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Impossible Stone-Cut Ruins Found Worldwide

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posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: 727Sky

I’m convinced they used some method which is now lost to us, you can’t make beautiful intricate carvings in hard stone by knapping with flint or work those materials with tools that are softer than them.

Even if you can cut a straight line of bore a hole with quartz finings embedded in bronze, it will take lots of time and effort, and that doesn’t explain how a statue is made or the perfect right angles were produced in very hard stone. Bronze chisels and the like can’t do it.

Actually you can.

Ancients in all civilizations could work hard stone. Yet you want us to believe that some magical technology existed in Sumerian, Egyptian, Inca,Maya, Han, etc., civilizations - separated by thousands of years that used no infrastructure, no resources, left no traces and was not used to make better weapons of war?

Somebody else's belief is just as valid as your belief.
No 'Magical' tech, just different to what we believed was actually possible and, as yet, unknown.

As a kind of anecdote here on lifting heavy weights, my wife had me sit on a kitchen dining chair then did some kind of movements in the air over my head. God knows where this trick came from. After the movements, she and two small children lifted both me and the chair from the ground..and I promptly fell off it.

Go figure.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

During a massive global flood you would expect even stone structures could be destroyed by rushing waters carrying very large bolders that would in turn strike anything in its path. I have seen ruins that are completely upside-down as I suspect from the massive flooding.

Problem is that there was not a Biblical style flood - lots of local floods however and rising sea levels. So, no idea what you are on about.

We have already established there once was a highly advanced civilization capable of creating stone wonders, and if that be the case, then there is no reason to suspect they did not have the capabilities of warfare and forward thinking, and the destruction of the same.

Nope that has not been established, what has been established is that ancient civilizations leave behind massive amounts of remains and are easily detected. Currently no 'highly advanced civilization' has been detected.

As far as the "Great Hall" of records, it is being recovered, little by little, bit by bit. Inch by inch out of the mud, or by the pot full as with the Nag Hamadi, dead sea scrolls. Recently a petrified urchin was discovered on one of the Pyramid building blocks indicating they were at one time, under water.

Nope you were lied to no such thing was found. The limestone of Giza was formed during the Middle Eocene Mokattam Formation which dates to the Eocene Epoch, lasting from 56 to 33.9 million years ago and yes it has fossils in it

Deleted a lot of made up stuff....

Love how you state your opinions as the utter truth.
Your opinions are as worthless to me just as much others' are as worthless to you.

But, forums are all about opinions and debate and I suppose if the alien invasion happened tomorrow, we may just be on the same side.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: charlyv
a reply to: Byrd

I am talking about the remains that have been preserved well enough where some analysis could be done.
Enough exist presently and there certainly more to be found that escape us.

Do you have a link to these studies? I'm still thinking that the conclusion was done by someone who never did any fieldwork and assumes that incomplete skeletons means an amputation. However, I'm prepared to examine other information -- so if you've got a link...?

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: fromtheskydown

Go figure.

Yeah go figure

We can use evidence to determine how stone was worked, not belief that ancient civilization had advanced tech or used magic. We have evidence they removed, cut and worked stone.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: fromtheskydown

Love how you state your opinions as the utter truth.

Which ones then we can go thru the evidence.

edit on 27/11/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

For the sake of argument, only, if, and I stress if, if there is a fossilized urchin, clearly a water organism, sitting on top of one of the stones, any stone, then either someone with super glue is playing a practical joke, or, it was placed there, naturally.

For it to be placed there naturally, then it becomes another mindset that is going to destroy the accepted theories and timelines of the region.

Here is a photograph from the suspect site

We have not idea if this is what they found, we have no idea if those names are of real people, we have no idea if the story has any basis whatsoever. To me in sounds more like creationist propaganda - but hey provide the evidence it was real and I'll believe....

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

For the sake of argument, only, if, and I stress if, if there is a fossilized urchin, clearly a water organism, sitting on top of one of the stones, any stone, then either someone with super glue is playing a practical joke, or, it was placed there, naturally.

For it to be placed there naturally, then it becomes another mindset that is going to destroy the accepted theories and timelines of the region.

Here is a photograph from the suspect site

We have not idea if this is what they found, we have no idea if those names are of real people, we have no idea if the story has any basis whatsoever. To me in sounds more like creationist propaganda - but hey provide the evidence it was real and I'll believe....

Well I tell ya what. Why don't you go out of your way and research that story for us. Run the names down, track the photo, do some investigative journalism. Come back and share your findings. You might even shoot Jimmy Bright insight a email and ask if he know anything about the subject, yes he has had boots on the ground there too. Maybe this is your chance to shine.

You might or might not find anything, thats the chances you take. Its a lot better than appearing to be a negative Nancy all the time.

And dont suggest I do it, I still have my hands full of the Richat.

P.S. And dont expect to get any answers from the "Experts". Its not something they are selling...

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

For the sake of argument, only, if, and I stress if, if there is a fossilized urchin, clearly a water organism, sitting on top of one of the stones, any stone, then either someone with super glue is playing a practical joke, or, it was placed there, naturally.

For it to be placed there naturally, then it becomes another mindset that is going to destroy the accepted theories and timelines of the region.

Here is a photograph from the suspect site

We have not idea if this is what they found, we have no idea if those names are of real people, we have no idea if the story has any basis whatsoever. To me in sounds more like creationist propaganda - but hey provide the evidence it was real and I'll believe....

Well I tell ya what. Why don't you go out of your way and research that story for us. Run the names down, track the photo, do some investigative journalism. Come back and share your findings. You might even shoot Jimmy Bright insight a email and ask if he know anything about the subject, yes he has had boots on the ground there too. Maybe this is your chance to shine.

You might or might not find anything, thats the chances you take. Its a lot better than appearing to be a negative Nancy all the time.

And dont suggest I do it, I still have my hands full of the Richat.

P.S. And dont expect to get any answers from the "Experts". Its not something they are selling...

This was an older report. I looked at it then and it was nonsense. Unsupported by any source I could find then I see no reason to spend anytime on such a poorly constructed made up piece of nonsense. I too have better things to do.

"hand full with the Richat" really doing what exactly?

Is it better to be Negative Nancy by following evidence and science or a Believe Anything Bobby?
edit on 27/11/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

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