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Vaccinated people now make up a majority of covid deaths

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posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 01:21 PM
A politician says, “What would you like to hear” --- a bookkeeper will say, “What do you want to see” In other words, pick and choose whatever works for you. I’ve had my shots, ---- just in case. a reply to: TrueAmerican

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 01:59 PM
I am sorry that you took the vaccine under threat of losing your livelihood. I understand that it is a tough choice especially if you have a family to take care of. That was the true tell of how vile and corrupt these people are who pushed this onto every citizen. What disgusts me more than anything, are all of the people demanding the unvaccinated get their shots. There are supplements that will rid you of the spike proteins and the metals from the vaccine. EDTA and CYTOKINE Suppress are two supplements you can get off of Amazon. There are others as well. Please stay healthy my friend. a reply to: TrueAmerican

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: Fairtrade141
I am sorry that you took the vaccine under threat of losing your livelihood. I understand that it is a tough choice especially if you have a family to take care of. That was the true tell of how vile and corrupt these people are who pushed this onto every citizen. What disgusts me more than anything, are all of the people demanding the unvaccinated get their shots. There are supplements that will rid you of the spike proteins and the metals from the vaccine. EDTA and CYTOKINE Suppress are two supplements you can get off of Amazon. There are others as well. Please stay healthy my friend. a reply to: TrueAmerican

Nobody can demand anything from you. Especially the ones who have fallen on this trap or others who are pushing these products. Wish them a good day or tell them to go and bum themselves in case they continue with their 'demands'

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
Your kidding right ? Trump a lier ?absolutely is
Trump didn't make any covid briefings he reads out the script he is handed to read just like all the other politicians ..

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican But it WAS effective... effective at accomplishing their agenda of fooling billions of people into falling for the hoax. As a result of their success, more pandemics to follow. Meanwhile the death rate is expected to double over the next fifty years. Death rate is currently over 60 million people per year which is already insane.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:27 PM
In the US we have a huge obesity problem, and with obesity comes a slew of other serious health problems, throw a questionable strength "vaccine" into the mix and odds are high all it did was delay the inevitable at best. I am sure in some cases it sped up the process of dying for some.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 02:59 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

If young vaxxed people with no comorbidity were dying at a higher rate then I'd be worried, but they aren't.

Are you STILL living under a rock?!

Here's an article from October 2021, yes 2021...

Sudden Increase In Excess Deaths Among Young Americans and Europeans

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

If young vaxxed people with no comorbidity were dying at a higher rate then I'd be worried, but they aren't.

Are you STILL living under a rock?!

Here's an article from October 2021, yes 2021...

Sudden Increase In Excess Deaths Among Young Americans and Europeans

Given that the infection fatality rates from Covid-19 are very low for the young age groups then it must be some other factors contributing to the large number of excess deaths among young people. We are not left with much and we need to seriously consider the impact of lockdowns, the response to Covid, and the 'magical' vaccines.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

If I were to subscribe to a conspiracy on this, which I don't, I would be inclined to believe, it was NEVER about covid or the vaccine. It was about the institution of a digital tracking system, i.e. vaccine passports, etc., as a control tool for the masses, and once that infrastructure was instituted, things like digital currency and the social credit score could be piggybacked onto it. Covid and the vaccines were simply the props used to facilitate the creation of the global tracking system. You also need a Donald Trump for the left to push against to get us where we are now, he was instrumental as a boogieman for the left to justify their agenda being pushed forward. You have to look past the forest to see the trees.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 06:19 AM
I feel conflicted about the news.
While I have always been a strong opponent to forceful vaccination, I think that yelling about this should be taken in caution. It's a medical fact, that fear directly influences people's health to the worse and often people can even have actual symptoms of a disease they don't have just because their fear controls their mind so strongly.

Concentration should be on detecting and judging ones who were responsible for the situation. That is most important that this won't happen again and the victims of this situation should be taken care of.
So, just, don't go around trumpeting about all the vaccination deaths around your vaccinated friends just to flatter yourself in being right. You are not doing them any favors with dealing with the consequences. Be a f'ing friend..

Just had to write it because I have seen this mentality rise after msm has started to recognize that most of the covid fear was bs.
edit on 25-11-2022 by eitea because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

If young vaxxed people with no comorbidity were dying at a higher rate then I'd be worried, but they aren't.

Are you STILL living under a rock?!

Here's an article from October 2021, yes 2021...

Sudden Increase In Excess Deaths Among Young Americans and Europeans

Given that the infection fatality rates from Covid-19 are very low for the young age groups then it must be some other factors contributing to the large number of excess deaths among young people. We are not left with much and we need to seriously consider the impact of lockdowns, the response to Covid, and the 'magical' vaccines.

This is a preprint as yet, but the source seems very good.

Highlights *Across 31 systematically identified national seroprevalence studies in the pre-vaccination era, the median infection fatality rate of COVID-19 was estimated to be 0.035% for people aged 0-59 years people and 0.095% for those aged 0-69 years.

* The median IFR was 0.0003% at 0-19 years, 0.003% at 20-29 years, 0.011% at 30-39 years, 0.035% at 40-49 years, 0.129% at 50-59 years, and 0.501% at 60-69 years.

*At a global level, pre-vaccination IFR may have been as low as 0.03% and 0.07% for 0-59 and 0-69 year old people, respectively.

*These IFR estimates in non-elderly populations are lower than previous calculations had suggested.

This was before vaccines, during the more lethal strains. Even allowing for a reasonably high R0, nothing much about these figures screams "mandate", even if you had an actual real vaccine, one with a known safety profile (and that actually worked). So we had a disease with 0.03% IFR (for under 60) and a pseudo vaccine with a risk reduction of 0.84% (Pfizer) that is a very questionable claim itself...from a shoddy and abbreviated study that was a study in "conflict of interest" as much as anything, with unknown long term safety (dubious short term as well), so we better mandate it..?

Wonder what the real post vaccine IFR is?

The insurance industry was recently something of a catastrophe, with the number of pay outs for deaths in 18-64 age group being unprecedented (up by 40%). This CEO thinks it must be some delayed effect of covid, or that covid deaths are way under reported (yet we know from various foi documents that they are massively over reported, the real number of covid fatalities will only be a fraction of what is being reported in the media). Couldn't be the "safe and effectives" though. Because "The Science (TM) LLC" says so. It's not like it was wrong with just about everything during the pandemic or anything...oh, wait on...

Its curious that this trend is from 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021,when post vaccine roll out, and during Omicron which is comparatively far less lethal.

Haven't looked at central African countries for a while, but they told quite a story (negligible vaccination rates, low covid and extremely low covid death rates).
edit on 25-11-2022 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

If young vaxxed people with no comorbidity were dying at a higher rate then I'd be worried, but they aren't.

Are you STILL living under a rock?!

Here's an article from October 2021, yes 2021...

Sudden Increase In Excess Deaths Among Young Americans and Europeans

Given that the infection fatality rates from Covid-19 are very low for the young age groups then it must be some other factors contributing to the large number of excess deaths among young people. We are not left with much and we need to seriously consider the impact of lockdowns, the response to Covid, and the 'magical' vaccines.

This is a preprint as yet, but the source seems very good.

Highlights *Across 31 systematically identified national seroprevalence studies in the pre-vaccination era, the median infection fatality rate of COVID-19 was estimated to be 0.035% for people aged 0-59 years people and 0.095% for those aged 0-69 years.

* The median IFR was 0.0003% at 0-19 years, 0.003% at 20-29 years, 0.011% at 30-39 years, 0.035% at 40-49 years, 0.129% at 50-59 years, and 0.501% at 60-69 years.

*At a global level, pre-vaccination IFR may have been as low as 0.03% and 0.07% for 0-59 and 0-69 year old people, respectively.

*These IFR estimates in non-elderly populations are lower than previous calculations had suggested.

This was before vaccines, during the more lethal strains. Even allowing for a reasonably high R0, nothing much about these figures screams "mandate", even if you had an actual real vaccine, one with a known safety profile (and that actually worked). So we had a disease with 0.03% IFR (for under 60) and a pseudo vaccine with a risk reduction of 0.84% (Pfizer) that is a very questionable claim itself...from a shoddy and abbreviated study that was a study in "conflict of interest" as much as anything, with unknown long term safety (dubious short term as well), so we better mandate it..?

Wonder what the real post vaccine IFR is?

The insurance industry was recently something of a catastrophe, with the number of pay outs for deaths in 18-64 age group being unprecedented (up by 40%). This CEO thinks it must be some delayed effect of covid, or that covid deaths are way under reported (yet we know from various foi documents that they are massively over reported, the real number of covid fatalities will only be a fraction of what is being reported in the media). Couldn't be the "safe and effectives" though. Because "The Science (TM) LLC" says so. It's not like it was wrong with just about everything during the pandemic or anything...oh, wait on...

Its curious that this trend is from 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021,when post vaccine roll out, and during Omicron which is comparatively far less lethal.

Haven't looked at central African countries for a while, but they told quite a story (negligible vaccination rates, low covid and extremely low covid death rates).

The source of information is what counts mostly and the evidence presented. The peer-reviewed process is considered a golden standard for verifying the quality of the the published materials however we all know that it has been corrupted over the past few decades and especially in the last few years.

For the rest of your message I mostly agree.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: ATruGod
Now a pandemic of the vaccinated.

My how things change.

You know I seriously doubt we'll see people making fun of them dying because they're vaccinated too! Sad world.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

If young vaxxed people with no comorbidity were dying at a higher rate then I'd be worried, but they aren't.

Are you STILL living under a rock?!

Here's an article from October 2021, yes 2021...

Sudden Increase In Excess Deaths Among Young Americans and Europeans

Given that the infection fatality rates from Covid-19 are very low for the young age groups then it must be some other factors contributing to the large number of excess deaths among young people. We are not left with much and we need to seriously consider the impact of lockdowns, the response to Covid, and the 'magical' vaccines.

This is a preprint as yet, but the source seems very good.

Highlights *Across 31 systematically identified national seroprevalence studies in the pre-vaccination era, the median infection fatality rate of COVID-19 was estimated to be 0.035% for people aged 0-59 years people and 0.095% for those aged 0-69 years.

* The median IFR was 0.0003% at 0-19 years, 0.003% at 20-29 years, 0.011% at 30-39 years, 0.035% at 40-49 years, 0.129% at 50-59 years, and 0.501% at 60-69 years.

*At a global level, pre-vaccination IFR may have been as low as 0.03% and 0.07% for 0-59 and 0-69 year old people, respectively.

*These IFR estimates in non-elderly populations are lower than previous calculations had suggested.

This was before vaccines, during the more lethal strains. Even allowing for a reasonably high R0, nothing much about these figures screams "mandate", even if you had an actual real vaccine, one with a known safety profile (and that actually worked). So we had a disease with 0.03% IFR (for under 60) and a pseudo vaccine with a risk reduction of 0.84% (Pfizer) that is a very questionable claim itself...from a shoddy and abbreviated study that was a study in "conflict of interest" as much as anything, with unknown long term safety (dubious short term as well), so we better mandate it..?

Wonder what the real post vaccine IFR is?

The insurance industry was recently something of a catastrophe, with the number of pay outs for deaths in 18-64 age group being unprecedented (up by 40%). This CEO thinks it must be some delayed effect of covid, or that covid deaths are way under reported (yet we know from various foi documents that they are massively over reported, the real number of covid fatalities will only be a fraction of what is being reported in the media). Couldn't be the "safe and effectives" though. Because "The Science (TM) LLC" says so. It's not like it was wrong with just about everything during the pandemic or anything...oh, wait on...

Its curious that this trend is from 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021,when post vaccine roll out, and during Omicron which is comparatively far less lethal.

Haven't looked at central African countries for a while, but they told quite a story (negligible vaccination rates, low covid and extremely low covid death rates).

The source of information is what counts mostly and the evidence presented. The peer-reviewed process is considered a golden standard for verifying the quality of the the published materials however we all know that it has been corrupted over the past few decades and especially in the last few years.

For the rest of your message I mostly agree.

A couple of years ago I would have agreed that peer review was necessary. Now I think its broken.

Since then I have seen a very influential study published in a top journal with data claims that are obviously ridiculous at a glance, other studies that seemed designed to fail in effort to discredit possible treatments, meta analysis ghost written by a benefactor to alter conclusions (before being submitted to the WHO), others where the data wasn't actually submitted to know that it actually exists to begin with, others where the data doesn't support the conclusion, and also got tired of finding undisclosed conflicts of interest. While at the same time other studies have passed review fulfilled all criteria and been accepted, yet pulled just before publication without any reason given (though obviously inconvenient for the narrative).

I have also learned that in such research the term "placebo" is often a misnomer. It is commonly another vaccine or an adjuvant but it is not uncommon for authors to refuse to disclose what they use.

Peer review where pharmaceutical research is involved is at best cursory and the term is now somewhat meaningless IMO. It seems science in this area has fallen prey to "The Science (TM)" and I now consider rags the NEJM as another version of the "Daily Mail", only with an elevated vocabulary. Ditto "Nature", which is not above propaganda and is probably the saddest one of all. I think they are biased and conflicted themselves.

While ever most of the research funds are dished out by people like Fauci and the rest by people like Gates, the whole industry will be a corrupt gravy train.

It's disheartening to realise this, and to also realise that our PH "experts" are either corrupt or some of the stupidest people on earth lol.

edit on 25-11-2022 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Fairtrade141
I am sorry that you took the vaccine under threat[/post]

In most cases those who stuck to their guns didn't have to take the vax, endless bodies backed down exactly as was predicted.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Crackalackin

originally posted by: ATruGod
Now a pandemic of the vaccinated.

My how things change.

You know I seriously doubt we'll see people making fun of them dying because they're vaccinated too! Sad world.

Thing is ... most of them are over 80 and have at least one co-morbidity, so they're not actually dying due to being vaxxed, they're dying due to old and having co-morbidity.

The takeaway form this isn't that the vax is dangerous, it's that you still need to do things like socially distance or wear a mask if you're old and have diabetes, even if you are vaxed.

We've known since day one that it wouldn't be 100 percent effective.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: namehere
a reply to: TrueAmerican

the deaths are because nobody is getting booster shots,

I guess fear mongering is only a short term tool to get a population to bend to your will. People eventually gain enough information to see that the thing they where lead to fear isn't as bad as they first thought.

Its to bad for the pharmaceutical companies who can't sustain their recorded profits. Eventually the Gov will stop buying the vaccines as more and more rot on shelves. Big Pharma will then have to find their new cash cow. They hooked the people on opioids; then they took advantage of a pandemic to push ineffective vaccines ... what will they do next?

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Crackalackin

originally posted by: ATruGod
Now a pandemic of the vaccinated.

My how things change.

You know I seriously doubt we'll see people making fun of them dying because they're vaccinated too! Sad world.

Thing is ... most of them are over 80 and have at least one co-morbidity, so they're not actually dying due to being vaxxed, they're dying due to old and having co-morbidity.

Its interesting how that same line of thinking was used by those who are anti-covid-vaccine and now its being used by those who are pro-covid-vaccine.

"Dieing with covid is not the same as dieing from covid"

"Dieing with covid vaccine is not the same as dieing from covid vaccine"

Bottom line is that people in their 80s die ... thats what they were designed to do.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Crackalackin

originally posted by: ATruGod
Now a pandemic of the vaccinated.

My how things change.

You know I seriously doubt we'll see people making fun of them dying because they're vaccinated too! Sad world.

Thing is ... most of them are over 80 and have at least one co-morbidity, so they're not actually dying due to being vaxxed, they're dying due to old and having co-morbidity.

The takeaway form this isn't that the vax is dangerous, it's that you still need to do things like socially distance or wear a mask if you're old and have diabetes, even if you are vaxed.

We've known since day one that it wouldn't be 100 percent effective.

then shouldn't we remove them from the studies on covid deaths as well? Or do you like using that numbers to hyper inflate the deaths to keep the fear going? See, lol, you don't see, you only spew what the official narrative tells you to spew. I don't think your lies will be able to continue as they have.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Crackalackin

originally posted by: ATruGod
Now a pandemic of the vaccinated.

My how things change.

You know I seriously doubt we'll see people making fun of them dying because they're vaccinated too! Sad world.

Thing is ... most of them are over 80 and have at least one co-morbidity, so they're not actually dying due to being vaxxed, they're dying due to old and having co-morbidity.

The takeaway form this isn't that the vax is dangerous, it's that you still need to do things like socially distance or wear a mask if you're old and have diabetes, even if you are vaxed.

We've known since day one that it wouldn't be 100 percent effective.

Who is 'we'?? And what you have known? What effectiveness? Absolute or relative? As the two things are vastly different.

From your own rhetoric here there was no need for lockdowns and vaccines for the general population and especially those under the age of 50 given that they usually enjoy good health and have no comorbidities. What was the purpose of this failed campaign? Herd immunity? If 'we' have known from the beginning the different risk groups 'we' have also known that there is no herd immunity when dealing with these types of viruses. There is though excellent cellular immunity which is more than enough to protect us AFTER being infected and dealt with primary infection. The 'vaccines' can't do that on their own as they are not vaccines... We may also have pre-existing immunity due to our exposure in other human coronaviruses. That's why many of us have been asymptomatic or with very minor infections.

There are several publications that show the dangers of the 'vaccine' especially in the low risk groups. Bearing in mind that the peer reviewed process and academia have been hijacked the last few years. The picture is very likely to be much worse.

You are in a denial as always and there is no need to engage in vaccine apologetics. You are not convincing anyone and the arguments you present have fallen apart.
edit on 25-11-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

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