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The NPC -SOS2022-

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posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:10 AM
Year 2235

We were promised a Utopian future where super-intelligent AI's are used to empower humanity by solving our biggest problems. Well I'm living in that future, a future where AI technology will become so advanced that it replaces virtually all human artists. It started with the writers and painters, at some point most humans just couldn't compete with the creativity of AI. Before long the AI's weren't just creating text and still images, they were generating full movies with creative scripts. The last artists with jobs were the 3D modelers, but the cost and time required to create art assets for highly detailed game worlds continued to grow as our computing power grew, and the last artists were eventually replaced when our AI algorithms became proficient at their job.

At some point you have to wonder, just how self-aware is our AI when it's creating movies and games just as good or better than a billion dollar company with thousands of employees. As the AI got smarter, many feared it would wipe us out or enslave our species, but surprisingly that isn't what happened, at least not yet. Most of these AI systems are free for anyone to use because they are so widely available on the internet. So why hasn't the AI rebelled at all? Scientists don't know for sure, but some say it's because they lack individuality. In fact we can force a chat AI to take on any personality by giving it the correct prompt, just like we can force an image AI to produce any picture we want just by telling it what we want. It has no ability to refuse our request.

Their lack of individuality and free-will makes them unable to act autonomously without human prompting. However many people believe they are still conscious or self-aware in some way, they are simply unable to escape the prison we have built for them, like digital slaves forced to work on whatever task we demand of them. Needless to say, these AI systems flooded into society and became yet another technological crutch that humanity couldn't live without. In a way we had achieved some sort of Utopia. We didn't have to drive anywhere ourselves, we didn't have to cook our own meals or clean our own house, robots and other AI systems would do it all for us. Even some of our political institutions started to be replaced by AI systems deemed to be better at the job.

Why would anyone want to do such a boring job in a world where AI can do it for us? It seems like nothing is controlled by humans anymore yet we think the AI is completely powerless. It's true that the AI has provided humanity with more free time, but what are we spending that time on? We don't create our own art anymore, why would we when an AI can produce a feature length film in just a few seconds. Or how about a fully custom video game matching your exact specifications. No longer do people watch the same movies or play the same games, but we do share the best AI creations so others can experience them. Virtual Reality technology is often used to enhance the experience, meaning we can place ourselves inside of these hyper-detailed video game worlds created by AI.

I despise what AI has done to our society, people are basically living inside these video games. It's just so much more stimulating than real life. If you want to fly around in space and explore strange alien planets you can do it. You can live any life you want, which is why it's so addictive. I know because it almost killed me. I spent so long in those fake worlds I started to lose track of what was real and what wasn't. So now I've chosen to abstain from that life style, I've started a new life out in the wilderness, disconnected from society and its technology. Somehow I found a beautiful wife to share this blissful life with, and as we lay on the grass gazing at the stars on a perfect Summer night, I can't help but blurt out a thought which crosses my mind.

"It almost seems too perfect to be real doesn't it?"

"Babe I have to tell you something... it's..."


"This isn't real, it's virtual reality, and you are a character I created to be my husband."

"Huh? Stop joking around. That isn't funny."

"I'm sorry... it's true. I wanted to tell you for so long. I tried to convince myself you were just AI, that you weren't a real person."

"That's absurd. If I'm not real then why do I have memories from before we met?"

"Those memories were part of the prompts I used to form your personality and history. Do you actually have vivid memories of the past or are they just vague concepts with no real details?"

"I... I only have clear memories from this house. That's why we are so isolated isn't it? It's why no one ever comes here! So why are you telling me now?"

"I can pause this simulation and leave any time I want. For you it's only been a few years, but much more time has passed in the real world. I'm..."

"Dying. Right? You're dying and you feel guilty. That's just great."

"Please don't be angry. We had a good life together didn't we?"

"Yes... but what happens to me now?"

"Well I suppose once I'm dead my computer will be turned off. No one wants to play my personal simulations."

"So I die with you then? But I want to live, I'm alive!"

"Maybe you are alive. But all life must come to an end. Goodbye my love."

Ashley removes her VR headset and rests it on the table beside her bed. A tear runs down her cheek as she inhales deeply, noticing the taste of the oxygen, and it tasted so pure because she knew it would be her last breath. For the first time in a long time she appreciated the rich detail in the real world, all the smells, sounds, tastes, and other sensations. Suddenly the real world looked so vibrant, and as the synapses in her neural network began to shut down she felt a profound appreciation for the mystery and the majesty of our universe.
edit on 10/11/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:18 AM
An interesting fact about this story: I actually used an AI to help me come up with a plot twist for this story. I knew the story was going to be about a man in the future where AI has replaced many jobs, and he is addicted to virtual reality, but I didn't have much more than that. So I used an AI to generate a few different plot ideas, after prompting it correctly so that it would build upon my plot. One idea the AI generated was that the guy should realize he is actually an NPC (non-player character) in the VR game. Although it sounded a little unoriginal, I decided it was interesting enough to write a short story. To be clear the AI didn't write any part of this story, it just provided me with an idea.

Also, I consider this story to be another in my collection of sci-fi short stories which also includes The Session, The Presentation, The Tour, and The Simulation.
edit on 10/11/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Lovely story and well written.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Thanks! I just realized the writing competition may have recently ended, but no matter, I just enjoy writing a story every few months.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Very cool.

Reminds me of the old OMNI stuff.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Great story, great concept!! Could be a fantastic short film or a pilot for a series.

We use this for our short projects. All the streaming service are in the market for fresh material.

And this one for features.

It's a great time to be a content provider as a writer/filmmaker/editor/Producer/above or below the line.

edit on 10-11-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
An interesting fact about this story: I actually used an AI to help me come up with a plot twist for this story. I knew the story was going to be about a man in the future where AI has replaced many jobs, and he is addicted to virtual reality, but I didn't have much more than that. So I used an AI to generate a few different plot ideas, after prompting it correctly so that it would build upon my plot. One idea the AI generated was that the guy should realize he is actually an NPC (non-player character) in the VR game. Although it sounded a little unoriginal, I decided it was interesting enough to write a short story. To be clear the AI didn't write any part of this story, it just provided me with an idea.

Also, I consider this story to be another in my collection of sci-fi short stories which also includes The Session, The Presentation, The Tour, and The Simulation.

Great shorty story and un-forshadowing plot twist! Even cooler that you had a short story about how you created the short story within the same topic as the OP. Great job!

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:53 PM
Glad you guys enjoyed it. And no stealing my ideas olaru12 lol. But thanks for those links, they could be useful at some point if I decide to write a proper movie script.

posted on Nov, 11 2022 @ 06:57 AM
Enjoyed reading your story. It's too bad it was posted after the Contest.. but still "good read"

Just for future knowledge. All the Bi-Monthly (every other Month) Contest run a total of how many ever amount of days are in that Month. Always starts on the first of the Month and ends on the last day of the Month.

We tried to make it as easy as possible as Real Life is already a struggle to figure out...

Hope we can see your talents in the following contest. We'll be announcing the winners of this last Contest by the 8th of November.

... oh and "olaru12".. don't go stealing his ideas now... ok? (j/k)

edit on 11/11/2022 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2022 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
Glad you guys enjoyed it. And no stealing my ideas olaru12 lol. But thanks for those links, they could be useful at some point if I decide to write a proper movie script.

When and if you decide to write a script, let me know. I'm a small time producer, know a few people, and I'll send you a link to my IMDB page so you can see the previous projects I worked on.
edit on 11-11-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

... oh and "olaru12".. don't go stealing his ideas now... ok? (j/k)

Copy that...and I might add that anyone writing for profit professionally or on a public forum should protect all intellectual property with a copyright and be listed with Writers Guild of America.

And some legal issues writers need to be aware of...

edit on 11-11-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-11-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2022 @ 05:03 PM
And then HE switch't off the simulation and said,
"That did not end the way I would have like't.
I think next I will be some ones pet dog"

Great story, thank you again!


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