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Covid: heart dammage after booster 800 times higher than the official number

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posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 09:50 AM
Prof Dr Muller of the University of Basel conducted a study with 777 employees. The male/female ratio was about 5/2. Result: Three days after the booster, about 3 percent had elevated troponin levels, indicating heart damage. If I'm not mistaken, it concerned 20 women and only 2 men who would have suffered minor heart damage. This number is about 800 times higher than officially assumed. The day later, only half of the women still had an elevated troponin level. I myself wonder what the troponin level would have been on days 1 and 2 after the booster. Dr. Muller doesn't mention how high the troponin level was on day 3.
I don't know from when too high a content is really harmful ...
Dr Muller says: we should not exaggerate this, but also not underestimate it. He seems to advise against the vaccines for children. Personally, I advise against them for everyone for the time being ... but I'm not a doctor.

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: zandra
It's not even just the boosters. For sensible people like me it can be from the first shot but the second one was what caught me.

Because I was extensively schooled on this, I want to share some of this.

Troponine (plural) are protein inside heart muscle cells. When these cells get damaged like for example during a heart attack, they are released into the bloodstream. This happens around 2-3 hours after the initial stroke. Peaks after 24h and takes 2-3 weeks to normalize again. Normal troponin levels are between 0.3 and 2.4mg/ml. This is the same for both women and males. Too low values is not a factor to be scared about but normally, since cells are dying constantly on their own, there is always some around.

Too high troponin levels can indicate a heart attack. However, the troponin can also be increased in various diseases without damage to the heart muscles. For example acute kidney failure, rheumatic diseases, after a liver or lung transplant, a pulmonary embolism or damage to the skeletal muscles.

This is the exact reason the heart inflammation took so long to detect. My kidneys and liver acted up too and so nobody thought to check the heart. I was asked questions about heartburn but had none back then. When the heart muscle inflammates, the troponin levels shoot through the roof. With all the cell damage, the kidney and liver have to work hard, while circulation and flow rate drops.

If this is not detected right away, it spirals. It is also known that certain infections, mostly bacterial though but also virus, can spread to the heart muscle. This is true for the flu, too. My auntie always said don't drag out a flu because it can damage the heart.

Since the heart inflammation was not discovered quickly enough, the heart muscle got damaged irreparable. To add insult to injury, that is a self feeding cycle and as the heart muscle tissue sort of scars up, it developed a tendency for ventricular fibrillation leading to cardiac arrhythmia. The heart is no longer able to pump blood and those affected become unconscious within seconds. This is what happened to me when I fainted on the toilet. I was just lucky that the fibrillation resolved itself. This is why my face was numb and I could not stand up and articulate myself. I had trouble entering my unlocking pattern and voicing out the help. Left untreated, this arrhythmia when it resurfaces leads to death within minutes. This is why patients like me then get a defibrillator. It interrupts the fibrillation. Basically it stops my heart for a split second to reboot it.

This is different from a pacemaker. A pacemaker is responsible for the correct pace, when the heart beats too slowly.

I have my own theory about the ongoings. I was vaccinated and my immune system overreacted with a cytokine storm. I had suffered such cytokine storm earlier after flu shots in my youth but never knew it was that harmful and can be deadly. If these go on for too long, like my body has the tendency to do, a lot of cells are damaged, among them, heart muscle cells. The vaccine itself didn't do a favor there neither. The spikes my body was producing and the resulting shallow immunization was taking a toll too. This lead to a heart infection.

This is now again official, for example an infected tooth giving no problem can then suddenly lead to heart inflammation as the immune system is completely overwhelmed.

I hope I could help some understand this.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: zandra

The saddest part is that governments and the WHO want to make mRNA vaccines mandatory for all people-except themselves.

I am old enough that I won't have to wrry about non-compliance, but the're going to make it nearly impossible for younger people to resist.

The whole world needs to come together and take to the streets on this issue, including ALL of the damned pro-vaxers; MY BODY, MY CHOICE !!

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain
I am so, so sorry that you have suffered these effects!

(I know we don't interact much here, but I've always enjoyed your threads and posts - and your original avatar name, "That Damn Duck Again" always made me smile)

Have you looked in to the FLCCC doctor's website? They have developed protocols which some people are finding helpful to repair Covid 'vax' damage.

You've mentioned that you have a young child, and my heart just goes out to you, as I imagine it a bit frightening to be worried about your ability to take care of everything involved in being a mother...

...I know that kind of 'worry', because I have had increasing health issues from the time my daughter was born (she's 24 now)

Please know that you are in my prayers (don't worry, 'my' God cares about everyone, not just 'believers')

I hope that you have close friends or family who can lend a hand in difficult times.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: lostgirl
Thank you for these kind words lostgirl. I've seen some of your posts in the past and your username is familiar, I think our shedules just don't match timewise and that's why we're seldom stumbling over each other here ♥.

Yes I do have a daughter, she makes parenting very easy for me. I do not have a lot of friends close by but I am currently negotiating with a company that really wants me to work for them. And my daughter will get good education and support as we would live on the company complex and I can have a teaching job and play low with the physical strain.

Should something ever happen to me she still has her father even though she does not has a lot of contact with him as his new life is more important. But she won't be an orphan and still has family to count on.

Don't worry too much please, I don't want to be a burden on someone's mind. I recovered as much as I could, it's not getting any better anymore now, but I will now dig into FLCCC. Damage was done that can not be fully undone. I just came out of eight week rehab on Friday after getting the defibrillator. I am now bionic "lol". It gives me a better feeling though, a bit more protected and since I have it, put a bit ease on my mind.

I believe in God too, just not practicing any organized religion, only my faith in a higher cause and energy. Because of this I really know to value your prayers, In my faith praying is sending positive energy through the conduits of nature. It is very kind of you to think of me in a way like that and I accept and appreciate it. It does not read like empty words.

Because of the moving and being self employed and socially awkward, I do not have a lot close friends. I do have some lovely penfriends here and elsewhere helping with that giving me the feeling of being loved. Some on ATS became like family too. If I would have recovered quicker, I would have met a few two weeks ago, like I planned for months. But just could not make it to board a plane both because of health and I could not see my daughter for eight weeks during the rehab and had to set priorities.

Wishing you all the best and sending positive energy, if that is okay. I will think about you in my meditation tonight.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: zandra
Prof Dr Muller of the University of Basel conducted a study with 777 employees. The male/female ratio was about 5/2. Result: Three days after the booster, about 3 percent had elevated troponin levels, indicating heart damage. If I'm not mistaken, it concerned 20 women and only 2 men who would have suffered minor heart damage. This number is about 800 times higher than officially assumed. The day later, only half of the women still had an elevated troponin level. I myself wonder what the troponin level would have been on days 1 and 2 after the booster. Dr. Muller doesn't mention how high the troponin level was on day 3.

The article goes into it. In all except one patient, the levels had dropped and the trend seemed to be continuing to drop.

Something to note is that simply because the marker is there it may not mean damage. What he's reporting is that the body seems to be manufacturing these proteins and then realizes "oh. Wait. No problem" and quits making them.

This "false positive" also occurs with mammograms. You can't have a mammogram until the main effects have cleared because it'll give false readings (lymph nodes will be enlarged.) The wait time is 4-6 weeks for Pfizer, 8 weeks for Moderna (I've been going through the rounds with the mammogram folks on this one and know it well.) If I'd had a mammogram this week, there was a high percentage chance that it'd show some suspicious lumps. If I wait another 3 weeks, the breast tissue will be normal and any lumps found will be real ones.

Again, this is something the body does. You may have an immediate reaction to food/something in the environment/medication/stress/whatever that will cause all sorts of flags to arise in a medical test (like eating after midnight when you're supposed to do a fasting blood test.) The body will clear those products and a re-test will show no problem.

So the study seems to be indicating that something like this is going on.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 11:36 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Well the results of what might happen to the one patient whose levels don't drop is directly above your post. An esteemed member here and dear friend now has to live with a defibrillator due to damage from the forced vaccination.

Ignoring that one patient whose levels didn't drop is a grave mistake. Extrapolated into the general population and suddenly we have thousands of people with unnecessary heart damage or worse.

I hope you rethink your position.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
a reply to: nugget1

Abortions anyone. My body, my choice.


It's a shame that Democrats treated abortion as a campaign platform boon instead of fixing it while they had the votes. Making it all the more egregious is in the same election cycle they tried to slide a mandate for vaccination through on an unelected agency ruling.

It would appear that their maintenance of power is more important than any of the rights they claim to support.

a reply to: Byrd
I'm glad that's the takeaway for you. This serious condition they lied about for over a year might not be as bad as the study data suggests and may not be permanent. This is from a vaccine that is not providing any lasting immunity or stopping the spread of the now mostly mild disease that has never been a serious risk to healthy people under 50. All of which they also willfully lied about.

There are still unexplained increases in non-COVID mortality that correlate directly to the percentage of the population vaccinated in Western nations. This with the backdrop of Pfizer and Moderna having announced the first studies moving forward on the impacts of myocarditis on young people.

Perhaps in a few more years they can start the studies on this increase in non-COVID mortality, the increase in cancers, and the signs of systemic immune dysfunction that have doctors all over the Western world "baffled".

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain
Thank you for posting.
I understand a lot more now. Never heard of troponin before.
Keep strong, love your life. Wish you the best.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
a reply to: nugget1

Abortions anyone. My body, my choice.

It's a sad day when people protest over what they can take out of thier body but not what they're forced to put into it.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 01:43 PM
No doubt in my mind that the troponin levels are vaccine related. A very bad sign. They had to study from day one after the vaccine. Don t see any reason why they didn t do that. Bit by bit the truth comes out. I think this is just the beginning.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: zosimov
To understand friendship, ones has to look into the heart and not a dictionary. You're like a star to me, even if I can't see you, you're there.


posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 02:48 PM
Thanks to zandra for putting together a good thread. From the sourced material, admission that we are still in the experimental stage when it comes to these shots:

However, he sees a need for research into investigating how an mRNA vaccination or an infection can damage heart muscle cells. In this way, vaccination could be optimized. “The ball is now back in the field of vaccine manufacturers. In the future, when checking the safety of booster vaccinations, they will have to take the phenomenon of heart muscle cell damage into account.”

But this is preceded by:

He also advises that cardiovascular patients continue to have boosters. “These groups have a higher risk of severe courses with serious health consequences. The great benefit of strong vaccination protection for these groups is beyond doubt.”

With no acknowledgement that the vaccines don't prevent infection. Which they don't. My mom just got covid in October--a month after her 5th dose.
I agree that it's a travesty that this wasn't studied from day 1 (or earlier, in the trials).

a reply to: TDDAgain

This was so lovely to read, and our sentiments match though I don't think I could have worded it as well.
Put a big smile on my face, thank you. I'll always be thankful for this site for the kinships forged


posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: lostgirl
a reply to: TDDAgain
Have you looked in to the FLCCC doctor's website? They have developed protocols which some people are finding helpful to repair Covid 'vax' damage.

Not a bad starting point, but I would opt for the nuclear option.

Start looking into both the Carnivore Diet as a foundational way to stimulate massive and immediate anti-inflammatory response as well as tissue repair, then go advanced, and learn about fasting - especially DRY fasting - for how it stimulates the body's natural production of STEM CELLS, which can absolutely work miracles, including repairing so-called 'irreparable' damage.

I'm not kidding.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: lostgirl
a reply to: TDDAgain
Have you looked in to the FLCCC doctor's website? They have developed protocols which some people are finding helpful to repair Covid 'vax' damage.

Not a bad starting point, but I would opt for the nuclear option.

Start looking into both the Carnivore Diet as a foundational way to stimulate massive and immediate anti-inflammatory response as well as tissue repair, then go advanced, and learn about fasting - especially DRY fasting - for how it stimulates the body's natural production of STEM CELLS, which can absolutely work miracles, including repairing so-called 'irreparable' damage.

I'm not kidding.

Fasting into the carnivore diet.

The nuclear option is chlorine dioxide solution.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: zosimov
"In the future, when checking the safety of booster vaccinations, they will have to take the phenomenon of heart muscle cell damage into account.”

Yeah.... we should trust these bastards to do better safety studies... except they never did any meaningful ones in the first place, and the few they did do on rats showed these things were extremely dangerous and deadly.

Thanks, but I'll pass on trusting these people with anything other than a rope with a noose on the end of it.
edit on 17-11-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
a reply to: tanstaafl
Fasting into the carnivore diet.

The nuclear option is chlorine dioxide solution.

Not even close.

MMS is fine for certain pathogens (I first made my own over 20 years ago after researching it for months, so I'm very familiar with it), but what makes you think it can hold a candle to stem cells when it comes to regenerating tissue/organs?

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl
I do that, fasting, once a year but didn't do it this year. No food just water for at least 7 days. Cleanses out the body like nothing else. But there's a but. One should be healthy to do it and under a (good) doctors watch. That's why I didn't do it this year in January, when it all started. And that's already putting a strain on an already sick body. There are a few members here that do juice fasting, I know from other threads.

Dry fasting however is the most stern type of fasting and is a lot more dangerous than let's say just water or broth or some even only do juices. The longest documented "dry fast" (people dying of thirst) was a week and then death set in (!!!). I can not imagine going by without any water. As you loose water constantly due to breathing, sweating and of course the natural way. Adult humans are like 60% water.

Have you done dry fasting before? If so, how long?

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: tanstaafl

First, please understand I'm coming from a place of having studied fasting for decades, and doing lots of fasting myself. The longest water fast I've done is 33 days.

I do that, fasting, once a year but didn't do it this year. No food just water for at least 7 days. Cleanses out the body like nothing else. But there's a but. One should be healthy to do it and under a (good) doctors watch.

This is only true for longer term fasts.

One can safely engage in 3-5 day fasts without worry.

And no, you do not have to be 'healthy' to fast, in fact, fasting can greatly assist you in your journet from sikcness/disease to health.

There are a few members here that do juice fasting, I know from other threads.

The very last thing you want to do is juice fast, because that is essentially flooding the body with sugar, the last thing you want to do.

Dry fasting however is the most stern type of fasting and is a lot more dangerous than let's say just water or broth or some even only do juices.

More myth than truth.

Yes, extended dry fasting (more than 72 hours) can be dangerous. but you can easily do shorter 24-48 hr (1-2 days) , and as long as 72 hrs (3 days) without worry, as long as you are prepared to break the fast at the first serious warning signs (extreme heart palpitations/nausea (a little is ok, it is just signs of something going on), etc. Just listen to your body.

The longest documented "dry fast" (people dying of thirst) was a week and then death set in (!!!).

Again, not true. There are dry fasting communities where the average is 5-7 days, and the longest is 11 days.

Yes, you can die, but again, I'm not suggesting you engage in these extreme extended fasts without supervision.

I can not imagine going by without any water. As you loose water constantly due to breathing, sweating and of course the natural way. Adult humans are like 60% water.

I understand the trepidation, but you need to learn about 'metabolic water', which is your body making its own deuterium depleted water from your body's fat stores.

Have you done dry fasting before? If so, how long?

Yes, and I haven't done the longer ones, but I've done 3 days, and in fact I was extremely surprised that I wasn't even thirsty, and it was by far the easiest fast I've ever done.

The best way to stimulate the body's natural production of stem cells is through a series of staggered fasts, the simplest example is called OMAD - eating at noon on Monday, don't eat again until noon on Tuesday. That is essentially a 23 hour fast, and there are a LOT of people that actually live this way for years, it is called OMAD (one meal a day).

For anyone new to this, I would recommend starting slowly, especially if you are eating a SAD diet with multiple 3+ meals per day (and especially if you snack in between), and if you have not already been on a true healthy Keto (very low carb) diet - and Carnivore is the ultimate Keto diet (being as close to zero carb as you can get). Also, start with water fasting. You can introduce some dry fasting days later.

So, start with OMAD for a few weeks, then slowly start increasing the fasting time in between the meal days.

As you increase the fasting time - e.g. extending the fast from 23 to 47 hours (eat at noon on Monday, don't eat again until noon on Wednesday), then increase it again extending the fast from 47 to 71 hours (eat at noon on Monday, don't eat again until noon on Thursday), you dramatically increase the power and efficacy, especially when it comes to stem cell production.

After doing this for a month or 3, consider starting over with OMAD, but this time incorporate dry fasting instead of water fasting.

Again, I'm discussing this in con3ext of someone who is working on an extremely difficult health problem. For a healthy person, there is no need to go to such extremes.
edit on 17-11-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

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