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We Energies Emergency Turn Heat to 60 due to Pipeline Failure

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posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:29 PM

We Energies asks customers to 'immediately' lower thermostats after pipeline failure

Over a million customers told to lower gas usage immediately due to pipeline failure.

Something is VERY odd about this.
It is freaking freezing, lots of old people here… We’ll see how it goes.
Based on comments on Social media, half the people will do it and half wont.

edit on 23-12-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Something is VERY odd about this.

Yes!!! Something is odd about that...your instincts are correct IMO.

First of all there are many, many lines both in and out and they operate on a pressurized system.

One line failure outgoing would amount to almost nothing. If it's an incoming line...even less than nothing (incoming lines are sent to holding and refinement)!

Something is fishy!

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

MILWAUKEE — We Energies is asking customers to "immediately" lower their thermostats after one of its natural gas suppliers suffered a "significant equipment failure." The utility company is asking people to lower their thermostats to the range of 60 to 62 degrees.

What is a “significant equipment failure” when it comes to a pipeline? Anyone know?

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Something is VERY odd about this.

from the way the release reads this normally wouldn't be a problem. i can see how over half the country being in single digits and below zero in 18 states, with wind chill down to 50 below could cause a supply issue, and even equipment failure.

edit on 23-12-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

What is a “significant equipment failure” when it comes to a pipeline? Anyone know?

pumps failing, pipes cracking, freeze up, ice build up in the pipe line.

heres a release from Missouri from 2019

The accumulation of snow and ice increases the potential for damage to meters and regulators and other aboveground pipeline facilities and components. Incidents have occurred in past winters on natural gas distribution system facilities that appear to have been related to either the stress of snow and ice or malfunction of pressure control equipment due to ice blockage of pressure control equipment vents. Exposed piping at metering and pressure regulating stations, at service regulators, and at propane tanks, are at greatest risk. Damage may result from the stresses imposed by the additional loading of the snow or ice. Damage to facilities may also result from the impact of snow or ice falling from roofs, ice forming in or on regulators preventing their proper operation, or shoveling snow from roofs to protect dwellings from abnormal snow accumulation. PHMSA issued an advisory bulletin in 2016, recommending steps to address the safety risks from accumulated snow and ice on pipeline facilities. Staff encourages each operator to download and read the advisory bulletin. If you are unable to access the advisory bulletin at the link below, please notify Staff and we will provide a copy. The advisory bulletin may be downloaded at
Dangers of Abnormal Snow and Ice Build-Up on Gas Related Equipment

edit on 23-12-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: jerryznv

MILWAUKEE — We Energies is asking customers to "immediately" lower their thermostats after one of its natural gas suppliers suffered a "significant equipment failure." The utility company is asking people to lower their thermostats to the range of 60 to 62 degrees.

What is a “significant equipment failure” when it comes to a pipeline? Anyone know?

There are pumps, check valves, auto-gates, plc control stations, etc...none of it would be significant enough to cause any sort of interruption or slowing of services (all of these systems have many backup and bypass systems for this very thing)!

Even if they lost power...there are generators on standby to keep things running!

Something is amiss...they're not saying something IMO..."significant equipment failure" is enough to get peoples attention but it's probably much worse that an equipment failure!

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: JAGStorm

What is a “significant equipment failure” when it comes to a pipeline? Anyone know?

pumps failing, pipes cracking, freeze up, ice build up in the pipe line.

Why now, we’ve had this kind of weather here.
We actually didn’t even get too much snow.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

We Energies is unable to receive additional natural gas from its other pipeline suppliers."

Doesn't correlate with equipment failure!

Might be true...but hardly an equipment failure!

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: jerryznv
a reply to: JAGStorm

We Energies is unable to receive additional natural gas from its other pipeline suppliers."

Doesn't correlate with equipment failure!

Might be true...but hardly an equipment failure!


posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:57 PM
Fossil fuel bad in this political climate.

People clearly need safe reliable electricity that only fails in the heat and cold or a thunderstorm at anytime of the year. Or someone drives into a pole.

Or falling tree branches.

Or we run extremely high voltages through hundred plus year old highlines each and every hour.

Natural gas is just too unreliable. :eyeroll:

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:58 PM
This doesn't surprise me. Our infrastructure is old and it is under stress right now.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The request is due to an interstate pipeline supplier, who provides natural gas to We Energies, experiencing a significant equipment failure.

WSAW wasn't at the was a supplier!

Makes sense now...probably a pump went down that supplied the plant! They have reserves...they're being cautious though!

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:01 PM

Officials say they expect the shortage to last through the night and will reevaluate the situation tomorrow, working tirelessly to resume normal operations as soon as possible.


My thought is a pump...they are relatively easy to change out but it takes time. They should be back online within 24 hours I would suspect!

edit on 23-12-2022 by jerryznv because: Random

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

was just fixing to post this,

This request comes after one of the interstate pipeline suppliers who provides natural gas to We Energies experienced a significant equipment failure — reducing the amount of fuel they normally send by 30%," a statement posted to the company's website and social media accounts said.

We Energies spokesman Brendan Conway identified the supplier as Guardian Pipeline, a subsidiary of Oklahoma based ONEOK. "Earlier [Friday], Guardian experienced two valve malfunctions at its Sycamore compressor station in DeKalb County, Illinois, which resulted in reduced capacity on our system," ONEOK spokesman Brad Borror said in an emailed statement late Friday evening.

We Energies asks customers to lower thermostats to 60

compressor was working overtime and the valves gave up the ghost.

edit on 23-12-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

When Qin-She-Huang or as we know him Chine became emperor of all China he destroyed the past to leave only his nations, his tribes culture and unified what was left under that.

Mao later did the same thing, slightly different methods but erasing the past to enforce his new ideology was the reason for the cultural revolution, the old died and with them knowledge of what had been right and what had been wrong so his new standard could then be enforced.

After the communist revolution in Russia anything that could tell of history before communism was destroyed including academics and historians etc though most of this happened not under Lenin but later under the fully Bolshevik Stalin, Lenin had been far more liberal than Lenin became and he even purged those that had been loyal to Lenin.

When Hitler took control of Germany the Nazi's burned book's and the young terrorised the older generation as parent's feared there own brainwashed children so dared not question his new ideology's.

Today there is a group that wants to kill the old in the west, that has damaged our birth rates and that is responsible for the poisoning of pretty much the whole world with chemicals in the atmosphere we identify as micro plastics that interfere with male fertility which has fallen to less than half it was just over forty years ago as a result, this same elite are behind the pushing and agenda for neoliberalism, one world government and corporate rule so they are literally planning to sell out and then scrap democracy as nations and the world are monopolized under a new imperial system disguised as corporate rule, but it is the same thing a tiny elite probably protected from the poison they have spread.

You have heard it again and again over the last 20 to 30 years, too many old folk's, not enough young to sustain our economic development, two sides of the same plan, destroy the established dominant cultures notably those the west, replace our populace with third world migrants under the guise we need them to fill the jobs and in the end they have full rule, we are too few to fight and they have won.

It won't play out like that though, there is already a growing resistance and an awakening and there may have been already a fight back that may have been suppressed and kept secret AND walk among them our enemy's biding there time until they can turn the tables but it is still only stage one of the fight back for the life of humanity and the elite will either change sides and come back to serving and being part of the human race or they will fall, make no mistake about this there is a force that they can not predict, one outside of there and there allies control that is greater than them all and it is on our side, HIS kingdom come, not theirs.

And it will be a one world government but one that values freedom, one that values nations not a monolithic forced integration of society after all he created the nations in the first place.

His name is Yeshua but until he comes I have no doubt there are others still fighting for us, perhaps they have to stay hidden and can only do so much until there are enough of us awake to launch there full scale fight back which is when and only when it will become open warfare against the tyrants, but make no doubt about it that day is coming, not everyone shall bow to the beast and for those that do it may be too late.

When Phillip schneider told of what happened beneath Dulci Base he was not lying though there are those that will point out he was not the nice guy and have reason to hate him, still on that I believe he was telling the truth, that there were military and intelligence units that were fighting against a takeover of there government from both within and without but I believe the wrong side won or THINK they did, in fact I believe this only ignited a much more clandestine resistance that is growing and waiting for the signal, it knows it will be embroiled in conflicts to divide it's ability to muster by it's new masters but it is still ready and when it reveal's the truth to the rest that do not know despite the brainwashing that is used to condition these personnel they will mostly side with humanity.

The enemy can silence, it can work it's population culling plan's but it shall NOT win, the elite that have sided with it will some day be tried as traitors and face Nuremburg style war crimes trials but unlike those these will not be show trials but genuine justice.

This is by design, the design of humanity's enemy within, they want control, they want to burn the book's the greatest books of them all the wisdom of our elders, to rewrite the past and have succeeded in brainwashing the mass of the youth but that will fail as well.

This is just my opinion it may seem way out and wacked to all hell and back but I believe it is the truth, our leaders are puppets, idiots that are useful and incompetent by design but our true leaders will step forth out of the deeper shadows when the time is right and it will be our jaws around their throats rather than theirs around ours.

The pure heart of truth and justice shall win, it shall overcome and they its' enemy's know of what I speak.

edit on 23-12-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm old area...

glad i got away

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

and yet we sent a bunch of money to Ukraine

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:42 PM

edit on 23-12-2022 by TheToastmanCometh because: double post

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:52 PM
I work in natural gas production. Cold weather is extremely harsh on our systems. There really isnt anything odd sounding about this to me. Right now we have a lot of controllers in manual because transmitters freeze up and give false readings so they cant be ran in auto. That allows for more human errors.

Also, valves in the field will freeze up and not respond. If a valve needs to open or close to prevent over pressuring a line and it doesnt work then you have a chance of blowing a line. A lot of gas needs to be treated to remove H2S before sending it to peoples homes. If the treaters are down then you wont get that gas.

Pipeline infrastructure in the US is very old and susceptible to leaks. Its difficult to put new pipes in the ground with all the permits required. I dont know the specifics of the keystone pipeline but producers could be using older pipes to push gas through that could have been flowing in a newer pipeline like keystone. If you knew the amount of 50-80 year old gas pipelines underneath you right now then you wouldnt sleep too well.

One more thing, well heads freeze up. Some producers preemptively shut in there wells around here. My facility is producing about 50% of our normal flow. So supply is already down while demand is high.
edit on 23-12-2022 by FormerlyChucks because: Added last paragraph

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 11:53 PM
Your almost entirely correct except on one point your engaged in double think holding 2 opposing ideals simultaneously.

“Today there is a group that wants to kill the old in the west, that has damaged our birth rates” we identify as micro plastics that interfere with male fertility which has fallen to less than half it was just over forty years “

“too many old folk's, not enough young to sustain our economic development,“

“replace our populace with third world migrants under the guise we need them to fill the jobs”

So if reproduction is down, for what ever reason not saying your wrong here probably is microplastics and a whole host of other contributors. Then there really would be a surplus aging population which would in fact require immigrants to fill the gap. Plus immigrants from well anyplace would also be subject to same contamination if not worse. So the decline in fertility would be universal.

Other then that pretty on the nose.

a reply to: LABTECH767

edit on 23-12-2022 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

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