What I believe is the takeaway from all this, is firstly, that by communicating this knowledge to persons suffering from classical schizophrenia,
there is evidence that they are able to bring their experiences under a greater degree of rational control, and that the fearfulness of the overall
experience diminishes somewhat, because suddenly, it is fully explicable, even if we don't understand the intricate brain processes that produce the
effect, we at least can identify that the experience is an augmentation, a layering of dreams over the top of sensory perceptions of the world 'as it
is', and this, in & of itself, can be a great comfort. Indeed I speculate that it WILL lead to new frontiers of treatment, in which these chaotic &
disordered fragments of illusion can be wrought into controllable 'lucid dream/ reality augmentation ' experiences, in which a great deal of true
spiritual work could be achieved, once the basic elements of the ordering of the core personality have been accomplished through whatever therapy
works for each patient, to strip away the fear & leave in its place a boundlessness of eploration, in faith, hope & love.
One fine day, these people will be liberated from these traumatic experiences (as will we all), yet there is indeed hope that they could become (for
want of a better term) perfectly sane 'shamanic' figures, though not in the deluded, paganistic sense, where truly schizophrenic darkness has polluted
human heritage in times past. Instead, these people may become a sort of actualised 'saint', a prophet, a dreamwalker - those who can creatively
weave the myriad threads of the multiverse of human perception & our mental reach into the sane, button-down Reality that the rest of us often find to
be mundane, in those moments when we are trapped by the filth, when we are void of true spiritual expression & experience of the higher realms.
Secondly, I believe it offers yet another key evidence which continues with a recent theme I have suggested - that
dreaming is fundamental to the
experience of being human, and this is my key argument here. We are not alive for rote operations & basic ordering of our environment into more
manageable, low stress solutions - we are here to do that, firstly, but over & above, we are here to dream a new reality which is greater than
anything that we can achieve with mere stacking of the blocks. We are here to actualise our individual & collective spiritual heritage, locus, and
future -
we are dreamers first, human second. Our perception needs to shift; a reference frame which accounts for miracles is needed What is
more, the people 'at the top of the pyramid' know this, and we ourselves must integrate this knowledge - because
the oppressors know that the only
way they can retain their unfair system: pseudo-trickle-down agglomeration of resources, hoarding, thieving, with all attendant systemic & sadistic
brutalising of the weak, is by preventing us from becoming aware of the immense power of the dream experience as the fundamental experience which
builds Reality. It is our key weapon of war, if we can unlock its secrets & unite in its fullest expression.
There are rules to this simulation, to this shared dream that we all have in some manner undertaken to experience, and the system is manipulated not
only by power in human hands (even this is incalculable to the average person) - but there are powers spoken of in scripture which have adopted a
'self first, above all beneath me' attitude of hierarchical control, domination, abuse & destruction of the weak, which have been established in
layers of our local Reality for aeons, trickling their methods & mindset downward to the level of humanity with deeply insidious power agglomeration
as their ultimate goal, in tandem with unjust persecution of the weak for its own sake as a desirable outcome.
As humans, it is remarkable just how protected from these forces we actually are, when all is said & done. There are rules - there is Law - but there
is, above & beyond this layer, something named GRACE.
Law cannot be broached without consequence, and those dominions, powers know it well, so they game the system, with a twisting, fractally spiralled
risk vs reward payoff/cutoff paradigm which suits the content of their character & the nature of their essential spirit accordingly, depending on the
depth of depravity which is in them. All of this plays out as conflict & trauma in the world, injustice & abuse, institutionalised in many cases,
though truly, the world is far better than it used to be in certain respects, we are more 'civilised' (though brute behaviour persists within the
civilisational construct in dark recesses, alleyways, dives, corridors, suburbanite cutouts, mired dungeons & crystal palaces..) My own experience
of faith, of Christ, God, Spirit, angels, dreams, synchronicity, remembrance of past lives, past states of existence, and every thought that has
turned my mind around in its hand over the past forty years, has taught me that there is a plan of salvation which is far more vast & far-reaching,
deep & limitless in its application, total in scope & purer than the driven snow, and that all of it is waiting for each one of us to open that door
in our mind, to use the key that only we have access to, to unlock true memory of what it means to be human, what it means to be here, now, at this
time in history, in this version of the world we grew up with. Are we in a simulation? I believe so.
But in essence, all of existence is some form of simulcra, some space which has been cultivated for us to exist within - a construct, not necessarily
benign, but not malevolent either. Fallen. It is challenging - there are thorns & thistles, yet there is still some higher purpose, some quest to be
realised, some truth to be found & preserved, expressed as beauty, truth, grace, redemption - the information that is you & I, the core of all
experience, thought & emotion, is always preserved.
I believe that the game is afoot, and that now is truly the hour of our testing & refinement, facing down those powers which have abused humanity for
millennia, reaching out in response to the call of God, as He calls us forwards, ahead, up the mountain, to the sunlit vistas & airy spaces of the
heights, beyond the dross, the gravity, the suffering of this world - in flight, in freedom, dreaming the same dream & putting the past behind us. I
believe that things are changing, that the simulation is evolving, that this is being communicated clearly, that we must be, as we were cautioned,
watchful, for the hour is near. Finally, and I will say more on this in future, prayer & meditation are able to lift us above the dross & rote BS of
this world, burning away those thorns & thistles, enabling us to be washed, renewed & invigorated, energised for the battles ahead. Perfect
submission before God is the only way to reach that place of overcoming faith; as we reach out to Heaven, God reaches down to us - that is truth.
I know I've meandered a bit here, but I'm working on it.