posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to:
I remember driving for many hours on a long (very long) road trip...
Passing billboard after billboard, each offering what after a time became a very haunting question: "What is the Thing?"
I found myself actually recalculating my trip time, bathroom breaks, gas consumption, to account for the unavoidable delay ... I wanted to know what
the thing was...
I remember pulling up to the so-so roadside establishment, angry with myself for 'falling for this"
I still went in... (it's the damn completionist in me.)
Of course, times being what they were, and me being a young angry man back then, I was sorely disappointed.
But in retrospect...
It was a masterfully successful advertising campaign, given the technology and culture at the time. And now, decades later, I remember the whole
thing fondly, and couldn't help but smile. I would recommend anyone who can spare the time and five dollars to give it a go... I suspect very few
people will ever say "I wish I hadn't."
Thanks for the memories.
edit on 1/2/2023 by Maxmars because: Because I'm not perfect