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Ed Dowd going long on funeral homes, and blood thinners

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posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 07:16 PM
Ed is highlighting the long-term sickness problem as a national security issue. Enough of the population has been injured causing massive problems with staff. Insurance companies are junking cars because they can't get them fixed. It seems nobody wants to address the problem. After a major hearing on the facts, they seem to let the fraud go onward until they are told to stop. He is calling it criminal negligence. The population does not know what has happened. His data is firm and uncontested, and Wall Street is taking notice as the money flows to where the data is. Dell big tree has a good interview with Ed

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 07:27 PM
All cause mortality is up drastically in highly vaccinated countries. Meanwhile Covid is nowhere to be found in Africa and all cause mortality isn't taking off.

A smart person would invest in funeral home companies, and pharma companies that push heart related drugs. Then pull it out into silver/gold before CDBCs come along.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 07:49 PM
I usually don't post that I can't back up. ( yes MIM's Street Talk is just that, but do maintain some accuracy on it also )
This is a fact here in Japan

1. About 82% of the population have been vaxxed at least once. ( many of the elderly in the villages declined vaxxed and I don't blame them, they are usually in better health then the 40 year olders here )

2. This is the truth. All types of variants of Corona virus has affected the vaccinated people to where there IS A INCREASE OF INFECTIONS AMONG THOSE THAT SEEM TO BE NON ACTIVE IN THERE DAILY LIFE. In other words, those that mostly have office jobs.

3. There is Japanese National Health Insurance that all here must join in. ( maybe not 100%, but close to it ). All doctor visits are recorded with the local city offices and turned over to the govt. agency in Tokyo for accounting purposes. This will show the treatment that was done. ( something fishy about this, I can't find where children are being treated for post vax for myocarditis, strange I tell ya )

4. If you don't agree with lot of the BS on the OP posting of Bitchute, look at it this way which is public knowledge here in Japan. Infections are once again on the rise. Critical cases are on the rise. Deaths now are on the rise and continue to be over 100 daily. Wasn't too long ago we were celebrating zero deaths every other day.

5. My opinion... Vaccinated people with covid whatever are having long term side affects after getting this new variant that has been going around in the last 6 months. Take it as it is. I believe this is the truth. Why... the attendance now again is seeing more people using zoom to attend church service here in Japan.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

The reality is hitting the NHS in Britain, this is a highly vaxed country with mandated jabs. If we just follow the Spanish flu it should all be done and dusted by now. But the NHS has almost collapsed no doubt this is being played out in all the highly vaxed countries, With all of them facing the harsh realities. But , the problem must be accepted as a national emergency. If it is then many powerful people's heads will roll, so they will double down on the denial to save themselves, so it is problematic whether it will ever be addressed.
Now you have sick people who can't access a health provider. At the same time, those same people can't afford to heat and eat.
edit on 16-12-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: musicismagic

The reality is hitting the NHS in Britain, this is a highly vaxed country with mandated jabs. If we just follow the Spanish flu it should all be done and dusted by now. But the NHS has almost collapsed no doubt this is being played out in all the highly vaxed countries, With all of them facing the harsh realities. But , the problem must be accepted as a national emergency. If it is then many powerful people's heads will roll, so they will double down on the denial to save themselves, so it is problematic whether it will ever be addressed.
Now you have sick people who can't access a health provider. At the same time, those same people can't afford to heat and eat.

It does sound terrible and I feel very sorry for you and those also in England. China, which uses the Sino vax and so does Maylaysia and Indonesia, they do have low death accounts from covid, but they do have strict control over freedom of leaving their area also. I believe or at least heard of that they have strict control over illegal entry into them countries. What I heard is that they even kill those that try to enter illegally to stop any types of infections. Do I agree with this approach. YES

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: anonentity
Man, does Ed Dowd have a list of publicly traded companies involved in funerals and cremations to invest in?? I thought this was investment advice?? Who manufactueres the blood thinners; please don't tell me it is the same bastards making the clot shots. That would just be diabolical.

Slim pickings in this market.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry
Just google "funeral stocks" and you'll see that some (certainly one of them) have fared very badly over the years. Now at the last meeting it is clear that their future looks bright. How could that be possible? I don't invest in death. But I did sell my life insurance stock :-)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: zandra
a reply to: worldstarcountry
Just google "funeral stocks" and you'll see that some (certainly one of them) have fared very badly over the years. Now at the last meeting it is clear that their future looks bright. How could that be possible? I don't invest in death. But I did sell my life insurance stock :-)

I wouldn't be upset. Life insurance premiums , well, to understand the outlook, one must look at what the military pays for its life insurance premiums in the future.

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