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Nation's Largest Centre For Historical RecordsOn UFOs To Be Established In New Mexico.

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posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 06:01 AM
Good news for archivists and researchers (and the preservation of historical UFO files) as Dave Marler and Barry Greenwood discuss below the launching of the 'National UFO Records Center' - a non-profit based in New Mexico which offers 'a vast array of historical data to the public'.


The largest historical archive of records on unidentified aerial phenomena in the nation will be unveiled in New Mexico in the coming years, according to a group of leading UFO historians and archivists.

The National UFO Historical Records Center (NUFOHRC) will be “dedicated to the preservation and centralization of UFO/UAP information in the United States,” according to a press release announcing the new non-profit organization.

Led by researcher and historian David Marler, the organization has announced its plans to have its archive housed at a facility in the Albuquerque, New Mexico, area.

Drawing from collections housed by several researchers from across the country, the National UFO Historical Records Center will feature documents from the collections of archivists Jan Aldrich, Rod Dyke, Barry Greenwood, Rob Swiatek, and several others.


That full Debrief article is well worth a read and if anyone wants to know the internal reaction to the UFO subject by the world's military and intelligence communities then this book co-authored (amongst others) by Greenwood and Aldrich is also an extremely important one as it focuses solely on authenticated government documentation.

As for Dave Marler, if anyone thinks they know what's going on with regard to Flying Black Triangles then thought this presentation was a bit of an eye-opener as he documents eyewitness sighting reports going way back into history.

• "Over a thirteen year period roughly I started amassing a huge collection of casefiles and material and then parsing the data to look for commonalities in the reports - common characteristics. I worked up a working profile if you will of these triangular UFOs, put together a comprehensive timeline showing that these reports not only went back to the 1980's and 1990's but in point of fact went back to the 1970's, 1960's, 1950's and 1940's."

Researcher and archivist David Marler.


Other Archive Links:

AFU / Keyhoe / McDonald / Pratt / Greenwood / Gross / Other

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 06:23 AM
I hope this happens.

I've been a large promoter to have as many archives available for everyone interested or that researches the phenomena. Can you imagine what we'd be able to glean if other Countries/Nations were to create such? We'd find many missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.. perhaps even a better picture of the whole 'sha-bang'.


posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous


One thing that got my attention was reading a book in which a researcher mentioned one well-known incident. But then he mentioned a somewhat similar incident occurred on roughly the same latitude, but two thousand miles distant, the next day.

Lesson (for me) was that cases are too often considered in isolation. What is needed is a database that can produce lists of similar cases based on items like general nature of the case, appearance of any observed entities, geographical commonalities (like latitude), closeness of cases in time, etc.

edit on 23-11-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

Absolutely Johnny and very well said - especially content from the South American continent.

I know the cataloguing takes a while but still haven't heard anything about the sixty years of Friedman material donated to the New Brunswick Provincial Archives in Canada lol.

Anyway thought there were some really astute points being made in that initial Marler/Greenwood video and my ears certainly pricked up when he mentioned the Major Dewey Fournet files (also think the Swords material will be included in the archive).


posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Absolutely mate and very well said - think that would be an extremely revealing approach and it's a great shame we can't ask the NRO for the relevant information.

As for the archive did notice Marler mentioned the possibility of acquiring the infamous APRO files and suppose the story of how they went missing (and CIA infiltration of the group) would make a thread in itself.

• "The Robertson Panel was a device used by the CIA to establish a cover programme (Project Bluebook) that would draw attention away from a covert programme designed to meet the UFO challenge."

Jim and Coral Lorenzen, Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO).


Also nice to see ATS member Isaac getting a mention in the main video.

edit on 23-11-2022 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 07:49 AM
So, putting all the eggs in one basket?

Yes, this will make research easier but it can be all wiped out in a mysterious fire.

Why not just scan everything and make a virtual research site and museum online. That way it is available for more people.

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Hi mate those concerns are specifically addressed in the main video.

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 08:56 AM
Somehow I feel we are not getting the whole story by the few that knows.
All the stories about recovered crafts and ET bodies confirmed by multiple civilians and whistleblowers, that is the kind of information I would like to have full disclosure about, sure a big archive that tells us that there is something out there we cannot explain is always fun, but at this point there is so many of those archive I need more then that.

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 10:27 AM
That’s nice……a new place to stop and visit, passing through, on a road trip.

There’s two sides to a coin….

I suspect that the Security cameras (perhaps with facial and audio recognition) will not only feed into their internal security center…..but also tapped to go externally elsewhere….perhaps entities in the IC.

Remember the Cold War time of bugging embassies?

Smile your on Candid Camera.

Nice way to catalog visitors of UFO and other Phenomena interest’s….so much for Researchers that may want to maintain any shred measure of anonymity and privacy when researching on-site.

Also, I’m reminded of The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt…..most if not all those pooled exquisite hardcopies….Poof… in a ball of flames.

This is one basket of eggs, I would leave separated.

Hopefully smoke detectors, and fire extinguishing equipment are fully operational and maintained.

If the Alexandria Library had smoke detectors, …….what would have been saved, may have inspired a whole new different world.

I wish them 🍀


edit on 23-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge

Yes, this will make research easier but it can be all wiped out in a mysterious fire.

I have a pretty extensive collection myself. In fact, I'm looking for a place to donate it and this is one possibility. But maybe I shouldn't have such a collection because my house might burn down.

Why not just scan everything and make a virtual research site and museum online. That way it is available for more people.

Nice idea that would cost a million bucks. That is an onerous task. Plus you have all those pesky copyright issues. So who is going to do it and how much will you donate to the cause? Besides, "online" has to be somewhere on a server and wherever the server is might burn down. And if someone screwed up the backups, then there you have it: a wasted effort.

Oh, and (further on) they might have cameras that take your picture and forward your image to the CIA so they can track your reading habits. Then you'd be in a CIA database as someone who is interested in UFOs so naturally they would have to arrange an accident for you.

Fortunately, the guys who are doing this don't need your permission.

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

Hopefully smoke detectors, and fire extinguishing equipment are fully operational and maintained.

Mate after reading this post I thought you'd be in favour of dedicated, centralised databases.

Do see your point about safety (it's addressed in the main video) but definitely think all this material should be collated.

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

Smile your on Candid Camera.

Just to be clear Marler and Greenwood have been busy scanning the archives in order to digitise them and make them publicly available on the internet (guess my point is you don't have to visit).

Several huge collections have already been lost or 'landfilled' so I'm a huge fan of them actually doing it (all on their own dime).

edit on 23-11-2022 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I wouldn't be too paranoid. The alphabets would more concerned if you were storming Area 51 or smuggling videos off US Navy Aircraft Carriers.


posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: karl 12

This is a great move.

I have my suspicions about the origins of theDebrief, but Hanks has always seemed fairly objective and his quotes from Marler are spot on.

...“Everyone wants to know what’s new,” Marler says, “and part of that is due, I think, to the framework by which the intelligence community [and] the media in recent years has framed the discussion; this ‘new’ discussion.”....“Everyone seems to be looking at 2004 moving forward,” Marler told The Debrief, noting that “we know that this history is diverse and rich and stretches many decades back, if not even further.”

“I’m trying to preserve the history of the pre-2004 era,” Marler says. “Much of which the general public has not seen.”

Preserving Ufology's history is more important than ever. There's a whole new generation ignorant to a lot of what's gone before due to the current podcast circuits and UFO Bro' culture that has surfaced in the past few years.

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

Hopefully smoke detectors, and fire extinguishing equipment are fully operational and maintained.

Mate after reading this post I thought you'd be in favour of dedicated, centralised databases.

Do see your point about safety (it's addressed in the main video) but definitely think all this material should be collated.

Touché mate……you have me there, only to the extent I was asking of a particular centralized database (audio recordings) that’s not part of a multitude of databases centralized in one place……

But I feel ya!



posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 04:27 PM
Interested in the software and equipment being used to scan and catalog all this material.
Years ago, I worked with Excalibur and related tools to scan text, maps and photos in some large archival projects. What is available today is so much better, extremely automated, but very costly.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: mirageman

Preserving Ufology's history is more important than ever. There's a whole new generation ignorant to a lot of what's gone before due to the current podcast circuits and UFO Bro' culture that has surfaced in the past few years.

Yep, couldn't agree more with you (and Marler) there bud and definitely looks like they're attempting a 'reset' of UFO history.

Let's hope journalist Daniel Liszt is wrong about the specific agendas behind the recent 'UAP Hearings' and the CIA/DHS wanting to make UFO research illegal lol.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

Touché mate……you have me there..

Ha only joshing amigo and thought you made a fair point there about 'eggs in a basket'.

Regarding the audio recordings was also pretty intrigued by Marler's comments about newly discovered additions to the existing Wendy Connors archive as some of that testimony is pretty eye-opening (especially the police recordings).

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Obviously initially a project like this is something to be lauded & riotously cheered for!!

Then reality sets in. Much like us Muggles went wild over the UAP/UFO "omg!! we're getting the beef!!!" disclosure that wasn't really a disclosure of the past few years, the devil will really be in the details of this new venture.

Just because information can & has been tracked down via "Authenticated Government Documentation" does NOT mean
the information isn't rumors of rumors of erroneous facts. Archiving what in hindsight (30-60yrs later) is now sloppy investigative work,outright hoaxes or straight up disinformation perpetuated as "Truth" just because officially internal government offices discussed it??

Problematic to say the least.

I agree strongly the younger generations need access to UAP/UFO historical info before it's completely gone. I don't think however that we need to educate them by replicating the Tilt-A-Whirl ride we all got stuck with. Another generation spinning in the same circles we did isn't productive OR necessary.

So there's this. Don't Snowflake over a problem if you don't have a possible solution.
Way back in internet pre-history there was a website that archived info based on "general inquiries, known hoaxes, legitimate category, more info needed". EVERYTHING was researched with documentation added as it surfaced. Yes frankly some of those topics took years of pursuit eventually being amended as things played out over time.

I think also the camera issue of who's accessing the archive is a nothingburger.
People are watched at work, driving, shopping, really who cares? I'm boring an it's your time an my tax dollars to piss away.

As far as the archive getting disappeared?
Does anyone actually believe any 3 letter agency doesn't already know what's been out in the wild already? If they wanted gone it already would be. More info has been tossed after researchers passed away by family members who gave zero-F's than black op-cleaners needing to EVER act. Actually it's quite probable more info has been shut down within the ufo community when that info did not support the ufologist de'jour's narratives.
Who needs the CIA when we have us??!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Caver78

Really do appreciate the rant mate and can certainly empathize.

Have to take issue with one or two points though, firstly with regard to these new UAP shenanigans did you catch this vid?

Can certainly see what you mean about documentation but there really are some incredibly intriguing examples out there and the internal communications in this book are well worth a look if you've not seen them already.

Then of course there's the completely contrived, criminally fraudulent 'official' explanations given for so many UFO incidents over the years (not to mention loads of conveniently missing evidence).

Probably best to 'trust the science' so here are the results of the largest ever scientific UFO study conducted by the U.S. Government (shame the Secretary of the Air Force bullsh•tted the public about the results lol).

• "This was a good report, but the Air Force deliberately tried to mislead the public. The report actually showed that 21.5% of the sightings were unknowns."

Stanton Friedman, Physicist.


Certainly makes one wonder but really do appreciate the input.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: charlyv

Good stuff Charlyv, don't know what equipment was being used for the Mcdonald files but literally every single link you click these days results in 'cannot be found'.

Does anyone out there have a working link for the full Dr Jim Mcdonald files?

'They've deleted your files Jim'

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