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Ukraine preparing for 'full-scale war,' says former envoy to Canada, A look back.

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posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 08:07 PM
This article might be a few years old well not to old of an article just recently in this decade before the Russian intervened in Eastern Ukraine.
There was a reason why Russians interevetered.

Decided to go at Ukraine.Its because Ukraine lied to Russia and Russians.

Ukraine and its Kiev Govt under Petro poroshenko had no intentions of following the Minsk Agreements.
Despite the Ukrainian agreeing with the Russians.

The Minsk agreements were a ruse.

Even Angela Merkel had said as much on how the Minsk agreements were nothing but a lie and stalling time for Ukraine to get them to be armed with Western Weaponry and training.

To have a full scale war with Russia.
Not just a limited small scale war on the Eastern Ukrainian rebels.

Ukraine preparing for 'full-scale war,' says former envoy to Canada

Ukraine's deputy foreign minister says he is preparing for "full-scale war" against Russia and wants Canada to help by supplying lethal weapons and the training to use them.

The former envoy to Canada in a CBC article has stated that Ukraine is preparing a full-scale war against Russia not just a limited Proxy war agaisnt Russia.

Its why the US/UK are pushing Ukraine to attack targets deeper within Russia territory.

The US/UK are using Ukraine to have a full scale war agaisnt Russia.

The former NATO general did say earlier last month.

"Weapons are a path to peace"

edit on 11-1-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: vNex92

You are right they were. This was 2015. The wrong person got elected. Now here we are with the same old players and it is game on.

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 09:09 PM
Told you guys this was planned all along. Like I said I have been told during my service as a spy for canada that they were planning for that.
And it gets worse they are actually implanting and making slaves of the general population but you wouldn't believe that. I have seen it first hand account.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 05:22 AM
But is it really the Ukraine or Russia who needs and wants a war? Or is it maybe the stinky rich globalists, the mentally ill transhumanists, the Dr Mengeles of Biontech and Pfizer, Moderna etc? Is it maybe those stock market gamblers, those gangsters in suits and ties, who are the culprits for the 2008 crash which is now in full swing? Is it maybe the same families who always profit from wars because they deal with both sides and put fuel into the fire to make better sales? Is it maybe the criminals who can´t hide anymore what they did to masses of people with that corona measures crime, with that jab crime, who want to make us forget what they did to many, many people by creating a even worse scenario like a war?

Is it the WEF and it´s Great Reset and Green New Deal and it´s especially trained agents like Selenskyi, Putin, Macron, Turdeau, Merkel, Ardern, Baerbock, Morrison, Rutte and so and on and on and on? These agents all penetrate the parliaments of former free nations, Kissingers/the CIA`s straw man Schwab even brags about that fact in front of cameras and mics.

Those, i call them bloodline globalists, simply follow their often used blueprint again to fill some more money bins, to make Dagobert Duck look like a bum. Right now it is the exact copy of what happened in 1929, we are heading the exact same way almost exactly 100 years later. With all that goes with it like growing fascism(this time simply lying and saying it is anti-fascism), growing poverty among the average population, creating wars. And when the next world war ends and no nukes were used, the weapons of the bloddline globalists made enough money for them and created enough devastation for the average population, the bloodline globalists, the "philantropists" can make money again with "building back better". And creating a NWO according to their anti-human ideas. In addition to that such a war makes the people forget the crimes the culprits comited before the war they created for us peasants.

Simply observe your surroundings. A few examples. There are TV spots in Germany since a few weeks or months now, telling you to prep, what you should have etc. We didn´t see this even in the first cold war here. And in that spot they say you need packed backpacks. What do you need a bug out bag for if it is only because of alleged possible blackouts or bad weather conditions? Why should i grab a bag and have to flee when people can´t charge their spyPhones for a few hours?

Next thing is, i live nearby the Cologne airport and can see it´s entry lane, if i turn around there is the entry lane of the Fliegerhorst Nörvenich, a military installation. And believe me, i didn´t see for decades that much military flying around since months again. I even witnessed three weird black helicopters without any light except a little red and a little green light, nothing else that is prescribed by aviation safety. Fun fact, while writing this i can hear stuff flying around again, i grew up in the first cold war and know the difference between passenger and military jets.

Then check what really happens, check the propaganda MSM all of sides and notice how every side does everything to make that scenario in the Ukraine not end but to make it worse. I said it here months ago in a comment that they will use that scenario as long as they need it for their Great Reset plans, as excuse for what really is happening behind the curtains or better in plain sight. I said that one side will "win" a few meters, then the other side will "win" a few meters and they will play this game as long as they need and want it. And look now, was it wrong what i said months ago?

Recognize how war is peace for many corrupt and foreign controlled "politicians" and their propaganda MSM again, how they put fuel into the fire day by day. Recognize how the Russians are turned into the "new jews", the new Untermenschen, the "Orks" by the morally oh so good western nations (the corrupt traitorous "rulers" of these nations, not the people). For a while the muslims had to play that role, now it is the Russians. Recognize how history repeats again and again, recognize how the masses follow "their leaders" blindly into darkness again.

It´s not nations or countries, the average population living there who need and want and create wars and all that BS that is going on. They are only the pawns which are sacrificed on the globalists chess board, brainwashed and useful idiots if they follow and believe all that BS that is presented as reality to them. It´s always those on top of the pyramid, those with power and money who create the games that are played with us as peasants. I personally know nobody who wants wars, suffering and misery, who wants to put more and more fuel into a fire for a corrupt and fascist barrel without a bottom. I don´t want to have to hate my russian friends or my whatever friends from wherever else on earth only because "politicians" and their propaganda MSM tell me to do and think so. We all just want to live our lives in peace and tranquility.

It´s always those criminals on top of the pyramid who profit from and who create misery and devastation, create hard lives for all of us peasants who don´t own billions of their in reality worthless monopoly money. We peasants don´t have the power and certainly not the will to send weapons into war zones only for the reason of escalation. It´s not the people who do such a BS!

If there needs to be a war then it should be a war of 99% of humans against 1% of monsters!
edit on 12 1 2023 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 09:29 AM
People in the west these last few months...

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

It is US/NATO they had lost the proxy war in Syria.

If they loss another war in Eastern Europe/East Asia.

They would need to explain to their people why they wasted millions if not billions on such conflicts.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 10:20 AM
So Ukraine were anticipating a full blown invasion by Russia as far back as 2015. Maybe if others had listened and bolstered Ukraine's defences, the war would never have started?

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: NavyNut

....I said I have been told during my service as a spy for canada....

Ha ha ha ha ha.....

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: vNex92
At the end it is always, without any exception, rich money bags who move the pawns on the chessboard. It´s those that have more than enough money and with that power and who always want more money and power. No matter how they call the tools they use to get the results they wish, no matter if called NATO, Corona, Great Reset or "Climate Saving".

It´s not the little people like you and me who have the power over the propaganda mass media, to brainwash the uniformed/too comfortable for self-thinking people and to make these people look like they are the majority instead of the minority. To create movements like the by rich kids (their kids) led Fridays for Future or Climate BS that is going on right now live for example in Lützerath. Like Greta Thunberg or the Reemtsma clan brood Luisa Neubauer and Carla Reemtsma. The money bags even send their own kids to the front to show us how they play their games. And most people are simply too "simple minded" to see and understand these facts.

Who has the money and power to build and send tanks, jets, ships, equipment and all that BS only to kill the average population for the wet dreams of some money bags? is it the post man that brings your mail every day, is it the garbage man who empties your trash cans, the baker who sells you his bread?

Who is morally depraved enough, gives a flying F about the peasants they move on their chess board they think the world is? Is it your neighbor or are it always those gangsters in suits and ties with even more bodies than money and power in their basement? Do you have a few tanks left you can send into next war like scenario to create a hot war?

I don´t and that´s because i am not born into the right bloodline, family, clan. It´s because i do not sh!t money when pooping, it´s because i am not morally (real moral, not that BS that is sold to you as moral nowadays) depraved. It´s because i do not walk over corpses and stab the next into the back for my own profits. It´s because i am a mentally normal person and not a megalomaniac.

It´s always those on top of the pyramid who p!ss and sh!t down while most of us peasants think hat it only rains and the "near death climate" is falling on our heads when brown turds hit us.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: NavyNut

....I said I have been told during my service as a spy for canada....

Ha ha ha ha ha.....

Don't worry, I won't tell everyone that you are a spy for England. You should spill the beans, it's the "in" thing to do. Tell everyone about your clandestine operations and stuff.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: NavyNut

....I said I have been told during my service as a spy for canada....

Ha ha ha ha ha.....

Its the truth sorry lol 15yr of service.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: NavyNut

No wonder Canada is in such a mess.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: network dude

Ha ha ha.

I imagine it would be fascinating being involved in 'spying'/espionage etc, alas I don't think people like me were encouraged to become involved in such things back in the day.

I suspect it hasn't changed too much.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: NavyNut

Its the truth sorry lol 15yr of service.

Of course.

I'd be more inclined to believe you were if you simply hadn't said anything.
But as you did I think it would have been more believable if you said you'd been involved in counter-espionage or were an intelligence officer/analyst etc.....but describing yourself as a 'spy' and announcing it on a site like this doesn't really lend itself to credibility.


edit on 12/1/23 by Freeborn because: clarity

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

I could tell you some stories about my 15 years as a Top Secret 00 agent for MI6. That Blofeld was a tricky customer, I can tell you. Had to give it up, had a bad back.

But I couldn't even reveal the fact that I was a top spy let alone on a public forum like this because I signed the Official Secrets Act. So I won't.

Hold on, my pager is going off...

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I signed the secrets act and its not a secret to reveal your career in the military its at your own risk. Beside you don't really know who I am.
edit on 12-1-2023 by NavyNut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: vNex92

You are right they were. This was 2015. The wrong person got elected. Now here we are with the same old players and it is game on.

Or or... and here me out on this... I know this will sound CRAYZIE... but after Ukraine lost Crimea to annexation after ruZZia invaded in 2014... and heres the kicker, the real funny part... you'll love this...

Maybe Ukraine realized it needed to get its act together since ruZZia would more than likely have another go 8 years down the line to grab more land.

What is it with the putler supports and some how painting ruZZia as the victim and Ukraine as the nefarious aggressor? lol... Ukraine was planning war all this time, to bloody fing right it was, it had to given who its neighbor is. Id hardly call it planning war, getting yourself into a position to deal with anything your neighbor whos invaded more countries than you ever have (what countries have Ukraine invaded in the last century?) was more than likely on their mind.

originally posted by: JAY1980
People in the west these last few months...

What sort of upside down backward world are you currently living in?.. (and thats rhetorical, this is a conspiracy website after all... backward thinking and Gordian knot logic is the norm in such places).
edit on 12-1-2023 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: NavyNut

I certainly don't know who you are.

I can guess though.

Pretty sure that you ain't 007.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

It has been planned by the US for years before it started believe it or not it doesn't matter its the truth.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: NavyNut

I certainly don't know who you are.

I can guess though.

Pretty sure that you ain't 007.

I'm well trained but I wouldn't call myself a 007 too lol. In my trade we put the equipment up collect information on the target, find the people that we need to get rid of like ISIS leaders and they go kill them, some go in the field with the JTF guys some go into some other countries to collect information etc. There is also infiltration in various groups at home and abroad.

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