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VOX POPULI.. META_Analysis of our present dire circumstances. Commentary from Michael.

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posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:36 PM
VOX POPULI --- 'Voice of the People..'

Presenting an alternative narrative for the inspiration of hope in our times, pointing to the fact of our Apocalyptic 'End of Days', suggesting that despite the awful things which are presently unfolding, and which are planned to unfold in the next few years if nothing drastically changes, there will be the widespread redemption of a remnant of the peoples (those who carry universal law in their hearts) from around the world - those who assess this counter-narrative & choose to believe in the evidence of their consciences, to hope for the good, to fight the good fight, to trust in the infinite Creator, to seek truth & peace when the battle is done.



The above listed terms describe the tools of an EVERLASTING TYRANNY, which almost all world leaders seem actively involved in promoting to 'their' people, under the clever mask of deliberately & destructively engineered social chaos & hardships so severe that living memory provides us with nothing equal or even remotely comparable to it, in terms of the insidious nature of what is being carried out against us, the ordinary citizen, finding ourselves designated as the enemy of the third world war, conducted against us by sworn agents of chaos who are acting to dismantle our existing Christianised Western societies, in order that a blasphemous anti-human New World Order can be erected upon the bones of our once great civilisation, allegedly unifying all nations into a great global superstate, but in fact only producing a weakened slave state, ruled over by despots who have craftily stolen all the resources from the control of directly democratic processes, putting them under the authority of an authoritarian two tier state in which we, the underclass, are expected to produce wealth, luxury & power for the elite, and oh by the way, there are 8,000,000,000 too many humans in this world, so they needed to find a method of depopulation which could be disfuised as a range of health conditions that nobody would scrutinise too closely if a seamless corruption could be woven into the fabric of our national infrastructure for medical practitioners & bureaucrats, coroners & legal authorities, and the media pumping out disinformation & misinformation regarding what was unfolding. Ergo the 'vaccine' bioweapon which disguises its destructive effects as strokes, heart attacks, heart problems more generally, neurological disorders, and sudden death for unspecified reasons which again, nobody will scrutinise too closely.

In the wake of being 'softened up' for two full years with the COVID 'plandemic', we are now being hit violently, each national society in the Western world, again & again, with not enough time to recover from one event before another is slammed into our faces. One week it's fuel prices, then it's food prices, then farms are being compulsorily purchased by government in Holland, over 112 food production facilities in the USA are destroyed by mysterious fires in a single year, hundreds of thousands of people recorded globally – in fact millions under-reported – being killed/ dying in mysterious circumstances, with the overwhelmingly most deadly condition in the world now being 'unknown causes'. Then fertiliser is banned so harvests fail & economies collapse in Sri Lanka, then it's a ban on flights under 2.5 hours in duration in France, then it's bank accounts of political protestors being summarily frozen & fundraising proceeds illegally seized in Canada, then it's a ban on travelling more than a couple of kilometres from your home in England, then a ban on driving to other parts of the nation to visit relatives, then your children are forced to eat bugs for dinner in Wales, then it's household energy prices skyrocketing all while the energy companies are making record profits, then there's no supply of car parts, then the hospitals cannot cope with the number of emergency call-outs of ambulances, so stroke & heart attack victims are literally told to 'try to cope at home', which means multitudes more are dying – then it's the actual supply of gas & electricity being threatened because someone set bombs on the Russian pipelines, then we have immigrants coming across the narrow sea to the southern shores of England, tens of thousands of whom are being kept in hotels block-booked at a cost of £5,000,000 per DAY in the UK, those once pleasant hotels being transformed into fleapit hostels for disrespectful military age males who then mysteriously up & disappear, vanishing into the criminal underworld without a trace, sometimes stealing unrelated children & taking them off to a life of God only knows what for the poor kids. And more, and more, and more. It is ceaseless. This is a coherent plan, being rolled out in LOCKSTEP, made to appear like organic social change, by majority decisions in independent parliaments & assemblies of elected governors, and unelected bureaucrats, which in fact are nothing of the sort – the scheme is to test each element of the plan to CONTAIN & CONTROL YOU, in smaller populations in different nations at different times, making it seem as though everyone more or less agrees with everything that's happening, so long as Netflix keep releasing kick ass movies, as long as gaming studios keep releasing kick-ass games, and so long as weed is legal in the USA (& elsewhere), or at least, there are easily accessible drug markets to keep the poor entertained, never looking up from their entertainment to realise the bigger picture..

It is vital that somehow, the people are awakened to the fact that there is much more to life than abiding by the rules of an unelected corps of bureaucratic administrators ruling by decree, with elections stolen, and rulers being appointed through machinations involving deep scandal & poor management, such as the crafty installation of WEF globalist ultra-wealthy weirdo, Rishi Sunak®, here in the UK, whose wife is a billionaire Chinese national who encourages him to see & appreciate the glory of the Chinese 'social credit scoring' & 'zero COVID' systems of ABUSIVE governance, which also are now being tested in targeted populations around Europe & elsewhere in the world, seemingly it will be rolled out soon in England, let's hope that my countrymen rise up against this final element of the slave system when it arrives on our shores..

The people need to understand that NOW is the time to RISE UP, as one, in a unified 'grand action' of non-compliance, and systematic intellectual dismantling of all their clever schemes. How we do that, is somewhat up in the air at the moment, but the following point is worth remembering as we progress.

Then he [the angel] said to me, “This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel [the architect] ~ It is not by force nor by strength [that you shall build my temple], but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies..

Zechariah 4: 6


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:36 PM
We are at war folks. We are their enemy, they are trying to crush our hope, our desire for resistance, our dreams of a better tomorrow, where we can live, work & play in freedom with our families & friends, each nation righteous & upstanding in pride for their cultural identity & the brotherhood of Mankind, all as one before the Most High God, our Creator.

What are the weapons of our warfare? They are, and by necessity must be, of a higher order of magnitude for active, dynamic potential to effect real change on the Earth. The weapons of our warfare must in the first instance be spiritual, as there is no practical tool that we can equip ourselves with by which to resist & dismantle the vastly powerful technocratic state as it grows & spreads like a cancer throughout our civilisation, despite passionate resistance in the hearts of hundreds of millions by this stage. I wrote a thread on lucid dreaming & prophetic dreaming as a weapon of warfare recently, which is definitely a part of the solution, offering the potential for a clear signal line of information from the highest realms of Heaven, to instruct us in the paths which must be taken. And you must believe, for without belief there is a systematic loss of hope awaiting you, as the enemies we face take measured & carefully weighed steps to crush you, to cause you to curse God for your misfortune as everything is taken away from you, as your family is counted amongst those which are marginalised & persecuted into weary submission & the vague hope that you dare not whisper, that perhaps something of our lives & loves will survive into a better tomorrow.

I am here to tell you that there is a solution which will overcome the monstrosity we face – but the weapons of our warfare must have a powerful effect in support of the positively aligned spiritual hierarchies of Heaven & Earth, disrupting the efforts of dark, demonic spiritual powers to fortify the architects of the intended downfall of free civilisation. You may think prayer to be an insignificant, ineffective, wishful thinking, stab-in-the-dark desperate attempt to 'magic up a solution', but I assure you – when done effectively, prayer is the most powerful action that a human being can take to effect real change in the material universe. It is the first & last line of response in seeking a better outcome to unjust circumstances. Don't get me wrong, prayer is not a guaranteed solution to all problems, such as complex issues of health – using the example of my own life, I have suffered a very painful disability for twenty years, and I prayed for a long time to be relieved of it. However, the healing never came. Despite that, I remain absolutely committed to the belief that the power of prayer is supreme, because of experiences in my own life in which I would have either died or been severely, terribly injured had I not stepped out in faith & prayed with a desire for immediate defensive effect. When you have your life & future staked upon it in an emergency, faith is often a vast treasure house of power, with the direct intervention of God, or one of His angels, responding to our need in a dramatic manner (I will happily discuss this instance in my own life in this thread if asked).

The unfolding situation which affects our world, is clearly leading up to the destruction of the existing system, to be replaced by an alternative system which is much, much worse than what presently exists, in a plan to eliminate completely all human freedoms for the underclass, for those who miraculously survive the mass purges of human life, the depopulation operation being rolled out by diabolical agents of wickedness, demons in human form, through the powerful political will operant behind the COVID 'vaccine' bioweapon.

We must utilise the power of communal & individual prayer to initiate a spreading influence of paradoxical control over the various interlinked control systems designed to keep us contained & shuttered off from the world, inconvenient peasants that we are..

We need to encourage the VOX POPULI organisations & individual spokespersons for the alternative, independent media & anti-woke, libertarian social media commentators, as well as the NWO-hesitant governments (two such examples being Hungary – which refused mass immigration, and Sweden – which refused vaccine mandates). We need to pray to encourage any & all resistant military & military intelligence groups, those who implicitly understand the depopulation agenda & have lost loved ones, thus having an automatic & deep allegiance to whomever is able to step up & put a stop to all this nonsense.

As noted above there are of course some hugely important independent media organisations/ individuals, but we also need the support of libertarian anti-woke companies, conservative/ libertarian NGOs, certain very particular secret societies, as well as the millions of individual members of our broader societies of all ranks & classes, all of whom contribute to driving the cultural forces which shape our world moment by moment, those who are aware of the systematic decimation of our present world, broken & flawed as it was, it will be playground stuff in comparison to what THEY intend for us next.

The wider control system which currently exists, under the aegis of the World Economic Forum & central banks, plus the powerhouses of BlackRock & Vanguard corporations, and others like them, as well as most beholden governments, as a whole which are now almost entirely controlled by the agents of a dystopian, technocratic, authoritarian, worldwide nascent superstate - which is being rolled out incrementally with different steps at different times in different nations, popularised by mass mainstream media organisations. Yet this is a very deliberate plan, with very deliberate & precise actions required in this manner of gradual 'frog in the pot' conditioning – it is a very coherent plan to ensure that ultimately, all of the nodes of the overarching master control system are levered into place in all nations, in an increasingly speedy manner, shaping the future while most people sleepwalk, staring at their phones.. Simultaneously getting more & more anxious about the fact that they can no longer afford basic necessities due to the deliberately engineered social & economic chaos..

Until one day, we wake up & realise that we are literally NO LONGER FREE IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, at all, being now imprisoned plebs living within an open prison system, unable to determine where & how we travel, unable to determine where & how we spend our 'money' (credits which are programmable, enabling the shutdown of accounts belonging to dissidents of any type, at the touch of a button) - under the eternal dominion of what was once popularly referenced in times past as the surely mythical, never-to-be-realised 'New World Order', which 'THEY' are now self-referencing as the 'LIBERAL WORLD ORDER'. From everything we have learned, we know now that they are a few short years away from achieving total dominance over every human in the world who has/had any desire to be part of a 'normal' society.


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:37 PM
But even though it seems like we face an impossible uphill battle, towards an impregnable fortress high up on a lofty mountain peak, we are in fact not entirely powerless.

Because the Man who changed history the most (in the shortest possible time, in the most miraculous way, leaving us an enduring & extremely influential legacy of faith, hope & love which stretched across all empires, nations & peoples, throughout all classes, to sanctify people from all walks of life) actually said that if we indeed face a mountain which is impossible to climb, if our very survival as free people under God depends upon our ability to conquer its forces, then in fact all we need do in the midst of that impossible situation, is to speak to the mountain itself, to tell it to remove itself & be cast aside, out of the way, into the ocean - then if we indeed have the faith, insight & understanding which is sufficient to the task, that mountain will obey our command, and remove itself from our path immediately, taking all those fearsome battlements, obstacles & deathly grim (traitorous to the human race) politicians & warriors with it.

Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”

Matthew 21: 21

The man who claimed this marvellous fact of our legitimate spiritual inheritance was of course Jesus, the Christ. He was & remains the Messiah of Judaic prophecy, the One who came to fulfil the requirements of the Law of Moses (the commandments of God required in order to produce holiness, which was & remains unattainable by human endeavour alone, due to the fact that our very birth into this world taints & corrupts us almost immediately that we begin to form thoughts in our infant minds) . Death & resurrection, punished by Mankind despite being sinless & undeserving of punishment, thereafter His ascension to the highest station of power in the Cosmos, meant that we are provided with the potential to become His people, children of the Living God, who carry that marvellous inheritance by default when we express belief in His nature, in His love for us, in His grace to forgive us of all sin.

If we are then trusted by Him & anointed with the special dispensation required for such incredible miracles (because such things require a particular calling on one's life), then we are indeed able to cast mountains into the ocean, to call down fire from Heaven - to defeat our enemies & defend the people who come to God for sanctuary & as a respite from the cruelty of evil world powers. If individuals with such gifts did arise in a time of great spiritual trials, such as those we are collectively facing RIGHT NOW then ultimately they as representatives of their home nation would then become plenipotentiaries of Heaven, able to act with the full & enduring authority of Heaven, as well as fiduciaries to shepherd the resources of our legitimately defeated enemies.

We would be enabled to put those resources to good use in the construction of a parallel governmental system in which the abominable rules, constraints, and burdens placed upon the people of this world by those unelected 'leaders' are entirely eliminated. It may then proceed that it would be our duty to act as a sanctuary nation, permitting the most vulnerable refugees from nations where the Enemy's control systems remain operational to enter our lands & find rest for their souls. We would potentially need to launch a military campaign in which we join with other nations to resist the growth & attempted dominance of the 'Liberal World Order' by allying ourselves with nations which similarly have decided to throw off the yoke of slavery which the so-called 'globalists' are demanding to put upon you as their right, simply because they are rich, and exceedingly powerful by the standards of this present world. But none of this can happen without a triggering event, something which will give the soldiers the confidence to turn on their supposed leaders, to stand against the tyrannical despots who lurk behind every political face on the worldwide stage. We need an event so remarkably powerful, full of mythic symbolism, a David versus Goliath situation which causes everyone to sit up & take notice of what is happening, giving new hope to those who have no idea what's going on, what's causing the severe hardships which we here know are being artificially engineered by the tyrants issuing policy mandates from the bosom of the World Economic Forum..

I have seen that there will come a time when the Archangel rises from obscurity, protected by a force more powerful than anything the world has known to this point in history, enabling him to travel unimpeded around the world by miraculous means, negotiating with strong, righteous men & women to build a new empire, an empire defined by the cooperation of its members, under the benevolent rule of righteous elders in his originating nation, but not through forceful domination by the powers which shall initially form that empire. He was sent to nullify the powers which are usurping control of the entire world, to ensure that the apocalyptic prophecy can be abated, that a remnant will survive stronger than ever before in the history of Humanity, ready to be presented to the King of Glory when the final day arrives, when the Sun & Moon will be darkened, when the stars will fall from the sky, when this sacred simulation is finally rolled up & expunged, to be replaced with a greater construction in which the redeemed will live for at least a thousand years in perfect harmony, putting right all the diabolical misdeeds of those who were in control of the world until that point, ensuring that God has a civilisation of humankind which He can be exceedingly proud of, in which all His subjects can find peace & joy, truth & grace, love & contentment, forever more.


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:37 PM
No matter then the response of the New Axis Powers of the so-called 'Liberal World Order' – which is nothing but an agreement made between powerful parasites to usurp control of the nations & funnel greater wealth & power into their own pockets, simultaneously corrupting the people to their annihilation, if they get their way. Their principle goals at this time include depopulating maniacally & seeking to secure themselves against the retribution which the peoples will demand when they realise the scale of what has occurred. We are talking about demons made flesh, they are 'people' only in the sense that they look & act like people in public, wearing expensive tailored suits & designer dresses. However, there is a far darker side to their nature, by which I mean nothing less than that they are members of the shapeshifting serpentine race of fallen angelic beings led by Lucifer to take control of the world for their own selfish gain & pleasure. These beings are repeatedly referenced in Judaic apocryphal texts, because they are rooted in the cultures to which the original revelation of God was intended to be delivered, because Lucifer was supposed to be the agent of supernatural blessing, protection & guidance for Humanity. After he inspired the Fall, he raised rebellion in Heaven, and ultimately he was cast down to the Earth forever, with those who joined his rebellion, unable to ascend into the heights of Heaven any more. He, and those who fell with him, even appealed to the prophet & patriarch Enoch to pray for them, so that God would forgive their rebellion & permit them to start over. However, because they had been in possession of the full knowledge of the transcendent nature of God & His Kingdom, knowing God's righteousness & loving grace, they rebelled with no excuse – unlike humanity, who followed a rebel in ignorance, hence humans can be forgiven, fallen angels cannot. At least, that is what seemed to be the situation when Enoch delivered God's verdict to those fallen angels. It could be that this was merely a test, to see how they would respond to the verdict, and if it was, they failed miserably. They fell into ever greater evil & darkness, deliberately corrupting humankind so as to poke God in the eye, in vengeance against Him for their just punishment.

This thread is a so-called META_Analysis, because it looks at the powers behind the powers which trot around on the global stage. Angels, fallen angels, demons.. The strategy we must adopt is to ignore the world powers which can be seen, and act directly upon the unseen powers, through prayer, reflection, meditation & so on, we are able to seek God's will for our individual lives, and He will reveal to many His plans for how to bring all those individual lives into coherent harmony of action arrayed against the powers which are corrupting & destroying our world. God made this world beautiful, and the demonic fallen angels took what was beautiful & corrupted it in gross violation of universal law. God is now revealing His plan to recoup the remnant which can be delivered out from all the chaos of these awful times, so it is time to pay attention to the signs which explain which stage of those times we are living in presently, and as the future unfurls before us.

Stepping back from the frame for a moment, I will explain why I titled the thread 'VOX POPULI'. This Latin phrase effectively means 'the voice of the people'. It is well understood in the media that the world runs on the narrative agenda which is presented to the masses – the 'story' of the world & its happenings, which can be made broad or narrow by the scope through which events are portrayed. It is typical of the mainstream media's ongoing & unchanging DISINFORMATION AGENDA to present small nuggets of information on a handful of topics which they have deemed 'important' for the day – not because they are always actually important or even relevant events in respect of the true direction of the world, but because the events reported on in this way are conducive to the proper presentation of the BS 'story' they are seeking to promote at any given time, for the better enunciation of circumstances favourable to their intentions, setting up the people to accept new draconian measures, one step at a time. We are in this manner strictly controlled in terms of what we think & speak of with our contemporaries, and by this streamlining of narrative across all the peoples of the land who watch this mainstream, fear-mongering garbage, it is made easier to control & restrain the people from engaging with any sort of meaningful political campaign or actual practical change being brought to bear on the world in a given geographical location. By this method the peoples of the world are having their cultural driving narratives manipulated towards a unified consumerist/ slave state model, where the state is trusted absolutely, despite all evidence demonstrating the depth of depravity which is intended for universal human consumption.

If we instead turn our attention to a new story, a new VOX POPULI story which is positive, loving, kind-hearted, strong to save us from our faults, caring for our interests & defending our innate, divinely provisioned freedoms, in the face of the approaching tyranny - then we will accomplish two things. Firstly, we will infuriate the powerful groups at the top of the pyramid, and secondly, we will bring the possibility of real change which is truly meaningful to real people, preparing them for action in support of real causes, assisting people with real & urgent need for adjustment in the way that their part of the world operates.

This story is the story of God's love for Mankind, and the way that the greatest Enemy the world has ever known has corrupted & controlled the powerful families & institutions which have accrued the vast wealth & the 'de facto' control over the world's levers & buttons that they should, in fact, be thankful to God for blessing them so abundantly with, thereafter stewarding those resources as a pool of wealth that can be used to sustain & develop real positive change for human civilisation.. Instead, they give their allegiance to Lucifer, minflinf with the serpent race, believing the deception which casts that fallen Seraph prince as a tragic hero, the one who fought against a tyrannical God & lost the battle, thereafter to live evermore granting gifts to humanity in the face of opposition from the 'evil' Most High God.

In actual fact, Lucifer & his followers care naught for humans other than that they are like cattle to them, providing nourishment from the works that they perform in his service, in exchange for which Lucifer always keeps his pet power brokers content & fattened, reclined in luxury, so that their consciences are seared, ensuring that they remain perfectly comfortable with dominating by force the weaker nations & peoples from all around the world whom they enduringly persecute & subjugate to outright tyrannical rule. The disinformation is strong with that one, it could be said, for he has cast himself as the hero, when in fact his nemesis, Jesus Christ, is indeed the true 'conquering hero' of the epic story of Mankind.


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:38 PM
Jesus paved the way for each of us to enjoy a rich & satisfying life, causing Mankind to be walking in the cause of increasing measures of freedom for almost two thousand years to date. Right up until we reach this most recent & present time, when the plans of the Enemy are being firmly established & all his puppets have usurped control, flipping the narrative, even now nearing completion, nothing less than the total & utter destruction, domination & control of all humans on the Earth.

This is a Meta_Conspiracy, as it were, and so we're talking of the highest levels of the worldwide conspiracy – we're not tinkering around the edges, we're going straight to the heart of the matter. So we're talking of the World Bank, the international cartel of central banks in each nation (controlled by Talmudic Judaism), as well as the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum (led by the unapologetically fascist Klaus Schwab, and advised by the Antichrist Yuval Noah Harari). That scumbag 'spiritual advisor' to Schwab denounces God as unaccomplished because, well, all He ever did was create the Cosmos & the entire realm of nature, including sentient humans. Yuval notes that God didn't ever manage to create so-called 'artificial intelligence', hence we modern humans are thereby superior to God in this respect, because we have invented robot death dogs & the 'Chat GPT' artificial intelligence application). Then also of course we have the United Nations as the original force dominating world politics (until they recently signed an accord by which they will adhere solely to the dictates of the World Economic Forum, agreeing to implement all their policy suggestions, reneging on their own responsibilities to act in the best interests of Mankind). Then of course we have organisations such as BlackRock, Vanguard & their ilk (ultra-powerful corporations/ asset management firms) which are doubtless full of serpentine executives. The Freemasons are involved, obviously (many of whom are wonderful people, but naturally those darkest of hands are operant at the highest levels) and of course the Jesuits, doing their part in harmony with the serpent race to manipulate the vast body of international Catholicism. This is before we get to the fifth column WEF-led human interlopers penetrating our national governments (such as Rishi Sunak® here in the UK, Justin Trudeau® in Canada..and so on) as well as of course the corrupted deep state human-led military industrial complex, the military, military intelligence & civil service controllers (almost all amongst the senior ranks of whom in the present time are purchased for various prices). And of course we then have all those who function as the suppliers & moving parts of the conspiracy – powerful tech corporations through whom these deceptive, abusive & greedy oligarchs, politicians & other architects of control in allegiance with them, are developing the tools of our ultimate enslavement, under the ultimate authority of Lucifer & the serpentine race of his siblings & compatriots.

At this point I'd like to highlight a great video by Russell Brand which I spotted in another thread, which perfectly sums up the bleak socioeconomic circumstances we find ourselves facing from a human perspective, in his trademark 'gallows humour' style. His presentation is witty & even somewhat cheering, despite the awful nature of the material he has to put forward; his send-up of the robotic UK 'prime minister' Rishi Sunak® is perfect; his points are served with pinpoint accuracy & he provides a full breadth of context & referencing, so it is well worth a watch (I believe a subscription to his channel would be money well spent, or follow him on Rumble...)


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:38 PM
Going back to the VOX POPULI narrative which I'm hoping to stir you with, I want you to read & reflect on the scripture which follows, and see the connections I highlight, as evidence suggestive that indeed, we may now be in the so-called 'End of Days', in which the sacred simulated environment we know as the physical universe is unravelled once & for all time, replaced by a New Heaven & a New Earth, neither of which will be fallen/damaged, both of which will be beautiful, sanctified, truly free & full of grace & truth, ourselves no longer subject to the gravity well of a fallen world, a sinful realm of demons & death. I will introduce here the elements of the story & show you the scripture which supports my conjecture.

1. There is evidence from scripture that we are in the final generation, prior to the ending of this world. This comes in the form of a prophecy regarding the re-establishment of the nation of Israel, with comments from the Lord Himself stating that when this occurs, the generation born from that moment onwards will 'not pass away' before the fulfilment of prophecies concerning the end of the world will come to pass. The nation of Israel was reformed in 1948; a Biblical generation is 'threescore years & ten' which is seventy years. That takes us to 2018, arguably a very fair reflection of the current apocalyptic dismantling of society that we are witnessing, which demands a response from Heaven, which we will discuss later. This is therefore the time at which the Lord is 'near, right at the door..'

And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door.…

Matthew 24: 32

2. It is noted in scripture that the events unfolding at the close of that generation's allotted time on Earth will herald the rise of an archangel, who will undo much of the destructive spiritual work of the Enemy of Mankind by acting in accordance with what the Holy Spirit of God reveals to him when he is operating in the realm of the Earth to destroy the works of Lucifer & to remove the serpentine heads of the conspiracy, preventing them from continuing their work to establish a demonic technocratic dystopia. This period, however, will be devastating for all the nations on Earth. Despite this tragic fact, if the resistance does not come to pass, the world will remain enslaved forever, the throat of Mankind under the heel of Lucifer's boot. For those who know Scripture, you know that in the Book of Genesis the exact reverse was prophesied – humanity would ultimately crush the head of the serpent under its heel. Therefore, God cannot allow a situation to develop in which Lucifer & his servants will exert the ultimate authority over the universal enslavement of humanity. Thus, the need for the archangel, the one who originally threw Lucifer out of Heaven, to return to the 'stage', this time as a human born just like any other fragile human life, except for the bizarre appearance of his infant form at the beginning of that human life, which will be described soon. His rise though, at the ending of the Age, is described as follows:

Michael's Deliverance and the End Times

“At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people— everyone whose name is found written in the book— will be delivered. And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, but others to shame and everlasting contempt.…

Daniel 12: 1-2

3. It is worth understanding that prophecy is always provided so that those to whom it applies can repent of their existing course (which will inevitably lead to destruction otherwise, due to the gross violations of universal law which God is warning them about through the prophet's preaching). Therefore the terrible 'time of trouble' which is prophesied to unfold at the time of the rise of the archangel, may not actually need to lead to the full predicted measure of that engagement. If people, those who are under the authority of the evil ones who are empowered by the Luciferian world system, simply refuse to comply with their orders, a great deal of destruction as the result of the serpentine vengeance may not need to occur. If people turn en masse to God following the message of the archangel, then there will be miraculous deliverance from the vicious powers of the Enemy, and the size of the remnant will grow remarkably, those who have realised the error of their ways will be just as welcome as those who already lived according to God's law & grace. As an example of this principle in action in Old Testament times, the prophet Jonah was sent to preach to Ninevah, to tell the whole population to turn from its heathen ways so that the predicted destruction would not need to occur. Initially Jonah refused this request from God & ran away to sea because he hated the people of that city, and felt they should indeed be destroyed, he didn't want to be the agent of change who prevented that from happening. Eventually, as the famous story goes, he returned to Ninevah & preached to the city as instructed by God, and ultimately they repented of their destructive ways & God relented from permitting the prophesied destruction, because they repented, which simply means they made a decision to change course, changing their behaviour patterns, causing them to be liberated from the curse of the original prophecy of judgment.

The people of Nineveh believed God’s message, and from the greatest to the least, they declared a fast and put on burlap to show their sorrow. When word reached the king of Nineveh, he got up from his throne, took off his royal robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.… Then he issued a proclamation in Nineveh: “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let no man or beast, herd or flock, taste anything at all. They must not eat or drink.… Furthermore, let both man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and have everyone call out earnestly to God. Let each one turn from his evil ways and from the violence in his hands.… Who knows? God may turn and relent; He may turn from His fierce anger, so that we will not perish.”… When God saw their actions—that they had turned from their evil ways—He relented from the disaster He had threatened to bring upon them.…

Jonah 3: 5-10


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:39 PM
In the same way, the terrible 'plagues' noted in the Book of Revelation indicate what will inevitably occur in this world, if the 'people' who control the masses through their various tyrannical & corrupting, perverted ways, are permitted to continue with their deceptive machinations under the authority of the serpentine race, which are intended to cause young people to go astray into disgraceful behaviour, attitudes & crimes, from the greatest to the least. There is no need for those plagues to unfold in their greatest measure, I believe, if the people who are in control of the financial powers, the mainstream media, the governments, and the corporations/ NGOs/ international official bodies are convinced of the need for a dramatic change of direction in the way they are carrying on in the world in these modern times. They need to see a demonstration of the supernatural which convinces them that there is more to this world than meets the eye, and it would therefore behove them to take an accounting of their respective houses, to ensure that they are not living or conducting their affairs in such a manner as would invite the judgment of God. If the people in control of the human layers of the controlling powers are convinced that it is necessary to effect a total shift away from the dark & despicable actions & policy directives which the demonic controllers have determined, which the human layer has permitted or facilitated through fear or uncertainty regarding the right path to take (“I was just following orders!”), then it is perfectly reasonable to assume that God will relent from permitting some or even most of the actions outlined as judgment responses to the despicable crimes, attitudes & behaviours which have led us to this torrid, toxic, sewage mentality which has permeated our civilisation in such awful ways in these modern times, leading to tolerance for slavery & corruption, persecution & various means of abuse of the poor & disenfranchised, in all walks of life, for so long. But it requires not only the action of these human controllers, it requires supernatural action to eliminate the demonic layer of the hierarchy, a task which is to be undertaken by the angelic powers, including Michael if that is what God calls him to undertake. But before that can be truly successful, the world of Man must become aware of what is occurring in terms of the reality of the demonic persecution & manipulation, thereby readying themselves to throw off that yoke when they see by the actions of the archangel that those days of supreme transition to the Kingdom of God are near, when Christ indeed shall crush the head of the serpent once & for all.

4. One needn't fear unfair judgment against innocent people at the final hour, because the angels are charged with retrieving those who are to be saved from any of the destruction which is ultimately destined to follow their removal from the arena. For those who remain, it is akin to a form of purgatory, in which men & women who have strayed far from the path of righteousness are given an opportunity to repent from their dark ways & be reconciled to God. In that time there will also be good men & women left behind who are strong enough to work for the good & turn the situation around, to lead those who turn from their evil ways, who will thereafter work in the cause of the Kingdom of Heaven to liberate those who are captive to demonic forces, those who need deliverance from persecution by evil spirits before they can be liberated from the Earth realm & brought into the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is my conjecture, based on prophetic dreams which I have received in large measure of abundance, that in the days upcoming we will see efforts by the architects of the conspiracy to turn this Earth into a totalitarian prison where human freedoms are a thing of the past, where there exist only slaves, and masters, a two tier society in which those beneath are not permitted personal freedoms, the right to own property, to earn a living through entrepreneurial activity, to save money (credits will be programmable, and will be destroyed at the end of each month if they have not been spent, meaning there is literally no end to the slavery, ever). It is from this maelstrom of demonic control that Michael is sent to call out for a change, to call out for people to follow the Kingdom of Heaven, to submit their hearts & lives to better understanding & following the will of God, even in such dark days. You can surely see why we must resist the demonic, Luciferian plans I have described here - with every fibre, every molecule of our being. We must all seek God's help to overcome what is otherwise an unconquerable empire of forceful destruction, which will attempt to crush any dissent or rebellion, any sedition or insurrection, with brutal power & sharpened efficacy of action. But again, they can only accomplish this so long as the military powers of each nation remain locked in servitude to the tyrannical despots who run those nations under the aegis not of righteousness or traditional standards of action, but rather following the dictates of policy directives issued by the World Economic Forum, which is the seat of the New World Order. Again, those who turn against their evil masters need fear no repercussions of a spiritual nature, because the allu themselves with the cause of Christ, by allying with the cause of righteous conduct.

“Do not stop him,” Jesus replied. “For no one who performs a miracle in My name can turn around and speak evil of Me. For whoever is not against us is for us. Indeed, if anyone gives you even a cup of water because you bear the name of Christ, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward.…

Mark 9: 39-41

YOU MUST UNDERSTAND – if you are a person with a conscience, who would believe that a miraculous healing of a terrible illness or disability could only be a good thing, then YOU ARE NATURALLY AN ALLY OF JESUS CHRIST, and He would welcome you into His kingdom by the evidence of your good heart, that you would be the sort of person who would naturally be thankful for the grace which enables Jesus to forgive sin & heal the sick, simply because God is GOOD. In the Book of Hebrews the Apostle John writes under the influence of the Holy Spirit & says:

“The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First He says: “This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord. I will put My laws in their hearts and inscribe them on their minds.” Then He adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”…

Hebrews 10: 15-17


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:39 PM
5. The absolute impenetrable fortress of the Enemy's plans to capture & conquer all of human civilisation in this totalitarian manner can only be overcome & destroyed by special dispensation from God Most High. People ask: “Why has God permitted this?” Without the exposure of the demonic manipulation which leads powerful, wealthy people into this overwhelming thirst for evil subjugation of the poor, the disenfranchised, the underclass, and even the middle classes of all peoples on Earth (a plan laid out by the serpentine violators of the sanctity of human life & freedoms) - there would be no rightful way to generate the sort of thunderous righteous anger which is required to defeat it once & for all. The people are given free will to follow those who lead, and for too long we have permitted demonic rule as a result of our apathy. We now have a sacred duty to oppose, resist, to fully refuse to comply, to inspire our brothers & sisters around the world as they fight for their ultimate freedoms in a worldwide cause of anti-tyranny – and God will be with us as we fight.

When the LORD stretches out His hand, the helper [of the enemy] will stumble, and the one he helps [the Enemy] will fall; both will perish together. For this is what the LORD has said to me: “Like a lion roaring or a young lion over its prey— and though a band of shepherds is called out against it, it is not terrified by their shouting or subdued by their clamor — so the LORD of Hosts will come down to do battle on Mount Zion and its heights. Like birds hovering overhead, so the LORD of Hosts will protect Jerusalem [representative of all the chosen people of God, those who have turned against the Enemy of Mankind]. He will shield it and deliver it; He will pass over it and preserve it.”…

Isaiah 31: 3-5

6. The system planned for us by the demonic leaders of the elite is no longer communism or fascism, it is simply total control of a slave consumerist population, with all world powers unifying in common cause to become the masters over everything in their purview, their little slice of what to them would be a utopia, in direct & aware opposition to the principles & representatives of God on Earth, including the archangel Michael, who fights against the Enemy & all of the dark forces which knowingly follow along with the Dark Lord's schemes.. There is no longer any pretence at making a better world for all, which communism & fascism at least made a gesture at trying to promote, in part. In this New World Order there will be no defence of their moral superiority – they simply do not care for the slave class, in any way whatsoever. By means of their occult mastery they will follow their leader, Lucifer, and eventually they will forcefully enslave each & every person who does not measure up to the high socioeconomic criteria mandated for membership if one is to become a part of what is allegedly to become known as the 'sovereign citizen' elite class - with those deemed unsuited to elitism having their resources requisitioned, property seized, all accounts closed (with the exception of their Universal Basic Income account - to be paid in Central Bank Digital Currency credits, if they are 'lucky' to survive the bioweapon purges). These credits are to be programmable so that they can only be spent on absolute necessities, and so that the supply of income can be instantly cut off if there is any suspicion of dissent or sedition in respect of rebellion against the supposedly 'Liberal' (Satanic) World Order. The accounts will be reset to zero at the end of each month – you will never be allowed to save money, you will never own property, tiy will never be permitted to travel beyond your immediate environment - everything will be rented in this 'Brave New World' which they have envisioned, a truly Hellish dystopia which will be fuelled by drug addiction, pornography & prostitution at the lower levels of the slave class; to those who have become homeless, ultimately starving & dying either in labour camps or in euthanasia clinics is all the mercy they can expect.

As I said earlier, we need a narrative we can believe in, we need a story & a script that unites us to fight back against the monsters who are seeking to eliminate our freedoms totally, to leave us without resources, without hope of a better future. I AM TELLING YOU WE HAVE THAT NARRATIVE. There is no need for all of these terrible things to happen, because there is someone who will choose to stand in the breach & defend the cause of freedom, someone who will be blessed with sufficient power to resist the tyrannical powers which are even now exerting their growing influence over the nations of the world, developing their nascent superstate New World Order. They will not accomplish their goals, because the archangel Michael has been despatched to the Earth, and even no he is readying himself to respond to the overwhelming odds which nobody could possibly go up against, were it not for his absolute certainty of the abiding presence & support of God with him as he faces off in the struggle.

In the Bible, if one reads the apocalyptic literature of the Book of Daniel & the Book of Revelation carefully, as well as keeping an eye out for additional layers of revelation in the Old Testament prophets, and the New Testament Gospels, the words of Jesus Christ, and especially if you benefit from the presence of the light of the Holy Spirit in your mind, then it is possible to discern the basic outline of a wonderful plan for a true revolution of sorts in these End Times, though not a human-led revolution, IE – not one in which there is a violent change of government leaving room for an even more corrupt replacement government when the dust settles.


Indeed, this is a true story, a narrative to be espoused which is one of great hope & inspiration, a story of battles to come, and an ultimate victory to be won. It is inevitably bound by destiny to be successful, if the participants are willing, because that outcome has been decreed by the Almighty God, who is not mocked (looking at you, World Economic Forum 'toady', Yuval Noah Harari...)


edit on JanuarySunday2301CST07America/Chicago-060044 by FlyInTheOintment because: tags

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:40 PM
As with God's plan for the arrival & ministry of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, God's plan for the arrival & ministry of the archangel Michael in these End Times was also simple, yet it was shrouded in mystery & intrigue, necessarily so, to avoid interference from other players in the 'great game' of international geopolitics, while the child was young.

In December 1980, an event occurred in Rendlesham Forest, in the East of England, near to an American Air Force base, which in essence has been handed down to investigators as the British version of the Roswell UAP incident in the Nevada Desert, USA, in 1947. The event at Rendlesham was indeed a UAP close contact, in which base officers & airmen came into contact with a small craft which engaged with them over the course of several nights in a row, just after Christmas. Much information has been passed down to us by people who were there for some of the proceedings, yet several of those with the most critical information were silenced by official secrecy, and certain details were left out of the narrative, or indeed, only came down to us as details for which we are fed misinformation regarding, deeming that those hidden details are 'in fact' likely to be 'embellishments told by one or two of those involved, purely in order to get publicity for themselves later in life'. This is not strictly the case, though certain details were absolutely hidden, to be revealed only now.

The truth of the matter has been strongly suggested to me by several sources, both in my own family (in which all caregivers were intelligence agents), through family friends (officers in the military), close protection teams (SBS & SAS in the main) and as direct revelation from Heaven (directly from God, or as discussion with angelic figures who issued information which I know can be trusted) in multiple episodes of prophetic dream content over the course of thirty five years. The truth is, that on the final night of the events constituting the Rendlesham UAP contact event, a senior wing commander was summoned to participate in a sacred close encounter of the fifth kind, a ritual commissioning of righteous men & women in the United Kingdom for a highly secretive military intelligence special operation involving an infant child whom these beings had brought to the commander/s for adoption into the human society which existed at that exact time in our history, with the details of this mission being provided face to face by literal angelic beings, entities who took time to provide all the information required to initiate the project, to direct the commander/s as to what must be done, what systems of support, care & monitoring would be required over the course of much time, decades in fact. The overall objective as to why this operation was deemed necessary, and why it must be carried out in the secretive manner described, was also shared at that time, as well as being developed & refined afterwards in subsequent contacts which were arranged at regular intervals on an ongoing basis over the years. The ultimate objective of the first contact event was to hand over a small human infant, cocooned in an artificial womb, carried in the compact, highly sophisticated orb/trapezoid UAP craft which protected him from the elements.

It was described to the commander & his aides that there was a special purpose for which the child had been sent to be raised by human guardians. This concerned the exact spiritual nature & identity of the child who was handed over to them on that frosty December night in 1980, just a day prior to the new year of 1981. The body of the child handed over was created by genetic engineering, protected & nourished for his embryonic development by artificial womb technology, with his creators having utilised human DNA requisitioned from certain persons living in the United Kingdom at that time, in order to produce his exact genome - with very specific traits programmed into his physical form. In this respect, and despite his odd arrival/ despite being the product of genetic engineering, the child was fully 'human' in his physiology.

However, this child was not typical in terms of his soul – he was said to be the living incarnation of the archangel Michael, his soul/spirit complex having been transferred into the embryo at the point of the artificial conception & early cell division, just as occurs with every other soul born on the Earth. It was said to the commander/s that great calamity would one day arise in the world at large, also affecting the United Kingdom in a deep & enduring manner, from which it could never recover, unless Michael made a definitive choice to act in defence of the realm, to make a decision to intervene in the demonically-driven activities unfolding, to prevent seemingly unstoppable tyranny, which would otherwise crush the soul of the entire human race, if it were permitted to continue its advance to its natural conclusion.


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:40 PM
Michael was initially placed in the care of the British Royal Family for two years, held in complete secrecy, at a time for which he has no memories, presently recalling consciously only those which arose after the time at which he was 'given a mother', having been transferred from the royal household to a 'family' living on a UK air force base in Lincolnshire, RAF Scampton, where until recently the Red Arrows national air display team were stationed, although they were not present there when he was originally transferred to the base.

He was issued with a birth certificate which was falsified to suggest that he was a year younger than he actually was, and he was placed into the care & custody of a specially trained pair of guardians, to be raised in the customary manner of parenting in the UK, entirely at the discretion of the 'parents'. His 'grandparents' were the primary military intelligence officers who oversaw the fostering of Michael in his early years, both having been issued with cover identities as teachers, helping to ensure that he would feel safe & secure in their presence – they were Anglican Christians, and very devout, but they were not 'Bible Thumpers'. They gave him much love, and he grew up with extremely fond memories of both of them. In later years, Michael had repetitive dreams which were highly symbolic suggesting that there was something of immense spiritual value buried under the surface of the ground at the grandparents' property. This he ultimately interpreted in the context of other evidences to indicate that indeed, they were definitely military intelligence officers, and the value of this knowledge helped him to put into context much of the other evidences which had surfaced at various times in his life to prove to him the reality of his appraisal of the overarching situation that indeed, he was the individual soul originally born into the Cosmos as Michael, the archangel whose name means: “Who is like God?”, forming a question which symbolises his worship of the Most High God, proving his allegiance to God in every possible way. After the death of his grandfather, his grandmother once said to him that “It has been an honour to love & support you” - a comment which technically made no sense, as he was disabled, not economically productive, not exemplary in any way. She was in fact explaining in an indirect manner that because of her faith in God, she had seen the evidence of who he really was, and counted it a blessing that God had selected her to foster the archangel during his time growing up as a human on the Earth. This statement was made days after he had been divinely protected from a murderous aggressor who was determined to severely beat him, which could have led to his death had not the LORD stayed the hand of the aggressor in a truly miraculous way, which was caught on camera & therefore had been shown to those who oversaw his general progress throughout his life – including, of course, his 'grandmother', who had a primary role in that occupation. She therefore had been issuing a confirmation of his identity which, much later, he would come to understand in the context of her role in relation to his unusual origins.

As he grew, Michael found himself caught longing for something he knew instinctively he had somehow lost; the sense of a golden age in which holiness, beauty, joy, grace, truth & peace had reigned, the King above it all being full of love for His subjects. He recalled using highly advanced technologies & venturing out into the Cosmos in search of wonderful worlds to discover & explore, with compatriots who were his brothers & sisters in some sort of expeditionary force – he couldn't quite articulate these exact forms & images regarding what had been lost until well into adulthood, but he knew with grim certainty even as a four year old child that he had been wrenched from that beautiful existence & confined into a reality & a life situation that seemed cold in comparison, though in essence his earthly life was a relatively pleasant & secure middle class existence. His 'father' had trained as a doctor before enlisting in the RAF, and his 'mother' was a MENSA level counter-intelligence agent, posing as a housewife in those early days, later moving on to work in complex managerial roles in a variety of companies to constitute her cover, and ostensibly to earn her way in life after a sham 'divorce' in which Michael was left with an adopted 'brother' in the custody of his 'father'. The 'stepfather' whom his 'mother' had married straight after leaving Michael's 'father', had clearly been her original partner, who kept his distance while she played her role as 'mother' for the first year of Michael's conscious awareness of his life. It was later revealed that he had been hypnotised at the age of two/three years old, to lock away any residual memories of having lived in the royal household as an infant, though those memories later surfaced in a series of shockingly revelatory dreams in which he recalled consciously many details of the castle where he had been placed, and interactions with various royals as a small child (nothing abusive to report, apparently - it was in fact a beautiful & highly civilised, if transient time there).


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:41 PM
I could go on for a long time regarding the life which Michael lived in between then & now, but it would take forever to relate the many details of what had occurred, the strange incidents which occurred over & over, along with demonic & human-led persecution from a young age, all of which ultimately served as clear signs to confirm his own personal identity, and later, the exact mission for which God had purposed to bring him here. The shades of destiny, he began to uncover by an ongoing analysis of scripture, and by direct revelation from God through personal prayer, through prophecy which was issued to him directly, along with insight & wisdom, also arising through waking visions & sacred dreams, both lucid & non-lucid, in which a progression of the narrative relating his origins, former existence/s, and present destiny would eventually unfold & crystallise relative to what he was discerning through other spiritual means (such as by having people with spiritual gifts praying for him, praying in tongues for self-edification, and also through direct contact with God through worship, etc).

It is important to note the additional relationships which were present between his family & others who would later become involved in the plan to protect, counsel & guide him as best as they possibly could, under the basic assumption that he must be raised as any other child would be, that would eventually lead either to a glorious awakening, or a defeat with disastrous consequences. In adulthood, his 'father' revealed that two 'family friends' from a model engineering club, who had been known to Michael in his childhood as casual acquaintances of the family, had in fact been air force officers who, he was told directly, were “in charge of monitoring you [Michael] from the underground bunkers at an air base in the North of England”, this being after the family had moved to Manchester in the late eighties. Other important connections in the family which seemed unusual once they became apparent in later life included a 'stepmother' marrying his 'father', who later divorced him, who was believed to be an MI5 officer, who had converted to Anglican Christianity & later became a nun in a large convent, where she then met her future husband, who was a confirmed member of MI6, also later to be confirmed to be a participant in a secret society (which was NOT Freemasonry – it was in fact a deeply Christian order equivalent to the original Knights Templar, who maintain a creed espousing love for Christ, and an enduring affinity for the Grail legends - such as the story of Parzifal & the Fisher King, etc). He was ostensibly an agent on the Russia desk when active with MI6, but in fact had a priority secondment to monitor & oversee all intelligence relating to Michael's progress (which is how he met Michael's 'stepmother') and the incidents reported by Michael, who eventually came to be considered a 'Totem', a source of information which was genuine military strategic intelligence delivered by God through Michael, such as would be beneficial to the national security of the United Kingdom, in exchange for the nation's agreement to shelter Michael in an official capacity at the beginning of his life. The MI6 agent married to his 'stepmother' remained involved with agents he had worked with historically after his official retirement & made it clear that he was still 'on mission' in the same capacity as his original secondment; indeed he knew all the details of Michael's true identity & history over the preceding decades & made it very clear to Michael that his own continuing mission revolved around his direct protection, and also a deep ongoing analysis of his correspondence & communications online, as well as the production of coded communication in certain newspapers, which Michael was able to partially discern & interpret after some years of having known about them.

The point being made above is that every facet of relationship in Michael's life was controlled & directed by the military intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom, or at least, a small subset of those bodies, which remained faithful to the original mission for forty years, up until this very day, when Michael has chosen to reveal his identity openly on this forum, ABOVETOPSECRET.COM, in order to begin to spread some hope regarding the situation we find ourselves in on this New Year's Day in the year of 2023, at a time when it is HIGHLY NECESSARY to generate that hope, that faith, in a spirit of brotherly love, with a message of solidarity which is intended to edify the Body of Christ (the True & Enduring Universal Church of Christ, which is made up of all members of all churches everywhere who are true to the revelation of the knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, acknowledged as the Living God, the Cosmic Lord of Creation, of the Universe & Realm of Nature of which we are an indivisible part – this church is administered not by men, but by angels in the service of the LORD, with their activities being directed by God as a constructive response to the prayers & good deeds of Christians & all righteous persons of any faith, wherever they are found in the world). The world needs to hear a message not only of the grace & love of Christ (which of course is the first part of God's relationship with Mankind), but it also desperately needs to hear that God is not blind to the injustice which has been perpetrated against all peoples of His world, diabolically persecuted & genetically mutilated by a bioweapon of extreme depravity & merciless butchery of the health & lives of His children, And the world needs to know that GOD WILL ACT SOON TO ERADICATE THOSE WHO HAVE PROFANED HIS WORLD & HIS CHILDREN IN THIS MANNER. The days in which these monstrous actions have been perpetrated against humanity have been extended only so that more people will have come to understand the plight which we find ourselves in, so that even more will come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and true righteousness, in the days which follow, when Michael will act as instructed by God to bring the proper resolution to these matters. They say one man cannot make a difference, but history shows time & again examples of men & women who have made a huge difference to the ongoing progress of their societies & our greater civilisation. Michael has been sent for a purpose which will be fully revealed in the days to come in this year, 2023, and perhaps the years beyond it (though there is no guarantee on how long he has to complete his mission). The purpose which Michael will walk in will ultimately come to a point at which time he will hand over the mantle of resistance to the human powers who have rebelled against the evil empire which the World Economic Forum, and all the organisations, institutions & regulatory bodies/ NGOs (etc) which go along with their dictates in order to oppress & enslave the entire human race.


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:41 PM
God is not mocked. He will be vindicated, and as long as the human & angelic participants are willing, there isn't anything that Satan can do to stop it. When God wills something, it will be accomplished, and there is no way to undo the works of His hands. His world, and His children, have been savagely abused by Lucifer & the fallen angels, and by the treasonous human puppets which they possess & work through, and so His judgment is coming. People everywhere will see the actions of Michael as he rises against those powers, and in seeing him take action in a clearly supernatural manner, the soldiers & all others everywhere who are awake to the abuse of the 'plandemic' artificially engineered virus & the complementary 'vaccine' bioweapon, designed as a one-two blow to the head of the trusting citizens of the world, who were powerless against the military grade psychological warfare operations being waged against them in the newly unfolding third world war, in which the common man is the enemy, in which his wife is the enemy, in which the blessed children of that man & his wife are the enemy, in which the infant in the womb is the enemy - all of them are being subjected to scattergun, unpredictable & horrendously destructive 'death shots' which not only kill in a variety of horrible ways, but they also cause life altering disabilities which are known to produce neurological conditions leading to unbearable chronic pain, paralysis, spasms & seizures, amongst many, many other diabolical health conditions - which are even being forced upon the infants in the womb of pregnant mothers. There is a very low chance of redemption for the people involved in this plot.

The time for talking is almost over. Action will follow.


Cheers, FITO.

PS – there is much more that can be said, and I will be perfectly happy to engage openly with any questions which you might have. To openly answer the first question – yes, after forty years of life in this world & with a litany of unusual human & spiritual experiences (including both direct persecution from the Devil, and wonderful blessing from God), I can say with the fullest certainty that I am indeed the human incarnation of the archangel Michael. It has been confirmed in plain speech by several church leaders in two different churches, and it has been confirmed in prayer by other people on multiple occasions. Additionally, I know from the dreams & visions which God has blessed me with, as well as insights arising from reading the Bible intensively, that my arrival here was prophesied to occur at the End of Days, specifically to fight against the enemies of God & Mankind, in order to help prepare the way for a greater remnant of believers & righteous people all over the world to be prepared to enter the Kingdom of God, by standing together & fighting against those evil powers which are trying to destroy the sacred inheritance of God's world & His children.

I became tentatively aware of the possible truth of this fact of my identity in May, 2002 - and I became absolutely certain (with unshakeable faith & a calm, dispassionate awareness of what it may entail), in January 2023. I now find myself being finally ready to disclose & discuss this fact openly (albeit in an anonymous online forum). Roughly twenty years of learning & life experience had to flow between those two moments of realisation, which were absolutely necessary for me to grow as a person, as a son, a grandson & brother, as a friend, as a husband & a father; also to develop my understanding, wisdom & general level of insight into the operation of God's kingdom, and most critically, to develop my personal relationship with the Lord Himself, under a mantle of prophetic understanding & the comforting tutelage of the Holy Spirit through prayer & worship.

I will be happy to respond to any & all serious questions with full honesty & transparency (aside from general obfuscation of personally identifying information). I will not be willing to respond with anything but a perfunctory rebuttal if people show up with a mocking tone & a lack of respect, or when combining these unpleasant traits with a total lack of a suitable frame of reference in which to enable serious examination of the theological, philosophical, scientific & cultural matters which are wrapped up in the layered detail of this mysterious & magnificent work of God – which is nothing less than setting up a remnant of Mankind to achieve the total conquest of the Luciferian enemy of Man, established by the stealth of the UK intelligence services & by the divine blessings of the dreaming mind. I am not claiming to be a genius – there are limitations to the capacity of my brain to accommodate the full intellect which I would have possessed in former incarnate or discarnate existence/s. I have utmost respect for the incredibly wise & conscientious people who have committed their lives to the defence of the realm as intelligence operatives/ officers, also those working in different branches of the military, who seek to accomplish their goals with purity of mind, righteousness of character, and passion for the execution of their sacred duty to defend the defenceless.

Friends, we will prevail 'By Strength & Guile'; so bearing in mind the fact that 'Who Dares Wins', we must therefore be 'Ready For Anything'. I believe that the enemy we face will ramp up the pressure with further lockdowns & mandated vaccinations in the coming weeks & months, and we must be able to resist their despicable & murderous intent.

Don't forget the rule of thumb in this, that we are living during the Third (& final) World War, which is beginning to unfold in these present times: The enemy is not the human race more generally, as you will have been subtly directed to believe – in actual fact the enemy is none other than the elitist class who deliberately CHOSE to murder & maim your friends & family, who literally euthanised your mothers & fathers in care homes & hospital wards, preventing you from even sitting with them at the hour of their death. It is they who wilfully murdered & terribly maimed infants in the womb, causing a miscarriage rate of 75% or more in pregnant mothers who accepted the Pfizer 'vaccine' during their shambolic 'trials' in which they didn't even test them to check whether they would stop transmission of the virus. Then laughed about that fact when questioned under oath. Despicable.. Despite knowing this even before the 'vaccines' were rolled out originally in 2021, they are once again pushing for that vile bioweapon to be rolled out for pregnant wives & girlfriends at the current time, in 2023, after almost two years of evidence regarding how successful that evil bioweapon actually was in achieving its real & true barbaric intent – the depopulation of those who are not elitists living with a high net worth..

As you will no doubt be aware, the enemies I'm describing are usually found located in the opposite direction from that towards which they will request you to aim the barrel of your gun.. Stay frosty.


edit on JanuarySunday2301CST07America/Chicago-060042 by FlyInTheOintment because: tags

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:56 PM

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 08:16 PM
Just remember that the GOOD and BAD will follow all of us upon our deaths. Live with the Lord's Word and only fear the wrong doings of the Lord's teachings. Amen Brothers and Sisters.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You are either preaching to the choir or to the blind that willing refuse to see.

I am trying not to waste my time, breath, and effort, on those that chose not to take personal responsibility, and those that chose not to prepare for the inevitable. This goes far beyond the distraction of selfishly hoarding. We cannot win by trying to go this alone. The government knows where every hoarder is. What they have accumulated, and where it is stashed. Nothing is off grid anymore. Even if you remove the bar codes from everything, your purchases can still be tracked. And just like your house, and your land, they can take anything you think you own, for the common good.

I spoke with six different folk today, and the conversation just happened to start with eggs and how the average person is completely ignorant of how the buzz words "supply chain deficit" "supply chain issues", words that were introduced into our psyche, during COVID, is actually the foundational excuse for anything they wish to control in our lives, while keeping us ignorant of the game afoot.

This is a simple video that shows how some of it works. Sorry, it only plays on Youtube.

Who would have thought something basic and simple as chickens not laying would open some of our eyes. We need to be ever vigilant. We need to stand together and to work together. There is a damn good reason why they will contribute to anything that will keep us divided, hating each other, and willing to kill each other on command. But you just wrote a lengthy, detailed, explanation for why we are where we are. I just fear that way too many will choose to go with the flow.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 08:43 PM
Thank you Fly for all that work.

Some will find it too hard to read all that, but they are the impatient ones, the ones that don't want to know the truth lest it force them to actually think.

The war is real but sadly, most don't care!

More and more I think of those few who are wide awake. How many are there on a world wide scale.

144,000 perhaps?

Now to do some in-depth reading.


edit on 1/1/2023 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Thank you Fly for all that work.

Some will find it too hard to read all that, but they are the impatient ones, the ones that don't want to know the truth lest it force them to actually think.

The war is real but sadly, most don't care!

More and more I think of those few who are wide awake. How many are there on a world wide scale.

144,000 perhaps?

Now to do some in-depth reading.


Funny. I was thinking the same thing.

I had a dream where I was left behind, not because I was not worthy, but because I was still needed here. It was the most unsettling dream I have ever had. I could not share it with anyone for weeks, and I could not clear my mind of it. It has been three years and it is still as vivid today as it was the first morning I woke up from it.

I am not prophetic. I am not religious, and I am as about as broken as they come, but there are a lot of things happening that are making me go, "Hmmm?" Things that are keeping me vigilant, yet also bring me peace, and strengthen my faith.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:12 AM
Maybe they should have a special forum for manifestos.

I don't think you have a firm grasp on the situation though, because of the source(s) of your information. Which is recognizable by me because of terms like depopulation and "LIBERAL WORLD ORDER". Sounds like you take a lot of your ideas from right wing conspiracy theorists, who paint liberalism and socialism as one of the biggest threats to humanity, while they promote nationalism and patriotism. But...

And one of his main tools to 'divide and conquer' is nationalism (and the accompanying patriotism).

Watching the World (Awake!—1984)

Divisive Nationalism

● For three days 250 writers, artists, musicians, philosophers, psychoanalysts, scientists, economists and industrialists from Japan, Italy, France, the United States and many other countries gathered in Tokyo to discuss themes of world importance, including nationalism. Jorge Luis Borges, renowned Argentinian writer and poet, said that nationalism is dividing the world, adding: “In this sense, it is the arch-villain of all the evils. It divides people, it destroys the good side of human nature, it leads to inequality in the distribution of wealth.”

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:38 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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