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Climate Activists Vow To Slaughter Millions of Dogs & Cats

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+11 more 
posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 03:50 PM

Pet Ownership is Now Under Attack by Unhinged Climate Extremists – Says Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem

In an effort to lessen their “carbon pawprint,” unhinged climate activists are now advocating for the death of millions of dogs and cats worldwide.

If these unhinged *!-#"!? extremists want to make a difference, they should start with themselves.

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Hangontight

Pet Ownership is Now Under Attack by Unhinged Climate Extremists – Says Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem

In an effort to lessen their “carbon pawprint,” unhinged climate activists are now advocating for the death of millions of dogs and cats worldwide.

If these unhinged *!-#"!? extremists want to make a difference, they should start with themselves.

I agree. They are part of the problem.

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: Hangontight

Pet Ownership is Now Under Attack by Unhinged Climate Extremists – Says Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem

In an effort to lessen their “carbon pawprint,” unhinged climate activists are now advocating for the death of millions of dogs and cats worldwide.

If these unhinged *!-#"!? extremists want to make a difference, they should start with themselves.

I agree. They are part of the problem.

They will have a bigger problem if they attempt to harm someone's dog or cat.

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:03 PM
Climate Extremists / the left has no problem euthanizing anything, the unborn, old people, pets will be no problem for them.

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Hangontight

That's even more interesting when you take into account that PETA's original goal was to eliminate all domesticated animals from the planet. They pulled away from that after getting caught in the 1990s picking up animals from shelters, killing them, and dumping them in random dumpsters. They literally planned on killing all pets and livestock for their first couple of decades.

Today they claim their goals have changed, but have they? Is this just the same old PETA folks? Who knows what they have been up to since they were outed multiple times over the years? They never were animal rights activists, they were activists for the euthanization of domestic animals.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Hangontight

Link to the CNN article the Gateway Pundit cited does NOT advocate killing pets. It only advocates responsible pet ownership & who did the climate study on pets. The Gateway Pundit did not give a source for who such climate activists are either. I'm calling "Click-bait bs" on this.

Altho in fairness most climatetards need the board pulled out of their butts & beat with it.,million%20cars%20on%20the%20road.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:23 PM
One day they’ll regret cleansing the world of such a food source if all their dreams come true. 🤪😵‍💫


posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Hangontight

I would tell them the same answer I give when I hear about overpopulation:

If you're so concerned, maybe instead of preaching you should follow with good example. The audacity of some people is boundless. Especially when it's used in connection with India, Africa or China.

The people down there do not soak up the same amount of resources than the one typing it out on an online board or in a 1st world country in public. What gives them the right to say something like that, or feel entitled to say it. The second they have this thought they should know what to do.

Somehow it feels like similar to racism "Who, me? But I am better / deserve this life / my life is more worth than other's." Really, if someone reads this that thinks the world is overpopulated and concerned about it, you know exactly you could do something against it starting with yourself. Harsh words? Not as harsh as saying it's okay when people die because we are too many anyways.

edit on 26.11.2022 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Hangontight
I don't mind if they start with my neighbour's dogs. Just leave the cats alone.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:51 PM
There are more dogs and cats than there are climate activists.

Set up a big compound of dogs and cats and send in the climate activist a few at a time.. so as to not overfill the dog and cats stomachs.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I do worry that these are the kind of people that would deliberately poison pet food at the factory level.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
a reply to: carewemust

I do worry that these are the kind of people that would deliberately poison pet food at the factory level.

Yeah, there are some sick b*st*rds out there.

I'm no longer a pet owner because I'm old, but I'm still very sympathetic. If one of these people hurt an animal I loved I'd do murder.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Hangontight

Pet Ownership is Now Under Attack by Unhinged Climate Extremists – Says Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem

In an effort to lessen their “carbon pawprint,” unhinged climate activists are now advocating for the death of millions of dogs and cats worldwide.

If these unhinged *!-#"!? extremists want to make a difference, they should start with themselves.

Since it is not far removed from BIN or GLP as a source I cant figure out why people still use TGP.

The actual source article thar TGP "quotes" never makes the claim of this thread.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: Hangontight

Well , John Wick Might Not be to Happy to Hear that .............

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Nickn3
Climate Extremists / the left has no problem euthanizing anything, the unborn, old people, pets will be no problem for them.

They are not Left, not Right they are lunatic's and extremists.

I am all for protecting the environment, but they don't even have a clue what they are preaching, and the OLD environmental activists were a good bunch and nothing like these crap spewing nut jobs.

What they for the most part don't get is that climate change is ALWAYS happening even if we were not here.

What they do not get is that the earth of the past was warmer, wetter and had a thicker atmosphere and life thrived and even grew bigger than today.

What they do not get is that they are nothing but tools being used by a global elite who want to kill off the better part of humanity as too many people are too hard for them to control.

What they do not get is that for example over here in England 50 thousand years ago there were lion's, giraffe, zebra, African antelope, hippo's, elephants, lion's and hyena's all calling this part of the world home as it was much warmer and just like the African savannah then it got very cold all of a sudden and I am not talking about the ice age megafauna such as woolly rhino's or sabre toothed big cats but African fauna.

What they don't get is time waits for no man, nothing they do can freeze the planet in its current age it changed anyway and no matter how they fight and scream about it the inevitability of climate change is something they can never stop.

And most of us above and below the equatorial latitudes would rather face warming then cooling.

Rising sea levels? always been happening, they go down as well and during the last ice age were over two hundred feet lower, even the very worst estimate of modern warming come nowhere near to that massive a swing in sea levels, a few places may flood but the warmer climate will make much of Canada and Russia's Siberia into fertile arable land the new bread baskets of tomorrow.

But not if there is no one to make farms there because a bunch of idle brained morons have murdered the bulk of the human population.

But remember this most of these have been told that this is the case and those telling it are part of an agenda, whose agenda if it is so anti human and harmful to the human race and our economy's, what do they get out of our failure as a race if they manage to kill us.

Maybe our planet?

After all, if you want to move in somewhere and there is already someone living there that is a problem, right?

And if they go near my pets there will be some less crap spewing climate extremists to breach out wasted carbon dioxide by speaking crap about everyone else and their pet's but in all fairness, this sounds like an extreme minority among a fringe new age religious cult that believe humans are bad and so are anti human, give them enough time and they will erect temples to their climate idols and sacrifice people to them on alters like the bloody crackpots that they are.

The worst part is the Media, the Governments, the educational system is all involved in this lie, there is climate change it is real, but it is also mostly natural and the human impact (other than litter and pollution which I do hate) is marginal at best, we are between glacial maximums and likely still in the quaternary glaciation period as we have been for up to four million years now and are in a natural warming period between glaciations but this is not being taught to our kids, it is not being aired on the media and either the governments are puppets of whoever is behind this OR they are nothing but crap brained idiots.

Remember the carbon points was just a scam to make some people very rich and to tax the poorest in society while funnelling that money somehow into the hands of the elite, maybe they realized they could not keep the genie in the bottle forever and had to come up with a scam to make the money and power that the loss of oil revenue would deprive them of and so the carbon points was born but then they decided "you know what let's kill them all and keep power that way".

Either way they are sitting on technology's that could change our world, clean energy generation and clean nuclear technology's they simply do not want us to have, remember how Nicolae Tesla had the rug pulled out from under him because he wanted to give people FREE Electricity delivered wirelessly and knew that it would drive our society into a much more advanced future but the bankster behind realized he could NOT put a meter on free energy and could not use it to control people.

edit on 26-11-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Hangontight

Is there ANYTHING the Lunatic Left is Not Attacking these Days ? If you ask me , these People Have To Much Time on their Hands . What , No Real Jobs ?

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
a reply to: Hangontight

Link to the CNN article the Gateway Pundit cited does NOT advocate killing pets. It only advocates responsible pet ownership & who did the climate study on pets. The Gateway Pundit did not give a source for who such climate activists are either. I'm calling "Click-bait bs" on this.

Altho in fairness most climatetards need the board pulled out of their butts & beat with it.,million%20cars%20on%20the%20road.

Agreed the "Vow To Slaughter Millions of Dogs & Cats" part is not backed up by any of the connected articles. Its just baseless click bate.

However the source CNN article makes it clear that the climate change crowd does want to stop the practice of keeping dogs and cats as pets and replace it with keeping smaller animals as pets.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

PETA still does that.

They operate an animal “rescue” shelter to this day that more resembles a pet Auschwitz than anything else. Wild animals and pets snatched from gardens that end up there are doomed.

Their “vets” are sadistic torturers that wouldn’t be out of place in an Imperial Japanese Concentration Camp.

They also advocate the shooting of race horses for some reason.

Literally the most worthless organisation on the planet. You could actively set out to be an organisation dedicated to harming as many defenceless animals as possible and achieve less in the field than PETA.

They need shut down.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: Hangontight

Pet Ownership is Now Under Attack by Unhinged Climate Extremists – Says Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem

In an effort to lessen their “carbon pawprint,” unhinged climate activists are now advocating for the death of millions of dogs and cats worldwide.

If these unhinged *!-#"!? extremists want to make a difference, they should start with themselves.

Since it is not far removed from BIN or GLP as a source I cant figure out why people still use TGP.

The actual source article thar TGP "quotes" never makes the claim of this thread.

You are absolutely right. I should have looked at the source article before commenting on this. If that's representative of The Gateway Pundit's reporting, The Gateway Pundit should be ignored to death.

So urce

“Our work does not mean we are ‘against’ keeping pets,” said Pim Martens, a professor of Sustainable Development at Maastricht University and someone who has researched the impact of pets on the planet. “There are lots of benefits as well. Just be aware of the ‘side-effects.’”

So, what’s a concerned pet parent to do? Here are some ways to minimize your pets’ environmental impact while still caring for your furry fleet.
Do an assessment of your pet’s diet

First, and most importantly — responsible owners considering making significant changes to their pet’s diet should discuss it with their veterinarian to make sure it’s right for their animal’s needs.

In fact, if you’re the proud owner of a feline, you shouldn’t even think about switching their diet. Cats are obligate carnivores — they must eat meat, according to Angela Frimberger, a veterinarian with Vets for Climate Action.

Dogs, on the other hand, are omnivores and don’t necessarily need to have meat every meal — let alone sirloin steak.

“I wholeheartedly want pets to be fed a good quality, nutritionally appropriate diet for them,” Frimberger said. “But for most healthy pets, the trend to feed premium quality ingredient food goes back to our habit of viewing our pets’ needs through the lens of what we would like, rather than what they actually need or like. We should remind ourselves that what is appealing to us doesn’t necessarily equate to actual nutritional quality for the pet.”

That's actually nothing to condemn.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: Ohanka

Apparently, though, this article is not about them and I should have checked out the source article. See my post above after OpethPA pointed out how bad this source is.

PETA however deserves to be scorned.

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