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For Those Of Muslim Faith And Followers Of Islam

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posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:11 PM
I have always wondered how certain things cross into specific religions and I would like to get an opinion of those of the Muslim Faith and who are followers of Islam on a few things I have seen and observed another see.

First of all no I don't have Jiin or Demons around me, I have seen some on occasion but that's for another time and a completely separate discussion.

So here it goes...

Dream/Vision #1 - The Bridge

It was a place unlike any I have seen before there was an endless infinite bridge made of beautiful stone, and around it there was endless water and there were no ripples nor waves it was so pure and still almost blissful.

Within the water, I saw a reflection of the bridge and yet the water was absolutely crystal clear, and I could see the bottom of whatever this vast body of water was. The bridge was as if archways that continued on and on for as long as the bridge continued and they were made in a stone of pure white maybe marble or maybe something else. I can not fully grasp the stone or material but it was beautiful.

Now when I stared into the water, I saw gems countless of different colours and yet each emitting a beautiful light they were at the bottom of this vast body of water.

The sky itself was of many colours and combinations I can not even begin to describe, I think maybe even colours we can not fully see or yet discovered.

So in the Muslim Faith and Islam as a whole what is this place? What is the bridge? What are the gems?

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:25 PM
Dream/Vision #2 - The Unknown Realm

It was a realm that was of nature and was pure, there was grass and nature all around to an extent you can't quiet explain but there was a city too that was of nature and technology.

Animals were all around and even animals that would devour one another but they were peaceful towards one another.

There were two suns one was light blue and one was pure white, even though the extent of the light was very bright and you'd think it would be scorching hot it was not it was warm and yet cool at the same time. As far as I could tell one would not sweat and there was a constant scent of flowers, I can not say which exactly as the scent was as if a mixture of many at once. There was also a giant tree the size of what I would say is a skyscraper, there were no other people around me or that I could see but I knew that they were there somewhere.

I was greeted by a voice that was within me, around me and with everything, it was not booming nor was it female or male it just was a voice and it resonated through everything and everywhere all at once.

This is all I can say about this place for now.

So in the Muslim Faith and Islam as a whole what is this place?
Why would there be 2 suns?
What's with the nature?
What is the voice?
What is this giant tree?
Why a scent of flowers that one can not place and as soon as you get close to figuring it out you are instantly thrown off?

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:53 PM

edit on 4-12-2022 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 01:30 AM
Nice. Not Muslim nor certain, but suspect the blue sun was actually a blue moon that emanates female energy. What you describe might be what MuslIms call Jannat-ul-Mawa (Garden of Eternal Bliss), the 4th of 7 heavenly abodes. Best wishes.

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 01:40 AM
Stay away from Islam.

a reply to: WanderingMrM

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Why would you say any of that is specific to the Islamic faith?

What does your Messianic/Mahdi like future Russian Tsar think about it all?

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Why would you say any of that is specific to the Islamic faith?

What does your Messianic/Mahdi like future Russian Tsar think about it all?

Boy, you're really assmad about somebody posting dreams and predictions in the dreams and predictions forum. This is the second thread of theirs in a row you felt the need to bring that up while ignoring the actual thread topic.

The answer to your disingenuous question was the first sentence of the OP.

I have always wondered how certain things cross into specific religions and I would like to get an opinion of those of the Muslim Faith and who are followers of Islam on a few things I have seen and observed another see.

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

For me it sounds like a New Age garden..a place of a metaphysical nature..the gemstone part says that tele tubbies and unicorns may live there..My brief encounters with any of the desert faiths and the parousal of their materials has never led me to or spoken of such a magical realm..didnt mention animals..they are important to the faiths..if even just for sacrifice…the place sounds closer to where the multi-armed dream hottie lives

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I'll post what I want when I want.

I'm sure if I post anything that is against site T&C's the appropriate people will say and do something.

I'm not 'mad' about anything - well, apart from the price of a pint, but hey.....can't have everything.

'Second thread' to bring what up?
Please be specific in your criticism.


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