Well, it’s almost about time. I’ve got a few more days to go, the phone has been cut and I’m hotspotting through the mobile through a mobile
booster, not a good mobile coverage area, so things are a little 1990 at the moment.
I’m not certain of the how’s and what’s that I’m heading into so I suspect that this is, or at least I’m hoping it is, goodbye as opposed to
farewell. I’m sure things will be fine and I think things will likely sort themselves out in time and I’ll make my return.
Anyway, I thought I’d just drop this short missive to wish all of you all the best. There are some immense challenges ahead for all of us in the
very near future and I sincerely wish each and every one of you all the very best in which ever ways those challenges present themselves to you.
For myself, firstly it’d be fair to say that I leave this place with a truly profound sense of loss. The loss of connection with my country and the
strength that that provides me to walk the path that I do with conviction and humility, and the loss of my fellow Australians with whom I share those
same values. And the majority of my fellow Australians whom have chosen a path of weakness, fearfulness and nauseating servitude, well, you get what
you deserve you spineless dog bastards.
But, there is light and there is hope. And as they say you can’t keep a good man down, so I will prevail, or I will die trying.
I parting I thought I’d leave you with a piece of music that does, IMHO, capture better than I can describe the loss that I feel and the light that
I can see and the hope for the future that I have. I recommend listening when you have a quiet moment to yourself and time to reflect on the world
around you, oh, and turn it up to 11.
P.S. This has been a bit of a, nightmare technical challenge, getting this up on ATS, it's taken me since yesterday evening, so
it’s possible, probable, I may not be able to respond to anyone, so I apologise in advance. And for those that don’t know my story, I land in
Mexico next week and from there …………………………….
a reply to: myselfaswell
I am In Australia ...so I know all too well what you are saying and where your feelings are coming from..... Our souls chose to come to this world
here and now and In our bodies..... One candle can bring light to a dark place .... One candle can light many ...... I will say this... The events of
the last 3 years have made me strong...I have done Some deeep soul searching within my own being.....it has been hard to watch the masses buckle and
fold the way they have even worse to have them policing one another into compliance .... Better to die fighting on my feet then to live in servitude
on my knees ...... It is a soul test to see who we are and what we are made of..... It is a war on the soul....war on consciousness and a war on life