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Force LGBTQ+ Teaching On All Children From The Age Of 3 Upwards Is Lawful Says Court

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posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 05:50 AM
I don't understand why people are so baffled by this. Mandatory vaccinations, Anti-White attitudes, communist educators. This seems like the natural progression.

If you want to avoid these types of issues with your child, one only needs relocate to another non-westernized country. No excuses. There is no other way out.

Things that don't work:
"we need to..."
"If we just..."
"we have guns so..."
"we just need to..."
"if we get organized..."
"we can stop them if..."
"this is X country, I'm not leaving, I'll fight... "

edit on 31-12-2022 by easyV because: because I wanted to

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: [post=26828419]Terpene
I mean . . .

Please stay on subject.
This thread is not about you.
It's not aboutYour disgruntled
personal issues with 'religion'
or having a perceived 'right' to
intrude your or anyone's else's
onto others. END
No one wants to know about
your blah sexuality,
your religion . . .
Or lack there of.

Point blank
Forced LGBTQ,
Promoting LGBTQ,
Instruction on how to LGBTQ . . .
is horrendous, even to adults.
That sh@t is in your face intrusive.

Fuzz Off already.
and keep your hands off
OUR innocent children.


edit on 31/12/22 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

i explicitly said that i want library website listings and isbn numbers because unscrupulous tabloid style writers capitalise off your outrage and keeping you angry. The Daily Mail is an amazing example of exactly what i'm talking about, constantly twisting stories and making things up just to keep you mad.

I'm not interested in single specific stories about a tragic occurence at a kindergarten. Yes, the snips you included there speak to a really horrible thing but even if that aspect of the story is reported faithfully [which to be honest give your source, i doubt] that is something that happened to ONE child, whereas you are alleging a SYSTEMATIC approach being forced by the curriculum. I'm sure if i dug deep enough i could find an example of, say, a religious studies teacher going mad and hurting children, could i then use that as proof that religious studies are bad for children? No, that would be incredibly disingenuous.

speaking of being disingenuous, it appears that you're conflating several stories into one here - i assume the bit about "teaching kids to sodomise themselves" is to do with the bit where 15 year olds in a sex ed class were shown sex toys. In other words, a total nothing burger, since sex ed at that age level has for DECADES included diagrams, photos, films, etc. Oh no, a plastic phallus is really going to tip society over the edge!!!!!
And seriously, going off about all this stuff in the same breath as the kindergarten stuff, trying to make it look like it's all happening to three years olds, extremely sad gambit that just makes you look like you don't know your own outrage.

i'll repeat it again; if this is truly a SYSTEMATIC problem as you claim instead of the sort of isolated tragedy that happens all over the world to people of all age levels, then it will be apparent in the curriculum, and as such accessible through school library websites replete with isbn numbers.
Show me the listings for the books that teach kids to rape. Without that you have less than a leg to stand on here.
edit on 31-12-2022 by continuousThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: ToneDeaf

Triggerhappy cowboy can't handle opinions outside his feel good echo chamber?

We haven't had any snow...
Now we know where all the snowflakes went.

Pretty big accusations, and without proof you would start to sound a little like loony... Oh wait no proof, just some traumatized kids dealing with the real world for the first time, no biggie we all get confused and start to trow temper tantrums, sometimes it's not the most founded Informationen....

Carry on

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Why do wee little children need to learn about sexuality?

Maybe because now uncle Derek can not play doctor anymore, as they now know: that's not doctor.

But hey, I guess some really have a problem with that...

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: easyV

relocate to another non-westernized country

What's that going to be? a Muslim country?

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DBCowboy

Why do wee little children need to learn about sexuality?

Maybe because now uncle Derek can not play doctor anymore, as they now know: that's not doctor.

But hey, I guess some really have a problem with that...

You may have been diddled by YOUR uncle but the vast majority of kids have not. There is NO need to protect kids from kids own family.

There is a need to protect kids from LGBT crazy teachers that sabotage and groom kids sexually.

You clearly suport such grooming

Normal decent people don't
edit on 2-1-2023 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Point of order - Religious Studies generally only happen in private schools because public schools have been pretty much barred from having religious studies by those who feel the mention of God, any god, from education constitutes indoctrination on the tax payer dollar, so in order to subject your child to the scenario you are using, one has to seek out and personally fund a private education. The irony is rich.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 12:54 PM
as the Welsh and English are not far apart in terms of cultural stats its worth noting that around 2 million out of 7millon children are skipping school in England as it is.

the English/Scottish and Welsh educational systems are attempting to address this by ramping up the threats to parents, it won't be long before they start threatening to make the kids homeless and put parents in prison

but the fact remains this is what actually happens when you give kids the right to choose over parents.

kids do not choose masks,
kids don't social distance
kids do not choose to have vaccines
kids do not choose ideology or dogma

they simply avoid it all and have fun..

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

most of the schools in the uk have a religious leaning of some kind, but its the public/private/faith schools where you find the die hard progressives, its also why the same schools crafted so many soviet spies in the 60s and 70s.

my experience in the 70s going to a faith school was on the one hand the nuns where so harsh they'd make anyone an atheist and on the other the rest where a bunch of British communist party tankies who did a great job of creating a bunch of capitalists..

its like teachers never learn the rule of unintended consequences when you throw away common sense and replace it with dogma...
edit on 2-1-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: easyV

The Deep State government is using LGBT to also hurt those communities for their own agenda agaisnt people in US.
Not just in the US unfortunately.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

There is NO need to protect kids from kids own family.

You have obviously no clue on the matter, as you would know the the majorityof this happens at home and you'd be aware of the correlations between sexed and lower domestic sexual violence.

Ignorant kids are easier to pray on, a board that denies ignorance should be aware of that...

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: vNex92

at this point its gone very 70s with what looks like a repeat of the groups that piggy backed the various 60s/70s rights movements and ultimately did them more harm than good.. so much harm we can still see it triggering people today..

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: nickyw

There are those LGBT groups that believe that govts really do respect, support them.

There is nothing like govts pretending to support while trying to harm you.

edit on 2-1-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Kenzo

Around here, parents can take their kids out of sexed. It's interesting to note that it's always the religious fanatics that do that...

It's the perverted and immoral who do the other thing though. People have a right to choose and decide what is good for their own kids. Your pathetically weak opinion is irrelevant, which is the entire point. Your side wants to choose for other people's kids which you have no rights to do.

When it is something your side supports, is when you claim no one else but you can decide. See the hypocrisy.

"It's only religious fanatics that do that" Does anyone expect pervs to do anything moral? OF course not. So there is no surprise or secret.

And it isn't just "religious people", it's also people who are simply grounded in knowing right from wrong saying NO! to this child perversion advocacy program.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: vNex92

those at the bottom might but those who run the groups are as embedded into what is happening as the rest.

In some ways it feels very 60s crumbling freemasonry.. it took many institutions and charities a generation to rebuild trust..

its interesting to see many including the police tie themselves in knots..

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: M5xaz

There is NO need to protect kids from kids own family.

You have obviously no clue on the matter, as you would know the the majorityof this happens at home and you'd be aware of the correlations between sexed and lower domestic sexual violence.

Ignorant kids are easier to pray on, a board that denies ignorance should be aware of that...

For someone with no clue, check a mirror

Kids books at school encourage kids to contact adult homosexual forums =sex GROOMING !

I can take care of my own kids on that matter and anything else.

I do not need "help" from sexual deviants at school or like you

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:34 PM
The question of who, what, where and why of sex education in schools has always been controversial. An interesting slant on this is some of the time honored books available in schools teach heterosexuality in a bad light, as well.

As some very concerned – and very vocal – conservative parents have pointed out this year, telling children to read books with characters who have sexual orientations is basically grooming and the moral equivalent of pedophilia.

But they have oddly only made this point about books featuring LGBTQ people, ignoring the mountains of books with disgusting heteroerotic content that have infiltrated our schools. Children don’t need to know what women and men do to each other. Parents should be the ones to tell their children about heterosexuality.

Now I’m going to give you all some truth here. Be warned that these books aren’t for you – has your child’s teacher ever told you to read one of these? Of course not, they don’t want you to know what they’re teaching.

But just think: if you’re disgusted reading about them here, should your child be reading them at all?

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Homer’s The Odyssey

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

1984 by George Orwell

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

Wow that's a great source, with context, ISBN and everything ... /sarc

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: M5xaz

Wow that's a great source, with context, ISBN and everything ... /sarc

It's FACTUAL and you can't deny it.

Books that encourage little kids to upload pictures of themselves on adult fg chat rooms !
As if strangers on the Internet are better than the kids own parents

Your obsesssion with "teaching" OTHER people's little kids about sex is
Get help !
edit on 2-1-2023 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

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