This is where I try to put it into one fundamentally interconnected theory, so add or challenge what stands out to you, but please don't whine if I
answer without considering your inferiority complex.
No feelz required in any part of it.
More people speak out in favor of
simulation theory
In many respects this point of view may be nothing more than a result of the fact that the notion of computation is the disease of our
age—everywhere we look today we see examples of computers, computation, and information theory and thus we extrapolate this to our laws of physics.
Indeed, thinking about computing as arising from faulty components, it seems as if the abstraction that uses perfectly operating computers is unlikely
to exist as anything but a platonic ideal. Another critique of such a point of view is that there is no evidence for the kind of digitization that
characterizes computers nor are there any predictions made by those who advocate such a view that have been experimentally confirmed.
The bastard child of
information theory
Which does indeed operate from a technical standpoint. But I think it's hinting towards information being the underlying factor in everything that
is. The entire universe is one gigantic storage of information. Every object down to atoms contains information what 'shaped it'.
If you change perspective the systems you observe get more complex the composition tells you exactly what happened to that handful of dirt, keyes,
bread... whatever.
They obviously form groups we can identify by looks, form, etc. Groups that share information enough to appear similiar.
Not unlike us biologicals where we already look at the data storage, our DNA.
Light is transmitting that data for the matter.
Amongst others I'm sure we're still missing huge parts of the full picture.
We got no clue how plants communicate. But they do.
Unfortunately I don't have an answer for the plants.
But we humans store our data artificially. On Rocks. Metal. Paper. Floppy....
But that's just us, that's one possibility of... A LOT.
Like I said DNA, the composition of dirt...etc.
We transmit it through language.
However imperfect that is.
But it is possible to imagine zooming out above our everyday average existence. When humans start looking in a simplified perspective like one
collective being. Or at least a swarm.
That's totally relative, from where you want to contemplate existence.
When history starts to repeat itself. And a little further out.
When it starts to look as if humans just really love to kill. To torture. To control.
When good and evil get really uncomfortable to ponder.
Imagine if humans would suddenly have the awakening and feel the pain.
If the level above restrictions we have in our consciousness system would be lifted.
That's I believe our destiny. In order to evolve to incorporate the 'intelligence' processing the universe as a whole into our existence we need to
overcome the fearful neglect we give to our consciousness.
Which is absurd to me, to treat something that's not matter but so obviously more real 'closer to home' than matter. You only know of matter what
your consciousness wants you to know.
I think it's fundamentally wrong to think information = informatics = computers
Because below that you got the realm of possibilities. Ideas considered but never acted on. Stuff that never got it's mass. But as we can learn from
probability possibilities influence and shape reality.