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Where Are The Souls Going?

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posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: NautPsycho

Hopefully, it means less of us have to come back to this sh!thole.

Earth is amazingly beautiful. Unfortunately, humankind is not.

Depends on the people. I used to live in Michigan, most of my life in fact. In 2020 I was offered a job in Kansas. I feel like I missed a whole life of nice people after moving here. Not sure what it was about Michigan but people were a lot meaner up there. I get a long down here in Kansas and people always say hi or wave. Better humans maybe?

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: detroitnative

I do believe in reincarnation and I have a feeling the universe is big enough that we probably move around to different planets. I do wonder about timeline though or maybe we incarnate on different earths and live different histories? I hope we are the software that gets uploaded to new hardware for new challenges.

I would think the next life isn't just a repeat of this life with different dressing, but rather an upgrade in our conscious mainframe that allows deeper exploration of the infinite frontier

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: joemoe
Perhaps souls are not as one dimensional as we think. I think souls exists on another plane above this one where time and space do not exist the same as what we know of them. They can and do experience multiple realities where they get to live out multiple lives in parallel. They probably experience many versions of our realities in multiple space and timelines.

I think I have read that theory before. May have been in one of Edgar Cayce's books? Interesting theory of our souls being in multiple places.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: Rapha

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
Our "souls" are going nowhere. They stay here, again and again, until we get it right.

In the Bible it is called "3rd / 4th Generation Curses" or "Spiritual Contracts"

Each family bloodline has a "Spiritual Territory" that must be maintained for those family spirits to exist in on the other side of this real world.

Thanks to TPTB, the only way to escape this hellhole of a planet is via accepting the fact that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for humans only. He is the ONLY "Green Card" back into Heaven.

Amazing how Christians are persecuted / killed, 24/7 on a (mainly) capitalist planet when TPTB are actually killing the best thing that a Capitalist Government wants; "Law Abiding Tax Payers".

Only the stupid, predictable, Lucifer would enjoy killing "Law Abiding Tax Payers".

I just read that in the UK Christians are now in the minority. I think being a Christian is going to become more perilous as time goes on. Then again, that is the time to be more of an active Christian. The humanists are winning for sure.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 07:02 PM
Well the Buddha, reincarnation was a lot like re lighting a candle and to be in Present Moment(it gets hinted a lot), and in one quote said he is nether soul, animal, god or man, but Awakened. While the Hindu kind of view as some sort of Cosmic Evolution Hierarchy. Their isn’t much emphasis on Reincarnation with the Buddha in comparison to the Hindus. Christianity, and Islam might as well look at it as the preservation of the self or ego in hopes of eternal vacation while the soul has no emphasis at all with Judaism.

Usually, not that much different from Santa’s Naughty or Nice list regarding Karma or deeds, deciding if Santa or Krampus visit on Xmas.

If it were in the Bibical narrative, Karma would be very similar to the term of Judgement through Trials an Tribulations along with a lot Agricultural Metaphors. With the Hindus, loosely an simply put, the Soul is not that much different then someone playing a video game where the body the Avatar, an the user in the real world. Think Hinduism an Buddhism the aim is to escape a certain aspect of reincarnation, while not necessarily stopping the cycle of life, death, and rebirth or better yet, in order to find Heaven, one has to go through hell sort of speak.

edit on 30-11-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

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