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The U.S. is ‘certainly’ still in a Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Fauci says

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posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: vNex92

It's absolutely baffling that they're still trying to push this narrative, despite a massive drop-off in public confidence/ belief in their ludicrous claims.

Fauci still bleating on about COVID makes me think of what Bruce Springsteen said in that interview in which he was asked why he still tours & gigs in an intense schedule despite being a massively rich superstar who basically could have retired twenty years ago if he had wanted to. He said that he is doing his duty, repaying the 'Commander--in-Chief' (literally, the Devil) for the bargain he struck in which he sold his soul for the gift of musical talent & great wealth.

Part of the deal was that he would continue to tour & gig all over the USA & around the world, because in doing so he is performing a service for the Dark Lord, because in so doing he is using his skills as a musician to mislead the youth of America & the world, and to continue to mislead those who were trapped by the materialist, satanist paradigm that his music supports.

Fauci made a similar deal with the power brokers in the US government, and the power above all other worldly powers who is in ultimate control of this # show world, yes, Lucifer, the Devil, the fallen angel who seeks to corrupt, murder, thieve from & destroy the innocents of the human race. Fauci made a deal, he has achieved great wealth, power & fame (infamy), and his continued bleating about COVID is basically nothing more than his contracted & utterly pathetic kowtowing to Satan in order to glorify the murderous plans of his master, the Devil which seeks to corrupt the human race & lead it into destruction by a thousand cuts, leading us into bad decisions that undermine our sovereignty, our rights, our freedom & leading us ever further away from the grace which is available in Christ, which helps us to overcome this fallen world, and all the powers & principalities which occupy its high places.

As for me, I believe that the world is about to change in miraculous ways, that the Devil himself can do absolutely nothing about. God is going to move, and shake the Earth, and the people are going to see the truth. And they're going to face a choice, because we aren't simply 'waiting for heaven'. no indeed, we are called to bring the earth into submission to our will, in righteousness under the guardianship of Heaven. We are called to take back the world from the usurpers who have raped & pillaged their way to power & their smug, self-assured & self-effacing arrogance will not save them or their favoured positions within the world system. Change is coming, and there is nothing that even Lucifer can do about it, because God is sovereign.

Fauci & his ilk will get their come-uppance.

Cheers, FITO.

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