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On this Remembrance Sunday Does Britain STILL EXIST

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posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 08:54 AM
Today while browsing YouTube I came across a GB News video by Niel Oliver a man best known for the TV show called Coast which travelled the coast of the UK, Ireland and much of Europe in which he showed the links between peoples in much of Europe especially the British Isles and Scandinavia.

So, this man as well as being erudite and intelligent is most definitely not a racist though he is a TRUE Brit as true as you can possibly get and very proud of his Scottish ancestry as well as of being British a sense of patriotism that so very many have lost.

On this video marking Remembrance Sunday he only speaks the truth, unpalatable as it may be to the people currently running our nation, the Neo Liberal elite whom are strip mining our nation of its wealth and dipping their own hands in the trough as they do so with corruption beyond all believable levels in our government unless it is not corruption just incompetence but they seem pretty competent at enriching themselves so I am happy to call the pot black and call them corrupt.

It was a pleasure to watch this man say it as it really is.

If only we had him and some others of like mind in politics because God knows we need them.

edit on 13-11-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 09:08 AM
I can’t say if Britain exists I am not a Geographer..says some politician someplace.

a reply to: LABTECH767

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Athetos

Notice how he is not blaming the foreigners but our government (and neither should we though many of them ARE criminals and dangerous to our own people) and how it gives to them before it will to its own people, he even puts himself in their shoes and says who wouldn't jump at the chance of getting what they are being given when they come here, he hit's the nail squarely on the head on every point, no racism or indictment of the people coming here but rather on the corrupt system that is bringing them, that is allowing them and that is giving them more than it will our own people in desperate times.

Notice how without using the words WEF and Neo Liberals he indicts this government for its failures and indeed ALL our current political leaders as they are all tarred with the same brush when it comes down to it.

edit on 13-11-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Well, I pretty know for a fact Britain still does exist.

But after enduring that victimized and (maybe even) sadistic opinion piece, it’s just reconfirmed my belief that Canada and Australia need to get as far away from these poor victimized people as we possibly can and finally become a republic.

… sooner better than later.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

This is off topic and not part of the thread just a response so no further comment down this avenue of thought shall be tolerated by me.

It is so strange how so many whom are Indian (East Asian) in origin and are wanting to further divide the English-speaking world, I do wonder why when in fact the Indian migrants have gained the most from coming to Britain and other Commonwealth nations though leaving there caste behind they tend to put themselves ABOVE the people of the nation they have come into and many of them have become fabulously wealthy compared to the wealth they had back home in India, perhaps they were missing the stability and lower corruption of British rule or perhaps only to them rile against the family that have a bit of compressed carbon in a piece of their royal paraphernalia even though it is mostly just perceived rule that is only ceremonial such as King Dick as head of state, mad or perhaps sadistic in this attack on the very system they or their ancestors ran to after partition eh as if the boat was sinking or something for them?.

But this is off topic, so I suggest we leave this here, many Indians especially Sikh's fought and died bravely for the British empire though a few traitors ran off to join the Japanese during WW2 even when the Japanese were known to eat Sikh POW's if they were hungry enough.

Reminds me a bit of that prick of a game developer that trashed the Mass Effect franchise and hated white people for some perverted reason Manveer Heir, he drank from a mug with the label White Baby's Tears on it.

The other trick of these Weirdo's is to try to use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY against people in order to throw a thread that does not push THEIR Agenda of WOKISM and NEO LIBERALISM.

And as a final note these are a minority, MOST Indians that have come to the UK and other commonwealth nations are productive and even patriotic as indeed are most African's once they see the nation as THEIR Nation which I am all for so long as they live the principle WHEN IN ROME.

edit on 13-11-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Very interesting, and exactly what is going on in the USA !

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:14 AM
Absolutely I agree with you 100. Here in Canada we have hit immigration overdrive recently in a attempt to curb the country’s low birth rates. However Canada dosent have as much culturally to lose by this because of how we were formed.

Although culturally Canada has always been a much more diverse mix of people for better or for worse. So we can’t exactly point to anyone one thing and say see our culture is eroding! Because this land has always been home to a incredible mix of ideals again for better or worse. Native and Norse, French and English, catholic and Protestant. We have large population of Chinese, Indian and Philippino’s as well as Ukrainians,Dutch and many more to many to count.

My biggest gripe is that because of treaties we have a two tier class system. One class that pays taxes and gets no leg up and another class that pays no tax but gets preference wth schooling,healthcare,funding ect. It’s wrong and should be stoped.

It’s my belief that Canada and the all the peoples who live here would be much better off of there were no treaties I believe the native Americans would also have be far better off being fully intergrated into Canada like everyone else not confined to reserves for bonus rights. Just regular Canadians like me.

In the age where we are told all races creeds and cultures are equal it seems so strange to treat one differently then the other.

a reply to: LABTECH767

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Athetos

"My biggest gripe is that because of treaties we have a two tier class system. One class that pays taxes and gets no leg up and another class that pays no tax but gets preference wth schooling,healthcare,funding ect. It’s wrong and should be stoped."

My biggest gripe is also the same - we American taxpayers are paying top dollar for everything - while the other 'class' gets everything free of charge, and never have to work.
Eventually this system has to cave in on itself, one group will certainly become overwhelmed with paying for the rest, who will become the majority.
It is ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:29 PM
I think this is part of the Politian's long game, the globalists, the WEF and as a whole you can call them Eugenicists. Let me tell you a story.

A country (no matter which country) can only hold so many people. that's financially and through food, logistically. Now you flood the country will people, not native to that country, sooner or later you will reach saturation point when the native population really, really starts suffering. Too many people and not enough space. The population rebels wanting the government to actively do something about the situation. The same government that caused it. because it's planned.

Now enrage the natives to hate the interlopers, call them undesirable (untermensch). Blame them for taking your houses, your land, you want it back. You want living room (lebensraum), the non natives have no where to go so are forced into concentra... I mean collection areas. And make them work for the good of the country. BUT, they have to be kept, they have to be fed, costing the country more money. So a solution has to be found, or better still a final solution.

And while all this is going on all the natives are extremely happy that their "problem" has been dealt with. We ARE being led down that path. Now what has that got to do with eugenics? Move a mass of people to another country (thereby reducing the population of the country they are coming from) create division in the host country and with the above scenario, with the help of the natives, you have mass genocide with the natives cheering.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:43 PM
I hate to say this, but didn't WWII have its start in circumstances such as these?
Very dangerous situation.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Much of the same thing could be said for many if not the majority of countries around the world. It should always be remembered that Governments break the law in an emergency and many of them now create emergencies to break the law, and none of it for your benefit.

The following cartoon can be inter changed with climate change or any other emergency du jour.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Made me chuckle and very apt.


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