posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:44 PM
"How to induce an OBE?"
Imagery Techniques
It is possible to use imagery alone but it requires considerable skill. a) Lie on your back in a comfortable position and relax. Imagine that you are
floating up off the bed. Hold that position, slightly lifted, for some time until you lose all sensation of touching the bed or floor. Once this state
is achieved move slowly into an upright position and begin to travel away from your body and around the room. Pay attention to the objects and details
of the room. Only when you have gained some proficiency should you try to turn round and look at your own body. Note that each stage may take months
of practice and it can be too difficult for any but a practiced OBEer.
b) In any comfortable position close your eyes and imagine that there is a duplicate of yourself standing in front of you. You will find that it is
very hard to imagine your own face, so it is easier to imagine this double with its back to you. You should try to observe all the details of its
posture, dress (if any) and so on. As this imaginary double becomes more and more solid and realistic you may experience some uncertainty about your
physical position. You can encourage this feeling by comtemplating the question 'Where am I?', or even other similar questions 'Who am I?' and so
on. Once the double is clear and stable and you are relaxed, transfer your consciousness into it. You should then be able to 'project' in this
phantom created by your own imagination. Again, each stage may take long practice.
Ophiel's 'Little System'
Ophiel [Oph61] suggests that you pick a familiar route, perhaps between two rooms in your house, and memorize every detail of it. Choose at least six
points along it and spend several minutes each day looking at each one and memorizing it. Symbols, scents and sounds associated with the points can
reinforce the image. Once you have committed the route and all the points to memory you should lie down and relax while you attempt to 'project' to
the first point. If the preliminary work has been done well you should be able to move from point to point and back again. Later you can start the
imaginary journey from the chair or bed where your body is, and you can then either observe yourself doing the movements, or transfer your
consciousness to the one that is doing the moving. Ophiel describes further possibilities, but essentially if you have mastered the route fully in
your imagination you will be able to project along it and with practice to extend the projection.
Ophiel states that starting to move into OBE will produce strange sounds. He says that this is because the sense of hearing is not carried over onto
the higher planes, and that means that your mind tries to recreate some input, and just gets subconscious static. He asserts that the noises can take
any form, including voices, malevolent, eerie, and get worse and worse, more and more disturbing, until eventually they peak and then just fade to a
constant background hiss while one has OBE. Apparently, his 'final noise' sounded like his water heater blowing up. He says, anyway, to ignore the
noises, voice or otherwise, as they are only static or subconscious rambling, and do not represent any being in any way, not even the self really.
The Christos Technique
G. M. Glasking, an Australian journalist, popularized this technique in several books, starting with Windows of the Mind [Gla74]. Three people are
needed: one as subject, and two to prepare him. The subject lies down comfortably on his back in a warm and darkened room. One helper massages the
subject's feet and ankles, quite firmly, even roughly, while the other take his head. Placing the soft part of his clenched fist on the subject's
forehead he rubs it vigorously for several minutes. This should make the subject's head buzz and hum, and soon he should begin to feel slightly
disorientated. His feet tingle and his body may feel light or floaty, or changing shape.
When this stage is reached, the imagery exercises begin. The subject is asked to imagine his feet stretching out and becoming longer by just an inch
or so. When he says he can do this he has to let them go back to normal and do the same with his head, stretching it out beyond its normal position.
Then, alternating all the time between head and feet, the distance is gradually increased until he can stretch both out to two feet or more. At this
stage it should be possible for him to imagine stretching out both at once, making him very long indeed, and then to swell up, filling the room like a
huge balloon. All this will, of course, be easier for some people than others. It should be taken at whatever pace is needed until each stage is
successful. Some people complete this part in five minutes, some people take more than fifteen minutes.
Next he is asked to imagine he is outside his own front door. He should describe everything he can see in detail, with the colors, materials of the
door and walls, the ground, and the surrounding scenery. He has then to rise above the house until he can see across the surrounding countryside or
city. To show him that the scene is all under his control he should be asked to change it from day to night and back again, watching the sun set and
rise, and the lights go on or off. Finally he is asked to fly off, and land wherever he wishes. For most subjects their imagery has become so vivid by
this stage that they land somewhere totally convincing and are easily able to describe all that they see.
You may wonder how the experience comes to an end, but usually no prompting is required; the subject will suddenly announce 'I'm here,' or 'Oh,
I'm back,' and he will usually retain quite a clear recollection of all he said and experienced. But it is a good idea to take a few minutes
relaxing and getting back to normal. It is interesting that this technique seems to be very effective in disrupting the subject's normal image of his
body. It then guides and strengthens his own imagery while keeping his body calm and relaxed.
Robert Monroe's Method
In his book Journeys out of the Body [Mon71] Monroe describes a complicated-sounding technique for inducing OBEs. In part it is similar to other
imagination methods, but it starts with induction of the 'vibrational state.' Many spontaneous OBEs start with a feeling of shaking or vibrating,
and Monroe deliberately induces this state first. He suggests you do the following. First lie down in a darkened room in any comfortable position, but
with your head pointing to magnetic north. Loosen clothing and remove any jewellery or metal objects, but be sure to stay warm. Ensure that you will
not be disturbed and are not under any limitation of time. Begin by relaxing and then repeat to yourself five times, 'I will consciously perceive and
remember all that I encounter during this relaxation procedure. I will recall in detail when I am completely awake only those matters which will be
beneficial to my physical and mental being.' Then begin breathing through your half-open mouth.
The next step involves entering the state bordering sleep (the hypnagogic state). Monroe does not recommend any particular method of achieving this
state. One method you might try is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm
will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnagogic state without using your arm. Another method is to
concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnagogic state. Passively watch these images. This
will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.
After first achieving this state Monroe recommends to deepen it. Begin to clear your mind and observe your field of vision through your closed eyes.
Do nothing more for a while. Simply look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you. After a while, you may notice light patterns.
These are simply neural discharges and they have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From
here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C -- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of
the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts. The ideal state for
leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of
normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning or after a short nap.
With eyes closed look into the blackness at a spot about a foot from your forehead, concentrating your consciousness on that point. Move it gradually
to three feet away, then six, and then turn it 90 degrees upward, reaching above your head. Monroe orders you to reach for the vibrations at that spot
and then mentally pull them into your head. He explains how to recognize them when they occur. 'It is as if a surging, hissing, rhythmically
pulsating wave of fiery sparks comes roaring into your head. From there it seems to sweep throughout your body, making it rigid and immobile.' This
method is easier than it sounds.
Once you have achieved the vibrational state you have to learn to control it, to smooth out the vibrations by 'pulsing' them. At this point, Monroe
warns it is impossible to turn back. He suggests reaching out an arm to grasp some object which you know is out of normal reach. Feel the object and
then let your hand pass through it, before bringing it back, stopping the vibrations and checking the details and location of the object. This
exercise will prepare you for full separation.
To leave the body Monroe advocates the 'lift-out' method. To employ this method think of getting lighter and of how nice it would be to float
upwards. An alternative is the 'rotation' technique in which you turn over in bed, twisting first the top of the body, head and shoulders until you
turn right over and float upwards. Later you can explore further. With sufficient practice Monroe claims that a wide variety of experiences are yours
for the taking.
Dream Development
Many OBEs start from dreams and since, by definition, one has to be conscious to have an OBE, they tend to start from lucid dreams. The dreamer may
become aware that he is dreaming and then find himself in some place other than his bed and able to move about at will. He may have another body and
may even attempt to see his physical body lying asleep. This topic is covered separately in the later section on lucid dreams.
Palmer's Experimental Method
In the search for a simple and effective method of inducing an OBE Palmer and his colleagues [PL75a, 75b, 76, PV74a, 74b] use relaxation and audio-
visual stimulation. Subjects went through a progressive muscular relaxation session and the heard oscillating tones and watched a rotating spiral. One
of the interesting findings was that many of the subjects claimed that they had been 'literally out of' their bodies, and there were indications
that their experiences were very different in some ways from other those encountered in OBEs.
[Edited on 24-7-2003 by Toltec]