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Who to blame for the rising cost of living

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posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:18 PM
While it is easy to blame greedy corperations and landlords, they aren't entirely at fault here, although I'm sure greed isn't helping the situation. I was looking to buy my first home throughout the pandemic and I watched house prices rise by as much as 40% in my entire region of Australia.

Prices have stayed fairly stable since the pandemic ended but it depends on where you live obviously. My house insurance will rise by over 20% next year and I also got a letter in the mail saying my council rates will increase by a minimum of 6.6% up to as much as 98.94% depending on what they decide.

I think it's something they have to vote on but obviously they wont let us have any say. The electricity company also recently sent me an email saying their prices would be increasing but they didn't specify by how much, although I'm sure it will be some unseemly percentage.

The Consumer Price Index has risen by over 7% just in the last year according to official sources. God only knows what the real figure would be if we properly took into account all aspects of the economy. The cost of things like fuel and housing have risen much more than 7%.

They certainly "printed" more than 7% of the total money supply and injected it into circulation throughout the pandemic, not to mention all the businesses which were shut down. All of this was completely predictable, but that would require some foresight wouldn't it?

You ever look at those countries who use notes with huge values like 100K or even million dollar notes and wonder how they got into such a nonsensical scenario? They obviously didn't choose to purchase a loaf of bread with a 100K note, yet they wound up in that situation.

Most likely because they printed way too much money at some point in their history and it caused hyperinflation. But they decided to keep using that currency after their economy recovered. They could have created a new currency, and make 1 unit equal to 100K units of the old currency.

But in reality it doesn't really matter what value you print on the notes, it matters much more how a currency is distributed. And inflation directly leads to a more unequal distribution because the new money first makes its way to businesses and the investors of those businesses.

Even if the average person manages to get a cut of the handouts, most will quickly spend that money and give it to corporations. During the pandemic most of the new money flowed to the monopolies because the smaller businesses weren't allowed to stay open, despite the fact it forced everyone into the same spaces.

Not to mention, most businesses will not increase wages to keep up with inflation but they will increase prices to keep up with inflation. This is a legitimate criticism of corporations but it wouldn't be possible if governments didn't devalue our currency, obviously greedy people will exploit it.

The more inflation you have, the poorer people become, forcing the government to spend more fixing the problem. It creates a feedback loop until the situation spirals out of control and you get hyperinflation. I don't think we are there yet, but it's a real possibility if we continue ignoring these economic truths.

More socialism and more destructive climate policies are only going to make the situation worse. Everyone loves to blame the business owner or the landlord, as if they suddenly decided to be much more greedy this year for no reason at all. Why didn't they raise prices so much in the years before the pandemic?

They know people are struggling so much this year, so I doubt they are doing it simply to be cruel or make a few extra dollars. It's time to look at the real root cause of the problem and stop looking at the symptoms of the problem. Nothing will change until we understand where the real blame lies.
edit on 20/12/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:25 PM
Gas prices started climbing when Oil Executives realized Joe Biden really was going to try and put them out of business.

Gas prices started falling when Oil Executives saw Americans replace Democrats with Republicans in the US House. Republicans will not allow Joe Biden to put Oil producers out of business.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:54 PM
Inflation occurs when there is too much money injected into the markets.

Only governments have the authority to print money.

Every bill, budget, bailout, or legislation with a monetary amount attached is the government printing new money and dumping it into the economy.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Jason79

So that's where the real blame lies. The politicians who carry out their fantasy economics thinking it will have no negative consequences.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:01 PM
The NWO-Government complex is powerful 😎

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: Jason79
Inflation occurs when there is too much money injected into the markets.

Only governments have the authority to print money.

Every bill, budget, bailout, or legislation with a monetary amount attached is the government printing new money and dumping it into the economy.

But maybe "governments" are axe hatchets for The NWO. The Govs can't do it without orderzz 😎

The World Governments are all Members of the Central Banking System (B.I.S. and The Basel Committee) 😎

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:09 PM
Who to blame

Rich greedy corporations and the scumbag 1percenters who revel in wealth all while others suffer

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I blame those that we elect and pay to manage things.

This falls squarely on the shoulders of politicians who are full of themselves and false promises.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown

I see you've cracked the case. The world would be a massively better place if 1% of the population owned most of the wealth. 1% is 1 in a 100 people, we walk past them or even talk to them every day, it's not that hard to reach the 1%. Back in 2012 I wrote a thread about how the richest 400 people in America own the same amount of wealth as the poorest 50% (155 million people). Those 400 people only represent 0.0001% of Americans yet they own as much wealth as half the population. And I'm sure the situation has worsened quite a bit throughout the pandemic due to the rampant inflation. All the money they printed had to end up somewhere but it doesn't seem to be in the bank account of the average Joe.
edit on 20/12/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Who's to blame?

Look in the mirror.

You want cheap fuel? Fine. But then you go and use it like there's no tomorrow. For Everything! Until the air is unbreatheable, the water is poisoned, the land stripped and useless to grow the food you need (so you use more oil to make fertilizer to try and "fix" the soil).

You want more "things". But "things" cost too much, so you ship all your manufacturing resources off to places where the people are desperate enough that they will work for less than you would (or could) be willing to make Junk that then gets shipped back to you...with every "middleman" in between getting a piece of the profits.

You don't want to be bothered by concerns over the climate and the water and food supplies and the spread of disease. You think they're all "plots" designed to limit your "freedom". But then you demand retribution when a flood wipes out levee and destroys a town, when the lead pipes in a city's water supply begin to fail and sicken its citizens, when the folks who work in the fields and distribution centers that supply your "cheap" food begin to move in to your neighborhood and demand the kind of lifestyle you take for granted.

And, central to all this;

You vote (or don't) in the people, and yes, they are people just like you, you expect to make decisions you can't, or won't, make for yourselves.....then, suddenly, they become "Politicians" who are like some separate species of creature you've never seen before?

We are to blame,

For everything.

And only We can change, Everything.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:53 PM
I live in Tennessee, USA. So I only can speak for my point of view. The prices started to go up as the global supply chain was stretched. With the Democrats in complete control of government after the 2020 election, the new President: Joe Biden, started attacking the the petroleum industry. Closing pipe lines, revoking drilling leases, The price of fuel skyrocketed. The supply chain was broken by then and the extremely high energy cost began to destroy the economy.

Releasing billions of new dollars into the economy aided the already staggering inflation. In the states with democrats in charge it appears to me that they were trying to stay in lockdown until they completely destroyed t the US.

I don’t think this would have happened if Trump were in office and we had a Republican speaker of the house.
Just my opinion

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

You want more "things". But "things" cost too much, so you ship all your manufacturing resources off to places where the people are desperate enough that they will work for less

Err no, I'm more than willing to pay the extra cost for high quality items which are made locally. I just want the basic things to live a comfortable life, I don't even want that much, I live a fairly modest life, especially compared to the sanctimonious billionaires who demand everyone else stop using all their resources. I grew up in near poverty, and I finally reached a point in my life where I can start to afford some of the finer things in life, but the rich elitists can't have that can they, only they are allowed to spend their money buying up obscene amounts of resources. I just want to enjoy a decent living standard at an affordable price like my father and grandfather, but they want to regulate my life style like some sort of Orwellian nightmare and they use self-righteous logic like yours to justify it.

You don't want to be bothered by concerns over the climate and the water and food supplies and the spread of disease. You think they're all "plots" designed to limit your "freedom".

Your generalizations are tiresome. I care very deeply for the environment, there is scarcely anything more precious than the wide range of beautiful and diverse life we share this planet with, that's why I live close to nature and not in a city. Humans are certainly doing real damage to the planet, but much of the climate change hysteria is based on complete lies, especially the stuff about global warming and us having 10 years left. Most Western nations have kept CO2 emissions stable for decades now, the only nations still rapidly increasing their emissions are China and many developing nations, you should be lecturing them. But you are right, we are to blame because we elect moronic politicians who think a Nanny state can be a Utopia.
edit on 20/12/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:08 PM
Shhhhh dont tell noone, its a secret as long as people cant read more than a paragraph and keep their comprehension. a reply to: xuenchen

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Nickn3

Well the price of fuel went up all around the world not just the US, but many countries are implementing the same sort of liberal climate policies. Prices did go up a bit during the pandemic due to inflation, however it was nothing compared to how much prices rose after the war in Ukraine started. It's pretty clear that war has been the single greatest driver of fuel prices around the world, probably because Russia supplies a lot of oil to the world and has several pipelines going into the EU which are now out of service.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:16 PM
I believe, as long as someone elects someone else to speak for and stand by your cread or beliefs, your a sucker. Do it yourself.

Oh I can't.

I must elect a lesser of 2 evils.

Pontious Pilate is the dream embodiment of devils advocate all sides wants to play because the enemy isn't the devil who has will and intent, the enemy is the one who never decides, that leaves billions to sacrifice without regard of their potential worth if they ever really had any.

The force of power moves all things and people, who currently owns it ? It will eventually go elsewhere when convenient to use words against any long standing rulling party.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:21 PM
When you have a monetary system backed up by dreams and wishes; expect some fluctuation now and then, Especially when monitored by a gang of expert manipulators on wallstreet. Study the system and reap the benefits!!

edit on 20-12-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:24 PM
quantitative easing as well as that printer going brrrr (M1)
edit on 20-12-2022 by kittywrangler because: added M1

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Just recently the EU/G7 nations decided to push for a oil price cap on Russian oil energy imports/exports.
That cant be good for Europe.

Its Europe that is suffering from the sanctions because its causing a surge in the electricity bills.

Sanctions agaisnt Russia are also to be blamed.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:30 PM
aa reply to: Jason79

Sanctions agaisnt a oil power like Russia also has its negative effects once you impose the sanctions.
Those who impose it are suffering more.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I blame all those parents who keep having Princesses and Princes instead of regular babies and throwing loads of money at them so they grow up self-entitled.

Everybody pays for the elite one way or another.
edit on 20/12/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

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