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Why, just why can't Americans go to the GANG of DC and protest of illegal entry

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posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 04:50 AM
Time will tell on if this is related to illegal gang activity imported across the border.
17 year old mother and 6 month old child murdered. Both shot in the head.
Where is Garland's stand on this.

apparently 2 suspects might now be held?

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 08:28 AM
To answer the question posed in the OP..Because they don't know (or are to scared to speak) the right language. With the factors involved DC isn't the place to even be trying to speak right now..porque Ingles is idioma para a mentir con boca blanca del diabla con ojos

Imagine a place not on any clue, butterfly the child passed around from birth, leverage is all they know.
And somehow, grit, instinct, however, he makes it, and then he just hands it to you, yeah thats how I see it going.

From there to here, You really want to know what's on that trail, the sign to follow? It's doubtful.

edit on 17-1-2023 by didntasktobeborned because: adjectives..

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Why, just why can't Americans go to the GANG of DC and protest of illegal entry

Because every single one would be labeled as extreme ultra-right radical MAGA supporters and whisked off to GITMO, never to be heard from again.

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Something will be done when a top leader's family is hurt by an illegal alien, or gang.

What put illegal aliens flooding America on more news outlets than FoxNews?

It was the problems they brought to areas where liberals are in Charge. (NYCity, Kamala, Martha's Vineyard, etc..)

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: carewemust
I put something similar a few years ago. Immigrants/ terrorists, they aint stupid. They know if they ever hit any person in power the spotlight would be turned on them and they would be eradicated.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 08:51 AM

Heres a good briefing by LEO, just no background on suspects..but for sure targeted 'gang' activity..and I don't think I heard Him mention the word 'cartel'..ill listen again (only the reporter uses this word, for effect, but not the officer.), anyway, this many people at once, still have to look for certain things, with the scene being secure now this will be hard..if the shooter/s weren't from the area,,its possible it was 'known' in the area beforehand (and accepted)..anything that could resemble a pre real close attention to the elderly you talk to..dont say too much just watch the focus of fear, ANY trash in the area, ANY, in a large area needs to be gone over like you are sifting for wrappers/sign within a friggn mile was known for drug/gang activity early reports said..any small businesses in the area just open or close? any business within a mile rent moving trucks? (a reach) monitor this for a while. This usually happens fast. be nice to know a bit more about suspects..
of course any fresh graffiti, even small, not done by shooters, any business close that receives any of the key ingredients for methamphetamine manufacture..not sure what those would be..

Sounds like ultimately it was a front gone maybe Mom was dealing and using which means wether anyone acknowledges it or not the child was being trafficked and there was leverage against it..even as small a movement as going to get formula..

Sounds like what's referred to as a bad neighborhood…this incident qualifies the area as a 'black zone' as far as I'm concerned…this is with minimal effort and mostly knee-jerk..

edit on 18-1-2023 by didntasktobeborned because: hmmm………………………………………………………………...

edit on 18-1-2023 by didntasktobeborned because:

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