How China is using Covid as an economic weapon ?
For about a year now I have been wondering about the seemingly impeccable timing of lockdowns in China. Why is it that right before holiday shopping
season in the U.S. , China starts locking down due to Covid ? Why is it that right when things start to get back on track in the West, China initiates
draconian lockdown measures ? What does “Zero Covid Policy” actually mean ? Is China using this policy to punish the West and slow down the escape
of companies ?
First question we must answer is, does the Chinese government actually believe that achieving the stated goal of “zero covid” is possible ? Safe
to say, they aren’t stupid enough to believe that a virus can be completely irradicated in this day and age of global travel. Viruses have never
been completely eliminated in the history of mankind. This goal of “zero Covid” is simply unattainable. So the question becomes, what exactly are
they actually trying to accomplish ? And this is what we will dive into.
It is no secret that the post Covid global landscape is changing rapidly. The U.S. and its allies have openly stated that they will start to divest
business ties from China, after Covid exposed the West’s over reliance on the Chinese manufacturing and chemicals. Companies like Apple, AirBNB,
Hasboro as well as many others have already begun the
Transition out of China. On the
flip side, China has been selling off U.S. treasuries and dollar denominated debt at a rapid pace, as a result reducing their dependence on U.S.
consumption and debt, as they surely know that the U.S. is already insolvent. From a macro economic perspective, the shift from being a creditor
nation (that produces and exports) to a debtor nation (that imports and self consumes) has begun, and the transition is never easy. The U.S. had
massive issues itself when we went from the worlds largest produces and exporters to a debtor nation in the 80’s. China is trying to avoid these
“growing pains” and slow down the transition, while punishing the U.S. along the way. Here are a few examples of how this weapon is being used.
Medications shortages around the world have also been a big part of their strategy.
Adderall Shortage
Antibiotic Shortages and the
list can go on and on and on. Its not limited to the U.S. either, in many other countries the are having the same
issue. Is it also a
coincidence that all drugs in shortage, are sourced from China? If only someone would have warned us all that our over reliance on China would come
back to haunt us
My theory here is that they are using this “zero covid policy” to slow down this transition from exporters to self consumption, because they are
afraid of unemployment more than anything. And to hurt the U.S. every time the economy starts to recover. The timing of these lockdowns are not
coincidence. Chinese wrote the “Art of War” they are most definitely not dumb people, they must know that their policy is unattainable. What do
you guys think ? Is it just a mere coincidence ?
edit on 28-11-2022 by HanSolo31 because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-11-2022
by HanSolo31 because: Grammar
edit on 28-11-2022 by HanSolo31 because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-11-2022 by
HanSolo31 because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-11-2022 by HanSolo31 because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-11-2022 by
HanSolo31 because: (no reason given)