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Disclosure Ramifications (Can we handle the truth?)

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posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Facefirst
Are we ready for it? If the Goverments of the world do know more, then maybe they are keeping UFO info secret for a good reason? (control, stability, possible hostile ETs, etc, etc But the basic question remains.....Can we handle the truth?

YES, we are. Lets face it control, hostility and secrets nothing new here.

Got to be better than the lies we are told now.

[edit on 10/4/2005 by Lady of the Lake]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 06:47 AM
now I'm not suggesting a revelation won't occur - I'm simply suggesting it won't come under the guise of some kind of 'disclosure event'. Our so called leaders will, at least, 'appear' to be at the receiving end of whatever 'entities' arrive ( if they do arrive).

Let's face it - ANY so called INTELLIGENT and BENEVOLENT race that appears on TV next to George W and say's 'we are your friends we come in peace' and starts shaking his or tony's hand and talking about 'ratifications and peace treaty' IS A CROCK OF POOH and far morelikely to either be in cahoots with them or simply stringing them along before they have em 'replaced'...any species that 'arrives' or comes to 'make deals' with our leaders who have NO NATURAL rights to wage war, poisen and kill the very subjects they are supposed to be looking after are seriously misguided and shortsighted. This is the whole fallacy about Roswell - anyone with the ability to travel across light years of time and space isn't going to crash in the desert and then make pathetic deals with your president. It's more of the same old fear based mind control.

so in that sense - my point was - there will be no 'classical disclosure' - there may however be a swift and catastrophic 'event' or upheaval.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Frith
Will the population of earth ever be ready for a revelation that just about everything they know is wrong? Never. Contemporary science, medicine, religion, and history are merely shams as a result of this huge omission. Its a secret that has to come out sooner or later though. Like a doctor who knows the fatal diagnosis for a patient, this utterly shocking news has to be made known because it is the truth, no matter how bad it may be. The cover up behind it is eating away at everyone and everything from the massive amount of criminality that goes into keeping it a secret.

This revelation, which will never get a positive reaction, in the end is the one thing that will give us the opportunity to turn the worsening situation around on earth and avoid near-future environmental catastrophes which from all credible accounts appears to threaten our very survival. I type that because it appears that a large reason for ET visitation is for a concern over the future of this planet from fears over pollution to nuclear war. It has to come out at some point not only because its too impossibly big and costly to keep a secret forever, but all the good it will bring despite having quite a jarring effect upon the then-living popuation of earth.

My thoughts as well-

The alien races started making themselves more openly known to all on Earth a few years ago, and offered their assistance to our leaders, right around the time of public sightings and crop circles, right around the time we were opening global public communication, traveling off our world, and right around the time some of our dire ecological problems began to pass the point of no return. We had developed the capacity needed to receive and understand what the other races had to offer. It was time to step in. This happens at every young world at its equivalent point.

"Earth powers" at one time did not know what the aliens were about, but they soon learned from the aliens that they are no threat to humanity. Instead of delivering that to the people, the powers decided to take full control of the lucrative possibilities. All of our visiting races have always had natural, non-abusive contact with their related humans. But two of the alien races desperately needed something from humans and were taking it- because they could, and because they had to. Instead of stopping this, Earth powers decided to use it as leverage of control and trade humans to these aliens for whatever they could get in return. Earth powers became the middle-man, to get a cut. This secret became the basis for the criminal, governmental cover-up, but it did not end there, it GREW into what endures today.

Now our visiting races are organized together by the most advanced of them, and the races who were using humans for what they needed, broke corrupt ties with govt and get what they need in other, advanced ways with the help of the organization. The races who could not comply had to leave our planet. No humans are being abducted by alien life or contacted against their will or made to do things they do not want to do. All alien-human contact is now above board and all participants are willing. However, we continue to circulate the propaganda being generated by the guilty parties of the governments, and hold onto personal ignorant beliefs. Only true education about alien life can cure this, but that is still being prevented on Earth.

All the races visiting Earth now have our best interest in mind. They have their own interests too, and the greatest of those is peace between us. Each world here is a member of this group of worlds, including ours. We have to work together and the progression of our race depends on it. I know that is hard to think of too, because we live on a planet with our countries divided by hate. That hate is maintained by Earth powers for capitalization, control of resources, supply and demand. The powers of Earth are doing the same to us against our visiting races.

The alien races have grown past the very issues we endure in daily life that actually cause the "evil" in humanity. We know what causes diseases now, and we know what mental illness is and what causes it. We know what sleep deprivation is, depression, addiction, stress, etc. We know what brainwashing is, advertising, and cult mentality. We know what causes crime. It's not evil demons. "Evil" is an adjective to describe what is bad or immoral. There is no living force behind evil itself. Demons are bogeymen who live under our beds "in our own minds." Most humans on Earth live in deplorable conditions. We all live in a high amount of daily stress. And it already does not have to be this way any more, we could change it on our own.

People on Earth who are known to have alien contact are bought, or threatened, or seduced or recruited by Earth powers. They become property of the powers, and work for the powers, and are controlled by the powers. What these people display for the public is controlled by the powers. Any single person who the aliens contact becomes a potential target for the powers. When the aliens approach a person, that person becomes in danger in some way. So the aliens have to be very careful to protect their human contacts as much as possible. Often the human who encounters alien life runs right to some authority, and then their alien contact has to stop for their own protection.

Almost ALL of the things the public hears about the aliens are fabricated for them to hear, to control their thinking about the aliens. At this point, anybody you find standing in the information line who sounds remarkably intelligent and knowledgeable about the alien races, but actively campaigns against their reputations and intentions, is on a mission of national security against the people, against the alien races, and against truth and disclosure of government crimes.

The only way the public is going to learn about the aliens is from the aliens. What I understand from them is that they are going to make themselves suddenly known to the whole world, regardless of the governmental aspect of our humanity, and open contact and communication with us all through one strong, willing, honorable nation.

It's not going to be easy though. The leading nations with the most to hide are going to do everything they can to cast doubt and suspicion and otherwise ruin its progression, pretty much the same way they already do it, only worse.

[edit on 4/10/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 12:36 PM
IMO, people tend to view disclosure depending on whether they are a realist or an idealist. Realists see things as they are, and Idealists see things as they should be. Personally, I get caught between the two.

Realistically, disclosure would be upsetting. I would first be on the defensive, and be thankful we have a powerful military to deal with it. But I also believe, this same power is stifling the truth. If the military and government knows something, they should tell us.

Idealistically, I would consider the social and economic impact of disclosure to be short term problems. Eventually people will come to their senses. We cannot continue with the path we are on, that is clear. I think it will take disclosure for everyone to wake up and change our attitudes. This is the only way we will get beyond our current mentality. We should realize we are one race of humans, and not a bunch of arguing children.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000

Idealistically, I would consider the social and economic impact of disclosure to be short term problems. Eventually people will come to their senses. We cannot continue with the path we are on, that is clear. I think it will take disclosure for everyone to wake up and change our attitudes. This is the only way we will get beyond our current mentality. We should realize we are one race of humans, and not a bunch of arguing children.

I tend to think along the same lines, in an indealistic sense.

I would like to think that disclosure would bring the world much closer, but it is something that would change EVERYTHING. For good or bad.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 01:01 PM
UFOs are to the dominant, modern scientific/positivistic pattern of beliefs and knowledge exactly what the theory of the round Earth and the solar system were at medieval times in Europe. If the UFOs had to become public, it would shake up and even break most of all theories and technologies that modern science relies to and that all the huge medical/transport/military industry of our world is based upon, so authorities, especially in the richest countires in the world, will do anything to hide the reality as long as they can.

I mean what will happen to billion-dollar research centers like Jet Propulsion Laboratory if the public is being made aware of technology which allows spacecrafts/aircrafts to completely cheat gravity, fly at unimaginable speeds and travel faster than the speed of ligth in space??? What would happen with the Oil industry if it was disclosed that you can build a device wich generates unlimited amounts of renewable energy, which breaks the idea that perpetual motion is impossible??? All their gigantic scam would fall into pieces and they (those in power, the ones that makes big money with this industry) would get face-to-face with the eventuality of losing all their wealth and power and going down on the sidewalk... That's most probaly the very reason why anti-disclosure operations like Majestic 12 were made of people who were from the same circles than the political and financial elite in power.

But the truth will have to come out one day or another...
Be prepared

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 01:08 PM
link, to answer the original question of this thread, it has a lot less to do with the actual reaction of the public to such an extraordinary event than it has to do with the fears and concerns of the elite in power. I think that most people on the earth would react with overwhelmingly positive enthusiasm to an official, public alien contact... as long as these aliens have "friendly" intentions.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
I mean what will happen to billion-dollar research centers like Jet Propulsion Laboratory if the public is being made aware of technology which allows spacecrafts/aircrafts to completely cheat gravity, fly at unimaginable speeds and travel faster than the speed of ligth in space??? What would happen with the Oil industry if it was disclosed that you can build a device wich generates unlimited amounts of renewable energy, which breaks the idea that perpetual motion is impossible???

Yes, all this is true. But as I mentioned before, it would be a short-term problem. I work in the electronics industry, and we constantly need to change and be re-educated because technology advances very rapidly. It would be a matter of going back to school and learning how to do things better.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 03:38 PM
From my time on this entire site I have come to the conclusion that not only is mankind READY for a disclosure they are DESPERATE for one...furthermore, if there isn't one - and pretty soon - they will probably take to the matter to some unimaginable lengths to ensure it does.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 04:12 PM
What lengths do you suppose those might be, Captain?

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 04:17 PM
I shudder to think earthsister - I only know that I won't be joining them.

I intend to be UTTERLY peaceful until the end - whatever that may be.

That is my fervent hope and desire.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by captainhemmingway
they will probably take to the matter to some unimaginable lengths to ensure it does.

Who do you mean, the aliens? Or the government?

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 09:40 PM
Great thread guys, very interesting read.

[edit on 10-4-2005 by one_small_step]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 11:45 PM
I just had a breakthrough... well a theory like anyone else's actually.

Perhaps we are leading to a Global Catastrophe situation, that is being played out by Extra-terrestrial beings, who are, in a way, showing us how bad things will be if we don't change.

The signs could be: the recent Earthquake/Tsunami in Indonesia, The Hurricanes, crunch time in the Middle East, NUKE-happy North Korea, the list could go on and on, but then you are all aware of this.

Films such as The Abyss and The Day the Earth Stood Still, harken the warnings from E.T.s that if we don't smarten up, we all get whacked!

Now, my version is somewhat different than Mr. Cameron's and Mr. Wise's...

Doomsday will happen, and every individual will realize there most desperate moment, but then, time will actually reverse itself, events will undo to a point just before the final countdown. We will have glimpsed the end...

It'll be another warning. But not out of a movie. Real E.T. inspiration.

That would be some form of a disclosure.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Echtelion, to answer the original question of this thread, it has a lot less to do with the actual reaction of the public to such an extraordinary event than it has to do with the fears and concerns of the elite in power. I think that most people on the earth would react with overwhelmingly positive enthusiasm to an official, public alien contact... as long as these aliens have "friendly" intentions.

My original questions were not so much as having to do with the "elites" but more about disclosure effecting everyone. On several levels. Of course the powers that be would be concerned, but I was thinking about a bigger picture. All of us. Religious, social, economically, etc.

I just can't imagine the height of shock that one might feel when having a conversation with a non-human entity.

[edit on 11-4-2005 by Facefirst]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Facefirst

Originally posted by Echtelion
I just can't imagine the height of shock that one might feel when having a conversation with a non-human entity. [edit on 11-4-2005 by Facefirst]

Interesting....we talk with and to animals on a daily basis and never give it a second thought. It is about perspective. Hum.... makes me think it is the fear of the unknown. Are they friendly, what do they want etc when it comes to alien contact.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Lady of the Lake

Originally posted by Facefirst

Originally posted by Echtelion
I just can't imagine the height of shock that one might feel when having a conversation with a non-human entity. [edit on 11-4-2005 by Facefirst]

Interesting....we talk with and to animals on a daily basis and never give it a second thought. It is about perspective. Hum.... makes me think it is the fear of the unknown. Are they friendly, what do they want etc when it comes to alien contact.

When was the last time you met a dog or a horse that could discuss physics?

Or pilot a ship across the universe?

Not talking about basic communications, more the factor of meeting another species with equal or above intelligence level.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:06 PM
We are an adaptive animal.

Which leads me to believe we (most of us) will deal with it.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
what if the only aliens out there just want to farm us for meat or body parts or something? Wouldn't the majority of people freak out and panic?

That would be the key to bring the world together. Unite to defeat the common enemy. The Independence Day movie .... muslims and jews flying
together to defeat the invaders.

If there is a race out there that wants to use us as a food source or as
a scientific experiement ... and if our gov't knows .... we definately have
a right to know. Knowing would be a good thing. It could be a uniting
thing. It could be THE uniting thing!

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by one_small_step
We are an adaptive animal.

Which leads me to believe we (most of us) will deal with it.

But how should the powers that be disseminate the information?

The implications of another species that can think on our level or above is staggering.

I also think we will most likely deal with it, but should we just jump into the deep end?

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