posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 04:53 PM
Do we really believe that the alternative outcome would engender a different result?
At this point lots of us already can identify the way our news sources "convince" us of reality and what it means.
It was - from the perspective I hold - a pathetic showing - the "team" locked media - "telling" us what "we" all think. It almost never changes.
"Red Wave" - feh. Democracy threat? ... they have us even believing that this is about one political celebrity or another. Even believing that they
are not BOTH part of the same cabal. Illusions are easy to carry on especially when you have an entire industry handsomely rewarded for constructing
We are past the point of pretending that their manufactured "crises" are actually real.
They tell us this, that, or the other, and we whine and cry like children... or so they tell we do. They show us aberrant human behavior and program
us to believe that represents what we are. They show hysterical "karens" and try to make us think we are ALL like that. They chant about their
manufactured "opinions" they allege we all share. We respond, as if WE could change THEIR minds.
The "democrats." The "republicans." And talk to any fervent zealot and discover they don't agree with each other about what that actually means.
"Liberals," "conservatives," or any other BS designation they can squeeze out of a think-tank full of 'experts' ... they programmed us to respond as
if it were a matter of academic truth... but it is a truth about nothing.
Yeah, the people who we are to believe are "the dems," changed up their message... and? Their message sucked. They couldn't make it stick. They
could report that it was sticking... and they could tell us that "we" were winning. But it was just them saying so... not reality. Conservative
rags did the same... crap. They are still doing it. Pretending that if they tell you it's so... then it is. Reporting on the opinions of their
mouthpieces as if that were "news" and we are playing along like it is.
The abortion issue did not sway... and they have to run from the fiasco of the "let's legalize pot" and "erase student debt" debacle. These losers
(on both sides) play us this way. You want to know what's really scary? They are changing history through "fake news." Their narratives become the
stuff of future "fact." This leads to some facts become criminally incorrect...
"Week Two. Scammed, Flimflammed, Bamboozled, Conned, Swindled, Duped, Deceived" ... The only problem that I have with this title is that it hasn't
been two weeks since this crap started... it's been at least two generations.