during the ice age. The Greeks and Romans called Ireland "Sacred" You get more megaliths as you head west, there are Megaliths under the water around Ireland. Ice age Ireland could have gone out to the Porcupine bank. Which has been drowned to start the theory of the ancient myth. Anthony woods makes an interesting case by looking at the red hair and blue eyes spread out to the coastal areas of western Europe. A new look at the old myth. A nice fireside chat. with a bit of practical philosophy thrown in.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Certainly not an impossibly proposition, I love the Hi Brasil legend the magical island that appears west of Ireland every seven years or so and that on at least one old portolon map appaers exactly in the same spot that there is actually a sea mount that if above water would closely match the drawing of the island on the map.

Though Hi Brasil was far too small to be Atlantis (not Ireland during the ice age as you correctly point out that during that epoch the sea level was much lower and there was far more land exposed - also add to this similar legends that while NOT based in Ireland could also be garbled memory's of bout Ys and Lyoness from western France and Cornwall (the Scilly Isles) respectively if High Brasil was in fact a real place which it may or may not be depending on your belief and the fact it also matches something about a coordinate from the Rendlesham forest encounter with a possible time travelling UFO of some sort (though if real that would be from the Future according to that story rather than the past?).

I still hold though that there are two far more likely candidates and those being the Richat structure and the Azores Plateau.

But whether or not there was a REAL Atlantis the fact is that there are probably hundreds of REAL Atlantis like uncategorized lost city's still not discovered as they are now under water.

But of course Newgrance and even Stone Henge (though in stone henges case it was rebuilt and actually some early images show it as a square though most archaeologists believe it was indeed pretty much as it appears today despite the rebuilding of the site - a similar fate to what happened at Tiahunako/Tiwanaku were that was also rebuilt but much more recently in the mid twentieth century forever muddling the archaeology of the site) are of course Circles as is the legendary capital city of Atlantis.

Some have suggested Greenland in the past though the Ice Sheet is believed by many to be much too old for that, others offer Antarctica and other's claim south Africa but non of these other proposed locations match the legend and while I don't believe that Ireland which would of course at that time have also very likely have had land connection to Britain as well, so maybe the Irish sea and the Isle of man though NOT circular would be a good location for a city on an island with a path to the sea to it's south and just maybe also to it's north though the Irish sea would have been much shallower and much narrower with the Island of the Isle of man being much larger, certainly for the Druids the nearest other large island the island of Anglesey was sacred though like I say I do not believe the UK or Ireland to be the location of the mythical or factual Atlantis.

Other claims are about parts of Iberia the large peninsular that is home to the nations of Spain and Portugal as the lost Atlantis but it is hardly an island.

So the UK and Ireland, legend's of sunken city's and mysterious islands that rise up out of the ocean every seven years then vanish back beneath it?, not quite Atlantis but still intriguing.

My guess though if Atlantis was ever real they probably had there own legend's of earlier lost golden ages and lost civilizations perhaps also swallowed up by the sea.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

There are so many sites in the Atlantic and elsewhere attributed to Atlantis, which -- when coupled with the idea that there were 7 kingdoms ruled over by 'Atlantis' -- makes me believe that there is not one single location for Atlantis, but rather, that it was a naval based empire spanning a large swath of the territory surrounding the (today) area on the planet of the Atlantic Ocean, and also possibly (likely?) into the Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean, etc..

The capitol of Atlantis was described by ancient Greeks, in lore handed down from ancient Egyptians ...

Ireland was very much likely part of "Atlantis", if you consider the large area of the globe that Atlantis control would have occupied. Ireland was simultaneously accessible, rich in resources, and habitable during the epoch of history attributed to the Atlantean lore. I don't doubt that at all!
edit on 20-1-2023 by Fowlerstoad because: .

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 05:55 PM
Somewhere in Manly P. Hall's 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages', it describes Atlantis as 'stretching from Gibraltar to the Hebrides' and that it had white cliffs. A description so curious that I can't help but consider it.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Peeps need to consider this.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: Robert Reynolds

When Nero wanted to invade Britain they virtually mutinied from fear of attacking the Island, it would be interesting to know why, perhaps old tales die hard.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 09:30 PM
Bright insight has a much better argument. Primarily due to the debris in the ocean west of Mauritania, and the lava flow clearly eroded by water flows.

The history of salt on and in the pyramids and sphinx are also pretty convincing.

I never though Atlantis was real until recently. He has me convinced.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: anonentity

If this was the case, then there should be ancient stories from Germany, Norway, France, Spain that all say Atlantis is in Ireland. Atlantis was the 'great enemy' of the 9,000 BC world according to Plato. So you should have confirmation in the form of stories and art from around these areas as well as from Greece (remember, Athens defeated them)

Otherwise, Socrates couldn't have possibly known about the story without all those connections being well known.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:36 AM
Plato was not a historian, nor a geographer, but a true philosopher.

Herodotus and Socrates had not heard about the Atlantis .

Egyptian have no redords of it, and they did usually write everything down.

The Atlantis Secret

If i may add also , that humans are story telling animals, we love good storys, allmost like addiction...we create storys,fantasies .

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: Byrd

Not necessarily if Ireland and parts of Britain were ice-free during the last ice age, then Continental Europe would not have been so lucky with it being landlocked. Being further from the sea. A bit like Alaska being warmer than the interior of the Americas. Which could mean that the megaliths were built in areas not permanently affected by the freeze. They seem to be in that area.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:27 PM
Is there stories in those parts of doggerland, when it was above sea level, during the last ice age?

If not then, considering doggerland was between England and Europe (in fact joining the two), I guess it isn’t beyond reason to assume tales and artwork of Ireland, which was further west, would be non existent.

a reply to: Byrd

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:31 PM
See my post a above and check out this link, a documentary on Doggerland and how it was discovered.

a reply to: anonentity

edit on 21-1-2023 by Dalamax because: Syntax

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Fowlerstoad
a reply to: LABTECH767

There are so many sites in the Atlantic and elsewhere attributed to Atlantis, which -- when coupled with the idea that there were 7 kingdoms ruled over by 'Atlantis' -- makes me believe that there is not one single location for Atlantis, but rather, that it was a naval based empire spanning a large swath of the territory surrounding the (today) area on the planet of the Atlantic Ocean, and also possibly (likely?) into the Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean, etc..

The capitol of Atlantis was described by ancient Greeks, in lore handed down from ancient Egyptians ...

Ireland was very much likely part of "Atlantis", if you consider the large area of the globe that Atlantis control would have occupied. Ireland was simultaneously accessible, rich in resources, and habitable during the epoch of history attributed to the Atlantean lore. I don't doubt that at all!

Excellent point if we accept that a powerful sea faring culture may once have existed west of the pillars Gibraltar somewhere if such a culture had conquered much of there known world or at least coastal regions a large island such as Ireland and Britain would indeed have been interesting to them.

Though mostly lost there may even be ancient Celtic legend's.

Then there are many mysterious ruins in Britain as well as Ireland, many of the surviving stone ruins in Ireland are on islands and have been in some cases washed away very badly by the sea, there isolation may have lent to there longer survival as their stones were less robbed out than they were on mainland Britain and Ireland.

In Scotland there are the mysterious vitrified hill forts or ruins of possibly hilltop strongholds that were burned so that the stones melted.

In England the huge Avebury Circle which while missing most of it's ancient stones is many times larger than the more famous stone henge and the even more impressive Silbury hill an eroded almost pyramid like man made hill of ancient antiquity.

There are some wild claims that over in France other than the huge Karnac ruins that there are also pyramids.
There is even a claim that Mont St Michelle is actually a man shaped rock that was once pyramidal and that caves still reside beneath the later monastery but that one I take with a shovel of salt, still if true it would indicate a far more advanced and developed ancient culture that is not recognized or else is ignored may have existed in ancient western Europe.

The one in this video over in France is not recognised by anyone other than these people who started to ask questions and the official story is that it was BUILT while they built the road rather than discovered and repurposed with a monument placed on top of it, the truth is that it is indeed probably a pre-existing structure they simply re-used, cant have ancient discovery's upsetting major road building now can we, shame on them.

So there is some suggesting that a very old culture may just have existed but was it anything to do with Atlantis or not?.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Those scoop marks seem to be all over.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: anonentity

They knew how to use sound more in the past than is accepted by most today, the Greek's had amphitheatres in which you could hear a whisper at the back row of the seats from the actors on the stage though given that crowds of people watching the play could be quite noisy I would imagine they hardly ever whispered as part of there act.

On Malta the Hypogeum also has amazing acoustic property's, perhaps they were using a fragment of forgotten knowledge from a past civilization.

Certainly when I worked in ultrasonics going back using specific waveforms fed to a piezo stack focused down a wave guide (Called a horn but it was really just a piece of metal of a specific shape and size) to melt (Weld) glass reinforced polymer parts together within a specialized machine I saw that sound can be used to put things together and the opposite is true it can be used to shake things apart even in a very focused manner.

Think of an opera singer shattering a glass by reaching it's resonant frequency (The frequency at which the molecules shake and the atomic bond's break) or a ultra sonic medical tool used to shatter gall stones.

So an acoustic tool that would be used to cut through stone could potential have left such mark's, it would require though those that had that tool to have had the technology to create the right wave form, the right frequency and the right amplitude to focus that acoustic vibration just right for each type of stone.

Of course it may also be that some ancient sites were the idea the stone was softened it may have also be done somehow.

My guess is not a tool like we use though it may very well have been but some form of acoustic device, not a person blowing on a trumpet of beating drum's but something high technology.

Indeed even today though such specialist tech is not being mass produced it would have a place if only company's were willing to invest in the research as it could replace many forms of more hands on mining gear, avoid explosions from pockets of gas as well.

Something like that surgical device used to shatter gall stones but scaled up and made into an acoustic blade of sorts.

Remember also that high pressure water can also be used to cut stone but that would require a far less wieldy contraption and be far more dangerous to use.

Or as those cut marks on some Egyptian diorite, red granite and a few other artifacts from some other places suggest they may also have had actual very high power precision drills cutting far faster than our own modern equivalent do at speeds that would wear our presumably inferior bit's out far too fast, as if they could ever have carved intricate diorite with soft copper tools, yes there is the fact they may have used diamond dust but I mean where did they get all those diamond's as even that would require a huge and complex supply network to some now forgotten diamond bonanza as rich as south Africa once was and I don't buy that one though it is interesting, flint yes very intriguing and that is hard but is it hard enough to cut diorite, flint has a hardness of about seven, diorite a hardness of about six to seven so yes but the flint would wear out almost as fast as the softest diorite but that is possible albeit it would be a lot of hard work and they would get though a hell of a lot of flint just to make one tiny vase so I really don't buy that either.

So acoustic or lost ancient technology, Egyptians found and reused rather than made the diorite vases at least in the more recent dynasty's (According to the Turin King's list 'they' believed their civilization to be over twenty thousand years old so just maybe an earlier Egyptian period before modern Egyptological accepted timelines did have technology the so called Zep Tepi period).

And of course to back up that there are some interesting features, melted stone steps that must have been exposed to extreme heat at the temple of Hathor for example (a recent claim that there is another temple right beneath the floor of temple of Hathor that has not been excavated as the top of a column similar to those in the temple was photographed were a paving stone of the floor (roof of the previous temple) was removed for restoration work by the Egyptian authority's, if so I wonder what could be carved on any surviving wall art down there?, more lotus flower lightbulb's, more helicopters and submarines who knows but the Egyptians went down the root of there priests protecting the knowledge that made the knowledge taboo to ordinary people and any time that happens culture, science and history are lost and only found in secret sources within secret sect's, maybe that is what happened there after some cataclysm and instead of doing there duty of sharing the knowledge they retained it for power and authority, after all they were probably not the original Egyptians if a previous Egyptian civilization had been wiped out or perhaps those schools that were meant to share that knowledge became corrupted over time into priesthoods and mystical rather than real knowledge replaced the truth hiding corrupting them completely.

Basically these guardians of ancient knowledge, lost science and teachings became the very enemy's of the spread of that knowledge, instead of passing on as was always intended they hoarded and hid and made sacred and not for the very people it was always intended to be given to.

This in turn meant they remained within their dark ages after whatever ancient cataclysm destroyed there advanced ancestors, sadly the same keepers (ENEMYS) of knowledge are still profaning it to this very day, hiding it from the people and hoarding it for power and esoteric cults and brotherhoods or even worse making it up as they go along and corrupting whatever remains of the core of truth they once had that is no irredeemably corrupted out of all reason.

People don't live forever, even the best intentions of passing on that knowledge failed, we had to re-invent it all over again and of course we are probably very different to them, perhaps we are better and perhaps not as likely they were just like us, how long did their lost age last before whatever cataclysm did them in who knows, maybe longer than we shall or maybe not.

edit on 21-1-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

This is another one that makes some interesting points. A hundred thousand stone circles in Ireland, it matches the exact dimensions stated by Plato. The red-headed pale people are all over.

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Is there stories in those parts of doggerland, when it was above sea level, during the last ice age?

If not then, considering doggerland was between England and Europe (in fact joining the two), I guess it isn’t beyond reason to assume tales and artwork of Ireland, which was further west, would be non existent.

a reply to: Byrd

Ireland is further away from Doggerland than France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany. Those four lands were settled before Ireland was settled.

So if Atlantis was in Ireland, then there would be tales from 9,000 years ago in Great Britain that reference Atlantis (including some of the names) and in the parts of Europe closest to Great Britain.

Remember that Atlantis supposedly conquered the "whole world" which included Greece (because Athens eventually defeats them.) So proofs that support Atlantis-in-Ireland would be
* trade goods from Europe and the Middle East in Ireland (dating back 9,000 years... actually 11,000 years by now)
* a similar story/fairy tale of great age throughout most of those areas (think: Cinderella. That's one of the oldest folktales around and it DOES appear in many cultures in the area.)
* buildings with advanced construction techniques (not pyramids - advances like the Parthenon building in an age when most were making wooden huts (if that)
* proofs of elephants (not mastodons or mammoths) in Ireland
* Irish influenced words in the older languages of Europe.

If you don't have those, then "Atlantis-Ireland" has about as much credibility as "Atlantis is actually Dallas Texan." I live here in Dallas. I can assure you that the idea of Atlantis being here is pretty fishy (although the land IS kinda flat.)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: Byrd

If you follow the link in my last post. He says that Plato might have got a few things wrong, in so far as some Greek historians maintain it was the Amazons who invaded Greece. There are a few more ancient titbits, in so far as the structure by the Atlas mountains was the city of Atlantis and Ireland was the country, but the Union run by the ten kings was basically the whole of the sea coast of western Europe. I will put it up here as it does not seem to embed.

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Byrd

If you follow the link in my last post. He says that Plato might have got a few things wrong, in so far as some Greek historians maintain it was the Amazons who invaded Greece. There are a few more ancient titbits, in so far as the structure by the Atlas mountains was the city of Atlantis and Ireland was the country, but the Union run by the ten kings was basically the whole of the sea coast of western Europe. I will put it up here as it does not seem to embed.

Still runs up against "where are the other stories" question.

If America suddenly vanished beneath the waves, even thousands of years later there'd be mention from all around the world of America (because our influence spread so far) and there would be "Made in America" stuff all over the world (and not in just one place).

And there'd be legends of the US everywhere ("Nasty-bad country sinks under waves. Name began with an Am-something. (etc)" type stories.)

So if it was in Ireland, there should be stories from Great Britain, and France and Belgium and Germany (etc) even in the form of legends and fairy tales. Like the tale of Troy, (another vanished place thought to be a literary fiction) the legend would appear in more than one form and it would be widely known.

So where are the other stories showing Atlantis in Ireland?

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Byrd

You make a good point, but if we say the sea levels were a lot lower back then and you listen to the Basque and the Canary Islanders, they say they came from a drowned land. This theme is still prevalent in all the tales from these coastal regions today. Cro Magnon was said to have expanded from the west by even the mainstream. For that to have been the case the base seems to be missing, but if vast swathes of land have been inundated it would strengthen the case. Advanced civilizations exist today alongside the so-called backward ones. But the advanced society will always have the knowledge to produce the goodies from the basic raw material, the benefactors will always be just that until they also gain this knowledge. We do have a hint of ancient stuff being of higher quality in many places, and then just stopping. But the whole of academia's jobs relies on following a narrative it won't change much anytime soon even if the facts get a bit irritating. Just take the giant that was dug up from the Boyne displayed all over the UK and then suddenly goes missing. Irritating facts tend to get lost.
He isn't the only one suggesting Ireland a Swedish geologist is onboard as well, There was a theory being pushed a while back that Homers Ulysees was based in Northern Europe, Masses of bronze age weapons keep turning up in Norfolk from some ancient battle, In fact, a friend who I worked with father had dug up a well-preserved bronze spear point, it was bent where his shovel hit it, but it was high quality and the part that fitted the shaft was looking like it was made recently. History must have a lot of holes in it, if climate change is cyclical then the movement from north to south with crops and animal migrations could well have caused myths from one culture to gain traction in another.
edit on 22-1-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

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