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One of us is not like the others

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posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Biggest threat to his fragile ego...

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 02:27 PM
Certain behaviors have traditionally occurred and gone mainstream before the collapse of a civilization, *shrugs*.

I am in the you do you, and ill do me, one group has decided that will not be allowed and started after kids, only a matter of time before a serious breakdown in civilization occurs.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: 19Bones79

Sure, trans are the biggest threat to society and you are not phobic...

It's the threat they pose to the spine of all Men , you think this is about Sex or Attraction and that is exactly what your supposed to think . Predictable Woke Ideals , how progressive of you I'm sure you think your very intelligent .

What this is truly about is weakening Men and making them more docile in turn making them pushovers , Men are physical beings meant for Hunting , Fighting and dying . Woman on the other hand are our only chance for survival because they hold the sacred key to life . Men are here to provide there part for woman and to protect woman .

It really is that simple , but turning Men into woman is the final stage of Control and you may not realize that now but eventually you will have no choice.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Actually men have the key, women have the lock...
But if its not about the sexual part, then it's about the more subtle forces that govern us? Why can't you access both? it's just a matter of perception.

Do you honestly feel forced to become or behave like a women?

We've all grown accustomed to masculine women, feminine man are still a rarity. Depicted as the weakness that ends our oh so great civilization.

If that's able to end a civilization, it was probably not build on solid foundations.

Sooooo, is it about showing weakness that is so hard, or is it just the feminin that scares you a little too much to feel comfortable with men being respected for not being matchos?

Then there is a whole spiritual side to it too.
In these realms your like a cripple if you can't acces both energies... So there is that too, as to why it's important to keep the mind locked to our bodies... Go figure

edit on 16-12-2022 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 09:41 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 10:00 PM

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posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 10:28 PM
I've never been like the others, don't wear dresses, but definitely a "law for themselves" type.

a reply to: 19Bones79

Is there such a thing as natural law that is written in the hearts of each of us?

All animals.

As much as a dolphins fondness for looking at babies in the fish feeding exhibit at Sea World. Or Shamu's fondness for attacking trainers occasionally. There's complex mammalian instinct.

I think the intrinsic qualities and higher laws are projected though.

Empathy = Survival.

Like how a rat will carry another dehydrated rat to water, a human will stop their car on freeway in a thunderstorm to help people out of a burning plane.

And that's the positive side of it. The negative comes up when thing do harm.

It just needs no abstract explanation to demonstate why wild elephants remember people who are nice to them and save their lives later. And attack people who they remember toting high caliber weapons.

The natural law seems to be more meritocratic. The law being more a code of honor and respect for others. One that can be revoked for breach of the non-contact clause. Then all golden rules add an addendum.

" Live And let live, until you rape my sister..."

...then I hunt you down and beat you with a crowbar.

You breached the unspoken mutual respect contract with my kindred. For that there is the law of retribution. The perfect counterbalance to people's good will to strangers during adversity.

If you want an ethos that holds to most complex animal societies, it's that.

Even the losers who call themselves satanists have it otherwise how would they know exactly what not to do?

Well yeah, but the identity pin Satanists are like the South Park goth kids if they never stopped striving to be noncomformist to the extent it loses the plot in hilarious contradiction.

It's sorta like the paradoxical self destruct code for antinomian actions and opinions. You make the noncomformist's head explode.
edit on 16-12-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
Is there such a thing as natural law that is written in the hearts of each of us?

The drag queen freaks are out to do the bidding of the elites, it's that simple.

It's an American man, wearing a dress, spreading their sick, perverted sickness to American children, while pretending to be a woman.

There's an easy answer to your question about a Natural Law - it's called: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

I don't care how someone dresses. But if a kid is shown what's underneath - then that's a serious problem. I really don't see the problem before that.

But I don't go around announcing that I like adult redheaded women with big tits. And no one should really care who I like. So I really don't want to hear what someone else likes or dislikes. And Children shouldn't hear about it either, I'd think.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

I've never been like the others,

If you've never corrupted a child you are like the others.

Empathy = Survival

I believe sometimes empathy is just empathy for its own sake. How do we explain sacrifice or a martyr?

Survival = Self preservation

The natural law seems to be more meritocratic. The law being more a code of honor and respect for others. One that can be revoked for breach of the non-contact clause. Then all golden rules add an addendum.

" Live And let live, until you rape my sister..."

...then I hunt you down and beat you with a crowbar.

That's me to a T. And my right to enact justice this way supercedes any law written in a book. If I had faith in the justice system then it would be another matter.

In South Africa rapists are released back into society sometimes in a matter of weeks.

The flipside to this is that it doesn't matter whether you mop the floors at a company or own the company, I treat everyone the same.

I enjoy harmony, but I temper it with an offbeat sense of humor.

Well yeah, but the identity pin Satanists are like the South Park goth kids if they never stopped striving to be noncomformist to the extent it loses the plot in hilarious contradiction.

It's sorta like the paradoxical self destruct code for antinomian actions and opinions. You make the noncomformist's head explode.

Well, naturally I had to look up antinomian.


You're either very well read, addicted to crossword puzzles, took a philosophy class, studied theology
or all of the above.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

Children shouldn't hear about it either, I'd think.

They hear about it all the time, but just the stuff that is deemed "OK" . They are bombarded with role models all the time. What is socially acceptable and what not has changed over the, years.
Did you know there was a time handicapped people got kept off the street because they didn't want to upset kids. It was assumed they were part demon... The first handicapped teacher wasnt well received at all at it's time. It's very similar to what is happening now... You can even look at it as a mental handicap if it helps you be more inclusive. If it doesn't impede his/her work it shouldn't be an argument.
Of course there are the usual chwcks and balances that applie, im sure no matter the circumstances Showing genitals in public is considered exhibitionism and is not legal. So do you think they have any legal grounds to circumvent the check and balances already in place to protect kids from sexually perverted individuals?

If trans were the sole issue i wonder why we had to apply these chack and balances mainly on white, straight, males? Are you suggesting they were all closet trans?

there is a diffrence between barring it from public, hiding it behind a curtain of a happy perfect christian world and shoving it in your face.
obviously education would adress it, they adress handicaps too. it's not such a big deal now, but it was back then. I think they were just stupid indoctrinated sheep, that couldn't help themselves and react in the programmed manner hating and fearing what the establishment told them to.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

LGBT was the vehicle used to infiltrate and corrupt from within the gates.

We knew when they got their foot in the door it was only the beginning.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 02:20 AM

a world super power brought down by trans, that will be something for the history books, or maybe it'll end in the annals of irrational fears, maybe it'll get a funny meme, that would be great we could all laugh about it then...

(post by 19Bones79 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Perhaps he should check out his testosterone levels.

Studies show a significant drop in the West due to plastics etc.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

True. I just see Empathy as the primary thing mammals do best above all non avian species. Birds are affectionate and caring at default too.

And it is a default. Sorta like an unspoken Gadsen Flag written into everyone's code.

Well, naturally I had to look up antinomian.


You're either very well read, addicted to crossword puzzles, took a philosophy class, studied theology
or all of the above.

Stargate SG1 was huge when i went into college. Daniel Jackson rules. So i wanted to do archaeology things. Learn languages and so forth.

I took a LOT of religion, ancient culture, geology, and linguistics classes. Then I burnt myself out by the 3rd year and finished out in Geoscience never wanting to work hard enough to be a doctor of anything ever.
edit on 17-12-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 10:58 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: ketsuko

Oh I'm all for protecting the vulnerable but as long as you can circumcise them at will i guess all gloves are off?

I would never do such a horrible thing to kids....

Some on the other hand, seem to be wearing flip flops when it comes to protecting the vulnerable from their parents delusions. They honestly think their delusion is ok and should be indoctrinated into the kids while others delusions shouldn't...

I guess integrity is not something very high up in the books of "those who scream the loudest", i wonder why

This post has more truth and insight in it than the whole thread.

The same people screaming about their kids being "groomed" and "indoctrinated" are grooming and indoctrinating their children into a backwards, abusive ideology. The same people who think that men in dresses and make-up reading stories to kids is somehow "damaging" are the same people who will allow their newborn son's genitalia to be mutilated because an invisible bronze-age sky-wizard commands it. According to a collection of bronze aged myths. Who also coerce their children into this belief system, often without their consent. And become abusive, and even reject, their children who try to resist the ideological grooming.

True, children are in danger from men in dresses sexually exploiting them. It happens every day. Just not in libraries or drag bars, but rather, Catholic churches. Protestant churches also have all manner of perverts crawling among their pews, too, but they tend not to wear dresses. I think religious people are up in arms about the gay and trans communities because they need to deflect from the immoral cesspit of self-righteous corruption that their own belief system has devolved into.

It's why year after year, church attendance is declining overall, as is religious belief in general. As a result, the great beast that is religion in this country is dying. And like any great dying beast, the thrashing of its death throws are loud and mighty. But death throes they are, just the same. They need someone or something to blame for their decline, rather than looking inward. it's easier to blame the liberation of sexual minorities than to look inward at the ugly, rotten core of their own delusions.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 11:23 AM

edit on Wed Dec 21 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 11:23 AM

edit on Wed Dec 21 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Not "trans" - LGBT and other grey area groups.

Groups we never expected to be weaponized.

edit on 26-12-2022 by WIKDHOTSNOMAN because: (no reason given)

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