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Vaxxed Americans Report Major Side Effects, and Question Efficacy

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posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: InwardDiver
a reply to: Kenzo

I'm not saying there won't be issues with the vaccine...but covid also causes neurological issues. I developed myclonus, tremors, fasciculation, and unilateral stiffness from my first covid infection. It may be hard to distinguish the two if they're both caused by the spike protein.

The study mentioned is pre-vaccine.

Yes the spike protein does cause problems. Can’t you see you don’t need an extra dose of spike protein? Do you remember doctors saying you shouldn’t vaccinate during a pandemic and not with a vaccine that doesn’t help with contraction or spreading of the disease so that you can get extra doses of a genetically engineered gain of function disease designed to limit the population of the world when combined with a spike protein shot?

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: InwardDiver

No doubt there is abundance of health problems also without vaccination . I did not read all of the study, it`s quite long read . Were you in hospital treatment in the time you had infection ?

The first covid vaccine was given 14 December 2020 i think .

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You know the phrase that every media outlet and social media site and politician has repeated repeatedly.

Yes, because most of the media in the US is owned by a couple of parent groups such as Sinclair, and they use similar language. This isn't evidence of a conspiracy, it's evidence of a lack of imagination.

So thank you for reminding us that the numbers are much worse because so many people could never believe that there are any side effects.

In the US, it's rather amusingly the other way round. People here so many recycled stories and Friend of a Friend accounts that they're often more likely to think that they have side effects, not less.

You'd be amazed at how many people report side effects from things, or things that they attribute to allergies, which are the same as a mild anxiety attack.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

No, I had a mild infection. That is, I was at home with a 104 F fever and a bunch of other symptoms for a week and a half. The fatigue lasted months and most neurological symptoms decreased significantly over a year. The stiffness resolved completely.

Iirc, the study looked at people who were infected I'm 2020 and early 2021.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

I don't know. you're comment doesn't make sense with the direction of my original comment. My comment was about the prevalence of neurological symptoms with covid. Nowhere did I say the vaccines weren't a possible issue.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: InwardDiver

I just checked something , take it grain of salt of course .

Infections, generally and just just covid alone may lower iron, because inflammatory cytokines effect hepcidin, raising it. More hepcidin means less iron will be absorbed.

Iron deficiency can manifest as neurological symptoms and also other symptoms.

This is just one nutrient, there may be also others that are effected during sickness.

Not saying it`s final truth , but something i consider worth checking at least.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: InwardDiver
a reply to: Kenzo

I'm not saying there won't be issues with the vaccine...but covid also causes neurological issues. I developed myclonus, tremors, fasciculation, and unilateral stiffness from my first covid infection. It may be hard to distinguish the two if they're both caused by the spike protein.

The study mentioned is pre-vaccine.

So quit giving spike protein doses every four months.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: Hiram33
a reply to: Kenzo
Exactly we haven't seen the long term effects of this that's a while away yet.... Amount of people I know who said look I am fine I haven't had any issues, not yet they haven't ... How will it look ? High rates of cancer? or immune conditions ?

The products that have been rebranded as vaccines were never tested. We just start seeing their very unpleasant short term effects such as autoimmune disorders, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart failure, strokes, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, 'calamari' like substances, allergic reactions, and many others. Nobody knows the medium and long term effects.

The Phrase 3 clinical trials are a complete failure by definition and time wasn't enough to complete these trails which usually take years. In Phase 3 you must establish whether the product prevents transmission and infection. Pfizer admitted that they didn't even test for transmission as they were moving at the speed of 'science'. You must also establish the short, medium and long term effects. None of these ever happened.

The pharmaceuticals are criminally liable and the right thing had to be done. Criminally liable are also those who are complicit i.e the state officials and their cronies. There are tens of thousands who can be indicted. The greatest medical scandal in history as one of the Italian members of the European parliament has said.

These products should have never been released in the market.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You know the phrase that every media outlet and social media site and politician has repeated repeatedly.

Yes, because most of the media in the US is owned by a couple of parent groups such as Sinclair, and they use similar language. This isn't evidence of a conspiracy, it's evidence of a lack of imagination.

So thank you for reminding us that the numbers are much worse because so many people could never believe that there are any side effects.

In the US, it's rather amusingly the other way round. People here so many recycled stories and Friend of a Friend accounts that they're often more likely to think that they have side effects, not less.

You'd be amazed at how many people report side effects from things, or things that they attribute to allergies, which are the same as a mild anxiety attack.

With the mass indoctrination the story is still getting out because the story is so bad. Two thirds have taken the shot which verifies that my version is correct in that more people have been influenced that they are safe and effective than dangerous which means they are less likely to attribute any I’ll affects to the shot thus making the number higher than reported. It is easier to fool a person than to convince them they have been fooled.

Thank you for clearing up the fact for us and finally coming around no matter what you are paid you still care about people and are speaking up against the vaccination.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Given the level of distrust of the MSM, do you really think that they could successfully indoctrinate that many people?

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3


posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: Hiram33

Yep, cancers, neurological problems , and if immune system dont work as should some may die just to winter flu / common cold and end up in ER where they may put ventilator .

I am predicting prion diseases from what i read .

Is there any evidence for this though? I had AZ a couple of years back and have six monthly blood tests due to medications and all my bloods are perfectly healthy still with no difference before or after the jab.

Given there's a few million in the UK alone who have similar regular, repeated blood tests there should at least be some evidence for these claims by now.

Routine blood tests don't include ANA (antinuclear antibody) for immune function, nor Electrophoresis. PSA, C125 or any of the other early cancer indicators or BNP (Brain natriuretic peptide) tests detect early changes in heart function.

Past history of pharmaceuticals has shown that they can have very serious consequences years after use. There are NO long term studies in humans on the effects of this new mRNA technology, and there doesn't appear to be any comprehensive studies of vaccinated people being followed, nor autopsies being done on every single vaccinated person to gather the data that one would consider vital to accessing all facets of this vaccine. That should be a red flag to us all.

They're not going to find what they don't look for.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Given the level of distrust of the MSM, do you really think that they could successfully indoctrinate that many people?


posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 10:57 AM
The 8% is in line with the 7.7% reported by the v safe data base that had a sample size of 10 million.

Game over.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:00 AM
From Steve Kirsch:

A 7% major side effect rate is unprecedented. We know from the V-safe data that this effectively means that the side effect was so bad, they had to seek medical attention. If any drug had that kind of safety profile, it would be immediately pulled from the market. Would you take any drug with that kind of side effect profile? Of course not. It’s off the charts! However, because we are told it is a safe and effective vaccine, people do what they are told despite the lack of safety. That’s how science works.

Rasmussen also admitted that Google censors unfavorable results! In short, they admitted that it’s worse than they are “allowed” to tell people (see their tweet). Wow.

Here it is in their own words: “We asked … and the answer is not good.”

The longer people continue to lie about this drug, the angrier people will be.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The 8% is in line with the 7.7% reported by the v safe data base that had a sample size of 10 million.

Game over.

And what do you consider to be a serious side effect?

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The 8% is in line with the 7.7% reported by the v safe data base that had a sample size of 10 million.

Game over.

And what do you consider to be a serious side effect?

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
From Steve Kirsch:

A 7% major side effect rate is unprecedented. We know from the V-safe data that this effectively means that the side effect was so bad, they had to seek medical attention. If any drug had that kind of safety profile, it would be immediately pulled from the market. Would you take any drug with that kind of side effect profile? Of course not. It’s off the charts! However, because we are told it is a safe and effective vaccine, people do what they are told despite the lack of safety. That’s how science works.

Rasmussen also admitted that Google censors unfavorable results! In short, they admitted that it’s worse than they are “allowed” to tell people (see their tweet). Wow.

Here it is in their own words: “We asked … and the answer is not good.”

The longer people continue to lie about this drug, the angrier people will be.

If that many people were suffering serious side effects it would be absolutely impossible to hide. You're talking millions of people in the US alone.

Let's look at this purely from the perspective of greed. Amazon launched a vax program for their own people. They got as many vaxxed as possible because they didn't want to lose productivity through people being sick at home.

Sick people = loss of productivity = increased operating costs = reduced profits.

If 80 percent of Amazon's staff were vaxxed, and 7 percent had serious side effects, and 50 percent of those needed to take a full week off to recover. That would equal approximately 1,400,000 man hours lost.

Do you seriously think that Amazon would keep silent about this, do you think that their shareholders would keep silent?

Do you think that the dent that this would put in the books would be possible to hide?

Now, do the same for Walmart, and Starbucks, and every other low wage high volume company in the US.

When you look at the scale of what you're suggesting there is absolutely no way that it could be covered up.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
From Steve Kirsch:

A 7% major side effect rate is unprecedented. We know from the V-safe data that this effectively means that the side effect was so bad, they had to seek medical attention. If any drug had that kind of safety profile, it would be immediately pulled from the market. Would you take any drug with that kind of side effect profile? Of course not. It’s off the charts! However, because we are told it is a safe and effective vaccine, people do what they are told despite the lack of safety. That’s how science works.

Rasmussen also admitted that Google censors unfavorable results! In short, they admitted that it’s worse than they are “allowed” to tell people (see their tweet). Wow.

Here it is in their own words: “We asked … and the answer is not good.”

The longer people continue to lie about this drug, the angrier people will be.

If that many people were suffering serious side effects it would be absolutely impossible to hide. You're talking millions of people in the US alone.

Let's look at this purely from the perspective of greed. Amazon launched a vax program for their own people. They got as many vaxxed as possible because they didn't want to lose productivity through people being sick at home.

Sick people = loss of productivity = increased operating costs = reduced profits.

If 80 percent of Amazon's staff were vaxxed, and 7 percent had serious side effects, and 50 percent of those needed to take a full week off to recover. That would equal approximately 1,400,000 man hours lost.

Do you seriously think that Amazon would keep silent about this, do you think that their shareholders would keep silent?

Do you think that the dent that this would put in the books would be possible to hide?

Now, do the same for Walmart, and Starbucks, and every other low wage high volume company in the US.

When you look at the scale of what you're suggesting there is absolutely no way that it could be covered up.

Whatever you do, don't change your story. When the people rise up, just keep up with the big pharma narrative and see how that works out.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

And as usual you can't counter basic math, so you try to change the subject.

People can rise up all they want, but I'm still right, and I've debunked you once again.

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