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After cancelling over 15k flights - Southwest calls cops on stranded passengers

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posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 09:22 PM
The police don't serve people - they serve the elite.

Look who gets swift protection and the benefit of the doubt...

Was it A or B:

A. Passengers stranded over Christmas for days without compensation for hotel or food. Due to an airlines greed in not updating their system, thousands of people couldn't get home during and after the holidays. Southwest lied and attempted to blame the cancellations on weather in order to avoid their legal obligation to compensate passengers.

B. Southwest airlines who didn't like the stranded passengers congregating near the gate.

B - It was Southwest who simply needed to pick up the phone and report a congregating. Plenty of government employees willing to physically drag the passengers away.

For the passengers, there is a promise of an investigation into Southwest - which I'm sure will result in Southwest promising to try to not do this again.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Daughter2

In passing tonight, I saw a clip on a friends tv, it was the Transportation Secretary apparently, going on about how he was gonna get to the bottom of it. Like for realio! To which the broadcast responded that it was his very own mandatory covid "vaccine" injections for pilots that set the whole thing in motion. I dont claim to know that's the truth, but I dont doubt it. Good night!

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 09:55 PM
That sounds like a great way to loose customers. Even those that are not stranded.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 10:27 PM
Some lady posted her experience on tiktok. It sucks how the police have to deal with this nonsense. It's the airlines fault. The cops should tell them to deal with their angry customers because of the mess they made.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: grey580
Some lady posted her experience on tiktok. It sucks how the police have to deal with this nonsense. It's the airlines fault. The cops should tell them to deal with their angry customers because of the mess they made.

It certainly is their fault or at least they aggravated the situation by not caring about people.

My son was flying from Vancouver to San Diego on the 20th but got cancelled as Vancouver got snowed in. Fair enough, but he and his friend waited four and a half hours in line ups to speak to an airline rep who said to try again the next day to find when it would be rebooked. Two days went by and they got no information about their flight whatsoever. They typically got cut off after being on hold for almost two hours when they phoned in. A friend in San Diego tried for them and was told that the next available flights would be on the 26th, which got updated to the 29th. They rented a car and drove into Washington to try from Bellingham which failed, then went up to Seattle where they were told their flight had left already despite never have been told about it. They lost their money on that flight and had to get another out of Seattle. All in all, it took them five days and a lot of extra money. We don't live in Vancouver either. It's an hour drive plus a two hour ferry each way. Fortunately, they had friends to stay with in the Vancouver area.

My beef with this was was the way people were treated. Not even sure which airline it was but it's piss poor service to not give clear information and leave paying customers in limbo.

Then hearing Southwest called the cops on customers! I can imagine most were sleep deprived and hungry. Vancouver airport had people with babies stuck, no prioritization or compensation. It's disgusting and reminiscent of one Polish immigrant that was killed by cops tasering him in Vancouver airport because he was
"agitated"... likely exhausted and in his case a language barrier.


posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 11:06 PM
I forget which airline, but in August hubs and son flew out to Colorado for what was supposed to be a day trip for son's audiologist. When they got back to Denver airport, they found out their flight had been cancelled due to "weather" in KC. As my husband was telling me this, I was standing by the trunk of our car with not a single cloud in the sky in KC and according to the weather, not a one to be expected until around 3am or so. Their flight was supposed to land before midnight.

But, because the cancellation was due to "weather" in KC, the airline could skirt it's cancellation obligations. They didn't even have to pay for overnight hotel, but they were nice enough to hand over a couple food vouchers.

So the day trip turned into an overnight trip with that return flight not happening until midway through the next afternoon!

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 11:13 PM
My family and I have decided to avoid air travel at all costs. We drive, take a train, or even a bus. Last I flew, it was with United. The bastards left us stranded in DFW because of bad weather in perfectly clear skies between there an MSY. My wife and I slept on Muslim prayer rugs in the "chapel.'

My few flights before that were mostly nightmares, as well. On one with American, after multiple delays (one where even the pilot was complaining), we could have literally driven faster to our destination.

F*** 'em. I'll stay home before I'll give these illegitimate sons of whores any more of my money.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: godsovein

I know allot of aviators that left the airlines I mean lots of them. When you put almost a half million dollars into your own training schools along with untold amounts flight time it adds up to big bucks. Even the former military left. everyone of them seen the writing on the wall in the pilots lounge la train .
Not one of them I know was going risk all that training and their career on the advice of the transportation department of the united states or its leader, so they left. better to leave and come back and fly another day than not comeback at all. but your are correct they left because of the shots nothing else. Some went to big cargo companies outside the U.S. Like in Malaysia and took there families with them on long working vacation ( pay is better less stress too ) or decided to sit it out and be with family. They all knew this would happen and so did I. I used fly , but not for the Airlines I could never bring myself to fly for Southwest or United, TWA made me a good offer at one time, but that was long ago I passed on it. PanAM was the best they would have never did this to their customers. I would have loved to fly for them , but was flying for uncle sam at the time.

You know I told some of my friends why the pilots are leaving and they just had a fit. To my surprise most were very mean about it and just didn't understand the concept of investing in your own career with your own cash. Almost all aviators paid out of pocket for their training unless you were military. It's was rare back in the 80's and unheard of to get student loans for flight training unless your on a GI Bill. I think it's still true even today. Anyway , one friend stated to me " The pilots need to stay they have an obligation to fly the general public if they refuse shots it should be forced on them, as to protect the public when they fly. they have no business leaving the airlines " I'm like WTF ! This guy is no longer a friend of mine, well a very distant friend now , more like a Christmas card type friend. I didn't send one this year maybe next year Na..

I see in the near future that the U.S. congress and senate along with the FAA lifts restriction on the age limit of 60 for flying commercial airlines, better known as ATP restrictions . The other ATP restrictions is to have 1500 hours of flight time for a ATP license .That rule needs to be put back to 500 or 600 hours. 1500 hours is about 7 to 8 years flying if your lucky before you get behind the yoke of a 727 jet. There is lots of private aviation schools that lead to an ATP license, but the problem is this 1500 hour rule. A student loan would not come close to covering that with flight time, that's allot flight time. And even if you did this off and on it might take 10 years and about 700 thousands dollars, So that a big problem that is being felt right about now.
The U.S Airline companies will never get pilots like that ever. The airlines such as Southwest, United, JetBlue etc will continue to have delays like this for years and years to come with ATP restrictions like that. The Airline and Cargo companies in Europe will pick up these aviators up at 500 hours or less and certify them in their country to fly an old Airbus 320 out of Hong Kong for cargo. Hey it's still jet time log hours and likley better pay and that is happening right now . Lots of other worldwide airlines will take these U.S. aviators with 500 hours for a ATP. I got mine at 300 hours, but that was back in the 80's Congress really needs evaluate and change the ATP rules and include real aviators in the process or the airline industry in the U.S is doomed. Plan on scheduling your flights 6 to 7 months out in advance from now on. Third World countries airlines make you do that. Think Sudan, etc. We are going backward in aviation not forward. Then again maybe trains are the up and coming. There was better air service in the 1960's compared to today. PanAm wrote the rule book and kept very high standards for an airline . oh and I suggest no more work out clothes , sweats, tank tops shorts PJ , flip flops sandals, etc on any flight. dress for your flight. long pants , long sleeve shirt, long dress , pant suit think Hillary , make sure your shoulder and arms are covered and well as your legs. where shoes that cover your feet entirely. Why because fire is your worst enemy on an aircraft get the point. rules like that need to be reinstated again. Also real air Marshals with the power to arrest and detain. lots of these guys have been removed from lots flights I mean like almost all of them . Time to put them back even on the short flights.
edit on 29-12-2022 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
That sounds like a great way to loose customers. Even those that are not stranded.

Lost me a good while back for this same insanity and double booking flights.

I now drive or go pure lazy style by taking the train.

I love the train. I learned the ins and outs fairly quickly.

Best tips:
Book early, and pack a big snack bag.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
My family and I have decided to avoid air travel at all costs. We drive, take a train, or even a bus. Last I flew, it was with United. The bastards left us stranded in DFW because of bad weather in perfectly clear skies between there an MSY. My wife and I slept on Muslim prayer rugs in the "chapel.'

My few flights before that were mostly nightmares, as well. On one with American, after multiple delays (one where even the pilot was complaining), we could have literally driven faster to our destination.

F*** 'em. I'll stay home before I'll give these illegitimate sons of whores any more of my money.


I am right there with you.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
That sounds like a great way to loose customers. Even those that are not stranded.

I now drive or go pure lazy style by taking the train.

I love the train. I learned the ins and outs fairly quickly.

very few of us have train options in the US anymore

apparently SW software is badly outdated and they didn't bother to upgrade

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Daughter2

They weren't there to protect the elite. Who were at home with their families.

The police were there to protect the ordinary women behind the desk at the airport. Who were facing dozens of angry fliers.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: ElGoobero

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
That sounds like a great way to loose customers. Even those that are not stranded.

I now drive or go pure lazy style by taking the train.

I love the train. I learned the ins and outs fairly quickly.

very few of us have train options in the US anymore

apparently SW software is badly outdated and they didn't bother to upgrade

I have noticed huge gaps in train routes across America but I see the possibility of that changing in the future, and there are some adventurous, entrepreneurs, that may be offering some promising options.

edit on 29-12-2022 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 09:44 AM
I drive whenever possible because for some reason, I just don't equalize pressure well. My ears will pop just driving through tall hills.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
My family and I have decided to avoid air travel at all costs. We drive, take a train, or even a bus. Last I flew, it was with United. The bastards left us stranded in DFW because of bad weather in perfectly clear skies between there an MSY. My wife and I slept on Muslim prayer rugs in the "chapel.'

My few flights before that were mostly nightmares, as well. On one with American, after multiple delays (one where even the pilot was complaining), we could have literally driven faster to our destination.

F*** 'em. I'll stay home before I'll give these illegitimate sons of whores any more of my money.

Biden's Transportation Secretary says Airline Travel will be better by the Holidays.

Have some confidence:

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: incoserv
My family and I have decided to avoid air travel at all costs. We drive, take a train, or even a bus. Last I flew, it was with United. The bastards left us stranded in DFW because of bad weather in perfectly clear skies between there an MSY. My wife and I slept on Muslim prayer rugs in the "chapel.'

My few flights before that were mostly nightmares, as well. On one with American, after multiple delays (one where even the pilot was complaining), we could have literally driven faster to our destination.

F*** 'em. I'll stay home before I'll give these illegitimate sons of whores any more of my money.

Biden's Transportation Secretary says Airline Travel will be better by the Holidays.

Have some confidence:

I remember when air travel was done with class. It has become a open ring death match and a crap shoot.

This is not new and very expected. It has been so bad for so long that there was no way that it was going to be better at peak season.

The only person that would believe that for one second, is someone that has their own plane.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: incoserv
My family and I have decided to avoid air travel at all costs. We drive, take a train, or even a bus. Last I flew, it was with United. The bastards left us stranded in DFW because of bad weather in perfectly clear skies between there an MSY. My wife and I slept on Muslim prayer rugs in the "chapel.'

My few flights before that were mostly nightmares, as well. On one with American, after multiple delays (one where even the pilot was complaining), we could have literally driven faster to our destination.

F*** 'em. I'll stay home before I'll give these illegitimate sons of whores any more of my money.

Biden's Transportation Secretary says Airline Travel will be better by the Holidays.

Have some confidence:

Oh, well; if Dear Leader's administration said it, then ...

I CALL COMPLETE BOLLOCKS! BOVINE FECES! You can damn well be certain that the exact opposite will be true.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: SJE98

They need to get rid of the ATP CTP program requirement, all that does is make money for the flight schools who do it, it’s an absolute scam if your been through it, 7 days of BS classes and two sim sessions that have nothing to do with actual training.

Just so you can get a sign off for the ATP written. Joke.

I despise flying the airlines, I’ll drive if my trip is close to 12 hrs driving. Because any where I go it’s at least 12 hrs traveling airline if you include driving to the airport, parking, checking bags, TSA nightmare security, then more waiting for a jet that might or might not be delayed etc etc.

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 12:36 PM

edit on 29-12-2022 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

No, according to some articles, the passengers were not being disruptive.

I know some people can be jerks, but if you watch the video, everyone was very calm. The crazies usually stay crazy even when the cops show up.

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