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Holocaust Survivor Who Survived Nazis Now Ordered To Take Dangerous Covid Jabs

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posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Adolph told everyone he was saving Germany too. He did a few things that made him look good to the most gullible too, just like Bill Gates.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

after the reunification of Germany there was also a very strong pro NAZI sentiment in east Germany

Speaking as an older member who watched it happen, this isn't historically accurate. If anything, the Germany was a hotbed of socialist activism. People saw the extreme differences between east and west Germany and wanted to move towards a more socially centered form of government.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Adolph told everyone he was saving Germany too. He did a few things that made him look good to the most gullible too, just like Bill Gates.

Hitler started a world war and sent millions of people to their deaths on the battle field or in the gas chambers.

Gate funded tropical disease research and which will go on to save millions of lives.

Comparing the two is like comparing the Zodiac killer to someone running a soup kitchen.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: ntech
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Well, after studying the subject hard for the past 20 years I would conclusively say what we're experiencing is the Apocalypse of the Bible.

Simply put the Apocalypse started on or just before the nation of Israel formed in 1948 and will conclude in the 2030s. As far as Covid is concerned I would say it's a manifestation of the 4th Horseman of Revelation. And all the crazy in the world is being turned up to eleven just in time for the last 7 years of said Apocalypse.

And one of the eventual goals is the human population of the world below 500 million people. By 2035.

Wasn't there supposed to be a really long period in the middle when mankind was ruled by a false king?

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I never visited German before the end of the cold war but a former friend had apparently put my name on the wall before it was torn down, about three or four years before when backpacking around Europe.

As I recall there was a very strong pro NAZI sentiment and a blinkered view of the NAZI's by many in east Germany whom remembered better times under them than they had under the Russians afterwards OR at the hands of there own east German communist dictatorship with it's Stasi secret police.

And there were ample worries that this would spill over into West Germany were the culture had become very different to that of the east.

Sure enough after there were problems with neo NAZI's there which while they were almost eradicated (Through apathy rather than repentance and the fact that LIFE WAS GOOD FOR THEM in west Germany with it's successful economy and massive GDP) in the west posed the potential to reignite it in the west.

And indeed in recent years it has, even some German military units have had neo NAZI elements within them.

But there are today more neo Nazi's in Russia AND the Ukraine than there are in Germany.

Now I for one do not equate NATIONALIST with NAZI despite the name, I do not equate a person wanting to care for there own people with a NAZI either as that is just common sense and right mindedness but for me the NAZI's I hate are the death camp spewing, hate filled devils that possessed an entire nation then led it on a war of bloody genocide and oppression that had to be stood against.

But my point is that NAZISM did not vanish, the crimes the NAZIS committed were also NOT unique to Germany though the scale they committed them on was only equalled and possibly surpassed by the soviets and the mao'ists.

It is still a danger today to people in the world though it can arise anywhere.

The important thing is that the things we fought against in NAZI Germany are potentially being repeated today, mass euthanasia may be beginning to be rolled out, the poor vilified as Under Mensch etc.

Those behind this may not a racial motive but they are every bit as ideologically evil as the NAZI's ever where.

And like the NAZI's they are masters of Propaganda and control the mass media with plans to cut off and control any dissenting opinions hence there attacks upon conspiracy forum's and alternative news sources for example, let's also remember the German's were VICTIMS of the NAZI's as well and perhaps millions of Germans deemed sub human were murdered by the NAZI euthanasia and eugenics program's, with such basic minds they would have left Germany devoid of genius as that often arises from people whose family's suffer from mental illness, many genius have mild autism as well and under the NAZI ideology they would never have been born or would have been murdered as many others were as soon as there deviant characteristics began to show, likewise those in charge of our society also want us to conform today, to control what we think, they may not wear jack boots or do the goose step or have a racial motive that we know of but they are very much the same thing that has surfaced and taken control of our world today but this time there is no state player to fight them so the fight back for freedom has to begin small.

edit on 14-1-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: ntech
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Well, after studying the subject hard for the past 20 years I would conclusively say what we're experiencing is the Apocalypse of the Bible.

Simply put the Apocalypse started on or just before the nation of Israel formed in 1948 and will conclude in the 2030s. As far as Covid is concerned I would say it's a manifestation of the 4th Horseman of Revelation. And all the crazy in the world is being turned up to eleven just in time for the last 7 years of said Apocalypse.

And one of the eventual goals is the human population of the world below 500 million people. By 2035.

And I see it as a continual process, man's inhumanity to man is apparently never-ending, the latest being the invasion of the Ukraine.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Adolph told everyone he was saving Germany too. He did a few things that made him look good to the most gullible too, just like Bill Gates.

Hitler started a world war and sent millions of people to their deaths on the battle field or in the gas chambers.

Gate funded tropical disease research and which will go on to save millions of lives.

Comparing the two is like comparing the Zodiac killer to someone running a soup kitchen.

No it really isn't.

Bill Gates promoting death jabs and getting a lot of people killed and maimed may not be (look) as bad as gas chambers, but it still is quite bad, especially since he is not a medical doctor or an expert on anything except perhaps business administration.

Oh yes, he is quite good at manipulating people as you have proven that out.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Adolph told everyone he was saving Germany too. He did a few things that made him look good to the most gullible too, just like Bill Gates.

Hitler started a world war and sent millions of people to their deaths on the battle field or in the gas chambers.

Gate funded tropical disease research and which will go on to save millions of lives.

Comparing the two is like comparing the Zodiac killer to someone running a soup kitchen.

No it really isn't.

Bill Gates promoting death jabs and getting a lot of people killed and maimed may not be (look) as bad as gas chambers, but it still is quite bad, especially since he is not a medical doctor or an expert on anything except perhaps business administration.

Oh yes, he is quite good at manipulating people as you have proven that out.

With the WHO pandemic treaty in place, the WHO will be allowed to rule over every country who signed on including the US and suspending fudemental constitution rights whenever there is an "emergency."

Bill Gates is the largest private donor to the WHO, donating more than any country besides the US. He basically owns them or has enough leverage to manipulate them to carry out his nefarious deeds.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

That evil Bill Gates:

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

That evil Bill Gates:

You actually believe that Bullsh!t?


posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Do tell why I shouldn't?

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Adolph told everyone he was saving Germany too. He did a few things that made him look good to the most gullible too, just like Bill Gates.

Hitler started a world war and sent millions of people to their deaths on the battle field or in the gas chambers.

Gate funded tropical disease research and which will go on to save millions of lives.

Comparing the two is like comparing the Zodiac killer to someone running a soup kitchen.

No it really isn't.

Bill Gates promoting death jabs and getting a lot of people killed and maimed may not be (look) as bad as gas chambers, but it still is quite bad, especially since he is not a medical doctor or an expert on anything except perhaps business administration.

Oh yes, he is quite good at manipulating people as you have proven that out.

Bill Gates is the largest private donor to the WHO, donating more than any country besides the US. He basically owns them or has enough leverage to manipulate them to carry out his nefarious deeds.

Gates is also the single largest landowner in America. As I understand it, much of that land stands fallow.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: teapot

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Adolph told everyone he was saving Germany too. He did a few things that made him look good to the most gullible too, just like Bill Gates.

Hitler started a world war and sent millions of people to their deaths on the battle field or in the gas chambers.

Gate funded tropical disease research and which will go on to save millions of lives.

Comparing the two is like comparing the Zodiac killer to someone running a soup kitchen.

No it really isn't.

Bill Gates promoting death jabs and getting a lot of people killed and maimed may not be (look) as bad as gas chambers, but it still is quite bad, especially since he is not a medical doctor or an expert on anything except perhaps business administration.

Oh yes, he is quite good at manipulating people as you have proven that out.

Bill Gates is the largest private donor to the WHO, donating more than any country besides the US. He basically owns them or has enough leverage to manipulate them to carry out his nefarious deeds.

Gates is also the single largest landowner in America. As I understand it, much of that land stands fallow.

Of course, the WHO donations don't even scratch the surface. He owns farm land that he will keep away from being farmed on.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: livinglight108
Look at the use of the FASCES symbol in the USA.

Look at the Swastika military building in San Diego.

Paperclip. Modern day MK-Ultra. Modern medical tyranny.

It's not that Nazis have returned to power. It's that the underlying sphere of dark occultists never lost power. They're winning the war against human freedom/right as they have been for centuries.

The Nazis did win WW2 in the end, apparently.

Ever more apparent by the day.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Do tell why I shouldn't?

Because those statistics have been achieved through sterilization.

Bill Gates the "philanthropist" is a actually a psychopathic eugenicist.

He's buying as much farmland as he can to ensure that we all starve to death.

The sooner you realise that these billionaire "elites" don't give a toss about us, the better.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Not a long period of time. But there is also two states to worry about. Daniel 11 calls them the kingdoms of the north and south. The south looks like it's going to be a Islamic Caliphate made up of a number of middle eastern nations.

The north looks like it's going to be a confederation of western nations from Europe and the Americas. This confederation is going to have 3 rulers or heads of state. The 3rd one is going to be the one to worry about. He's going to be the one that desecrates the future Jewish temple. And he rules for about 3 and 1/2 years roughly.

Also after these two confederacies form up they will go to war and the war will last to the end of the seven years.

If you want the full story on that read the Daniel 2, 8, and 11 prophesies.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 11:45 PM
honestly the only surprise is we havent heard of this happening more often.

Really surprised some of the authoritarians in the US left didnt push this when they had the control.

posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 02:32 AM
An interesting read in the link. The parallels between the NAZI version of "The Science (TM)" to the rescue again in a public health crisis that had doctors and academics promoting utter nonsense, the scapegoating, the mass propaganda. All with the aim of discriminating against a certain ethnic group (and ultimately genocide).

While there are obvious differences, there really are a few (too many) similarities to what we just went through. The harsh, OTT authoritarianism, where power was often given to unelected assholes.

Noam Chomsky's brain freeze where he wanted the unclean/unvaxxed banished from society. Calls for hospitals to refuse treatment for those not part of the mass experiment. No travel, no work unless you join the experiment.

Though we didn't go all the way in the end. We just tried to force people to take part in a biological experiment against their wishes and better judgement, turning those who (rightly) wouldn't partake into a lower form of citizen.

Goes to show how easily politicians can turn into Stalin.

posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 02:52 AM
This is sure to be a popular opinion (lol), but the NAZI's actually used the USA as their model. There are continual NAZI references to it and not only in Mein Kampf. A lot of historians who aren't just narrative spinners will agree. There are all sorts of references to US race law when they were crafting the Nuremberg laws. When they rejected them it was often because even they considered them too harsh. There was quite a little mutual admiration society going on with many of the US elite and the NAZI's.

Gaining power through violence (although the nazi's seemed to use loopholes to gain power, rather than rely entirely on violence and outright treason as in the US), ethnic cleansing, displacement, genocide, eugenics, forced labour, segregation, miscegenation laws, "lebensraum"/expansion by military force and on and on. The destruction of the left and crushing of the labour movement in any effective sense. It's all there. The difference is that the US was far more successful than the NAZIS who tried to do it in a couple of decades, rather than centuries. They also had far stronger surrounding countries to steal the land from (the soviet defeat was their undoing).

Another difference is that the NAZI genocide is rightly looked at with horror, while the US genocides have been celebrated in literature, on stage and screen forever and often still are.

Though it's not only the US, countries like Australia aren't really any better, just a lot weaker and less significant. They also don't seem to celebrate it the way the US does.

It appears obvious that historically (much of) the west has nothing against genocide, the US itself is founded on it (as is Australia), it's only when other people do it that it isn't tolerated. This subject is probably worth it's own thread.

edit on 15-1-2023 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 04:59 AM
Indeed, I agree, it seems that the Nazi Underground, as exposed by authors such as the excellent J P Farrell, is alive & kicking, once again resurgent under the control of senior Nazis who are carrying the torch for their forefathers.

I do strongly believe the COVID plandemic to be a definite Nazi Underground eugenics plot, with global political leaders now so captured by the power structures of that Nazi Underground - whose financial & situational resources are phenomenal - that we are effectively facing a Fourth Reich, with almost all global leaders, and those in the corporate class, totally bought into the ideology espoused by the Nazi Underground as they expand their sphere of influence via the WEF & other fiscal & political bodies around the world.

I believe that they may have 'morphed' their ideology to make it acceptable to the modern state of Israel, and so it seems that sadly we are facing the threat of a unipolar world order which is dominated entirely by the fascist powers which once led the world into a war of extreme devastation. Now, they are plotting depopulation, and they have their people installed at every level of the pyramidal power structures in this world, leading me to wonder if there is anyone at all who will oppose them, when they truly unmask their intentions on the depopulation front. Will China oppose them? Will Russia oppose them? Is there anything they could reasonably do to prevent any of it?

I am sickened that the United Kingdom has been captured by the WEF & the Nazi Underground. Although I have some 'sympathy' for the original Nazi paranoia concerning the Jews (the Synagogue of Satan - pretending to be Jews yet actually fascist & domineering in their own way, controlled by left-hand path Qabalists who take their perverted Talmudic belief system from Babylon rather than the pure rule of the Torah), particularly because of the Jewish-led Bolshevik revolution in 1919 which ended the Christian order of the Tsars in Russia, plunging the USSR into a diabolical antichrist Hellscape for the next seventy years. The United Kingdom was once a paragon of Christian virtue, after it became ever more civilised following the enlightenment period. However, we are now one of the most atheist countries in the world, and Christians are mocked & derided by lowlifes who understand nothing of the belief system or of simple morality. Try to engage a person in the UK on religion and you end up being harangued with tired & easily rebuked tropes of catchphrase atheist apologists. The corporate class, which is so allied with the WEF, has completely taken control of our politics, and people like near-billionaire Rishi Soonaki-wooki as shiny plastic Prime Minister, and the tyrant 'zero Covid' Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor of the Exchequer, have been installed without referring to the will of the British people. They are 100% WEF goons, working to install the WEF plan as soon as possible. It's a #ing disgrace, and the public are sadly too brainwashed & apathetic to put a stop to any of it.

We are literally sleepwalking into the Apocalypse, I assure you that's 100% the case at the present time. Big changes up ahead. I only hope there are enough faithful patriots to support the actions which will be necessary to restore this nation to its former glory.

edit on JanuarySunday2301CST05America/Chicago-060004 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

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