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Not another Nibiru thread -- origin of human is even more far away

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posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:45 AM
Well, already is discussed of our origin and proofs for that, however people are not ready to accept these facts, maybe I am wrong in some but surely I am not wrong in all of them.
Now what is the link that connects all of this together and which is more important is why should someone live on the planet which goes to the Sun only in 3000 or 7000 years, it is connected with Nibiru, yes.
Answer is simple this body or planet and this is far more adavanced race, race which can move planets from their orbits or make planets and destroy them as well, too.
Nibiru is not another planet:
a - It is artificialy made or positioned planet in bigger network of planets in bigger innergalactica transportation system
b - It has far eccentric eliptic orbit in which distant aphel it goes far away from solar system and in its perihelion it goes near planet Earth, which is interesting because there we are!
c - IN far spot of an orbit it meets another far orbit planet from another solar system, there the exchange or trade is done.
d - In close spot of an orbit it goes to inner solar system, there the mining or HARVEST is done.
e - it can take reasonable great amount of cargo when it goes to outere orbit AGAIN, it si cheap and reusable way of TRANSPORT, and whoever made it is far more advanced then we are.
AND what is more important once that system is made, other races which are on lower levels of technology can and will use it for transport, too.
So this put the origin of our species even farther in space, because what is certain we came in one point here on Earth, and in the light of all the artifacts and "old" civilizations certainly that planet was near Earth in one point of human past that is when culture apears all around the world, drawings and hand made "ALIEN CREATURES" which is so easily explained as mythical creatures there is no mythical creatures, these life entities did exist and they were our gods, and they are most probably reptilian or similar to that.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 12:03 PM
And where did you get such fascinating scientific facts from? Do you have any artifacts from planet Nibiru in your posession? Thanks in advance. If you have a digital camera, feel free to post the pics.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 03:49 PM
Why the monkey fossils in the mud that look so damn human? how did they get there is we all come from the heart of the galaxy?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 04:04 PM
"maybe I am wrong in some but surely I am not wrong in all of them. "

I beg to differ, I think its possible you can be inaccurate in all of your theories on this matter.

I. If we are from Nibiru, who do you explain our genetic similarities to other primates on Earth ? Are they from Nibiru as well ?

II. How is it we can eat practically anything on the planet ? Have you seen fear factor on our TV ? We can eat bugs, fish, cows, pigs, chicken, squid, deer, duck, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, dates, heck, just about anything but dirt. That would seem to contradict an idea we are form another planet, imo

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
"maybe I am wrong in some but surely I am not wrong in all of them. "

I beg to differ, I think its possible you can be inaccurate in all of your theories on this matter.

I. If we are from Nibiru, who do you explain our genetic similarities to other primates on Earth ? Are they from Nibiru as well ?

II. How is it we can eat practically anything on the planet ? Have you seen fear factor on our TV ? We can eat bugs, fish, cows, pigs, chicken, squid, deer, duck, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, dates, heck, just about anything but dirt. That would seem to contradict an idea we are form another planet, imo

Hey, I use to eat dirt when I was younger, and it was delicious.

How can they move/create/destroy planets?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 07:51 PM
For the pictures you don't have to wait a lot. It seems they are coming. Don't be surprised whent it appears in the sky.
I read somewhere on the net they already got these pictures, but if they only knew in NASA it is not another asteroid even big, but they know something.
Everyday we got more prooves that other star systems have planets, if someone told you that before ten or few more years you would say it's an assumption, not proven doesn't mean wrong, but you can make conclusions based on facts, there are a lot of links and artifacts which are dated long time in the past which are not monkey busines, I don't want offend our "ancestors" if they are but what you people are trying to say if some species is physicaly similar it means it has to be connected well it doesn't. Look at this:

It is not about who eats whom or what, there are rules like that, we make those rules without proof; we come to idea and call it conclusion, and oops there is case in which it doesn't work.

Look at this too:

How interesting metalurgy seems to be very natural in certain areas, that is where we have to trust the myths of younger nations then those in links provided, and they all talk about gods who gave them to us, we haven't invented it just as no monkey wouldn't invent it.
That is just putting 2 and 2 together.
How we would transport goods on the Moon or Mars, sure is one thing we won't be going back and forth and back and forth, we would/was make a space station and then we transport something to the station from station to the orbit of Moon and Mars and from the orbit of Moon to the ground. That is only logical way, so if we have that planet which is interesting because sure it has no solar flux enough to suport life it has sense in transport, and we have this scenario collecting goods and trading goods.
Trading with someone else, from another system. Which has planets which has "civilization" yes that is what they gave to us, and this is how it goes planet by planet, only first was Mars, then to the Earth.
It is still complicated who is Earth civilization, because somehow it turns there was not Nibiru civilization, at least not whoever holds Nibiru today.
(it can be we made it and someone come later NOT so well starcraftin' race but the same as how we use car but can't make the same car they used Nibiru and not Earthlings who was Atlantis or Lemuria or whatsoever.)
One is important to admit and accept we aren't.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 08:03 PM
its a pretty big leap to go from irregularities in pluto's orbit to beings mining the earth for gold, don't you think ?

my point about diet is that we seem fairly well suited for this environment no ? I mean the thesis in the links you provide states we have misjudged the age of fossils, and the earth, and presumably humans by millions of years, that we are younger than the establisment thinks ?

If thats the case, how can we breath the air, drink the water and eat the plants ? evolution or creation of humans ON THIS planet, but thats another story...

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 08:07 PM
The theory for Niburians making Humans is that they used an already existing pre-human as a template, then made Modern humans to serve them.

Note this, as Neanderthals were fairly common place until 30,000 or so years ago, then they died out...

Juries out on this one, we shall possibly never know, or we might find out in 2012....

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 08:37 PM
link to the picture was bad cut and paste this is the right link:

This is like you ask how we can eat bananas they can't be planted and reaped but we eat them.
You want to say if you are from another planet you can not eat anything from this one, that is not true, you can eat some fruit egg plant or fish, bugs whatever, but you can NOT eat some

fruit plant bugs fish eggs.
Here is short list of these you can NOT eat: hemlock, Mayapple, bloodroot, pokeweed, nightshade and hellebore, amanita mushrooms and many other mushrooms.
also some kinds of fish and amphibians.
So some food you can eat some food not, but those insects or fish some other species CAN eat.
OK you asked for it. what about allergy:: some cases fatal reaction to normal Earth species' products and living organisms, this is great proof how we can not stand this planet too well, not as much as we want to think we do.
Here is what is our problem with our narrow minded thinking. First we are from Earth and primates are our relatives, maybe they are some similarity happens from time to time. Then we think god made us, or we first was thinking that, or in some point of time we knew that. Later we invented this theory we are maybe from another planet. This is logical step as soon as we discovered or REDISCOVERED other planets are same as our ball in the space, or third rock from the Sun as some people say, then since there is no visible life on other planets and it is here logical explanation is if there was life on other planets, we must be from there, but here is the most important step and leap forward, if Nibiru or planetX is only a transporter we have to may came from very distant planet or planets or Galacticas, and so our origin is no more Solar system, but most probably different STELAR system, and so it explains everything and nothing at the same time. It is a possibility but, why first man on Earth was living for so long and why are Greek mythology creators talking about SIX totaly different races of people in which we are the worst kind, (We fell we are that bad, we knew that.) that means they were right. If they are right in one thing it is most probable they are right for other thinngs as well. They are not that creative to imagine all that kind of things, why would you? Why would the most sharp and wisest men talked rubish to their descendants. Answer is there is no question -- they didn't lie they were telling the truth in some cases writing it down. Imagine that you come home and talk how the Earth opens and a lot of green men came from the hole that is something you don't want to say because everyone will know you lie, so you don't say it.
But if you say that two planes crashed into WTC that is something which is hard to believe but what actually happened, so it is something which goes all over as a story and some of it will remain through time.
It is something we have to deal with primitive people were not primitive they were like us same size of brain same physical characteristics, same morality, or higher because some Greek philosophers told or wrote and that is documented how their youth is losing its morality, so it is more to that our ancestors had higher morality standards and THEY wouldn't invent any of those stories of god coming from thew sky and taking daughters of the men and making other genetic manipulation etc. It is only we were narow minded to think that way, remember for one time Earth was flat so was the origin of the man, then it was round and in the centre of the universe, so was the origin of the man, then it was round in orbit of the Sun and so was with the origin of the man. Then We have this step further and it comes this way, Sun is not in the centre of the galaxy, It is going around the centre of the galaxy and so is with the origin of the man, it is more and only logic to put the origin of the man or sort of inteligent life more toward the centre of the galaxy, and not in some corner where nothing happens. Somewhere where we have lots of stars and lots of planets not scaterred like hear, where day and night changes freezess everything and heat it up again till it deteriorate and suffer great deal.
Somewhere over the rainbow... It reminds me how if you got to the spot where rainbow is starting you will find a cauldron filled with gold, or something like that. They were mining it here last time Nibiru cam by...

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by stumason
The theory for Niburians making Humans is that they used an already existing pre-human as a template, then made Modern humans to serve them.

Note this, as Neanderthals were fairly common place until 30,000 or so years ago, then they died out...

Juries out on this one, we shall possibly never know, or we might find out in 2012....

Hi Stumason,

Was kind of under the impression that our dna and the dna of Neanderthal is different enough to call us two distinct species. If that is the case, then it would be kind of impossible that we are a descendent of them.

But... I could be way wrong.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:57 PM

Was kind of under the impression that our dna and the dna of Neanderthal is different enough to call us two distinct species. If that is the case, then it would be kind of impossible that we are a descendent of them.

We are of the same family, but different species, definately. But that in itself could be used to back up claims of "genetic engineering" of the human species.

Then again, it may have happened naturally, and there are in fact no alien creator-gods....

Make you own mind up

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:18 PM

I've tried to grasp the idea, and read the provided links, but my skepticism isn't from narrow mindedness, I'm simply not convinced by the case presented. There are a number of topics on this site I beleive in.
Whats relevant to this thread is I simply feel like I belong here. I could rebut your list of poisonous foods with a list of 10,000 things we can eat, but that would just bore everyone into flaming me.

I look at it form a physical anthropolgy angle,
and I see and feel that we belong here, this is our natural environment. twisted ankles and sensitivity to looking at the sun (I mean really, all creatures on earth avoid looking directly at the sun) don't make much of a case. Do I have a definitive explanation for our origins ? nope, so I can't say you're wrong, just that I'm not convinced.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
I could rebut your list of poisonous foods with a list of 10,000 things we can eat, but that would just bore everyone into flaming me.

Humans can eat at MsDonalds and survive. McDonalds burgers are made on planet Earth. Ergo, we are well adapted to planet Earth and are from here.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 11:21 PM
i know its a conspiracy site, but think about this one: countless thousands of scientists have looked at the matter of owr origns, antrhopologists, genetecists, paliantologists, some people make it their lifes work to find these things out. now i know you may not listen, but MABIE just MABIE those thousands of people whos lives revolve around human evolution, where we came from, and how we got from here to there MAY JUST BE RIGHT

consider that since they all reached the same conclusions, we evolved from monkey(ish things), them from amhibians that crawled on land, them from primevil fish that swum millions of years ago.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by MankoW
Well, already is discussed of our origin and proofs for that, however people are not ready to accept these facts

What facts? Facts are proveable - please show your proof of these facts.

Originally posted by MankoWNow what is the link that connects all of this together and which is more important is why should someone live on the planet which goes to the Sun only in 3000 or 7000 years, it is connected with Nibiru, yes.
Answer is simple this body or planet and this is far more adavanced race, race which can move planets from their orbits or make planets and destroy them as well, too.
Nibiru is not another planet:
a - It is artificialy made or positioned planet in bigger network of planets in bigger innergalactica transportation system
b - It has far eccentric eliptic orbit in which distant aphel it goes far away from solar system and in its perihelion it goes near planet Earth, which is interesting because there we are!
c - IN far spot of an orbit it meets another far orbit planet from another solar system, there the exchange or trade is done.

If they have the knowledge and technology to genetically engineer life (us) and use whole planets as transport - what do they need to trade? Surely they are advanced enough to create anything they need to support life? After all they don't need the heat and light of a Star for life, since they can support life anywhere on their travels as their planet hurtles through space?

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 01:04 AM
Excellent thread, Mankow. NASA has considered the dynamics of such a transport system, first proposed by Buzz Aldrin: the Aldrin Cycler. It was taken further in fiction by Schroeder as an interstellar 'tram'.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Fiction of Truth
consider that since they all reached the same conclusions, we evolved from monkey(ish things), them from amhibians that crawled on land, them from primevil fish that swum millions of years ago.

that is not entirely true. they haven't conclusively proved that man derived from monkeys. there is however the case of the missing link. there is where i think genetic manipulation or intelligent design comes in.
it is my sincere belief that if man was to migrate to another galaxy/solarsystem/planet because of reasons unknown (disaster+++), and we came upon a planet similar to our own, but not quite the same. the planet can't support us without man adapting themselves to the atmosphere and flora and fauna. and if we had the technology to do so, we would do so without a though, because of our own survival is at stake. this however may take several generations to take place, so we study the local animals, and take the one most similar to our own kind and make a crossbreed.
voila... we are a new species several thousand/millions years later.
that is just my thought. maybe a little far fetched. but also a logical approach when ones own survival ios at stake.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
I look at it form a physical anthropolgy angle,
and I see and feel that we belong here, this is our natural environment. twisted ankles and sensitivity to looking at the sun (I mean really, all creatures on earth avoid looking directly at the sun) don't make much of a case. Do I have a definitive explanation for our origins ? nope, so I can't say you're wrong, just that I'm not convinced.

can i ask from your Anthropology background, what you think about some more ancient human culture on the planet. talk of gods is present in so many civilizations, including the modern world. As well as myths and ledgends about all manner of stange creatures such as Lizard men or faeries or elves.
Do you attribute it only to made up stories, or do you have some incling that their may be some truth to them

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:26 PM
If you look at the genetic composition of human DNA, it shares a lot of material with apes (the most), but also with other species as well, such as mice, and even insects. A few percent of different genetic pattern account for what makes us human.

Given the common genetic composition of the terrestrial life, we are from right here.

Case closed.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 10:22 PM
Exactly! however if you take into account the theory of " we came here because of disaster" and "modifyed owrselves to save owr speicies" then we could well have changed owr dna to match that of most earth animals and primeapes of the time. what im trying to say is, Integent design, or migration form another world are entirely possible, just dont give these same crapy reasons of ' we would be able to look into the sun' and ' we should be able to jump and land wrong and not break bones ' im not saying its a bad theory, just that it would eb refreshing to hear some new evidence for it.

EDIT: besides which, why would you need to look directly into the sun anyway? that seems sortof pointless

[edit on 25-4-2005 by Fiction of Truth]

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