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Stupid question..who's David Icke?

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posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by deevee
I just finished reading "Them (Adventures with extremists) by Jon Ronson.

In an amusing chapter on Icke he outlines another aspect to the bizzare reptilian theory and attempts to silence him. Icke's views are so out there that many believe he is actually speaking in code and when he says "Reptilian" he really means "Jew" When he spoke in Vancouver there were even attempts to have him charged under Canada's hate crime laws.

Sometimes a lizard is just a lizard.

The problem with this point of yours is that, when Icke does talk about Jews, he calls them .... Jews. He uses no codes. The word j-e-w is written in plain letters in his books whenever he talks about Jews.

What Icke got into trouble about in Canada was with the ADL. He dug up the true history of the ADL and they got mad and attempted to retalliate. This information on their true history, and how they started, and who funded them, is not taught in any school, college, no where. But it can be verified by looking up newspapers on microfilm at any library. Icke said "Prove me wrong! Prove what I dug up about the true history of the ADL to be wrong." And the ADL has yet to prove Icke wrong about how the ADL originally started.

Icke also writes about the true history of modern Jews. How the Rothschilds aren't Jewish at all. Where their name really comes from. What their original name was.
How modern Jews come from the Khazars.
Everyone who points this fact out, that modern Jews have no relation at all to the Jews in the Bible, but instead to a Nordic-Turkish-Mongolian ethnic group called the Khazars, is labled "anti-semitism". Even modern Jews who admit it's true!

Funny thing is many major musuems have showings about the Khazars, and how modern Jews come from them. There's also tons of books, other than Ike's books, that go into detail how modern Jews come from the Khazars. The Khazars did the exact same thing Roman Emperor Constantine did. Constantine went from killing Christians, to deciding him, and all Romans are all automatically Christians cuz he said so. The leader of the Khazars went from having no official religion, to deciding him, and all Khazars are all automatically Jews cuz he said so.

Icke in no way hates the Jews from the Bible, or modern Jews or "Jews". In fact Icke goes into detail (like in his book "And the Truth Shall Set You Free") how he doesn't have anything against modern Jews, and never has. He's never said anything untruthful about modern Jews. All his information, and sources are listed. No one has been able to refute his sources on the true history of the ADL, or about where modern Jews or "Jews" come from.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 11:32 AM
as Kano the most wise has remarked

Whenever you are angry at another member, and on the verge of making an embarrassing flaming response to one of their posts. Stare at the picture below. While staring, ask yourself the question. What would Skippy do?

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012
Freemasonry is more than being "just a member". It's about your bloodlines. In the words of Pike, in his little book, Morals and Dogma,

It IS NOT. You're full of it, bro. You know it, I know it, and others WILL know it. I know several 33rd degree Freemasons, "white caps", as theyre known. My very own mentor at my lodge is one, and he's CHINESE. Are you telling me that Chinese people have the "sacred bloodline" also?

talking about the information allowed to members..... the majority of members only get to see the "courtyard". The select few actually get to enter the "house". Even fewer get to see all the "rooms".
The elite adepts of Freemasonry will never tell you about the highest level knowledge. You and the majority of members will go through your entire lives not even knowing about the knowledge only the very few are let in on. The primary factor that determines this is one's bloodlines.

Right, A member of the masons (myself) is not given this information, but YOU ARE!?!?!?!?!?!? You gotta be kidding me. I've been provided with anything I want to know about Freemasonry, and there's no reason for me to doubt that. Of course, YOU wouldn't know because YOU ARE NOT A MASON. Anyone who pretends to know anything about masonry without being a member is just kidding themselves, and those around him.

Last, once again, you can go on and on posting how what I say is untrue. And I can go on posting my info. You've made your own personal decision, even though you haven't read any of Ickes books.

So you're saying that I need to read Icke's books to know the truth!?!? You call 8-foot shapeshiftig lizards THE TRUTH!?!? Whatever you say, buddy.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 12:15 PM
Well, as per OpenSecret2012's advice I have been boning up on David Icke. I've been through his website exhaustively, read summaries and excerpts from his books and checked over independent journalistic views of his writings. And I've come to the following conclusion:

senrak was right. He's a fruitcake. I take back all that I said about some of his stuff being OK. It's clear he's barking mad. Woof.

OpenSecret2012 - please feel free to espouse his work. Readers of this thread will know through your kind words that the book is available free and I strongly urge them to go and read them, so they can make their own mind up.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Calm down people!!! And take the cake picture away. This is a discussion forum, not a kiddie playground.

Super Moderator does that mean that Trolls are allowed to make bare-faced lies about members on the list who are Masons and Masons in general, and call them "pathalogical liars" (as Necros has done MANY times) to call them "bottom dwellers" (as Necros very recently did) make unsubstantiated accusations, as several of them have repeatedly done, etc. etc. etc. ....and we who can SEE the obvious can't call them "fruitcakes" (which they obviously are...particularly those who think Masons actually gave his dog laxatives and vandalized his toilet...)

Just an observation from a Mason who's sick of the fruitcake trolls lying about him and Freemasonry.


[edit on 22-4-2005 by senrak]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by senrak

Super Moderator does that mean that Trolls are allowed to make bare-faced lies about members on the list who are Masons and Masons in general, and call them "pathalogical liars" (as Necros has done MANY times) to call them "bottom dwellers" (as Necros very recently did) make unsubstantiated accusations, as several of them have repeatedly done, etc. etc. etc. ....and we who can SEE the obvious can't call them "fruitcakes" (which they obviously are...particularly those who think Masons actually gave his dog laxatives and vandalized his toilet...)

Just an observation from a Mason who's sick of the fruitcake trolls lying about him and Freemasonry.


[edit on 22-4-2005 by senrak]

Considering you misquote MrNECROS and David Icke.

[edit on 22-4-2005 by ThePunisher]

[edit on 22-4-2005 by ThePunisher]

[edit on 22-4-2005 by ThePunisher]

[edit on 22-4-2005 by ThePunisher]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher
Considering you misquote MrNECROS and David Icke.

LOL! I didn't quote David Icke at it'd be a bit difficult to mis-quote him...and MrsNecros DOES continually call Freemasons "pathalogical liars" and he DOES claim Freemasons fed his dog laxatives and vandalized his toilet.

hmmmm...seems I didn't misquote anyone doesn't it? ...besides...who asked you???

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:09 AM
Maybe that is the problem.
We criticize Freemasonry by quoting its literature.

I have yet to see every Freemason quoting 'conspiracy not fact' literature.

Actually, I haven't seen one Mason quote from 'conspiracy NOT fact' literature.

How is this playing field level? Or even supposed to be fun?

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by akilles
Maybe that is the problem.
We criticize Freemasonry by quoting its literature.

You should add "out of context" to that line for it to be true. Most things I've seen referenced from Pike and such have been taken out of context. Not saying the words aren't there as quoted ...just that key parts are left out that convey the true meaning of the passages.

I have yet to see every Freemason quoting 'conspiracy not fact' literature.

Actually, I haven't seen one Mason quote from 'conspiracy NOT fact' literature.

Could that be because there isn't a conspiracy? Maybe we just quote fact, which is usually dismissed as "biased" or "tainted" sources, because that's all there really is?

This in itself is where I believe alot of the misunderstanding and/or conflict arises. People who oppose Freemasonry frequently (not always) use consipratorial type sources to back thier arguments. Which by it being "conspiracy" based, tends to leave it up for debate as far as credibility.

A prime example: the other day I was in a "national bookseller chain" looking at books on Freemasonry. And I'll admit, I perused through the conspiracy type books who claimed to have the "secrets" of Freemasonry. Each one had a chapter or two on Masonic ritual....and guess what...everyone of them had A DIFFERENT initiation and degree ritual. And none I repeat NONE of them were remotely close to what I had taken part in. Heck, some of things they described...*IF* I had seen them...the only thing of me around there would've been the outline of my body as I busted through the door to get out...and the stench of my soiled underwear...

I don't remember the book titles...actually they are unimportant....but what is important is that people take the information in these books as *fact* when all they actually are is fiction. Fiction that takes advantage of people that are looking for something that's really not there. The Taxill Hoax is another great example of just that....Taxil gave everyone what they wanted "the low down on the *evil* Masons" knowing all too well that he knew nothing of what he was writing.

Which is where Icke comes in.....I'm not saying everything the man writes is bunk.....just tread with caution when taking Ike and his ilk (senrak's fav. word
) as fact.

Even you have to admit that alot of the accusations that are made, when really considered, are far fetched.

How is this playing field level? Or even supposed to be fun?

Learning is fun! No?

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by akilles
Actually, I haven't seen one Mason quote from 'conspiracy NOT fact' literature.

What do you mean by this? The people who attack masons and masonry on this site seem to get their information from conspiracy sites, because they are so woefully short on facts and long on allegation, supposition and opinion.

Freemasonry largely counter this by sharing their own personal experiences of freemasonry. We know the lies that are told are just that, but as our experiences cannot be proven (particularly with people who are wilfully prejudiced against freemasonry) references to other sources is often given as backup.

You are the attackers, we are the defenders. As I still believe that it's innocent until proven guilty the burden of proof lies not with the freemasons.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by sebatwerk

Last, once again, you can go on and on posting how what I say is untrue. And I can go on posting my info. You've made your own personal decision, even though you haven't read any of Ickes books.

So you're saying that I need to read Icke's books to know the truth!?!? You call 8-foot shapeshiftig lizards THE TRUTH!?!? Whatever you say, buddy.

I'm saying you need to read Icke's books to answer the question this thread is about. "Who's David Icke." As far as finding THE TRUTH. You need to find that out yourself, for yourself. Most would say by researching, cross-researching, as many different subjects of intrest to you. Questioning leaders of all religions. Traveling to all parts of the planet where unexplained structures are located

(like the Baalbek Stones, the Ithkytheria Mechinism/Computer, the entrances into the center of the earth at the north pole and south pole that a famous American adventurer went into in the 1950's. The Egyptian structures in Ireland. The pyramids in Sudan. The ancient structures in Ethiopia. Studying Ethiopia's history in the Christian and Hebrew Bible. Finding out for yourself which, how many, and if all..or some.. organized religion is a fraud and scam and fake. Who built the pyramids on Mars. Why the March 16, 2004 NY Times says planet Sedna (Nubieru to ancient humans) is traveling to Earth and will arrive in 2012. And much, much, much, more other esoteric/mysterious stuff spanning history, religion, non-religion, our solar system, the ancient world, and the modern world.)

Icke isn't THE TRUTH. He's some of the truth. Part of the truth. It's up to the reader to decide for their ownselves how much of the truth Icke is a part of. IMHO to me Icke is 90% part of the truth. The matrix books (Now up to Matrix 5) covers stuff even Icke doesn't touch, and/or runs away from scared. The Matrix 5 covers parts of the truth. Zecharia Sitchen covers other parts of the truth. Many, many, other people cover other parts of the truth. (Such as the UFO flyover Washington DC around the middle of the 1900's.)

But back to answering the question this thread is about... "Who's David Icke?" (not "What's the Truth") you need to read his books for free, or buy them. And read em from cover to cover to know "Who's David Icke." If you haven't read any of his books, your in no position to answer the question this thread is about.

Ok so you don't like what Icke says about other beings/aliens. Now what do you think about what Icke writes about the 100 other subjects he writes about? Oh that's right, you haven't read any of Icke's books so you wouldn't know what the other 100 subjects are that Icke writes about... such as how the Federal Reserve was created, how the IRS is constitutionally illegal and how an American buisnessman in 1985 successfully took the IRS to court. How America funded Germany before, and during, WWII, the Opium Wars, and much, much, much, much, more.

I thought you were posting specifically in response to Freemasons being brought up. Now you want to talk about other beings/aliens?
BTW, did you know this site has an alien/other beings section? This site , and it's moderators supports the idea that aliens/other beings do exist?


Originally posted by Trinityman
Well, as per OpenSecret2012's advice I have been boning up on David Icke. I've been through his website exhaustively, read summaries and excerpts from his books and checked over independent journalistic views of his writings. And I've come to the following conclusion:

senrak was right. He's a fruitcake. I take back all that I said about some of his stuff being OK. It's clear he's barking mad. Woof.

"Boning up" on David Icke by reading excrepts, and reading reviews of his books by other writers, won't answer the question this thread is about "Who's David Icke". One always goes to the source. And then one does a through job. If you haven't read Icke's books from cover to cover, then no, you don't know "Who's David Icke". You haven't done a through job. Since all his books are free to read, you have no excuse for not reading his books from cover to cover.
I've recommended starting first with "The Biggest Secret", then going to "And the Truth Shall Set You Free". Then whatever other of his books intrest one.

Originally posted by Trinityman
OpenSecret2012 - please feel free to espouse his work. Readers of this thread will know through your kind words that the book is available free and I strongly urge them to go and read them, so they can make their own mind up.

I can't believe it! It took until page 5 of this thread, but you and I now 1 million % agreeeee!

You finally get exactly what I've been trying to get across. For everyone to come to their own personal conclusion after first reading Icke for their own selves. And you even remembered to remind everyone all his books are freeeee to read.

*Trinityman is my new buddy! If only the other 51% of people in this thread, and at the rest of this site were like Trinityman !!!!

[edit on 23-4-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012
Trinityman is my new buddy! If only the other 51% of people in this thread, and at the rest of this site were like Trinityman !!!!

Awwww! What a nice guy

Actually I wonder what else we can agree on? Wouldn't that be a turn up for the books - seeking a consensus - finding common ground - etc

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
as Kano the most wise has remarked

Whenever you are angry at another member, and on the verge of making an embarrassing flaming response to one of their posts. Stare at the picture below. While staring, ask yourself the question. What would Skippy do?

Oh SURE Nygdan....YOU can post a picture of a kangaroo's scrotum but I get dinged by a so-called "super" Moderator (who NEVER responded to my direct question) for rightfully calling the trolls Fruitcakes and posting their Senior Yearbook picture.

Where's the justice in this? huh?

Just for THAT I'm going to disclose the secrets of the three White Orbs found on the back of the TWO dollar bill (an arcane reference to the Second Degree of All-Seeing Eyedom...."


Kangaroo scrotums for EVERYONE!!!!

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by senrak
Oh SURE Nygdan....YOU can post a picture of a kangaroo's scrotum but I get dinged by a so-called "super" Moderator (who NEVER responded to my direct question) for rightfully calling the trolls Fruitcakes and posting their Senior Yearbook picture.

Don't worry, Bandit will answer your question the next time he's on. Not all of us have no lives.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by senrak

LOL! I didn't quote David Icke at it'd be a bit difficult to mis-quote him...and MrsNecros DOES continually call Freemasons "pathalogical liars" and he DOES claim Freemasons fed his dog laxatives and vandalized his toilet.

hmmmm...seems I didn't misquote anyone doesn't it? ...besides...who asked you???

A look at some posts in Icke and Necros threads says otherwise.

Originally posted by senrak

Misquote from your post about not misquoting.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher

Originally posted by senrak

Misquote from your post about not misquoting.

You obviously don't know what the word misquote means.

What you're QUOTING from my post would ordinarily be called a typographical error...that is if I had typed it by mistake.

...but I didn't.

...and I didn't ask you either

...and I don't intend to.

Please go punish someone else, Punisher

[edit on 23-4-2005 by senrak]

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