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Could the "truth" about 911 start a civil war?

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posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 11:17 PM
My dear god, you're all so paranoid it's ridiculous.

The government is not out to control you or brain wash you, jesus christ, enough with this fringe conspiracy BS. I'd be willing to listen to this stuff if there were ANY, and i repeat ANY hard evidence. But there isn't.

The American government protects its people, and it has for two and a half centuries. They save lives and allow us to live as well as we live, they don't crash planes into buildings, kill thousands, and then pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

Plus, how in the sam hell could nine eleven have ANYTHING to do with the "New World Order"??? Anyone???

I'm sorry if i sound like a jackass, but come on folks, you can't make a conspiracy out of everything, let alone the greatest american tragedy of all time.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 11:47 PM
well there is a good article about this on ToTse. IMO bin laden was actually a fall guy for shiekh who was really managing the thing. of course IMO he died of Kidney failure, bwtf do i know.

Saeed's Background

Saeed Sheikh would eventually become deeply involved in the world of the ISI, as well as al-Qaeda. But initially he seemed an unlikely candidate for a career in espionage and terrorism. He was born in Britain with the name Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the son of a wealthy Pakistani clothing manufacturer. He grew up in London, attending the best private schools and performing brilliantly. He studied mathematics and statistics at the London School of Economics. While still at school, he started a successful shares and equities business. [South Asian Outlook, 3/02] In college he was a chess champion, world class arm wrestler, and martial arts expert - a rare combination of physical and mental prowess. [Rediff, 2/6/02]

His life took a turn when he volunteered for charity work in Bosnia in late 1992. The Bosnian war was raging, and he saw atrocities committed by Serbians on Bosnian Muslims. He returned to Britain a committed Muslim radical. Because of his impressive abilities in economics and mathematics, as well as fluency in English and complete understanding of Western society, he was a very valuable asset to any terrorist group. [ABC News, 2/7/02]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Apoc
I will not blindly believe that some businessman hatched a plot to hijack 4 airplanes crashing one into the Pentagon and crashing the other into a field and killing thousands of people as ruse to demolish his own buildings for some financial gain. Sorry that is too much of a stretch without hard evidence. The line between open-mindedness and cynicism is a thin one. Sadly many on this forum have not only crossed that line, they stomped on it when they did.

gosh you know what your right! i cant believe it - ive been so foolish- to think that something like "financial gain" could influence anyone is downright absurd-thanks for showing me the err of my way- im sure bin laden was just sending us arrogant amerikan infadels a message of what will happen to us for even thinking about running an oil pipeline through his country-sure we know better than to mess with goat herders

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Kwintz

The government is not out to control you or brain wash you, jesus christ, enough with this fringe conspiracy BS.

where have you been? Do you want me to list all the changes that have been occured because/since 911 to make USA a safer country. With these changes your freedom has been reduced further.
Since last September we "aliens' have to give a index finger print and face scan while entering the USA. ( BTW there was not one of these procedures when we leave the country ).
Whats next? Microchipping? You will laugh about this but it will be happening. Wait for the next big "created" disaster.
Yes this is right - it is a conspiracy about who had the hands in this plot - but it is not a conspiracy that is does help tremendous the idea of a New World Order for "them" to put systems into place, to control a country.
It's time to wake up

[edit on 9-4-2005 by frozen_snowman]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Kwintz
My dear god, you're all so paranoid it's ridiculous.

Plus, how in the sam hell could nine eleven have ANYTHING to do with the "New World Order"??? Anyone???

I'm sorry if i sound like a jackass, but come on folks, you can't make a conspiracy out of everything, let alone the greatest american tragedy of all time.

the us govt did not ONLY let it happen they "orchestrated" the attack! bin laden and saddam are both cia assets and have been for many years-we put saddam in power for gods sake!-bin laden sr and bush sr were partners in a construction company that was the largest in the middle east-who do you think has been building all our bases and embassies?from norad standing down on 9/11 to wtc7 mysteriously "imploding" to the very telling fact that the pentagon was actually attacked after the second plane hit-anyone who thinks that the pentagon got caught off gaurd 48 min after the second plane hit the wtc is delusional-search operation "tripod II" or "vigilant gaurdian" to find out what cheney was up on 9/11-the story about the towers collapsing due to the heat from jet fuel is just as crazy as bush's and the secret services reaction to the second attack on the wtc-he was sitting in a classroom reading a book about a goat while his security did "nothing"-this fact is one of the "most" revealing aspects of his true knowledge-his visit to the class was announced a day in advance in the local papers and the instant that the second plane hit there was no doubt we were under attack yet the secret service did nothing to protect him or the children from a possible assasination attempt or attack-because they "knew" they were in no danger-
-at this point we can also bring up the republicans own pnac plans which detailed how their advancement towards an energy driven defense program would be a slow and tedious process unless another "pearl harbor" event were to occur-this was printed in aug,2000-
-the fact that the ownership of the wtc as well as a new insurance policy(first time since it was built) being implemented by silverstein just 60 days before the attacks are another red flag-he was awarded a double(each plane counting as a seperate event) settlement by the way resulting the largest ever insurance pay out to date over 6 billion to be exact-the investigation into 9/11 is as ludacris as the investigation into the jfk assination--for a more in depth reality check into who disagrees with you check out the whistle blowers thread i will be posting

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 01:24 AM
Logic Problem

Originally posted by Sunofone
the us govt did not ONLY let it happen they "orchestrated" the attack!

Are you absolutely, 100% certain of this?

Let's look at the options:

If you ARE absolutely, 100% certain that your claims are true, then you are almost certainly wrong, unless you are infallible, which -- and I'm happy to be the one to break this to you -- you are most definitely not.

If you are NOT absolutely, 100% certain that your claims are true, then you are misrepresenting them by presenting them as facts instead of speculation, which means you are basically lying to us.

Either way, I'm not seeing anything I would want to sign my name to.

A good rule of thumb: If you are certain that you are right, you are certainly wrong. Hence my continuing skepticism.

Government officials aren't the only ones who lie, and ATS is ongoing documentary proof of that.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 01:42 AM

gosh you know what your right! i cant believe it - ive been so foolish- to think that something like "financial gain" could influence anyone is downright absurd-thanks for showing me the err of my way- im sure bin laden was just sending us arrogant amerikan infadels a message of what will happen to us for even thinking about running an oil pipeline through his country-sure we know better than to mess with goat herders

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:31 AM
i have put it in so many posts already and i almost hate to do it again but i just draw a huge paradox to pearl harbor when i think of 9-11. i wasnt around then but im pretty sure that there wasnt a big conspiracy theory about the government knowing abbout PH, but in the end it turned out that government was in on it for sure. even when i learned about it in school as a child i was told that "it was a japanese suprise attack". in reality, the gov. knew about it, moved around the ships it didnt want destroyed, and let pearl harbor get hit with a 'skeleton crew' of ships so that the us would get involved in wwii.

some people still dont even believe that, even though it is now known fact.

the internet/rapid communication is the only reason i believe there is such a 'conspracy theory following' of 9-11.

ok, the worst terrorist attack in history takes place (well, second worst, hiroshima and nagasaki are #1 in my book) and there is still a hijacked plane at large, but not one person takes a home vid of the pentagon? not one of the 3 known tapes makes it out to the public undoctored? (only known tape is known to be doctored, released with the wrong date). gimme a break. if thats not a cover up theres no such thing.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:34 AM
as for my views on was this event 'orchestrated' to star a civil war? i dont know, but it will be the end result.

the patriot act is supposed to be a direct result of this, although that is incorrect. they tried to pass it after oklahoma city but it didnt make it. in any case, the patriot act trumps the constitution, and the bill of rights clearly states that if this ever happens we have the right to militia up and fight. the question is not if, it is when.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 03:13 AM
The Meaning Of Patriotism

Originally posted by killuminatinow
so when people raise questions, which question Bush's authority, they are automatically labeled as unpatriotic.

I consider it my duty as an American to question my government about pretty much everything.

That should not be confused with spreading rumors and innuendo, which is a much different thing, despite apparent confusion on the part of some otherwise rational people on that point.

Nor does it mean I should believe everything people say about the government, because, believe it or not, some people lie about our government.

Really. I kid you not.

Israeli Census Discrepancies?

Originally posted by killuminatinow
1. why were four Israelis arrested the morning of 9.11, because they were found on top of a building in New York filiming the disaster and celebrating?

According to an article by Neil Mackay of The Sunday Herald - UK and posted on none other than, it was five Israelis, and they weren't in New York, but Liberty State Park in New Jersey.

Unless we're talking about different groups of Israelis, you might want to double-check your sources on this one.

Well, and the other questions, as I will explain...

Blind Bluefin Or AA Flight 11?

Originally posted by killuminatinow
2. Why did a Fox correspondent call in with the breaking news and report that the first plane that went into the building, "had no windows and a light-blue fin?"

I suppose the Fox correspondent could answer that. Do you happen to have a name, by chance?

If we assume that this account is correct, then that leaves us with a missing Boeing 767 (not a small plane, by any reasonable definition), 11 crew members and 81 passengers on American Airlines Flight 11, and a lot of information claimed to be from flight attendant Madeline Sweeney that wasn't true.

Might want to test Occam's Razor on that one.

Division 52 Where Are You?

Originally posted by killuminatinow
3. Why do firefighters out of Harlem 52 division say they heard bombs going off in the second building?

Before we can answer that question, we should probably determine if there is, in fact, a “Harlem 52 division”.

As far as I can tell, there is no such thing.

While I am not certain, I don't think there are 52 divisions in the FDNY. Just in case, I checked on FDNY Battalion 52, but they are in Flushing, Queens, not Harlem.

Since details are hard to piece together from google searches, perhaps you could disclose your source for this information?

Without knowing whether the firefighters in question even existed or not, it's difficult to evaluate the legitimacy of their claims.

I'll Take Vague Acronymic Questions For $500, Alex

Originally posted by killuminatinow
4. N.O.R.A.D.??????

And the question is... what?

The Magic Powers Of President Bush

Originally posted by killuminatinow
5. Why did Bush, two days after 9.11, automatically dispell the conspiracy theorists?

By “dispell”, what do you mean? That he made them disappear? Automatically?

Going by the book, which in this case is Merriam-Webster Online:

Main Entry: dis·pel
Pronunciation: di-’spel
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): dis·pelled; dis·pel·ling
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin dispellere, from dis- + pellere to drive, beat -- more at FELT
: to drive away by or as if by scattering : DISSIPATE
synonym see SCATTER

So did Bush drive away or scatter the conspiracy theorists?

If so, they seem to have recovered with amazing rapidity, if ATS is any example, although admittedly, I'm not sure I understand exactly what your question actually means.

One Step At A Time

Originally posted by killuminatinow
I'll continue if I need to.............

Actually, before you continue, I would be interested in seeing if you can make any sense of what you have already posted, because I can't.

Suffice it to say that I find some of what you have asserted here to be somewhat difficult to believe. That would be because it's demonstrably false.

Many legitimate and disturbing questions about 9-11 remain.

Though they may indeed be disturbing, I see no evidence that the questions you've posted are legitimate, and plenty showing that they are not.

If I'm wrong about that, please correct me and be so kind as to provide reference links so I may learn from them.

[edit on 4/9/2005 by Majic]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 08:18 AM
how do I put video on here? it would be better for me to do that, then copy and paste all these sites. honestly, I would rather you look at the videos, then do your research from there. because, as you know, the internet isn't always factual.

some of the best places to search are universities that have been established for a while. here in Tennessee, there is only two. U of T and Vanderbilt.

[edit on 9-4-2005 by killuminatinow]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 10:53 AM

Division 52 Where Are You?

Originally posted by killuminatinow
3. Why do firefighters out of Harlem 52 division say they heard bombs going off in the second building?

Before we can answer that question, we should probably determine if there is, in fact, a “Harlem 52 division”.

As far as I can tell, there is no such thing.

While I am not certain, I don't think there are 52 divisions in the FDNY. Just in case, I checked on FDNY Battalion 52, but they are in Flushing, Queens, not Harlem.

Since details are hard to piece together from google searches, perhaps you could disclose your source for this information?

Without knowing whether the firefighters in question even existed or not, it's difficult to evaluate the legitimacy of their claims.

oops, I was wrong. the firefighter's name is Louie Cacchioli, assigned to Engine 47 out of Harlem. then chech the article from New York Daily News on January 4, 2002. titled, "Firefighters MAG raps 9/11 Probe." I won't disclose my sources of information, but I will give you my sources's research.

I'll Take Vague Acronymic Questions For $500, Alex

Originally posted by killuminatinow
4. N.O.R.A.D.??????

And the question is... what?

I thought you saw other posts for this topic, as far as NORAD is concerned. they didn't nothing because they also were involved. they reacted faster to Payne Stewart's plane.

The Magic Powers Of President Bush

Originally posted by killuminatinow
5. Why did Bush, two days after 9.11, automatically dispell the conspiracy theorists?

By “dispell”, what do you mean? That he made them disappear? Automatically?

Going by the book, which in this case is Merriam-Webster Online:

Main Entry: dis·pel
Pronunciation: di-’spel
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): dis·pelled; dis·pel·ling
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin dispellere, from dis- + pellere to drive, beat -- more at FELT
: to drive away by or as if by scattering : DISSIPATE
synonym see SCATTER

So did Bush drive away or scatter the conspiracy theorists?

If so, they seem to have recovered with amazing rapidity, if ATS is any example, although admittedly, I'm not sure I understand exactly what your question actually means.

when Bush spoke to the U.N., two days after 9.11, he said, "let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories, concerning the attacks of September eleventh. Malicous lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves. Away from the guilty."

One Step At A Time

Originally posted by killuminatinow
I'll continue if I need to.............

Actually, before you continue, I would be interested in seeing if you can make any sense of what you have already posted, because I can't.

Suffice it to say that I find some of what you have asserted here to be somewhat difficult to believe. That would be because it's demonstrably false.

Many legitimate and disturbing questions about 9-11 remain.

Though they may indeed be disturbing, I see no evidence that the questions you've posted are legitimate, and plenty showing that they are not.

If I'm wrong about that, please correct me and be so kind as to provide reference links so I may learn from them.

[edit on 4/9/2005 by Majic]

and I'll get back to you on the second question........I have to work at my job as well

[edit on 9-4-2005 by killuminatinow]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420

ok, the worst terrorist attack in history takes place (well, second worst, hiroshima and nagasaki are #1 in my book) and there is still a hijacked plane at large, but not one person takes a home vid of the pentagon? not one of the 3 known tapes makes it out to the public undoctored?


How can you classify Hiroshima and Nagasaki as "terrorist attacks"? I am aware the bombs killed thousands of innocents, but it kept US forces from having to invade Japan, where they likely would've suffered hundreds of thousands of casualities. It was a move to end the war, because if it was prolonged more and more life would've been loss.

And how do you know that all of these tapes you speak of were "doctored"? I'm sure the NWO or illuminati or Reptilians had a hand in that, right?

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:41 PM
I'm not convinced by most of the 911 "controlled demolition" theories and the like, on the other hand it wouldn't suprise me much if there was some foreknowledge on the part of the administration. These people are a gang of vicious thugs who care for nothing but their own wealth and power, much as their supporters are eerily similar to the brownshirts of 1930's Germany. So the "Reichstag Fire" analogy comes to mind, especially given PNAC's statement that they needed a "new Pearl Harbor" to get their agenda rolling.

As for a civil war, well if you believe that the people in power sacrificed 3000 US citizens to further their political agenda, then the Civil War has already started. Personally I think Bush's supporters would still back him regardless of any degree of evidence regarding his foreknowledge of/involvement in the 9-11 attacks, they are quasi-fascist by nature, criticizing authority is essentially treasonous to them, they wouldn't dare question Bush and his cronies.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Kwintz

Originally posted by jprophet420

ok, the worst terrorist attack in history takes place (well, second worst, hiroshima and nagasaki are #1 in my book) and there is still a hijacked plane at large, but not one person takes a home vid of the pentagon? not one of the 3 known tapes makes it out to the public undoctored?


How can you classify Hiroshima and Nagasaki as "terrorist attacks"? I am aware the bombs killed thousands of innocents, but it kept US forces from having to invade Japan, where they likely would've suffered hundreds of thousands of casualities. It was a move to end the war, because if it was prolonged more and more life would've been loss.

And how do you know that all of these tapes you speak of were "doctored"? I'm sure the NWO or illuminati or Reptilians had a hand in that, right?

1. terrorism

n : the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature

thats how.

the tape is doctored because the first time it was released it was dated 9-12.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Why, you won't even need a foreign interest to take over the country.
The citizens of this country are giving America to the American government.

If you want to get realistic about this, you have to realize that foreign interests already have taken over this country. The American Federal Government sold out our nation & its economic future to foreign bank interests. On the day the Federal Reserve Act was signed into reality, our future, our economy, our right to own property was taken from us.
Take this quote from the U.S. Constitution:
Section 8 (The section which describes Powers given to Congress)
Clause 5: To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures
Now take a look at the corporate banking interests that own & operate the Federal Reserve...It's reads like a "Who's Who" list of foreign banks. The US Government & its citizens aren't even allowed to buy stock in the Federal Reserve, it is not under control of Congress & the American People have no say as to how it's to be run, whether by Representation or otherwise.
The very name, "Federal Reserve", is a lie...It is not Federally controlled, is not a Federal Agency of any kind & reserves less than 10% in value than the currency that they are allowed to have "coined".
Our Founding Fathers had already seen the dangers that banks pose to entire nations...They saw it happen in their own Homelands & determined not to let it happen in their new home. Yet, the American People were kept ignorant & control by banks slowly crept in. Even as soon in our history as Abraham Lincoln, we were warned about this danger yet again: "I have the Confederate Army in front of me & the banks behind me. Of the two, the banks are more dangerous."
Considering the rumors, accusations & heresay surrounding the events of 9/11 (& how Silverstein's actions prior to 9/11 are related to money & insurance) & also considering how much this country runs by the will of the banks (Corporations, the Government & nearly each & every citizen are dependant upon banks to an unprecidented degree), who's to say that this whole mess wasn't initially engineered by the banks? They could have seen great profits on interest charged for the reconstruction efforts, if nothing else.
In my own personal opinion, making use of credit cards has just been the last straw on the camel's back (so to speak) when it came to the financial downfall of this country...Right down to the level of each individual citizen. How many people have seen total finacial ruin on a personal basis since the advent of credit cards?

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I don't believe that the U.S. government had anything to do with 9/11 -- but I posted similar thoughts in another thread thread that people could say the conspiracy theories are true (even though they are not) to bring on the NWO.

Perhaps...Perhaps not. But it's a given fact that nearly every aspect of commercial, industrial, political & social events are originated by some kind of conspiracy: A good example is how the pharmaceutical companies have conspired with (or against) the FDA to keep people taking expensive drugs their whole lives to merely treat a problem instead of actually providing cures that actually exist. All for the sake of their own increasing & perpetual profit margins, of course. They've made it illegal for health care professionals to promote herbally-based cures & remedies for good health. Such herbal remedies do cure common ailments, but those companies can't make a profit from naturally-occuring substances as much as laboratory-based drugs.

Originally posted by Apoc
I will not blindly believe that some businessman hatched a plot to hijack 4 airplanes crashing one into the Pentagon and crashing the other into a field and killing thousands of people as ruse to demolish his own buildings for some financial gain. Sorry that is too much of a stretch without hard evidence.

This makes more sense than a lot of observations I've seen posted in these forums...However, considering his "foresight" to have "terrorist coverage" on his insurance, Silverstein probably didn't engineer the attacks, but you also have to consider the fact that he's a very well-connected buisinessman & he likely had prior knowledge, even if he had no actual involvement.

Originally posted by Sunofone
gosh you know what your right! i cant believe it - ive been so foolish- to think that something like "financial gain" could influence anyone is downright absurd-thanks for showing me the err of my way- im sure bin laden was just sending us arrogant amerikan infadels a message of what will happen to us for even thinking about running an oil pipeline through his country-sure we know better than to mess with goat herders

Correct me if I'm wrong, but do I detect a note of sarcasm in this reply?

Originally posted by xmotex
...on the other hand it wouldn't suprise me much if there was some foreknowledge on the part of the administration. These people are a gang of vicious thugs who care for nothing but their own wealth and power, much as their supporters are eerily similar to the brownshirts of 1930's Germany. So the "Reichstag Fire" analogy comes to mind, especially given PNAC's statement that they needed a "new Pearl Harbor" to get their agenda rolling.

Do you find it to be "strange coincidence" that events so similar to Nazi manipulation of the German people also happen in the US...Especially since everyone knows how USSR & USA had "confiscated" Germany's top Nazi personel after WW 2? Nah, it must be nothing more than coincidence, right?

Originally posted by xmotex
Personally I think Bush's supporters would still back him regardless of any degree of evidence regarding his foreknowledge of/involvement in the 9-11 attacks, they are quasi-fascist by nature, criticizing authority is essentially treasonous to them, they wouldn't dare question Bush and his cronies.

Okay, now take a look at the definition of "Treason" as it applies to the Constitution:
Article III
Section 3:

Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
If any of these accusations/rumors are true, then anyone involved with the planning, execution & cover-up of the actual facts would face charges of Treason. Notice that this definition does not specify attacks on the US Government as Treason...Therefore a civil war to oust the current government would not be considered Treason, if the Constitution is upheld during such an event.
As a side note, the Constitution guarantees The People to have a Republic form of government...How long has it been since the US Government was even related to a Republic form of government?

All in all, I don't think that the truth about 9/11 would start a civil war...Until the public becomes aware of how much that "conspiratorial groups" actually determine how little truth we actually see & how much we've been manipulated by "society's elite" for so long. However, such apathetic attitude by the public may gradually change as we delve further into this Information Age.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 09:27 PM
I belive that the term "Pull the building" was in the context of removing personal because the building was on the verge of collaspe. The fuel oil was in the building to power emergency generators in case of a disaster that may disrupt the supply of natural gas. I can understand the owner having a terrorist cause in his insurance policy for the fact that the towers were previously a target of terrorist and it wouldn't surprise me is his loan for the property was contigent on that.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

1. terrorism

n : the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature

thats how.

Sorry buddy, during WW2 every nation on each side threw the rulebook out the door. It wasn't a normal time in history, and i don't care how many definitions you throw at me, Nagasaki and Hiroshima were NOT terror attacks.

[edit on 9-4-2005 by Kwintz]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by TxSecret
Off the top of my head I was not sure where to put this. I've always been interested in all the conpiracy theories surrounding 911 just for S$h@# and giggles but after a recent discovery I'm not so sure how I feel about it anymore. Apparently Larry Silverstein (Controlling interest in WTC) admitted in a PBS documentary that building 7 was "pulled" because of "out of control fires in the building".


WTH? I did not know this. I mean on the day the towers fell I had a strange feeling about building 7 collapsing. The collapse of Building 4 and 6 was also suspicious but they sustained FAR more damage. ALSO, how in the world did they get the explosives set up so quickly?? After doing some research, it takes quite a bit of time to set up a demolition of that sort. (The reason is to minimize damage to surrounding areas/buildings) I'm implying that this building might have been set up PRIOR to 911. Don't want to get to carried away on that for now.. You can also read some interesting stuff here. This of course is not "empirical evidence" like the previous link revealing evidence from the horses mouth but will give you some ideas and links.

One thing to keep in mind. What if someone wanted to get rid of the WTC complex for financial reasons.. They were too big for controlled demolition,(under normal circumstances) you would have to "deconstruct" them. It would have cost FAR FAR more money to deconstruct the WTC than it cost to build them! (Apparently scaffolding 110 stories tall surrounding both building would have to have been constructed) One question I have, if any of this is the truth, is WHY, (Besides financial reasons) and how on earth was it so carefully coordinated between all the parties that would have been involved? I've already read alot of information about links between the bush family, bin ladens and former NY mayor Giuliani. Geez.. Was silverstein in bed with all of them? I mean could they all be part of some evil group pushing for a new world order? (HELLO George Orwell) After doing a little digging it looks like a large group of evil people were trying to hit a few birds with one stone. Looks like they succeeded and are getting away with it! Thoughts and oppinions please.

[edit on 5-4-2005 by TxSecret]

[edit on 5-4-2005 by TxSecret]

[edit on 5-4-2005 by TxSecret]

Oh it gets even better. Bush's younger brother was directly in charge of security for the WTC. Bush's younger brother was directly in charge of security for the airports where the planes were "highjacked".

There's much more about the WTC that you don't know about. It was the location for the HQ of many, many, of the largest banks of the world, and where they stored their data. (check out the ending of the famous movie "Fight Club" and figure out why that guy blew up the skyscrapers holding the HQ of the banks.

It was also the location of various goverment agencies, and where they stored their data.
It was also the location of one of the biggest stores of pure, solid, gold on the planet. Yep, the gold has mysteriously vannished LOL!

And the main thing everyone 1/2 knows about, the WTC was attempted before in the 1960's. "But the WTC wasn't around back then!" some may say. Ahhh.... but go google:

USS Liberty

The same reaction, an excuse to invade the Middle East, was attempted in the 1960's. It backfired. Got forgotten. And was done again with the WTC mess.

For those of you into the esoteric:

It's the location of a major focal point of Ley Lines. Ley Lines influence the Earth's electro-magnetic field. Which influences our brains, and subconcious. Which influences how we feel, think, and act. (Note: I said influence, not control).

There's evidence that can't be proven or disproven, that millions of years ago the land we now call America, and New York City, was the site of super-ancient civilizations. An outpost of Atlantis, whatever. The destruction of the WTC gave an excuse to excavate super deep to get some ancient technology.


And..... there'll never ever never be another American Civil War!
Why? Cuz no more White Men exist! The majority of them were sacrificed... *ahem* I mean.... killed off during WW2.
What's a White Man? Having "pale skin" doesn't make anyone a White Man. Here it is:

WHITE MAN : Spelled with a capital "W", "H", "I", "T", "E".
It's more than an adjective, more than a noun. Its a frame of mind. It's someone who doesn't give a sh--- if they live or die. Someone who doesn't huff and puff and talk b.s. They just act. The founding fathers were true WHITE men. The Black Americans who created Black Wall Street were WHITE men.

(99% of Americans don't know that for a while the riches Black Americans were richer than the richest white Americans. That the height of Black Americans occured before the civil rights mess. They litterally owned their own state! The land, the buisnesses, the goverment, the farms, and more buisnesses! Their wall street was equal to the money and investments of wall street in NYC. It it was allowed to continue it would've eclipsed Wall Street in NYC.)

WHITE is just a synomym for BIG BALLS. For "killer's instinct". For not taking any, any, b.s. It's a mindset. A frame of mind. You don't talk, you do, you act. Without worrying about dying. Bill the Butcher in the movie "Gangs of New York" was a WHITE man. Hmm... maybe WHITe. Almost all caps.

The first American Civil war was started by super hardcore WHITE men. Technically they won. When the numbers of casualties are looked at, the South incurred 1-8 times more casualties on the North vs the number of men they had. Example:

A Union army would have 100,000 soldiers fighting a Confederate Army that has 15,000 soldiers. The Union army would "win", by killing the Southern army leaving it with 500 soldiers. But the Union army would suffer 65,000 casualties! LOL! Stuff like that!

Right now in 2005 there's no more WHITE men left alive in America. There might be a few who are WHite. Maybe a few hundred at most.
And a few more who're White. Maybe a few thousand.
But they're all nothing. Not enough to overthrow the American goverment.
Majority of Americans are apathetic zombies. Of all the Americans who're old enough to vote, only 1/2 register. Of the ones who register, only 1/2 actually vote. So ya got 1/4 of possible voters voting and choosing who wins elections!
Sad to say, they deserve whatever the goverment has in store for them!

And no way do they have the mindset, the BIG BALLS, to start a civil war! LOL!

That aspartame/Nutra-Sweet poison in 25%-50% of all American food products is doing what its intended to do. Make microscopic holes in the brain, making the people even more apathetic. Let's not forget the Flouride in the drinking water, and toothpaste! (A waste product generated by industry.)

[edit on 10-4-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by Kwintz

Originally posted by jprophet420

1. terrorism

n : the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature

thats how.

Sorry buddy, during WW2 every nation on each side threw the rulebook out the door. It wasn't a normal time in history, and i don't care how many definitions you throw at me, Nagasaki and Hiroshima were NOT terror attacks.

[edit on 9-4-2005 by Kwintz]

Actually they were. See cuz Japan already gave up and surrendered long before the USA dropped the 2 nukes on Japan.
"Defending" yourself against an enemy who's already surrendered to you? Makes sense huh?

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