The Lord teaches me of levitation & teleportion as tools for use in a greater struggle, as well as unhelpful spiritual paths to be avoided.
- In this dream, which I had at the age of 18 just before becoming a Christian, the Lord Jesus appeared to me & mentored me on a number of things,
including the use of levitation as a weapon/tool for use when facing great personal battles & broader problems affecting society as a whole. It was
to be seen as a means of demonstrating power as well as a means of convenient transport & evasion of those who would seek to do harm. Another method
for travel was taught, that being teleportation. This too was to be seen as a pragmatic tool to assist with difficult journeys/ gaining access to
secure locations (or escaping them).
Furthermore, the Lord took me to a mountain temple, a typical Tibetan Buddhist temple carved from a mountainside, which He showed me was decorated
with traditional Halloween carved pumpkins. He explained that at its heart the practices espoused in Tibetan Buddhism were equally corrupt as those
seen in traditional forms of Satanism, because they involved service to self & diabolical psychic control over others. This I found hard to believe
at the time, a naive kid with the typical woolly ideas about how noble & enlightened Buddhism is - but later I was to discover that indeed, the Lord
had spoken truth, after I read the very informative thread here on ATS named
'Peeing in my
own pool: The Problem of Tibetanism'. In that thread, the OP goes to great lengths to describe psychic & sexual abuse within the Tibetan
Buddhism schools which have been latched onto by world leaders who want a non-threatening spiritual practice they can hitch their wagon to, being
totally oblivious (or maybe not) to the extent of the carnal & deeply unspiritual practices which go on within its core (which includes consulting
with demonic spirits alleged to be oracles).
Mogwais & Gremlins
Around the same age, I was living in a youth hostel which was a rough place, and I was being persecuted by several of the other residents. One night,
I had a dream in which I was walking freely just outside the bounds of a huge prison complex, and on the other side of the chainlink fence was a huge
mob of Gremlins, looking just like the characters from the movies of the eighties, but a lot darker & more nefarious. They were raging against me
with demonic fury, throwing themselves at the fence & tripping over each other trying to attack me. I felt protected, but on waking I knew that this
dream represented the spiritual persecution which had been following me for several years by this point. At this point I was still not yet a
Christian, but I was a spiritual seeker. A couple of days after this dream, one of the diabolical characters living at the hostel cornered me in the
hallway & got in my face, laughing maniacally, jabbering "Mogwai, it's all about the Mogwai & Gremlins!!!" & variations on that phrase a few times.
How he could have known, impossible, I had told no-one. My assumption to this day is that he had preternatural knowledge due to demonic
oppression/possession. The atmosphere in the place was truly Satanic & always had been - I was glad to get out of there, though I went through a lot
more difficulties before finding my faith a year or so later.
Stop his quest/ we're not finished with you
- This one refers to two dreams in which I became lucid, early on in the years of developing my faith as a Christian. In each example, dream
characters accosted me immediately on the moment I had become lucid, and in each case said "Stop him, he's going on his quest!" and two others
responded to my demands that they leave me alone by saying "We're not finished with you yet". In the second dream the unpleasant dream characters
were Freemasons, as I had become lucid outside the Masonic Temple in my hometown. This contributed to further fears of spiritual persecution - I
wasn't safe in my waking life, and it seemed I wasn't safe in my dreams. Something was going on, which nobody would discuss with me, yet everyone
around me seemed to know something weird was happening to me.
Neutron bomb threat to UK (from the North) & a 'training accident' for the RAF defenders.
- This dream had a monumental impact on me after it occurred, and it seemed to have real world impact as well.. Again, the detail was vivid, tightly
scripted, engineered towards the goal of sharing vital intelligence seemingly necessary to prevent a terrorist attack of immense magnitude. I dreamt
that I was standing in my local area, near to a fairly large corner shop/ supermarket. Suddenly, a jet came screaming overhead, and a bomb was
deployed. On detonation, the bodies of various victims - schoolgirls & shopkeepers, were disintegrated as though melted by some awesome
discombobulating unseen force.. It was horrific. On awakening I was certain of certain key data points; the attack would come from the far North,
beyond Scotland's northern shores. This would be a 'broken arrow' incident, in which misappropriated jet fighter/s were deployed to drop a neutron
bomb on the North of England, for reasons unknown, intended to destroy all flesh within a specific geographical region, yet leaving infrastructure
intact. Only a neutron bomb can accomplish that aim. It struck me as similar to when Herod Antipas ordered the killing of all baby boys in the
region of Bethlehem in Judea because amongst them somewhere, the King of the Jews had been born, and that threat had to be eliminated by any means
necessary, however savage & indiscriminate, in the eyes of Herod.
Many years later, I had a second dream, which referenced this first dream directly, when a group of military strategists & RAF commanders were
assembled in my kitchen, arguing that my first dream could not be considered useful strategic information for the defence of the nation, because I had
no specific military training. However, I advised them that the incident I originally referred to would occur within the space of two weeks of this
date (IE the night of the second dream). As a result, a tentative decision was made to step up patrols & put more eyes on the skies North of UK
territory. And then, it was fulfilled. Exactly two weeks later the Royal Air Force & British government put out a formal statement concerning the
downing of two fast jets in the waters North of the shores of Scotland, with at least one pilot dead as a result of the disaster.
It was labelled as a 'training accident' in official comments; however, the date, location, and threat level seemed to match precisely with the
coordinated information which was delivered by the authoritative source who had provided the roadmap of the situation in the two dreams which I had
experienced. I cannot take any credit for this, these were entirely prophetic events, directed for the protection of the United Kingdom & its people,
I believe as the result of divine intervention. In the weeks following, I seemed to receive some loose confirmations that indeed the events foretold
did indeed lead to an incident, a clash between our jets & the broken arrow jet which had been commandeered by one of our unknown enemies, attempting
a devastating sneak attack against us. Thank God that the RAF pilots prevailed, is my estimation of the outcome.