posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 02:07 AM
...sure, we can all have our laugh...but I get the feeling this is serious for Code and child...and taking the piss outa Code is merely going to cause
him/her (I'm assuming her) to not seek help with this.
Code...I smell visitation...I smell spiritual influence and attack (and anyone who posts 'I smell a load of crock' is SOOOO gonna get deleted). I
also smell stereotypical 'abduction' if anyone has any advice to stop that...then please post it here.
Mags, you likely would be able to assist your little one seemed to be afflicted with a similar set of events.
My only advise would be to seek protection that is NOT assistance from any Spiritual Healers, or Cleansers in your area...a good place
to look for such people are those little shops that sell 'cystals' and the like...ask there...chance are the person running the store is open-minded
enough (and hopefully connected enough) to be able to either offer help or point you in the right direction...they are also LESS likely to make a joke
out of it, unlike some replies here.
Sure, I made the whole Roseanne Barr quip...but that was to highlight that any physical intervention you take is pretty much going to be pointless in
these situations. There are of course some 'physical' based rituals etc that can be carried out, such as blessings/cleansings of child and the area
around the child.
Useage of symbols of water and of water, sea-shells, water features...anything to do with water. I'll tell you now, that movie Signs
was right in one aspect...these creeps HATE water. They also hate light. Candles...a good combination are those bowls of water with floating
'tea-candles'. Be sure also that the corners of the childs room are not cluttered...try to keep the corners of the room free from mess or clutter,
from darkness...these things love dark remove their entry points.
Try visualisation techniques. One is visualising a white cross over your child. Focus hard on that cross...and hold it there. You may find your mind
starts to drift, if so, just bring that cross up again in your mind and hold it there. If it fades, or you are distracted...then keep bringing it up
till it holds in place, unmoving, without struggle in your focus. When this happens, its okay to release the image in your mind. Also, you can
visualise light everytime you walk into your childs room...visualise a blinding light, burning its way through the room, cleansing through everything,
within every corner of the room...driving whatever it is out. Basically what you are doing is utilising a power of light, of love to counter what is a
dark force. And light ALWAYS conquers dark...keep faith in that.
But seek help for your child further than just replies here on a message board...