The biggest problem I can see is that you would require exponential voltage once you approach and exceed supersonic speeds
This has to do with the differential pressures within the exceeding forces, being matched within receding forces, inwards towards the craft
The more you push “past” the barrier, the more the barrier encroaches inside of your tail vertices in equalisation
A type of return force multiplier within the vector equilibrium
As you approach and exceed supersonic, the electrical charge required to maintain the bubble, would no longer hold static to its slipstream, but would
seek to equalise across the atmospheric invariant
Meaning, in development of this craft, they were probably running a fine line equation between the voltage they can run, for the speed they can
achieve, without frying everything
Polarity slap is a b!tch
Think of it like the electrical equivalent to a sonic boom. But very unhealthy for anything electrically attached when it happens
Likewise, I would suggest the spacing between panels on the lead edge, would be for this exact reason. To increase the speed variable, without frying
everything electrical attached to the ionisation
The aircraft may be capable of achieving higher speeds, but not whilst charged
Even if they could carry the required voltage and insulation for it to work, they would run the risk of atmospheric discharge
Meaning, you cannot achieve anti-gravity with a system like this
You would always achieve discharge, before you even came close to creating anything close to affecting gravity
The technology they are trying to develop seems to be based off principles for 5/8 centrifugal displacement technology, which theoretically can be
used for anti-inertia and anti-gravity. But their technology is backwards
They are trying to use the effect, to create the cause
As if someone understood the principles of what it was they were trying to create within the “bubble”, but not how to use the forces of the Earth
to achieve it, without the need for electrical charge and force of speed
You can achieve the same bubble they are trying to create, using nothing more than gravity and centrifugal force
You just need to know the very specific dimensions and ratios, to achieve bilateral displacement across a rotation of a sphere
You don't need speed and electrical charge to create the bubble, you can create the bubble naturally, using nothing more than rotating mechanical
Electrical charge and speed are by-products
But, it needs be created within a sphere. Not a V-wing
The leading edge of a flying V-wing, does create a sphere when it is at speed. But it is much easier to do this with rotation within the centre of a
Spherical centrifugal displacement does everything they are trying to do, with the added bonus of being a drive system for achieving lift
(anti-gravity), acceleration and anti-inertia
All of which can (theoretically) be achieved in any direction, at speeds (theoretically) up to, or equivalent to the speed of light
And, without inertia, you should be able to achieve these speeds (and stop from them) near instantly. Whilst protecting any biology within the sphere
from the effects
I say up to and equivalent of the speed of light, because once you reach the light barrier, you run into a similar problem to the one they have with
their plane exceeding the sound barrier
The return pressures create negative (return) space within the sphere which would likely have very adverse effects on the cellular construct of
anything within that sphere
Theoretically, it would be like having the forces which hold your atoms and cells together, suddenly removed
But, as the drive is limited to relative forces of the spectrum of light (namely gravity) it should not be a problem
Its speed would be self-limited by that which drives it
You could also use the displacement to drive gravitational force into the ground, or ocean
Meaning the same technology and drive systems could be used to power vehicles like trains, cars and boats. Vehicles that would only be limited in
speed, by surface contact friction
There is a specific angle of incidence that can be used for trains, that should allow them to “wind up” to speeds in the thousands of KM/H, on
specially built tracks (specific angles and contact)
But most interestingly for me, is the theoretical application for boats
The way the anti-inertia system displaces gravitational force bilaterally backwards and forwards across the rotating centre of the sphere, means it
should create a slipstream over the top of water, that would literally “pull” the water out in front of it flat, as the boat approaches (at speeds
in the thousands of KM/H)
It essentially creates a bubble where all forces against the craft, are harmonically matched by forces pulling it along, cancelling them out
In water, it would first aquaplane, and then very physically affect the water
You could literally get in a boat, and travel to the other side of the ocean (or planet) within a few hours
It would actually be as quick as traveling in a plane/sphere. But safer in the event of things such as mechanical failure
Theoretically ...
Of course
edit on 2 1 23 by Compendium because: Corrected doubled-up words