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Religious forum- a full move to ATS or a move to filter members?

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posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:43 AM
I can make money lately on religious topics being moved from ATS to BTS, if there was a bookie taking bets.

Now I can understand where a topic has no connection to a secret plot, but I certainly do not understand the inclination of late to move topics such as the solar eclipse relative to a prophecy and the chosen day of the pope’s funeral, or; the non-disclosure of the secret cardinal, or; the council of Nicea’s choice for books of the Bible and the days of worship, or; The Bible being the literal word of God.

If those are not conspiracies, then I certainly do not understand how the Pope’s body not being embalmed, qualifies as an ATS topic under website related topic simply because the man just died. If it was raised 6 months hence would it still qualify?; and Mormons leaving Utah qualifies as a conspiracy somehow.

Religious topics obviously seem to be anathema of late, where I am left with the impression that it only one type of sentiment is allowable content for ATS, and this stemming from complaints of anti-Christianity no doubt.

If there are issues relative to these threads and the moderators in the religious forum have some aversion to the content within same, then, be adult about it and say what that is, for the movement is not only inconsistent but appears targeted.

I congratulate two of yesterday’s (5 was it?) Moderators; Worldwatcher and Nygdan to their elevation as moderators of the religious forum, a forum obviously deemed in need of being put in check.

Best of luck to you ATS.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:58 AM

as posted by SomewhereinBetween
If there are issues relative to these threads and the moderators in the religious forum have some aversion to the content within same, then, be adult about it and say what that is, for the movement is not only inconsistent but appears targeted.

With all due respect, here is what is mentioned on the Forum description:

Conspiracies in Religions
Discussion of conspiracies and scandals in organized religions, or conspiracies influenced by religion.

Here is a sticky'd topic thread by SkepticOverlord further clarifying the Conspiracies in Religions Forum:
Conspiracies in Religion & Spiritualism (FORUM UPDATE)

Which stipulates:

As we keep trying to stress, this forum is for the discussion of conspiracy-related subjects that involve religion, or conspiracies that are within organized religions.

If your thread is general-religion and theology based (including the ever-popular Bible inconsistencies and conflicts topics) your thread will be moved to the general religion discussion forum, Faith, Spirituality & Theology on
(Your existing ATS username and password works on BTS)

A number of threads have recently been moved there, and new threads that don't fit the above guidelines will continue to be moved to BTS. So if you don't see a thread here in which you've been participating, check Faith, Spirituality & Theology on BTS where it most likely has been moved.

I have just moved just less than hmm, 70-80 topics from within this forum.
Where they go are always subject to debate in some cases.
If you have an issue with a thread having been moved or one that you think is in the wrong forum, perhaps you could have simply opted to use the complaint/suggestion feature?

You can be assured of one thing though, the moves where not inconsistent [being the process is always continuing] and targeted.


[edit on 7-4-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween

Religious topics obviously seem to be anathema of late, where I am left with the impression that it only one type of sentiment is allowable content for ATS, and this stemming from complaints of anti-Christianity no doubt.

Well, we WERE gonna shave your head bald and tatoo a barcode to the back of it, so we could at least track you through the Hinterlands when we set you free. But SOME PEOPLE objected.

Always that ACLU causing trouble.

Me, I wanted to move the topics to really random, obscure places, like the top of the fridge and under the couch. Then, I would leave bread crumbs out so you could find them.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by brimstone735

Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween

Religious topics obviously seem to be anathema of late, where I am left with the impression that it only one type of sentiment is allowable content for ATS, and this stemming from complaints of anti-Christianity no doubt.

Well, we WERE gonna shave your head bald and tatoo a barcode to the back of it, so we could at least track you through the Hinterlands when we set you free. But SOME PEOPLE objected.
Somehow I get the impression that I am supposed to be either insulted by that insipid comment or disgruntled. Please note, I said insipid. It was not only that but considering your violatio of whatis supposed to be the TOS, it was infantile, uncalled for, lacking in sustenance and vacuous. Let me guess, you have wounds in need of healing?

Always that ACLU causing trouble.
The ACLU, an American organization, not one which has extra-territorial impact, nor one which carries any weight extra-territorial. However, for some the world does revolve around that piece of land known as the US of A, for it is all that they know, and all that they care to know about. Your ACLU comparative means as much to the world as does your food stamps. You are a true neophyte!

Me, I wanted to move the topics to really random, obscure places, like the top of the fridge and under the couch. Then, I would leave bread crumbs out so you could find them.
No need, I am about to ensure I can no longer participate in any topics. Why bother with those who have no desire to expand their horizons or further the decided agenda of unstated by-laws?

I note you have been allowed to break TOS, Christian. Am I surprised, and who are you exactly, some obscure multi-persona?


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by brimstone735
Well, we WERE gonna shave your head bald and tatoo a barcode to the back of it, so we could at least track you through the Hinterlands when we set you free. But SOME PEOPLE objected.

Always that ACLU causing trouble.

I find this comment offensive and very insinuating, I guess as long as the one doing the complains are religious rights is OK to post them. But when somebody else complain is OK to have comments like above pollute the boards with ignorance.

What a shame.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I find this comment offensive and very insinuating, I guess as long as the one doing the complains are religious rights is OK to post them. But when somebody else complain is OK to have comments like above pollute the boards with ignorance.

What a shame.

Some people need to work on thier sense of humor. And Seekerof was very clear why some of the threads were moved.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:34 PM
The religion forum has always been an on-again off-again source of strife and drama. Would you believe my first job as a staffer here on ATS was to moderate the religion forum... me... an atheist -- go figure.

The original intent of that particular forum is as has been described here... a place to discuss conspiracies in which religion plays a pivotal role.

The "scouring of the shire" doesn't always occur as often as it should (moving general discussion of religion topics to the appropriate BTS forum), but it happens.

And... don't mistake sarcasm for intent... of which there seems to be a lot of here.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The religion forum has always been an on-again off-again source of strife and drama. Would you believe my first job as a staffer here on ATS was to moderate the religion forum... me... an atheist -- go figure.

I know is very hard to post as not to "offend some" even when the comments are not directed to any particular person.

Its just like politics people have very strong feelings about it I am guilty as sin.

Johsephat, I really didn't see the joke on the comment, when I hear tatoo and bar code another time in history comes to mind.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:21 PM
I cant keep quiet. Another thread of little old ladies ranting about this and that and whos right and whose wrong.

What has happened to ATS? This is incredible.

If they arent complaining about one thing its another. Its getting old and tiring. My grandmother complains less than you people do.
And if it isnt complaining, its worshipping the ground some of you walk on day after day after day.

What say we have discussions like we used to?
Its not too late
Think about it. There's time. How about it.

I for one, can say that my name isnt on any complaint threads, or any butt kissing threads either.

Is this high school? hmm...i had to ask.
Stop the clique, its very unbecoming.

Its off my chest now. Good.

Whatever. Suit yourselves.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:30 PM
Personally I thought the comment was very witty. There are ALWYS people around ready to be offended.

The religion forum is not really modded consistently, we go through fluctuations of leaving it until we can't stand it, then cracking down, then leaving it again.

Like the UFO forum it attracts kooks like moths to lights, and generally its people who start their posts with the text, or meaning of I believe that .. then some inane statement they don't have any way of backing up.

However every now and then there are some good threads, which make it all worth while....

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Johsephat, I really didn't see the joke on the comment, when I hear tatoo and bar code another time in history comes to mind.

I know, I usually think of 1985 too. It's the head bands that cause the flashbacks for me. But, usually, I like to hold my breath when that happens and hum a song. It usually regulates my heart rate. Now, I got a warn and I actually respect the guy who gave me the warn. Somebody's gotta patrol Dodge City here and I can appreciate that.

That being said, seriously Marg, you're being a little over dramatic. By over dramatic, I mean rubbing gravel through your hair, gnashing your teeth over, and throwing rocks and stones at the moon.


The nazi's didn't have bar codes, because they didn't actually have computers then. A hinterland is not a German city, it's an inland coastal area. One just beyond a city, any city will do.

This is really more of an Iron Maiden, MARK OF THE BEAST sort of thing. But, I can't help it if my entire post went straight over your head. I'm not writing the USA Today here, and I'm certainly not going to slow down for you.

Now, please don't let facts and common sense get in the way of your hysterical reaction. I can't help it if you jump to conclusions and assume things that really aren't there.

So, I guess that makes two of us without a sense of humor.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by brimstone735]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 08:40 AM
Brinstone I am the last hystecal person in this earth, facts not fiction motivates my actions.

If is something about the male generation of today that like to call females hysterical, well I have survived 44 years of my life raised two children to be model of society and I celebrated my 24 years anniversary with a loving husband that as a Marine was not always at home when I had to make decisions because duty called, not........ hysterical never has been an issue, practical, perhaps to practical and too the point.

That is me and for that I get the respect of my peers.

This all I will post here as the answer to your post to me.

Have a nice day.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 08:42 AM
I'll be glad when something big happens, god is so wore out.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I cant keep quiet. Another thread of little old ladies ranting about this and that and whos right and whose wrong.

What has happened to ATS? This is incredible.

If they arent complaining about one thing its another. Its getting old and tiring. My grandmother complains less than you people do.
And if it isnt complaining, its worshipping the ground some of you walk on day after day after day.

What say we have discussions like we used to?
Its not too late
Think about it. There's time. How about it.

I for one, can say that my name isnt on any complaint threads, or any butt kissing threads either.

Is this high school? hmm...i had to ask.
Stop the clique, its very unbecoming.

Its off my chest now. Good.

Whatever. Suit yourselves.

Well congratulations, you managed to not only spend an entire post talking off-topic, but also do the one thing you're so sick and tired of, complain.

I agree with the topic starter, and think Seekers response was all too simplistic to begin with. (we've seen the "use the suggestion feature" posts allready, this was not about incidents but about a general problem)
At least chicken states that moderation in the religious forums is not always consistent, which is all too obvious to anyone, christian or atheist.

SpittinCobra and brimstone trying to be funny and witty is just that; SpittingCobra and brimstone trying to be funny and witty.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween
I can make money lately on religious topics being moved from ATS to BTS

It still amazes me that people view BTS as being a lesser forum. It's not, unless your goal is to gain points. If that's the case then please submit lots of stories to ATSNN. You know you'll receive 750 points when your story is upgraded.

Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween
Religious topics obviously seem to be anathema of late

This could have something to do with the Pope's death. I understand he was quite a popular guy. This last week the Prophecy forum has gone from low, to high activity, and it's no surprise that most of the new topics have to do with the Pope's passing away. I'm willing to bet that if something major just happened in the Muslim world, there would be a huge influx of Islam threads. Since one of the worlds leaders in Christianity just died, we are seeing a peaked interest in this religion. It will pass and level off to normal eventually. Remember the tsunami that killed almost 1/4 million people? I don't see much discussion on that right now. It's just not the current event.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by dbates]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The religion forum has always been an on-again off-again
source of strife and drama.

This is true on every site I have ever posted on (6 to date).

I have two that I like - ATS and one other. The other four had/have
religion forums that always melt into anti-LDS or anti-Catholic junk
and it's exhausting to try to educate people who should just be
using google to educate themselves instead of using Jack Chick
as their sole information source.

Why o why do people feel the need to evangelize others to
believing exactly like they do? I like to read and learn about
how others believe and think ... but getting it crammed down
my throat along with a bunch of anti-anyone-elses-beliefs-but-mine
stinks! It happens at every chat site that I have been to
that has a religion forum.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 11:20 AM
I dont think I was being funny
maybe next time I will try a little harder to know if I am doing so.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Brinstone I am the last hystecal person in this earth, facts not fiction motivates my actions.

If is something about the male generation of today that like to call females hysterical, well I have survived 44 years of my life raised two children to be model of society and I celebrated my 24 years anniversary with a loving husband that as a Marine was not always at home when I had to make decisions because duty called, not........ hysterical never has been an issue, practical, perhaps to practical and too the point.

That is me and for that I get the respect of my peers.

This all I will post here as the answer to your post to me.

Have a nice day.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by marg6043]

Again, overeacting with as much hyperbole as you can muster. I don't want to hear about your family or whatever justification you feel is neccessary to rationalize your world view. I'm not going to tell you about my family, because you're my complete and total stranger.

I don't care if somebody accused you, or other women you know, of being hysterical. Maybe you need to work some things out with the men in your life then, if this is such an issue. However, the transference of your emotional reaction to the word "hysterical", onto me is simply unacceptable.
I accused you of reacting hysterically, because you react to things, twice now, hysterically.

You assumed things and jumped to conclusions based on percieved notions. Your sanctimonious frothing and foaming at the mouth makes you look like a fool. And, as one of your board peers and somebody whose politics virtually conincides with yours, I can honestly tell you that I don't respect you at all. I can't respect someone, no matter how much they might agree with me politically, if they're hypocritical about the very values they propose to embrace.

In this case, it's political correctness, which I loath with every fiber of my being. It's contrary to the notion of free speech, and, what began as a silly little joke about Iron Maiden, George Lucas's Thx-1138, and Dr. Jack Van Impe's christian paranoia, has quickly become an abject lesson about the value of critical thinking.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 05:50 PM
Brimstone I am disapointed in your post. Marg, expressed her opinion as to a joke then tried to back it up. However your post just displays your arrogent conceit. Certianly you have a right to disagree with ther comment, I did as well. But then to abuse her is unacceptable. If you reread your own post you will see the same insults you leveled at her also apply to yourself.

Such nasty bickering demeans the board and devalues any thread its in.

Originally posted by brimstone735

Again, overeacting with as much hyperbole as you can muster. I don't want to hear about your family or whatever justification you feel is neccessary to rationalize your world view. I'm not going to tell you about my family, because you're my complete and total stranger.

I don't care if somebody accused you, or other women you know, of being hysterical. Maybe you need to work some things out with the men in your life then, if this is such an issue. However, the transference of your emotional reaction to the word "hysterical", onto me is simply unacceptable.
I accused you of reacting hysterically, because you react to things, twice now, hysterically.

You assumed things and jumped to conclusions based on percieved notions. Your sanctimonious frothing and foaming at the mouth makes you look like a fool. And, as one of your board peers and somebody whose politics virtually conincides with yours, I can honestly tell you that I don't respect you at all. I can't respect someone, no matter how much they might agree with me politically, if they're hypocritical about the very values they propose to embrace.

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