I almost watched the view once this year the day after whoopsie's ex frank langella got metoo'd just to watch her say NOTHING but in the end decided
it was beneath my dignity as a man and a human being to listen to those toxic cows moo.
Isnt Whoopie vaxxed? Why the hell would it matter if any one in the audience is? Obviously if they are they can still catch it dumbass because you
My one word response, pretending for the moment I'd ever be in that audience, would be no. Actually, it'd probably be several words, most of
'em somewhat profane--all translated to "no".
She smokes cannabis, a lot from what I've heard, likely of the highest quality. This would of course make her very high, a dope head basically.
Smoking it may be contributing to her catching COVID, but it definitely has contributed to her stupidity on all issues.
edit on 16-11-2022 by
MichiganSwampBuck because: Typo