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Biden and Zelensky planning to meet in Washington for Ukrainian president’s first foreign trip

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posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:27 PM
Zelensky coming to meet their masters of US.

Nancy Pelosi is now asking all members of Congress to be physically present on Capitol Hill tomorrow.
Zelensky is supposed to visit DC tomorrow, where he will meet Biden and address Congress.

In the adresss he will be begging for more aid and billions.

This to whom the billions your tax payers money are going at.
Each month.

Biden and Zelensky planning to meet in Washington for Ukrainian president’s first foreign trip since war began

Pelosi has been making calls to members urging them to show up to the Capitol on Wednesday over fears the chamber would be empty ahead of the holiday recess, one member said. Pelosi asked for members to be in attendance Wednesday night “for a very special focus on Democracy.”

Very special focus for the so called "DEMOCRACY"

The visit is enough to show that the US is using Ukraine through their puppet Zelensky agaisnt Russia as a battering ram and the US arent interested in actual peace or peaceful agreements.

Angela merkel had admitted that the Minsk Agreements that Ukraine, US allegedly had agreed to with Russia was not a real agreement but as a agreement to stall time for Ukraine.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:40 PM
First foreign trip? Zelensky putting on a performance for the general public. Should be very dramatic. Look how pretty he is and I bet he puts on a wonderful performance. He's an ACTOR. Him and Putin will probably jerk each other off before he leaves! Stay frosty gents! (And women).
edit on CTue, 20 Dec 2022 18:41:07 -0600pm2022-12-20T18:41:07-06:00kpmTuesdaypm2022-12-20T18:41:07-06:00k by Crackalackin because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: vNex92

The visit is enough to show that the US is using Ukraine through their puppet Zelensky agaisnt Russia as a battering ram and the US arent interested in actual peace or peaceful agreements.

A battering ram? Russia invaded. They are the battering ram. The U.S. does have interests in keeping Russia out of ukraine. That's not news though. The U.S. and Russia have been fighting for influence in Ukraine for years. It was Russia that decided to invade.

Russia has a far greater ability than the U.S. to create a peaceful resolution. Why don't you ever post on how Russia isn't doing anything to strive towards peace?

Cleary some bias going on here.
edit on 20-12-2022 by SuperSaturn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:48 PM
Masters please such hyperbole,

Zelenskyy is looking for a check and arms

10 percent for the big guy is much more likely.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: SuperSaturn

This conflict in Ukraine had being going on long before Russia's intervention in Eastern Ukraine.

The U.S. does have interests in keeping Russia out of ukraine.

Just like how the US has a interest on keeping Russia Out, Germans Down? this is why US created NATO. To keep US in Russia/China out of Europe.

To keep Europe solo under the American dominance,influence and all of its current liberal social ideology along with it.

Why don't you ever post on how Russia isn't doing anything to strive towards peace?
Why should the Russians, Russia even trust US/West anything to strive towards peace cosndering the US/West keep lying to Russia?

As they lied about the Minsk Agreements?

The Misnk agreements is a deal that both sides agreed upon. Eventually Angela merkel came out and admitted that that misnk agreement that they agreed with Russia.

Wasn't a real deal with Russia.

So again why should Russia trust when the US arent interested in striving for peace?

When considering the US goals are about to break up Russia as a civilization?

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
Masters please such hyperbole,

Zelenskyy is looking for a check and arms

10 percent for the big guy is much more likely.

Yup, and as much as I don't care for taxpayer money going to Ukraine - it's completely predictable that the U.S. is going to keep funding Ukraine.

Russia should have known this when they decided to invade. It's like if NATO invaded Belarus because of bad leadership. There would be no doubt that Russia would be supplying them with arms and money.

NATO would be creating the war and they have the most ability to end it. (In this theoretical scenario)

This warped idea that much larger countries are forced to invade other countries is almost always pro-war propaganda. And Russia is chalk-full of it. Unfortunately, OP seems to be buying fully into it.

edit on 20-12-2022 by SuperSaturn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Why should the Russians, Russia even trust US/West anything to strive towards peace cosndering the US/West keep lying to Russia?

Hate to break it to you buddy, but Russia and U.S. lie to each other all the time. Russia has the ability to pull out troops and stop the war.

While you can argue about Russia getting a fair deal in a peace agreement, you can't ignore that they are the ones continuing the war. They can leave right now if they want to.

So is this about Russia getting a good deal, or is this about ending the bloodshed. Because if it's about actual peace, then you should be addressing Russia first and foremost.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: SuperSaturn

Russia should have known this when they decided to invade. It's like if NATO invaded Belarus because of bad leadership. There would be no doubt that Russia would be supplying them with arms and money.

Russia knows Ukraine far more than a nation that had started this mess in Eastern Eupore with somebody known as Soros.

There several interviews with George Soros. where he mentions how he mentions about the regime change protests that his organization had assisted.

U.S. is going to keep funding Ukraine
Just how well afghanistan worked out after 20 years.

When it comes to resources.

Europe cant continue on the same it is currently on and the one that shoot themselves in the foot in this conflict it is Europe.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: SuperSaturn

The US congress is currently floating around the idea that US is pushing democracy in Ukraine from the same nation that currently used twitter and censored headlines that they deed as pragnadoa or misinformation, Biden Hunter stories is one of those.

When it comes to Democracy what gives the US the right to preach about "Democracy"?

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 07:12 PM
WHY does Zelensky NOT fear being zapped by a Putin missile or paid sniper?

PUTIN seems to in perpetual fear, however.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 07:36 PM
Respectfully Congress and Biden could care less about democracy in Ukraine, what they do care about is how much money can be made with endless arms sales for the American MIC, while they pretend to fight for democracy in Ukraine.

The prize is rebuilding worn-torn Ukraine, whatever is blown up of destroyed will be rebuilt by American dollars and contractors.

I suspect dozens of Democratic leaders and the RINOs, and a few key Republicans are connected enough to make serious bank. Collectively those connected have enough influence that Congress will follow whatever this group deems needed to be done. If they can run another aid package and they get a kickback, Zelenskky will get most of what he is asking for.

As for the failure of Afghanistan, those that made fortunes in Afghanistan don't look at it as a failure at all, it was 20 years of financing by the good old American Taxpayer and the blood and sweat of our soldiers. All so multiple billion-dollar MIC corporations' stock prices and dividends would go up.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 07:55 PM
Doesn't this guy got a war to lose somewhere?

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Ummm…will he be playing the piano for Joey…?


posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 08:12 PM
So biden is going to meet his master, Zelensky.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 08:15 PM
These corrupt people currently in control of our money need the fresh fake optics publicity to justify and enable another clean looking transfer of cash to Ukraine, except it won't really be going there, it's coming right back, just not to the citizens.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Why yes... democracy... sure...

Is that what they call a US backed and paid for coup in which the legitimate leader of a country is violently ousted by a bunch of nazi lovers? I'll tax dollars would be better spent handing out hundred dollar bills to the junkies spanging for change in the corner. Probably cheaper too...

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: RickyD

Not Democracy, US dominance.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: vNex92

Ummm…will he be playing the piano for Joey…?


And Joey will sing, "You don't phuk with a Biiiiiidennnnnnn...No No No Baby."

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 04:55 AM
Isn´t it funny how this normally uninteresting information is blown up in the western media? There were even breaking news tickers last night on the news channels. But who, among the average population of the involved nations who are forced to pay for that BS show with their tax money, really cares about the involved WEF puppets and what they do, how they act to fool the masses? I couldn´t care less about a corrupt and fascist comedian/actor flying to wherever on earth, i will not have more money or a better life after learning about that $hit-show move.

It´s all just a big propaganda MSM $hitshow, nobody would take notice of the leader of one of the most corrupt and most fascist nations on earth flying to his puppet-masters to get some new strings, to be able to dance better to the tunes that are played for him.

It´s like that whole war-like scenario the WEF puppets on "both sides" of the wag the dog "conflict" created to have an excuse for what really is going on. It is not the Ukraine BS show that causes all the problems we have right now, it´s the long hidden results of 2008 but now used to execute the greatest heist in history, created by the ultra rich to rob everybody else on earth. And of course to create an order on earth (of course only for us peasants) that comes out of the megalomaniac and crazy minds of these ultra rich.

The Great Reset should be called The Great Heist or The Great Redistribution From The Bottom To The Top.

First they created and used "Corona" as excuse for what they really are doing, then their MSM switched within 6-12 hours from 100% Corona to 100% Ukraine and the current wave surfers immediately exchanged their free courage flags in their windows from anti-racism to pro Ukraine, no matter that 90% of these people couldn´t and i bet still can´t tell you where to find the Ukraine on a map.

The heist works great for the robbers because those robbed are lied to, they are distracted by never ending horror news about whatever and still believe all that MSM BS and don´t even notice that they get robbed till they own nothing anymore and are happy about it.

Btw, many people here in EUrope ask why they are forced to freeze and suffer for the Ukraine when the first visit abroad of that WEF puppet is Washington and not Brussels. The so-called solidarity (nobody asks us, they simply take our tax money and do whatever BS they want to do with it while the problems here grow day by day because of the deeds of the great resetters and transformists in "our" government in Germany) will continue to crumble as a result.
edit on 21 12 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
Zelensky coming to meet their masters of US.

Nancy Pelosi is now asking all members of Congress to be physically present on Capitol Hill tomorrow.
Zelensky is supposed to visit DC tomorrow, where he will meet Biden and address Congress.

In the adresss he will be begging for more aid and billions.

This to whom the billions your tax payers money are going at.
Each month.

Biden and Zelensky planning to meet in Washington for Ukrainian president’s first foreign trip since war began

Pelosi has been making calls to members urging them to show up to the Capitol on Wednesday over fears the chamber would be empty ahead of the holiday recess, one member said. Pelosi asked for members to be in attendance Wednesday night “for a very special focus on Democracy.”

Very special focus for the so called "DEMOCRACY"

The visit is enough to show that the US is using Ukraine through their puppet Zelensky agaisnt Russia as a battering ram and the US arent interested in actual peace or peaceful agreements.

Angela merkel had admitted that the Minsk Agreements that Ukraine, US allegedly had agreed to with Russia was not a real agreement but as a agreement to stall time for Ukraine.

PR stunt.

Zelensky is our puppet. Have to bring him here to make it look like he’s begging and we’re the good guys.

Reality is he’s our asset, and the Ukrainian people are pawns in our larger campaign against Russia.

Those who live will ultimately have a better life, due to their compliance. Lots will die in the interim.

Phony political theatre at its finest (or worst?) to pacify the non-thinking among us.

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