Please, forgive me if this has been posted. One of my favorite books.
I will share a few quotes in addition to the full length audio book.
“Peace is found when people stand for morality and reject
culture. Defend freedom at all costs and at all times and peace
will rule the world instead of tyrants.”
― Jeremy Locke, The End of All Evil
“All the social ills that
law presumes to correct exist because people are not free to
learn and grow.”
― Jeremy Locke, The End of All Evil
“The definition of freedom is the infinite value of the human being. Everything that is evil teaches people that they have limited value.”
― Jeremy Locke, The End of All Evil
“When an authority is established amongst people, evil is either obvious to see or nearly impossible to see, depending entirely upon whether or not
you are a part of its culture. Even though few people are able to recognize the oppression found in their own cultures, culture is still
― Jeremy Locke, The End of All Evil
“Socialism and Communism create the enemy of greed in the same pattern by controlling speech. Profit becomes a dirty word, even though it only means
that you have labored in order to create a better life. Money becomes evil, only though it simply represents your work, which is obviously moral. They
create the enemy, but it is not Greed they are after, it is you. If they can convince you that your money and your labors are the enemy, then you will
yield those labors and your money to them. Authority is not designed to destroy the enemy; it is designed to enslave you.”
― Jeremy Locke, The End of All Evil
“Schooling, education and knowledge are not the same thing. One is not a natural result of the other. People grow in knowledge when they learn
truths. Teaching and schooling are meaningless when students do not seek wisdom. They are likewise meaningless when that which is taught is not
wisdom. In order to learn, people must thirst for knowledge. Force and compulsion cannot accomplish this.”
― Jeremy Locke, The End of All Evil
“Lesser taboos on questioning authority exist in varying form in the cultures of history. In modern times this is most obvious in the shame brought
upon anyone who questions the respectability of police, public education teachers or other public employees. Their work is considered to be above the
work of everyone else. Their actions in their jobs are beyond reproach because they are agents of authority. It is sometimes called “respect for the
office” or position. Questioning their right to interfere with your life will bring you the scorn of culture. This is control of speech.”
― Jeremy Locke, The End of All Evil
This is interesting, as I have seen this book come up while searching for anther book, which came highly recommended by Mark Passio, and is a book
that I have come to love.
It's also called, The End of All Evil: A Layperson's guide to non-thing theory, it's written by Robert martin Duff, and it is fascinating.
This book presents a radical breakthrough in the understanding of the true nature of negative phenomena which makes all concepts of actual evil
obsolete. It also validates the all-positives observations of states of ecstasy while simultaneously reconciling them with the common-sense
observations of negatives. This explanation holds true regardless of whether the ecstasy is spontaneous, religious, produced by fasting and meditation
or induced by drugs like MDMA and remains logically consistent even after the ecstatic state has passed.
It basically puts forth the idea that all evil acts are caused by the lack of "things", often in the form of knowledge or understanding.
It also points out that non-things don't exist, because they are just the lack, or absence of things.
For example:
Darkness is the absence, or lack of light.
Cold is the absence of heat.
Ignorance is due to a lack of knowledge.
edit on 22-12-2022 by IndieA because: Added information
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