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Here's the deal with oil

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posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 03:43 PM
The United States is the number one consumer of oil in the world. Despite the obvious reasons you may think there is another reason. The United States has developed alternative energy that could totally alleviate our dependence on oil but we have not disclosed it. Why are we doing this? The United States will use all the oil up in other countries and therefore render them useless because lets face it, that’s the only thing the Middle Eastern countries have going for them. Once the oil is used up we can say, “Hey look at this, we don’t need oil anyways, we have invented things that don’t use petroleum products.” Then we will become the OPEC of the future, with ultimate control, which I’m sure the United States desires. We will distibute our "new energy" solutions to those we deem worthy or to the highest bidder. Anything not using “the new” energy will be run by our 40 year strategic supply until it can fully be integrated into “the new” energy product.

[edit on 6-4-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 04:13 PM
The United States is trying to gain control of the world's oil supply as one means to become the dominant power of the world. In other words, "The New World Order." Once the U.S. government has turned the world into a police state they will switch from oil to it's alternative energy when no one will be able to question the U.S. governments agenda. Why? By that time almost everyone will become a mindless slave to do the governments bidding.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by mrmulder
The United States is trying to gain control of the world's oil supply as one means to become the dominant power of the world. In other words, "The New World Order." Once the U.S. government has turned the world into a police state they will switch from oil to it's alternative energy when no one will be able to question the U.S. governments agenda. Why? By that time almost everyone will become a mindless slave to do the governments bidding.

Exactly. why else would we blow up a helpless nation, to build an embassy and spend millions of dollars on bases there to set up oil production that we can control. A wake up call is coming though and it might sound like this, "All your bases in the middle east are belong to us, go home".

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:21 AM
There is another reason to hold on to technology like that. That reason is to artifically drive up the price of the product once it is released. If the technology is released now people can wait until they are good and ready to switch over. If the developers of this wait until the last minute they can hold it for ransom. Unfortunately this is the way people do business in this country.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 06:44 AM
The United States is the number one consumer of oil in the world. Despite the obvious reasons you may think there is another reason. The United States has developed alternative energy that could totally alleviate our dependence on oil but we have not disclosed it. Why are we doing this? The United States will use all the oil up in other countries and therefore render them useless because lets face it, that’s the only thing the Middle Eastern countries have going for them. Once the oil is used up we can say, “Hey look at this, we don’t need oil anyways, we have invented things that don’t use petroleum products.

I must disagree. Although I would like to think that the US has an alternative to oil, I think you have a better chance of selling the Brooklyn Bridge to another farmer than you do proving this theory out.

The best thing North Americans can do is dump the SUV's, and suck it up. Perhaps in another century we might develop something to rival petrol in useage (Hybrids come to mind), but then you won't ne off-roading too much.


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Event Horizon
The United States has developed alternative energy that could totally alleviate our dependence on oil but we have not disclosed it.

What exactly is this technology; and is it adaptable to our oil infrastructure? Our problem isn't just that we need oil for our cars (etc.), our entire civil, industrial and military infrastructure is oil-driven. That's where it gets sticky.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 08:15 AM
The other reason why we are so desperate to control the world's oil is so the Bushes can make money their trillions off of it. Why do you think the price of oil continues to rise? The Bush family is in the oil business. Even if their are alternatives to oil, the Bushes and whoever is making money off oil wil continue to ensure that the U.S. uses all the oil up to the very last drop.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 08:35 AM
im going to assume this is all true. Oil has 50 years left correct? before the world goes dry? this plan is stupid

1) in 50 years no other nation develops an alternate fuel of any kind
2) in 50 years no one figures out we have an alternate fuel method
3) in 50 years no one considers that we are doing this

number 1 requires too much sabotage. number 2 is concievable if number 1 is. (which means NO). number 3 has just been considered by you .

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:19 AM
Dear all,

Have a look around the western world and look at who the leading companes are in Renewable Energy sources, they are not US owned companies. In fact one of the leaders owns several US companies.



posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:26 AM
Ok, I can agree with all of you but............some places in the world has found out that their onces dried wells have oil regenerate by itself.

So if that is true then........... we are missing something here. I was reading about some areas that their oil has been going dried but then production would peak again and the oil is of different quality that the onces before.

Middle east have some of this happening and also in the gulf of Mexico.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Ok, I can agree with all of you but............some places in the world has found out that their onces dried wells have oil regenerate by itself.

So if that is true then........... we are missing something here. I was reading about some areas that their oil has been going dried but then production would peak again and the oil is of different quality that the onces before.

Middle east have some of this happening and also in the gulf of Mexico.

Even if you're correct marg, the Bush family is still desperately wanting to make money off oil because they're in the oil business. It's all about money and power.

Have a look around the western world and look at who the leading companes are in Renewable Energy sources, they are not US owned companies. In fact one of the leaders owns several US companies.

I'm not saying the U.S. is the only country involved. Their are other countries in this as well but the U.S. plays a big part in all of this.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:35 AM

It is my contention that the US is actually behind the curve on this one.

For once someone else has got the jump on them in the tech stakes.



posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by BillHicksRules

It is my contention that the US is actually behind the curve on this one.

For once someone else has got the jump on them in the tech stakes.



Which is why IMO we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, to take over the oil fields there. If we are behind the curve that would give even more of a reason to do just that so we can be on top.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by BillHicksRules
Have a look around the western world and look at who the leading companes are in Renewable Energy sources, they are not US owned companies. In fact one of the leaders owns several US companies.

Who is leading the industry? Can you name a few? Im curious to know.
I know Canada has been working hard on hydrogen fuel cells and so far they are making pretty good progress. I have done a little searching and noticed that a lot of the companies are from Canada and Europe.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 02:32 PM
event horizon says:

"The United States is the number one consumer of oil in the world. Despite the obvious reasons you may think there is another reason. The United States has developed alternative energy that could totally alleviate our dependence on oil but we have not disclosed it. "

Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up your assertion about our Secret Alternative Energy or are you just repeating rumors?

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 02:35 PM
No, I do not know for sure. Im only speculating. But I do know that the United States does not back itself into a corner and not have a way out.

[edit on 7-4-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 08:36 PM
Event Horizon, let me make sure I have this straight.

You're saying the United States has a Secret Power Technology that we are not using, because it is better for our country to:

o Trash our economy by incurring a horrible balance of payments deficit and bankrupting all our citizens by forcing them to pay ever higher costs for driving themselves around and heating their houses;

o Trash our environment by using the dirtiest and unhealthiest source of energy imaginable, not only by getting it out of the ground, but by refining, transporting and storing it;

o Trash our health by polluting the atmosphere with carcinogenic hydrocarbon combustion byproducts, contribute to a possible global warming, foul the air with smog, and create acid rain;

o Trash our national security by providing tons of money to Mideast thugs and other malevolent hicks who enjoy jacking us around and actually give a lot of that money -- our money -- to people who want and try (often successfully) to kill us.

Event horizon, does that make any sense at all?

[edit on 7-4-2005 by Off_The_Street]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 12:24 AM
I’m not trying to toot anyone’s horn here, I’m just sharing a theory. Perhaps, I should have included that in the beginning, that it was just speculation.

To you and me no, it doesn’t make sense. However, the US is very sneaky and self preserving. I would not be surprised if this is what is happening.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 02:46 AM

The current world leaders in areas such as hydro and wind power are the Northern Europeans (incl the UK)



posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 03:59 AM
Excellent hypothesis, Event Horizon.

I've considered the idea myself: of the USA and/or other leading nations and corporations having an ace up their sleeve, and witholding it to maximise their capital gains and milk the oil scene for as much as possible, before 'saving the day' with a new energy source.

I can't decide just how feasible the idea is though.

Theoretically its possible. There are some potential alternatives, such as cold fusion (another link) for example, which could provide us with plentiful and clean energy. Its also quite possible that it is being supressed, at any cost: remember Dr. Eugene F. Mallove?

On the other hand, with knowledge of cold fusion abound, and the obvious pertinence and potential financial rewards of scientific research into alternative energy, it does seem improbable that if a real, viable alternative energy source was discovered, that it could or would be kept secret. For example: if its possible for one research team to make a discovery, for it to be then suppressed; with info on cold fusion available within the scientific community, whats to stop a team of researchers making similar discoveries and advancements for a rival faction and beat them to the punch? I can't help thinking that if a real advancement was made, there would soon be band-waggon jumping, info leaking, espionage etc making it very difficult to contain.

I think that could possibly be onto something, Event, but it would be a conspiracy and cover-up of monumental magnitude, seamlesly and shamelessly excecuted an with huge implications.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by Paul]

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