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The Main Reasons Why Aliens Don't Exist

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posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:57 PM
1. If the government knew, or a number of people knew aliens existed, why aren't there more people coming forward trying to capitalize on it by selling books, movie deals, or interview time.

2. How come all the videos are blurry clips that only last a few minutes.

3. How come whenever a picture is released, only one is released and it's usually a little blurry. You would think that someone who just happened to have a camera around when a spaceship flies by would take more than one picture. And on top of that, you'd think they'd claim rights to it and sell the pictures.

4. How come there aren't occurences that are caught on film while filming live on tv. You would think they'd capture that occasionally.

5. How come all aliens look the same, as in movie aliens. Is it because if they looked liked demons, or what society thinks a demon looks like, they wouldn't believe in aliens? You'd instead be proving demons exist.


I'm skeptical, these are my main reasons for not believing in the alien hype. If you have some more reasons for not believing in aliens, please add them to see how others are justifying excusing these common reasons why aliens don't exist.

[edit on 6-4-2005 by Lord Altmis]

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:02 PM
Aliens exist, without a doubt. To deny that would be a very big leap of faith.


Are aliens visiting earth? You raise some good points.

Personally, I believe something is going on, as I personally have seen a UFO. Not a blurry, far away object, nor a governent plane.

To be honest, it looked like a Borg cube! And I wasn't the only one to see it, my entire school saw it over our town.

Again, however..... It could have been something benign.

BUT, it hovered over our school for about 20 mins, without moving, at about 5-10,000 ft, I could make it out clear as day, and then it just vanished.

So I would say, without a doubt, it wasn't a weather balloon diffracting the light from venus through swamp gas!

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:15 PM
Most of the points highlighted point to the actions of frauds who cant risk lots of clear photos else their scam becomes blatantly obvious. People do write books and try to profit from it (look up Gulf Breeze Sightings next time your at the library). However I think most of that nonsense is just attention craving that people will attempt any way they can, aliens just seem to be a good route to some. Given the size of known space, and the fact that theres probably even more out there we dont know about, it would be rather rude and stupid to think that we are the only intelligent race out there, or the only race at all for that matter. If we are still discovering species on this planet, I would say we dont know jack shieß about the races that may or may not inhabit space.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:16 PM
Why not get everyone at your school together who saw it and get a news station down there for an interview? Spread the word, capitalize on it. I don't understand that.

Well saying we don't know is one thing, but saying they exist is another. There is a lot of stuff we don't know. But that doesn't justify things into existence by our imaginations.

[edit on 6-4-2005 by Lord Altmis]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:25 PM

Why not get everyone at your school together who saw it and get a news station down there for an interview? Spread the word, capitalize on it. I don't understand that.

Being 15 at the time, none of us thought of it. We talked about it for a few days, then jsut lost interest and went back to playing football. No proof either. They would have just written us off as kids playing games, especially if we said we saw Borg!

Well saying we don't know is one thing, but saying they exist is another. There is a lot of stuff we don't know. But that doesn't justify things into existence by our imaginations.

Ok. With 100 billion stars in our Galaxy alone, and with billions of galaxies, I am not willing anything into existence, as the probability is almost certain.

Given the probability of so many planets out there, when in our own system there could be (or has been) ife on 3 seperate planets (Earth, Mars possibly, and Europa possibly), then I would say alien life is a certainty.

I would happily put all my money on it if I could find out one way or the other tomorrow.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:30 PM
I apparently posted on the wrong thread, before.

I would like very much to believe that we are currently interfacing in some manner with aliens, but there is no solid proof.

Lots of pictures, many of them unexplainable, lots of videos, many of them unexplainable, but there is so much chicanery and questionable activity by many of the people in the UFOlogical strata, that virtually everyone there, is viewed by the rest of society as kooks.

Interesting dichotomy in my mind... Many people do not accept UFOs as a fact (whatever they may be), yet over 50% of Americans accept the fact that there is extraterrestrial life. Now ... Is it visiting here?

Prove it.

Before anybody gets their knickers in a twist, I do really believe there is/are extraterrestrial civilization(s). Are they involved in skulking around on our planet, killing cattle and kidnapping people? Don't know... There is evidence that "something" is going on. But what, at this point, is anybodies guess, simply because there is no smoking gun ... No proof, which most people would need instead of "evidence".

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Aliens exist, without a doubt. To deny that would be a very big leap of faith.


Are aliens visiting earth? You raise some good points.

Personally, I believe something is going on, as I personally have seen a UFO. Not a blurry, far away object, nor a governent plane.

To be honest, it looked like a Borg cube! And I wasn't the only one to see it, my entire school saw it over our town.

Again, however..... It could have been something benign.

BUT, it hovered over our school for about 20 mins, without moving, at about 5-10,000 ft, I could make it out clear as day, and then it just vanished.

So I would say, without a doubt, it wasn't a weather balloon diffracting the light from venus through swamp gas!

i agree with you there is no dought that there are aliens in the universe but the thing to wounder about is did they vist earth. it was on monday i think that i saw a ufo but hey i could be wrong. but im 100% sure there are aliens.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:00 PM
I don't know. I'm skeptical about that too. Just because there are other planets and solar systems doesn't mean there is life on them. Some of those planets are too hot, too cold, too far from light, or have no characteristics of life. You would need life at the lower levels to support life at the higher levels. And most don't even have that.

A more logical approach would be to look at the moon and mars. If you can't find life there where the situation is farely close to ideal for a possibility of life, how will you expect it somewhere else, somewhere less ideal?

[edit on 6-4-2005 by Lord Altmis]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:04 PM

A more logical approach would be look at the moon and mars. If you can't find life there where the situation is farely close to ideal for a possibility of life, how will you expect it somewhere else?

I would bet a 75% chance that Mars had life, and 25% that it still does.

Europa, I bet 99% that it does have life. Just because a planet might be to far from its sun, does not exclude life, as geothermal activity can provide a source of energy.

The moon is a no-brainer, as there isn't even an atmosphere, let alone liquid water.

Thats 3 within our system alone. Now your excluding the possibility, out of trillions and trillions of possible planets, that not one would harbour life?

Thats a bit narrow minded don't you think?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:29 PM
I'd say if one did, we'd never know. Under that same premise, you could say bigfoot, trolls, vampires, werewolfs, and dragons exist.

Because how do you know that there isn't some planet out there somewhere in a far off galaxy that could be harbouring some dragon race?

I think that's absurd to use that as justification for the existence of life. If you believe that, you must by the same logic, believe anything I possibly say could exist. Because how would you know it doesn't?

[edit on 6-4-2005 by Lord Altmis]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:43 PM
Here's the best answers I have for ya, this is all from my own perspective. (edit: My comments are bold.)

Originally posted by Lord Altmis
1. If the government knew, or a number of people knew aliens existed, why aren't there more people coming forward trying to capitalize on it by selling books, movie deals, or interview time.

I believe the opposite of most people, I dont think the govt. (or whatever facets of whatsever govt agency ya wanna name) know very much except a few key points. (More on that later) I dont think they conclusively know whats going on.

2. How come all the videos are blurry clips that only last a few minutes.

Theyre not...well not all. Some are just as you said, because rarely is anyone prepared to take video of such a thing. It is after all a pretty rare event. But there are some that have been shot enough to see structure, and theyre for the most part pretty clear. Most try to zoom in on the object, which is NOT a good thing to do, but it is a human response.

This kinda thing also doesnt hang around very long. How come I wonder. Always seems to be just enough to get you interested. Just enough to spark further study. Interesting no?

3. How come whenever a picture is released, only one is released and it's usually a little blurry. You would think that someone who just happened to have a camera around when a spaceship flies by would take more than one picture. And on top of that, you'd think they'd claim rights to it and sell the pictures.

Not everyone wants to be associated with this kinda thing. It seems that there's always been a concerted effort to make people look like idiots, or crazy. It's a stigma, a stereotypical overlay that this guy is a hillybilly....and why do aliens only visit inbreeds? We all know thats not true. Even astronauts have seen objects they cannot ID, and theyre trained best out of anyone.

4. How come there aren't occurences that are caught on film while filming live on tv. You would think they'd capture that occasionally.

Thats happened more than once. But again, it has to be reported, and reporters often after the "human interest" story on UFOs at the end of broadcast, get the secret smile on their face like "yeah right". I'll bet there's footage gotten by news crews you never see...but there was a case a few years back that did go public.

5. How come all aliens look the same, as in movie aliens. Is it because if they looked liked demons, or what society thinks a demon looks like, they wouldn't believe in aliens? You'd instead be proving demons exist.

This where it gets tricky. Hope you can follow this. I personally after 20 years in this field, dont believe we know what "aliens" look like at all. The common buggy grey guy...thats not it. There's something behind that. Perception is key. I truly believe that.

What many people in the field dont talk about is the true nature of the real phenomenon. It is FAR stranger then you've ever probably heard. I dont buy the little grey men, and I dont buy the reptilians, and I dont buy the blondes, nor the name it. I believe people see that...but I dont believe thats the reality. These beings, whatever they are, seem to me, to conform to expectation. Conform to popular consciousness. Back in the old days, they were fairies, or demons, gnomes.
This "thing" has been here at least as long as we have. Could it be extraterrestrial? Maybe I guess. Despite what people see and tape, I dont believe it's little green men from planet X here to study us. Such events may have taken place, but the majority of true unknown cases, are to me, something else. But I see very little to suggest ET.
Other then "aliens" from another world what else could they be? It's a big list of suppositions, list here but a few:

1) Theyre from the sea. Think thats crazy? When we crawled out of the primordial slime, at the beginning, some did not. Some of *us*, or what makes us up, stayed in the sea. That part would have millions of years of evolution on us. While "we" were trying to walk on land, "they" were already in water...get the idea, as simplified as I'm telling it? Still think thats crazy? Approximately half the UFO sightings are around water. Craft under, in around or coming out of ocean or fresh water.
Still pretty dumb huh?
What name is on ALOT of UFO documents.
Department of Naval Intelligence.
You get the idea. It's no more a long shot then anything else.

2)Theyre our future. (This has been babbled about for years, no point in me going on about it.)

3)Theyre from a different dimension. Mathematical scientists have theorized about "multiverses", and theorists say such parallels could exist. Could someone have bridged the gap? Who the hell knows.

4)They are the living embodiment of what religious folks would call "demonic". There's plenty of evidence to suggest this too. However it does require the notion of good and evil. Could it be that the "forces" of good and evil are playing out their part, appearing to us as "aliens" because we cannot perceive them any other way? Again, who the hell knows (pardon the pun).

The point I think everyone misses, is the study of UFOs and aliens isnt a study of them, it's a study of us...of people. People who shoot video, photos, or tell an eyewitness account. We have NO solid evidence. After all this time, shouldnt we have *something* conclusive? You'd sure as hell think. Maybe it can make landing tracks, maybe aliens can tag humans..put marks or implants in them, maybe they can effect reality as we know it...but not be physically real. Not in our sense anyway.

Dont think this is saying "they" or whatever "it" is isnt real. If it's possible to say, they could be more "real" then we are. We percieve them as aliens and UFOs (when it's a true unknown event, barring hoaxes, misinterpretations, and natural phenomena) because we cannot percieve them any other way.

In the 50's, think about the style. What was a common trait of design? Chrome, fins, etc. Look at truely unknown photos of UFOs from that time. You'll see fins on chrome discs. Today, we see slimmed and sleek balls of chrome, multilobed objects, thin discs, triangle and diamond shaped...but highly tech-influenced. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Could we in our perceptions of the unknown beings be "making" them real? Making their form? Effecting ourselves in how we percieve them and what theyre doing?

I dunno. I'm not trying to convince you. But when you say "aliens" we really need to redefine what that means. If we cant say extraterrestrial with all good and accurate data, then we cant responsibly say it at all. It by all definition that we can use, would be enigmatic beings (or presence), at best.

I have no answers. I believe there is something to it, what it is, I have no clue...but there's no shortage of possibilities.

I do believe people take this whole thing at face value. "It flies and I dont know what it is. I saw beings that were not human." Doesnt equate to ETs. We can only guess.

People will often say, "they told me they were from (insert galaxy, star cluster, dimension here)"
I would say to that:
"Why would you believe them?"
or "Never trust an alien".
Again something much deeper then ET visitation could be happening, much deeper. Who knows what it could be, we could speculate forever.

What do I know, I only do the visual analysis...this is all just my opinion, from what I have viewed and cases I've studied. My view isnt a easy way out of the reality of this stuff, there's damn good evidence out there that whatsever this is can and does effect people, environment, and register on tape and cameras. It's there if ya look.

I will continue my best to weed out opportunistic hoaxers and frauds, by doing what I do. If it helps even a little in any headway, it's worth it. But we all have to put ego and money behind us, and get friggin serious.
Because in the end we may never learn anything about our visitors, but volumes about us.

[edit on 6-4-2005 by jritzmann]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:44 PM
Don't be silly.

Scientists (you know, the guys at NASA etc) believe it. But then, there could well be a dragin like creature out there somewhere.

I think the chances of there not are far less than the chances that there are.

Besides, it is all done on probability. If we can find life within our system, then that will immediately increase the chance that there is life elsewhere.

But seriously, do you honestly believe, that in a galaxy on billions of stars, in a universe of billions of galaxies, that there exists no life apart from here on earth?

Now, that is a silly idea.......

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:55 PM

To be honest, it looked like a Borg cube! And I wasn't the only one to see it, my entire school saw it over our town.

One more of exactly what I'm talking about. Perception and reality.

I have had reports of people seeing the Enterprise. Thing was, it was upside down, hovering over a field.

Have you ever heard of witnesses when interviewed separately after a recent sighting seeing totally different object? It happens a good bit.

Just thinkin out loud.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Lord Altmis
1. If the government knew, or a number of people knew aliens existed, why aren't there more people coming forward trying to capitalize on it by selling books, movie deals, or interview time.

This is a criminal conspiracy. Anybody who really knows and who would talk most likely endangers themselves and even their family from speaking out. Consider it like ratting out the mafia. What happens to mob rats? The entire UFO/ET conspiracy is one of racketeering. Racketeering entails obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion, and other crimes which not only allow the crime to continue, it also silences witnesses.

2. How come all the videos are blurry clips that only last a few minutes.

See above with the racketeering stuff. Evidence confiscation is a good way to keep the public dumb. When somebody makes a UFO video, how many people would be smart enough NOT to call authorities (or even the media) and report it? By reporting what you have seen or what evidence you may have made, you have already highlighted your evidence for confiscation. There are many, many reports of civilians threatened with their lives over what they have seen and heard concerning the subject and with those reports come claims of evidence confiscation.

There is also the issue of filming an object thousands of meters in the air moving at high rates of speed. How many quality videos of conventional aircraft flying at high altitude do people take while on the ground? Not many. Add to that the fact that UFOs are a rarer sight than regular planes and that they show up randomly, not too many people are going to have a camera to even film one. Those who do for the most part are not camera operating professionals.

[edit on 7-4-2005 by Frith]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:33 AM
i know for a fact aliens exist, i know two different people who work at nasa personally and i can honestly say they have to hide many things from the public.

ive actually got a couple of them to say that yes, there are wierd thigns that are seen in space that even the faculty at nasa cant explain what it is. ill be taking a course at their university by the end of august.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:43 AM
Then why don't they just come out and admit it.

How is it that so many horrific things can come to light, yet this, which has been said to be witnessed by many people, doesn't.

What are the real problems with revealing it? All the higher ups would have to believe that eventually it will be revealed, assuming it was true.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:05 AM
because there may be one thing they know.

Could it be that the the way these things enter our reality is because of our attention to them? If they were to admit knoweldge of an non-human intelligence, would that aid that intelligence in getting into our reality? What would that do? Think about it. Aint gonna happen.

And if it did, and just say they come out and say we're being visited by ETs, would you believe them? LOL..come on. No way. Our answer would be, "what are you covering by saying it's ETs??" Again, who knows, they may be propagating the ET idea to cover other things. But what if admittal opened the floodgates?

Nasa astronauts have long reported strange things seen in space. Sure nasa has to hide certain things, alot of what they do is under national security issues.

Threats from "agents" concerning evidence hasnt been reported in a long time with any consistency. And lets face it, your average jokers can think it a bit of fun to fool with the UFO looney down the street and pretend any number of things. People have been caught doing this kind of thing for years. Dont forget the MiB were not a basis in any UFO reports til the short fictional story was published in a reading digest in the late 30's.
Confiscation or video/photo/debris, could be a high security military project, which should and can be guarded. Doesnt mean it's little green men.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:27 AM
you can all believe waht you will, ive heard of individuals containing certain data which is crucial in prooving aliens are real. then all of a sudden found exhumed thirty miles away from the road the person was taking. a road that was used to get to a certain lab. in other words if someone knows something and is planning on blowing their whissle about et's, the gov will be sure to follow, and by all means will stop you from tooting your horn.

theyre watching us closer than you think. its just a matter of time before we have a global security watch, or some kind of interraction between the people and the government. doesnt mean its gonna be pretty or normal like with the whole terrorism problem. and whose to say the gov actaully wants to admit they exist?

i know we have our own extra terrestrials in captivity, it would be stupid to think we didnt. im pretty sure roswell didnt just have to do with our government testing technology. and one cant explain every sighting that has been seen, i mean if weve SEEN technology that is unearth then we know it exists right? the next question would be, who does it belong to? and where was it obtained and when? dfasfasdfasdfdsafrehrtuy6587898

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by jritzmann
Here's the best answers I have for ya, this is all from my own perspective. (edit: My comments are bold.)

Originally posted by Lord Altmis
1. If the government knew, or a number of people knew aliens existed, why aren't there more people coming forward trying to capitalize on it by selling books, movie deals, or interview time.

I believe the opposite of most people, I dont think the govt. (or whatever facets of whatsever govt agency ya wanna name) know very much except a few key points. (More on that later) I dont think they conclusively know whats going on.

2. How come all the videos are blurry clips that only last a few minutes.

Theyre not...well not all. Some are just as you said, because rarely is anyone prepared to take video of such a thing. It is after all a pretty rare event. But there are some that have been shot enough to see structure, and theyre for the most part pretty clear. Most try to zoom in on the object, which is NOT a good thing to do, but it is a human response.

This kinda thing also doesnt hang around very long. How come I wonder. Always seems to be just enough to get you interested. Just enough to spark further study. Interesting no?

3. How come whenever a picture is released, only one is released and it's usually a little blurry. You would think that someone who just happened to have a camera around when a spaceship flies by would take more than one picture. And on top of that, you'd think they'd claim rights to it and sell the pictures.

Not everyone wants to be associated with this kinda thing. It seems that there's always been a concerted effort to make people look like idiots, or crazy. It's a stigma, a stereotypical overlay that this guy is a hillybilly....and why do aliens only visit inbreeds? We all know thats not true. Even astronauts have seen objects they cannot ID, and theyre trained best out of anyone.

4. How come there aren't occurences that are caught on film while filming live on tv. You would think they'd capture that occasionally.

Thats happened more than once. But again, it has to be reported, and reporters often after the "human interest" story on UFOs at the end of broadcast, get the secret smile on their face like "yeah right". I'll bet there's footage gotten by news crews you never see...but there was a case a few years back that did go public.

5. How come all aliens look the same, as in movie aliens. Is it because if they looked liked demons, or what society thinks a demon looks like, they wouldn't believe in aliens? You'd instead be proving demons exist.

This where it gets tricky. Hope you can follow this. I personally after 20 years in this field, dont believe we know what "aliens" look like at all. The common buggy grey guy...thats not it. There's something behind that. Perception is key. I truly believe that.

What many people in the field dont talk about is the true nature of the real phenomenon. It is FAR stranger then you've ever probably heard. I dont buy the little grey men, and I dont buy the reptilians, and I dont buy the blondes, nor the name it. I believe people see that...but I dont believe thats the reality. These beings, whatever they are, seem to me, to conform to expectation. Conform to popular consciousness. Back in the old days, they were fairies, or demons, gnomes.
This "thing" has been here at least as long as we have. Could it be extraterrestrial? Maybe I guess. Despite what people see and tape, I dont believe it's little green men from planet X here to study us. Such events may have taken place, but the majority of true unknown cases, are to me, something else. But I see very little to suggest ET.
Other then "aliens" from another world what else could they be? It's a big list of suppositions, list here but a few:

1) Theyre from the sea. Think thats crazy? When we crawled out of the primordial slime, at the beginning, some did not. Some of *us*, or what makes us up, stayed in the sea. That part would have millions of years of evolution on us. While "we" were trying to walk on land, "they" were already in water...get the idea, as simplified as I'm telling it? Still think thats crazy? Approximately half the UFO sightings are around water. Craft under, in around or coming out of ocean or fresh water.
Still pretty dumb huh?
What name is on ALOT of UFO documents.
Department of Naval Intelligence.
You get the idea. It's no more a long shot then anything else.

2)Theyre our future. (This has been babbled about for years, no point in me going on about it.)

3)Theyre from a different dimension. Mathematical scientists have theorized about "multiverses", and theorists say such parallels could exist. Could someone have bridged the gap? Who the hell knows.

4)They are the living embodiment of what religious folks would call "demonic". There's plenty of evidence to suggest this too. However it does require the notion of good and evil. Could it be that the "forces" of good and evil are playing out their part, appearing to us as "aliens" because we cannot perceive them any other way? Again, who the hell knows (pardon the pun).

The point I think everyone misses, is the study of UFOs and aliens isnt a study of them, it's a study of us...of people. People who shoot video, photos, or tell an eyewitness account. We have NO solid evidence. After all this time, shouldnt we have *something* conclusive? You'd sure as hell think. Maybe it can make landing tracks, maybe aliens can tag humans..put marks or implants in them, maybe they can effect reality as we know it...but not be physically real. Not in our sense anyway.

Dont think this is saying "they" or whatever "it" is isnt real. If it's possible to say, they could be more "real" then we are. We percieve them as aliens and UFOs (when it's a true unknown event, barring hoaxes, misinterpretations, and natural phenomena) because we cannot percieve them any other way.

In the 50's, think about the style. What was a common trait of design? Chrome, fins, etc. Look at truely unknown photos of UFOs from that time. You'll see fins on chrome discs. Today, we see slimmed and sleek balls of chrome, multilobed objects, thin discs, triangle and diamond shaped...but highly tech-influenced. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Could we in our perceptions of the unknown beings be "making" them real? Making their form? Effecting ourselves in how we percieve them and what theyre doing?

I dunno. I'm not trying to convince you. But when you say "aliens" we really need to redefine what that means. If we cant say extraterrestrial with all good and accurate data, then we cant responsibly say it at all. It by all definition that we can use, would be enigmatic beings (or presence), at best.

I have no answers. I believe there is something to it, what it is, I have no clue...but there's no shortage of possibilities.

I do believe people take this whole thing at face value. "It flies and I dont know what it is. I saw beings that were not human." Doesnt equate to ETs. We can only guess.

People will often say, "they told me they were from (insert galaxy, star cluster, dimension here)"
I would say to that:
"Why would you believe them?"
or "Never trust an alien".
Again something much deeper then ET visitation could be happening, much deeper. Who knows what it could be, we could speculate forever.

What do I know, I only do the visual analysis...this is all just my opinion, from what I have viewed and cases I've studied. My view isnt a easy way out of the reality of this stuff, there's damn good evidence out there that whatsever this is can and does effect people, environment, and register on tape and cameras. It's there if ya look.

I will continue my best to weed out opportunistic hoaxers and frauds, by doing what I do. If it helps even a little in any headway, it's worth it. But we all have to put ego and money behind us, and get friggin serious.
Because in the end we may never learn anything about our visitors, but volumes about us.

[edit on 6-4-2005 by jritzmann]

Hopefully somebody knows what's going on in the government. During an interview or press conference, has a president ever been asked about Area51 or if aliens exist?

I wonder what Bush would say if a reporter asked him that.

[edit on 7-4-2005 by Lord Altmis]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:36 AM
Well one would guess he must know something as Dad was head of the CIA right?

But, keep in mind such information would be HIGHLY compartmentalized. Many might know a small piece of the whole picture, but very few would know all of it. Thats how ya keep things secret. If next to no one knows it all, there's not much that can leak out....they just dont know.

I dont know that any president has been asked forthright about it. If they were, there's no guarantee they'd be told the truth, or even know anything at all.

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